題解/算法 {1145. 北极通讯网络}



Firstly, let’s set a fallible device;
Let the ordered edges of MST be e1, e2, ..., em, for the largest edge em: (a-b), we make a, b to be Super-Point;
This greedy device is erroneous, e.g., the MST is a---(10)---b---(1)---c---(7)---d, k = 3 k = 3 k=3, firstly, in a-b, we set a, b Super-Point; when we arrive at c-d, k = 1 k = 1 k=1 can not eliminate this edge 7, so the answer is 7. The correct device is make a, b, d (b can be replaced to c) to Super-Point; then for c, it can c -> b to arrive at b, once a point arrived a Super-Point, then it can go to everywhere costless; so answer is 1;

It is very important to comprehend this problem, especially understand the nature of Super-Point;

Given you a totally connected undirected graph G G G (contains n ∗ ( n − 1 ) / 2 n * (n-1) / 2 n(n1)/2 undirected edges)
The goal is to make every pair of points to be accessible; suppose the answer is D D D, i.e., all edges can be used are ≤ D \leq D D, or you can imagine that a graph G 1 G1 G1 consists of n n n points and with all edges are ≤ D \leq D D.
There are two cases for the accessibility of two points:
1 a -> ... -> b where every edge belongs to G 1 G1 G1
2 a -> ... s -> b where s s s is a Super-Point, then every edge in . . . ... ... is ≤ D \leq D D; it is vital to realize that s -> b is costless i.e., once you arrived at a Super-Point, then you can go to any point with no cost;
Therefore, due to the existence of Super-Point, G 1 G1 G1 maybe not connected graph;

Lets discuss by cases:
+ if k = 0 k = 0 k=0 that is no Super-Point, then G 1 G1 G1 must be a connected-graph, D D D be the maximal edge in G 1 G1 G1; to make D D D as small as possible, (according to the property of MST, i.e., a MST is a 1 ≤ a 2 ≤ . . . a1 \leq a2 \leq ... a1a2..., for any ST is b 1 ≤ b 2... b1 \leq b2 ... b1b2..., then we have b i ≥ a i bi \geq ai biai, as a lemma, the maximal edge in MST must be the least value among that in all ST), we just to make G 1 G1 G1 be the MST of G G G;

+ If k ≥ n k \geq n kn, all points are Super-Point, there could be no edges in G 1 G1 G1, so the answer is 0 0 0.

+ Now, k ∈ [ 1 , n ) k \in [1, n) k[1,n), let all Super-Points be s 1 , . . . , s k s1, ..., sk s1,...,sk; Let s 1 , . . . , s k s1, ..., sk s1,...,sk also denotes a set, initially the set of s i si si has only one point s i si si.
. Let us only focus on all Normal-Points (non-Super-Point) a 1 , a 2 , . . . a1, a2, ... a1,a2,..., if the distance of a i , a j ai, aj ai,aj is ≤ D \leq D D, then we connect a edge between them; after this process, all isolated points a 1 , a 2 , . . . a1, a2, ... a1,a2,... originally will become a graph consists of several connected-sub-graphs and all edges are ≤ D \leq D D.
For any sub-graph S G SG SG (it’s connected, and consists of a i ai ai), we reduce it to be a ST (Spanning-Tree) (that will not affect the connection). Due to the goal of this problem, there must exists a edge ( a , b ) w (a,b) w (a,b)w where a ∈ S G a \in SG aSG, b b b is a Super-Point and w ≤ D w \leq D wD (only this is satisfied, S G SG SG can only reach to any other point); such a edge maybe not unique, we can just choose one. Then, we connected a edge between ( a , b ) (a,b) (a,b) for all S G SG SG; as a result, every S G SG SG belongs to a unique root s i si si. Finally, it becomes a graph in which there exists a Tree rooted by s i si si; in other words, the graph consists of k k k connected-sub-graphs where every sub-graph is also a Tree (i.e., we can add k − 1 k - 1 k1 additional edges to make it to be a ST of G G G)
Now, you can imagine that there are k k k points s 1 , . . . , s k s1, ..., sk s1,...,sk in G G G, every point is also a independent Spanning-Tree S T i STi STi with all edges ≤ D \leq D D.
The cost is the maximal edge in the graph ( m a x ( m a x ( S T 1 ) , m a x ( S T 2 ) , . . . ) ) max( max(ST1), max( ST2), ...)) max(max(ST1),max(ST2),...)))
Because it corresponds to a partition of the ST of G G G (or you can say that it is a sub-graph of ST of G), that is, if we remove k − 1 k - 1 k1 edges of the ST of G G G, then it becomes such a graph; (the cost equals to the maximal edge in the graph)
Let the ordered sequence of a ST is e 0 , e 1 , . . . e n − 2 e0, e1, ... e_{n-2} e0,e1,...en2, we need to remove k − 1 k - 1 k1 edges, of course, we should remove the maximal k − 1 k - 1 k1 edges, the new maximal edge is e n − 1 − k e_{n-1-k} en1k; now, it becomes k k k sub-STs, the cost m a x ( m a x ( S T i ) ) max( max(STi)) max(max(STi)) equals e n − 1 − k e_{n-1-k} en1k;
Due to the property of ST: if MST is a 1 ≤ a 2 , . . . a1 \leq a2, ... a1a2,..., then any ST will be b 1 ≤ b 2... b1 \leq b2 ... b1b2... where b i ≥ a i bi \geq ai biai; Therefore, e n − 1 − k e_{n-1-k} en1k in MST must ≤ \leq that in any other ST;


sort( Paths.begin(), Paths.end());
double ans;
if( k == 0){
    ans = *Paths.rbegin();
else if( k >= n){
    ans = 0;
    ans = Paths.at( Paths.size() - 1 - (k - 1));
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