算法 {生成树,最小生成树MST}

算法 {生成树,最小生成树MST}

@LOC: 1



生成树spanning tree;
前言: 图G, 图GG;
条件1: GG为G的生成子图;
条件2: GG是个树;
结论: GG为G的一个生成树;



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最小生成树Minimum Spanning Tree, MST;
前言: 图G, 图GG; 一个生成树的权值等于(其所有边的权值和);
条件: GG为G的所有生成树中 权值最小的生成树;
结论: GG为G的一个最小生成树;


#前言#: G : G: G: 连通无向图; M : M: M: G中的某个最小生成树; M a x ( a , b ) : Max(a,b): Max(a,b): M M M中的a-b路径里的边的最大值;
#性质#: 对于任意边 ( a , b ) ∈ G (a,b) \in G (a,b)G ∉ M \notin M /M, 其边权一定 ≥ M a x ( a , b ) \geq Max(a,b) Max(a,b); (否则, 用这条边替代 M a x ( a , b ) Max(a,b) Max(a,b)后 得到更小的生成树);



#前言#: S(x): 将生成树x的所有的边, 按照其边权递增排序后的*序列*(可知所有的S(x)的长度 均为N-1, 因为所有生成树的边数都相同);
1: 所有的最小生成树的S值(即边权递增序列), 是相同的;
2: 令最小生成树的序列为[a1, a2, ...], 则任意生成树的序列[b1, b2, ...] 一定满足 b i ≥ a i b_i \geq a_i biai;
. . 比如最小生成树的序列是[1, 2, 4], 则不会存在最小生成树为[2, 2, 3] (这违反了性质1), 也不会存在生成树为[2, 3, 3](违反性质2), [1, 3, 4]是可以的;


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和Prim一样 也是动态增长的过程 每一次添加一条边, 但他不是以一棵树来增长的;
令图 T = ( V , ∅ ) T = (V, \empty) T=(V,) 即最开始 所有点都是孤立的(不连通的); 以边权递增的顺序 遍历所有的边 (a,b) 如果这两个点在T里是不连通的 则将该边添加到T中, 最终 T就变成了最小生成树;



namespace MST_Kruskal{
long long Work( int _pointsCount){
    DisjointSet dSet( _pointsCount, _pointsCount);
    long long ANS = 0;
    for( 以边权*递增*的顺序遍历所有边(wth:边权, p1:端点, p2:端点)){
        if( dSet.Get_root( p1) == dSet.Get_root( p2)){
        dSet.Merge_to( p1, p2);
        ANS += wth;
    return ANS;
} // namespace MST_Kruskal






Prim算法是一棵树渐渐长大的过程, 即第一次 是由1个点组成的树, 第二次 是由2个点组成的树, 第三次 是由3个点组成的树, …, 直至达到一个由 ∣ V ∣ |V| V个点组成的树 就是最小生成树;

从第 i i i步(令 T i Ti Ti为其对应的树) 转移到 第 i + 1 i+1 i+1步(令 T i + 1 T_{i+1} Ti+1为其对应的树), 那么这俩树之间 就差一个边 一个点;
E E EE EE为 G里面的所有形如 ( a , b ) (a,b) (a,b) ( a ∈ T i , b ∉ T i a \in T_i, b \notin T_i aTi,b/Ti)的边的集合, 令e为EE里边权最小的边, 则这个e 就是新添的这条边;


定义: 令SMT为所有最小生成树的集合;
. 一个树是合法的    ⟺    \iff 该树是SMT里的某个最小生成树的子树;
假如Prim算法 进行到第 i i i步时 此时当前的子树T是合法的, 但是添加了一个(a,b)的边后 形成了TT树是不合法的;
. 令MT为SMT里的某个元素 且T是MT的子树; 令R为MT里抛去T之后的子树; 则T + R + (一个连接T-R的边) = MT, 已知这个连接边 不是(a,b), 而且 他一定边权小于(a,b)的边权; 我们将他替换成(a,b) 可知T + R + (a,b)依然是个生成树 而且边权更小;


Dist[] 不是最短路径! 他是边权的最小值 (比如说所有边都是int类型, 那么Dist[]的类型 也是int 不需要是long long)
. 比如{S}-(1)-a-(1)-b S是当前维护的树, 此时Dist[a] = 1, 而Dist[b]没有值的 因为没有从b{S}直接边, 路径不算的;


Prim算法的中间状态 他维护的一定是, 而不是其他;


namespace MST_Prim{
using __Edge_Type_ = int; // 图上边权的类型
static constexpr int __PointsCount_Maximum_ = 2003;
__Edge_Type_ __Distance[ __PointsCount_Maximum_];
bool __Vis[ __PointsCount_Maximum_];

long long Work( int _pointsCount){
// #前设#: 令`G`为无向图;
// #返回值#: G的*所有连通分量*的最小生成树上所有边权之和;
// #pointsCount#: 无向图的所有点是`[0, _pointsCount)`范围;
// #提示#: 如果你想确保G必须是*连通的* (如果不是则报警) 其等价于: `LINK/@LOC_0`处只会进入*一次*;
    ASSERT_( _pointsCount <= __PointsCount_Maximum_);

    memset( __Distance, 0x7F, sizeof( __Edge_Type_) * _pointsCount);
    auto invalid_distance = __Distance[ 0];
    memset( __Vis, false, sizeof( bool) * _pointsCount);
    long long ANS = 0;
    for( int size = 1; size <= _pointsCount; ++size){
        int new_point = -1;
        for( int i = 0; i < _pointsCount; ++i){
            if( ( __Vis[ i] == false) && ( __Distance[ i] != invalid_distance)){
                if( new_point == -1 || __Distance[ i] < __Distance[ new_point]){ new_point = i;}
        if( new_point == -1){ // MAKR/@LOC_0
            for( int i = 0; i < _pointsCount; ++i){ if( __Vis[ i] == false){ new_point = i; break;}} __Distance[ new_point] = 0;
        ANS += __Distance[ new_point];
        __Vis[ new_point] = true;
        for( `G中: new_point的所有邻接点nex 邻接边权值wth`){
            if( false == __Vis[ nex]){
                __Distance[ nex] = min( __Distance[ nex], wth);
    return ANS;
} // namespace MST_Prim



#前言#: [ V 1 ≤ V 2 ≤ . . . ] : [V1\leq V2 \leq ...]: [V1V2...]: 任意生成树的权值一定为 V i V_i Vi;
次小生成树为: 所有权值为 V 2 V2 V2的生成树;


#前言#: M : M: M:某一个最小生成树;
#性质#: 一定存在某个次小生成树 他的边集 与 M M M的边集, 只有1条边是不同的;



Given a Connected-Undirected-Graph with n n n points (it may contains Negative-Edge, Self-Loop, Negative-Loop, in other words, a arbitrary graph but satisfying Connected-Undirected), you need to find a Sub-Graph which contains n n n points, being connected and its weight (the sum of all edges) is minimal amongst others.

In fact, such a Sub-Graph could be a Tree ( n − 1 n - 1 n1 edges).
Because there may have many different Sub-Graph which share the same weight, we assert that there must exist a Tree amongst them.

There are some algorithms for getting a MST.



We have a tree T T T with a single arbitrary point originally, each time we add a point and a edge (which connects this new point and a point of T T T), after n − 1 n - 1 n1 times we will get the MST.

We stipulate A d j E d g e s ( T ) AdjEdges( T) AdjEdges(T) is the set of all adjacent edges which connect a point of T T T and a point that is not belongs to T T T.

For example, the MST is


+ the edges {d-c, d-f, d-e} are belong to MST.
+ {b,...} means a `Sub-Tree` of the MST, the same as {c,...} and {d,...}

Original, we set T = ( a ) T = (a) T=(a)

First time, (suppose that the weight of a − b a-b ab is less than that of a − c a-c ac and a − d a-d ad), our goal is to get a − b a-b ab, and then add it to T T T.

Property: a − b a-b ab is the minimal edge of A d j E d g e s ( T ) AdjEdges( T) AdjEdges(T)
Because a − b a-b ab is less than a − c a-c ac and a − d a-d ad as we assumed, so we need to prove a − b a-b ab is less than any edge of A d j E d g e s ( T ) / { a − b , a − c , a − c } AdjEdges( T) / \{a-b, a-c, a-c\} AdjEdges(T)/{ab,ac,ac}


T: {a}------{b,...}

if there exists a edge a − B a-B aB ( B ∈ { b , . . . } B \in \{b,...\} B{b,...}) which is less than a − b a-b ab, we can replace a − b a-b ab by a − B a-B aB to get a new-MST, however it has a smaller weight than the original-MST, so it raises a contradiction.
If there exists a edge a − C a-C aC ( C ∈ { c , . . . } C \in \{c,...\} C{c,...}) which is less than a − b a-b ab, we can also replace a − c a-c ac by a − C a-C aC to get a smaller new-MST which also makes a contradiction.

More generally, if T T T contains multiple points, e.g., { a , x , y } \{a, x, y\} {a,x,y}. Now, the edge ? − b ?-b ?b means there is a edge between ? ? ? (a point of T T T) and b b b in the MST.
Supposing ? − b ?-b ?b is less than ? − c , ? − d ?-c, ?-d ?c,?d, and you can also prove that ? − b ?-b ?b is the minimal edge of A d j E d g e ( T ) AdjEdge( T) AdjEdge(T).

Therefore, the process of Prim is consisted of n n n steps:

  • Firstly, T = ( a ) T = (a) T=(a) ( a a a is a arbitrary point)
  • Secondly, suppose that x − y x-y xy is the minimal edge of A d j E d g e s ( T ) AdjEdges( T) AdjEdges(T) ( x x x belongs to T T T), then we add y y y to T T T and x − y x-y xy is a edge of MST.
  • The same as Secondly.

We will use a auxiliary array Distance to finish this algorithm.

Assume that T = ( a , b , c ) T = (a, b, c) T=(a,b,c) at current and others undetermined points are ( d , e , f ) (d, e, f) (d,e,f), then D i s t a n c e [ d ] = m i n ( E d g e [ d − a ] , E d g e [ d − b ] , E d g e [ d − c ] ) Distance[ d] = min( Edge[d-a], Edge[d-b], Edge[d-c]) Distance[d]=min(Edge[da],Edge[db],Edge[dc]), that is, the D i s t a n c e Distance Distance of a undetermined point x x x is the minimal edge of all edges which connect x x x and a point of T T T.

Next, we iterate all undetermined points (d, e, f), find the minimal D i s t a n c e Distance Distance (suppose it is d d d), then d d d is added to T T T, and D i s t a n c e [ d ] Distance[d] Distance[d] is a new edge of MST.

Finally, because d d d is belongs to T T T, so D i s t a n c e [ e ] = m i n ( E d g e [ e − a ] , E d g e [ e − b ] , E d g e [ e − c ] ) Distance[ e] = min( Edge[e-a], Edge[e-b], Edge[e-c]) Distance[e]=min(Edge[ea],Edge[eb],Edge[ec]) should also be updated by E d g e [ e − d ] Edge[e-d] Edge[ed].
… that is, iterate all undetermined points (e,f), update D i s t a n c e [ x ] = m i n ( s e l f , E d g e [ x , d ] ) Distance[ x] = min( self, Edge[ x, d]) Distance[x]=min(self,Edge[x,d]). ( d d d is the new point that added into MST).


For a graph, its MST must contains e e e which is the minimal edge of the graph.
(proof: e.g., a--b--c is a branch of MST, and there exists a edge a-c that is the minimal edge amongst all edges of the graph; then you can replace a--b by a-c to make the MST more optimal)

For a graph (contains ( a , b , c , d , e ) (a,b,c,d,e) (a,b,c,d,e) points), when we divide its MST into two partition, e.g., if c − d c-d cd is a edge of MST, then remove this edge, we will get two Sub-Tree of MST (denote M 1 , M 2 M1, M2 M1,M2), let it be ( a , b , c ) (a,b,c) (a,b,c) and ( d , e ) (d,e) (d,e). And also divide this graph into two partition (denote G 1 , G 2 G1, G2 G1,G2): one contains ( a , b , c ) (a,b,c) (a,b,c) points and its interior edges, another contains ( d , e ) (d,e) (d,e) points and its interior edges.
Then, M 1 M1 M1 is also the MST of G 1 G1 G1, the same as M 2 , G 2 M2, G2 M2,G2.
(proof: if m m m is the MST of G 1 G1 G1 instead of M 1 M1 M1, then the Tree m , ( c − d ) , m 2 m, (c-d), m2 m,(cd),m2 is also a MST which is less than the previous MST, this is contradictory.)

Originally, let e d g e s edges edges be all edges of the graph. Stipulate m i n ( e d g e s ) min( edges) min(edges) denotes the minimal-edge of e d g e s edges edges.

  1. m i n ( e d g e s ) min( edges) min(edges) is a edge (let its endpoints be a , b a,b a,b) of MST (according to Property-1), and divide the MST into two partition M ( a ) , M ( b ) M(a), M(b) M(a),M(b);
    remove all edges that connect M ( a ) , M ( b ) M(a), M(b) M(a),M(b) from e d g e s edges edges, it also means you divide the original-Graph into two parts G ( a ) , G ( b ) G(a), G(b) G(a),G(b) ( e d g e s edges edges is the edges that either belongs G ( a ) G(a) G(a) or belongs to G ( b ) G(b) G(b))
    According to Property-2, M ( a ) M(a) M(a) is also the MST of G ( a ) G(a) G(a)
  2. suppose m i n ( e d g e s ) min(edges) min(edges) belongs to G ( a ) G(a) G(a), then m i n ( e d g e s ) min(edges) min(edges) is a edge of M ( a ) M(a) M(a). Using the same process as the above, you will get 3 3 3 Sub-Graphs.
    Until you get n n n Sub-Graphs (each graph is a point), then the n − 1 n-1 n1 edges which are removed is the MST.

As a result, sort all edges at first, and iterate each edge ( a , b , w ) (a,b,w) (a,b,w), if a , b a, b a,b are not in a same Disjoint-Set, then w w w is a edge of MST (the removal-edge as mentioned above), then Merge a , b a, b a,b to the same Set.
Otherwise a , b a,b a,b is in the same Set, meaning the operation that remove a edge that connects two divided-Graph ( G ( a ) , G ( b ) G(a), G(b) G(a),G(b) as mentioned above)

P r i m & K r u s k a l Prim \& Kruskal Prim&Kruskal算法的性质

+ The edges of the graph in Prim or Kruskal, are both undirected (bidirectional).

+ If the graph is not connected, that is consists of several connected-subgraphs G 0 , G i , . . . G0, Gi, ... G0,Gi,... (where G 0 G0 G0 denotes a connected-subgraph that contains point- 0 0 0), Prim can only get the MST of G 0 G0 G0 not for G i , . . . Gi, ... Gi,...; while Kruskal could get all MSTs of G 0 , G i , . . . G0, Gi, ... G0,Gi,... simultaneously.

+ Prim, Kruskal can also be used to calculate Maximal-ST, by replacing m i n min min by m a x max max.
. Proof: ???

+ For a undirected-graph G G G, when you storing it
. In Prim, for any undirected-edge (a,b,w) (assume there is no other edges between (a,b)), you must make sure Edges[a][b] = Edges[b][a] = w in the Adjacency-Matrix. That is, one undirected-edge corresponds to two directed-edges.
. In Kruskal, you can just choose one directed-edge (a->b) to be stored in Linked-List, not necessary both sides; this is due to the mechanism of Kruskal (the disjoint-set not relates the direction of edges) Consequently, one undirected-edge just corresponds to its one directed-edge is enough.


Let MST be the edges e 1 , e 2 , . . . e m e1, e2, ...em e1,e2,...em, then all inferior-MST (strictly, or non-strictly) must be the edges f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f m f1, f2, ..., fm f1,f2,...,fm where only one pair of edges e i ≠ f j ei \neq fj ei=fj, in other words, if we remove e i , f j ei, fj ei,fj, the rest two sets will form a bijection.

Let the context of the next discussion be Strictly Inferior-MST.

If we have a MST e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e m e1, e2, ..., em e1,e2,...,em, then we iterator all edges on G G G which are not e i ei ei (i.e., the edges not in the MST)
For any such a edge f i fi fi (if its endpoints are a , b a, b a,b, and the path of them in the MST are e x , e y , e z ex, ey, ez ex,ey,ez, the weight are 3 , 5 , 5 3, 5, 5 3,5,5)
There is a necessity: f i ≥ 5 fi \geq 5 fi5 (if not, that is f i < 5 fi < 5 fi<5, we move 5 5 5 from MST and add f i fi fi, it again forms a ST whose sum less than MST;) this is a property of MST, which is no matter to inferior-MST.
. According to the property above, if the inferior-MST contains f i fi fi, then the edges of inferior-MST must be obtained by the process: remove a edge e x / e y / e z ex/ey/ez ex/ey/ez from MST, and then add f i fi fi
There are also some lemmas on the relationship between the removal edge and f i fi fi.
1 when f i > 5 fi > 5 fi>5, only if f i fi fi replace the maximal edge 5 5 5, that could maybe the inferior-MST (because if f i fi fi replace 1 / 3 1/3 1/3, it will get a much large ST than replacing 5 5 5)
2 otherwise f i = 5 fi = 5 fi=5, if the inferior-MST is strictly, then we shall try to use f i fi fi to replace the strictly inferior-maximal edge 3 3 3 (although there are multiple same maximal edges 5 5 5; e.g., the MST is 3 , 5 , 5 3, 5, 5 3,5,5 and there is only one edge 5 5 5 which not belongs to MST, so all STs with distinct sum are 3 , 5 , 5 3,5,5 3,5,5 and 5 , 5 , 5 5,5,5 5,5,5; that is, now we should choose the strictly inferior-maximal-edge 3 3 3 on the MST-path, not the non-strictly 5 5 5)

That is, we need get d 1 d1 d1 means the maximal edge of the path a − b a - b ab in MST, d 2 d2 d2 means the strictly inferior-maximal edge in that path (note that, if the path is 3 , 5 , 5 3, 5, 5 3,5,5, then d 1 = 5 , d 2 = 3 d1 = 5, d2 = 3 d1=5,d2=3, that is the case of strictly inferior-MST)


Suppose all edges are ≥ 0 \geq 0 0 and we use − 1 -1 1 denotes a invalid-edge;


//> get the maximal and inferior-maximal edges on the path (a-b) in the MST
pair< int, int> Get_edges( int a, int b){
	d1 = d2 = -1; //< d1 is the maximal-edge, d2 is the inferiore-maximal
	for( auto w : Edges on the path `a-b` in MST){
		if( _w > d1){
	        d2 = d1, d1 = _w;
	    else if( _w < d1){
	        d2 = max( _w, d2);

//> find the Strictly-Inferior-MST
ans = 0x7F7F7F7F...;
for( edge `(a-b):w` : all edges of the graph ){
    if( this edge on the MST){
    if( a == b){
    pair<int,int> ret = Get_edges( a, b);
    ASSERT_( ret.first != -1);
    if( w > ret.first){
        ans = min( mst_size - ret.first + w, ans);
    else if( ret.second != -1){
        ans = min( mst_size - ret.second + w, ans);


//> get the maximal edge on the path (a-b) in the MST
pair< int, int> Get_edges( int a, int b){
	d1 = -1; //< d1 is the maximal-edge
	for( auto w : Edges on the path `a-b` in MST){
		d1 = max( d1, w);

//> find the NonStrictly-Inferior-MST
ans = 0x7F7F7F7F...;
for( edge `(a-b):w` : all edges of the graph ){
    if( this edge on the MST){
    if( a == b){
	auto ret = Get_edges( a, b);
    ASSERT_( ret != -1);
    ans = min( mst_size - ret + w, ans);


1148. 秘密的牛奶运输


Cuz there are only N = 500 N = 500 N=500 points, when we got the MST, we can use D 1 [ N ] [ N ] , D 2 [ N ] [ N ] D1[N][N], D2[N][N] D1[N][N],D2[N][N] denotes the Maximal and Inferior-Maximal edge on the path ( a − b ) (a-b) (ab) in the MST. More precisely, let D f s ( x ) Dfs(x) Dfs(x) to get all D 1 [ x ] [ a l l ] , D 2 [ x ] [ a l l ] D1[x][all], D2[x][all] D1[x][all],D2[x][all], then performing D f s ( a l l ) Dfs( all) Dfs(all)

356. 次小生成树


Due to N = 1 e 5 N = 1e5 N=1e5, the above N 2 N^2 N2 device is infeasible here.
Cuz MST is a tree, we can use LCA algorithm which will divide a path a − b a-b ab into several disjoint segments (is also a path essentially) s 1 , s 2 , . . . s1, s2, ... s1,s2,..., then we can store d 1 , d 2 d1, d2 d1,d2 which represent the maximal and inferior-maximal edge for each segment s i si si, then we gather them up ( d 1 , d 2 ) ( d 1 , d 2 ) . . . (d1, d2) (d1, d2) ... (d1,d2)(d1,d2)... and the maximal and inferior-maximal edge on the path a − b a-b ab must be contained in this set.

//> building `dist1, dist2`
for( int power = 0; power < power_range; ++power){
     if( power == 0){
         ptrNew_father[ nex][ power] = cur;
         dist1[ nex][ power] = wth;
         dist2[ nex][ power] = -1;
     int mid = ptrNew_father[ nex][ power - 1];
     if( (mid == -1) || (ptrNew_father[ mid][ power - 1] == -1)){
         ptrNew_father[ nex][ power] = -1;
         dist1[ nex][ power] = -1;
         dist2[ nex][ power] = -1;
     ptrNew_father[ nex][ power] = ptrNew_father[ mid][ power - 1];
     int _edges[ 4] = { dist1[ nex][ power - 1], dist2[ nex][ power - 1],
                      dist1[ mid][ power - 1], dist2[ nex][ power - 1]};
     sort( _edges, _edges + 4);
     dist1[ nex][ power] = _edges[ 3];
     dist2[ nex][ power] = -1;
     for( int i = 2; i >= 0; --i){
         if( _edges[ i] != dist1[ nex][ power]){
             dist2[ nex][ power] = _edges[ i];
     ASSERT_( dist2[ nex][ power] < dist1[ nex][ power]);
//> get the maximal and inferior-maximal edges on the path (a-b) in MST.
pair< int, int> Get_edges( int _a, int _b){
    int d1 = -1, d2 = -1;
    ASSERT_( (_a >= 0) && (_a < ptrRef_tree->Get_pointsCount()));
    ASSERT_( (_b >= 0) && (_b < ptrRef_tree->Get_pointsCount()));
    if( ptrNew_depth[ _a] != ptrNew_depth[ _b]){
        if( ptrNew_depth[ _a] < ptrNew_depth[ _b]){
            swap( _a, _b);
        for( int i = power_range - 1; i >= 0; --i){
            if( ptrNew_father[ _a][ i] == -1){
            if( ptrNew_depth[ ptrNew_father[ _a][ i]] >= ptrNew_depth[ _b]){
                update( d1, d2, dist1[ _a][ i]);
                update( d1, d2, dist2[ _a][ i]);
                _a = ptrNew_father[ _a][ i];
    ASSERT_( ptrNew_depth[ _a] == ptrNew_depth[ _b]);
    if( _a == _b){
        return {d1, d2};
    for( int i = power_range - 1; i >= 0; --i){
        if( ptrNew_father[ _a][ i] != ptrNew_father[ _b][ i]){
            update( d1, d2, dist1[ _a][ i]);  update( d1, d2, dist2[ _a][ i]);
            update( d1, d2, dist1[ _b][ i]);  update( d1, d2, dist2[ _b][ i]);
            _a = ptrNew_father[ _a][ i];
            _b = ptrNew_father[ _b][ i];
    ASSERT_( ptrNew_father[ _a][ 0] == ptrNew_father[ _b][ 0]);
    update( d1, d2, dist1[ _a][ 0]);  update( d1, d2, dist2[ _a][ 0]);
    update( d1, d2, dist1[ _b][ 0]);  update( d1, d2, dist2[ _b][ 0]);
    return {d1, d2};
void update( int & d1, int & d2, int _w){
    if( _w > d1){
        d2 = d1;
        d1 = _w;
    else if( _w != d1){
        d2 = max( _w, d2);




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


