Integrated Skills of English_Unit2_Why My Great-uncle Gave Up the Ministry

Part 2 Reading and Language Activities

Text  Why My Great-uncle Gave Up the Ministry?

Pre-reading Task   Discuss the following questions.

1.Have you ever been haunted by a guilty consicence for sth you accidentally did?

2.What do you think is the best policy if you have unintentionally committed a folly?

haunted v缠绕          guilty adj 内疚的      conscience  n感觉            accident  n事故            accidental            accidentally

intention  n目的  意图       intentional  adj故意的       intentionally  adv                   committe  n 委员会  v 承诺               folly  蠢事

Read the Test

  The following sad but true tale concerns my great-uncle, a wonderful, jolly,beloved man who was over six feet four and probably weighed close to three hundred pounds.He was also well-educated and in the early 1900s became a full-time Baptist minister. A kindly, gentle man despite his size, Uncle Alden Bentley's only real fault seemed to be that he was terribly clumsy. As a young minister, he was paying a pastoral call one day on a woman in Dillon, South Carolina, when he inadvertently sat on her Chihuahua, Twinkie, and killed it. As the lady searched for and called for her dog throughout the house, Uncle Alden felt underneath his hip and, ealizing what he had done, panicked and slipped the dead dog into his coat pocket. Although he was devastated , he could not bring himself to tell the woman what had happened.

terribly    clumsy  adj 笨拙的

well-informed adj 消息灵通的

well-bred adj有教养的

well-intentioned adj 好心好意的

great-uncle  叔父

a guilty conscience    内疚感 

pay a call on st /   at sth   


tale n 故事       

jolly  ad.  愉快的  乐天派 

feet  n 脚  英尺  

pound  n英镑



minister n 牧师

advert  n广告   advertent  adj 留意的    advertently  adv留意地      inadvertent adj 没留意的   inadvertently adv没留意的

underneath  prep   在 .... 下面   

hip  n 臀部 

panick n 惊慌           panicked adj 惊慌的

slip    v 划

remain  n遗体 残骸

devastate     v毁坏  摧毁          devastated adj极度不安的

bring oneself to do sth   鼓起勇气做 

   Five years later, he returned to the same home for an overnight visit and resolved to unburden himself by finally telling the woman exactly what had happened to Twinkie.She had just had the guest room prepared and had hung brand-new curtains . To make Uncle feel welcome , she had placed on the bedside table a large pitcher of ice water and a glass , as well as a pen and a bottle of ink, so he could work on his sermon before retiring.

burden n 负担    unburden  v吐露 解脱

resolve to do  决定做

overnight  n 过夜

brand  n 牌子     brand-new 崭新的

bedside table 床边桌

a large pitcher of 一大壶

a bottle of ink

sermon n布道

retire v 退休    

  Uncle liked to sleep with the window open and got up in the night to open it. As he did,he knocked over what he assumed to be a full glass of water. Then, groping along the walls in an unsuccessful search for the light switch, he retraced his steps several times before raising the window and settling back on the bed for the night. When he opened his eyes the next morning, he was horrified. The fresh wallpaper on two walls was covered with great black blobs. The crisp white curtains were thoroughly smudged with the prints of Uncle's huge paws. It had not been the water glass he'd overturned during the night - it had been the ink bottle.

knock  v 敲     knock over 撞反

grope  v 摸索 探索

trace v追踪  n痕迹

retrace  v 追溯

settle v解决            

wallpaper n壁纸

horrible  adj 糟糕的

horrify  v 使恐惧     horrified  adj 恐惧的

blob   n 小圆点

crisp  adj 新鲜的

thorough  adj 彻底的

smuge  v 弄脏

print  n 印刷业     印记

paw n 爪子

overturn  v 推翻   turn v 转向 

  In a shaken state of mind and knowing he must face the hostess, Uncle dressed hurriedly and started down the stairs outside the guest room. As he approached the landing, his foot slipped. Reaching wildly for support, he grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a beautiful electric brass candelabra mounted on the stairwell wall. The fixture was hissing and smoking as he ripped it from the wall and toppled down to the landing below, still clutching it in his hand.

in a shaken state of mind 在心绪不宁的状态下

host  n 主人    hostess n女主人     prince n王子  princess n公主

as he approached the landing

land n 陆地          landing  着陆

slip  v滑

grab v 攫取 霸占

electric   adj 电的

brass  n 黄铜

candela   n 烛光       candelabra   n 柱状大烛台

mount v安装    mountain n 山

stair n楼梯 

stairwell n楼梯井

hiss  v 发出嘘声

rip v 撕

top n顶部   topple v倾倒  倒塌

clutch n 紧握

  ‘Are you hurt?’ His hostess cried as she rushed to Uncle's side.

  'No,' said Uncle as he rose to his feet, ' but I have demolished your home.' With that he quickly walked out the front door and, at the end of the walk, turned and said to his hostess with deep reverence, ' Twinkie had a Christain burial.'

  He then retired from the ministry and became a teacher of philosophy for many years at a private preparatory school in Massachusetts.

rush   v冲

demolish v拆除 破坏

reverence n 崇敬

burial  n 葬礼

preparatory  adj 预备的

rise to one's feet 站起来


1. he was paying a pastoral call one day on a woman in Dillon : he was visiting a woman as a minister.Note the different prepositions after call,call(vi) at somewhere; call(vi) on somebody, pay a call on sb, pay a call at somewhere. A pastoral visit is part of duties or activities in Christian churches. It is related to the general needs of people rather than the spiritual or religious needs.

2.panicked and slipped the dead dog into his coat pocket: When the verb panic is used in its -ed form, the end-consonant c is changed to -cked.This rules is also applicable to some other words with c as the last consonant, e.g.  picnic  picnicked . Slip in this sentence means put sth away quickly in secret. I saw him slip a note into her hand. But the word has a different meaning in the sentence As be approached the landing, his foot slipped, it means losing one's balance and fall or almost fall.

3.Although he was devastated he could not bring himself to tell the woman ... : Although he was conscience-stricken for his follies he could not make himself tell the woman.Bring oneself to do sth: make oneself do sth, usually used in a non-assertive sentence, such as a negative or a question sentence, e.g. I could never bring myself to associate with a person like that. Cf. bring oneself to sth E.g. Some teenagers cannot somehow bring themselves to an awful revision. he could work on his sermon before retiring: before going to bed, e.g. She retired early with a good book. Notice the last sentence of the passage: He then retired from the ministry. Here retire means give up a position in an office, occupation or career.

5.The crisp white curtains ... : Crisp can be used to describe sth that is fresh and stiff with no crease  in it or is not crumpled.e.g. a crisp linen jacket.

6.In a shaken state of mind ... : in a condition of panic ( indicating that he was greatly upset and disturbed)

7.a private preparatory school : 

disturb  v 打扰 妨碍             disturbed adj 扰乱的

ministry 部门          国防部  the Ministry of Defence       minister n大臣,牧师

preparatory  adj 预备的

panic n 惊慌      panicked adj 惊慌的

retire 退休,睡觉

revision 复习 

position n 位置   preposition n 介词

applicable  adj 可用的   

advert v 注意    advertent adj 注意的   advertise n 广告   

unburden one's soul / mind 

she unburdened herself to her friends.

Unit 2 Why My Great-uncle Gave up the Ministry

Part 1 Listening: Key and Difficult Words

  • Timid : not having courage or confidence
  • Recommend: to advise sb to do sth
  • Knit: to make clothing out of wool
  • Nursing home: a place where the old/sick live and are looked after
  • Wrinkled: having lines in the skin, esp. on the face
  • Clumsily: moving or doing things in a very awkward way
  • Diligently: showing effort in one's work or duties
  • attach : to fasten or join one thing to another 

attach : 系上,依附上

diligent adj 勤勉的    diligently adv 勤勉地           clumsy  adj 笨拙的     clumsily  adv 笨拙地

wrinkle n 皱纹   wrinkled adj 有皱纹的

nursing home  养老院 


Part 1 Listening 

  • Why did John visit the old people's nursing home?
  • What happened in the office of the nursing home?
  • How did the old lady strike John?
  • What happened weeks after John's visit?

1.John had to write an essay about an elderly person,but he knew little about old people. His teacher , Mr.Moore, advised him to visit an old people's nursing home, so that he might find sth interesting to write about.

2.John felt nervous when he entered the office since he was kind of a timid person. However, the director was very nice to him. She showed him a list of the old people living there and recommended a few for him to visit. Finally, he decided to visit an old lady of 92.

3.John found that she could not hear very well. She was very old, with wrinkles all over her face. She didn't speak very much. She knitted diligently but clumsily. She didn't seem to know what she was doing. John decided that she was crazy.

4.One day after his visit to the nursing home, John received a package, in which he found a beautiful wool sweater and a note from the director. She said that it was given to him by the old lady as a gift for visiting her. The old lady was very happy when she died 3 days ago.

Her appearance 

  • tiny
  • ver old
  • quiet
  • many wrinkles all over her face

Her manner

  • sitting quietly
  • knitting clumsily but diligently
  • seemingly cold to the visitor

Her words

  • speaking laconically  

Her action

  • sending John a sweater to thank him for his visit.

essay n

elder   n 年长的人                elderly adj 上了年纪的

strike v 撞,打  给...留下印象        how did the old lady strike John?

recommend  v 建议                                                          sweater n 毛衣

director n 导演 主任

Questions for Paragraph 1

  • What's the problem with Uncle Alden?
  • His only real fault seemed to be that he was terribly clumsy.
  • What happened at the woman's house?
  • He inadvertently sat on her pet dog and killed it.

Key and Difficlut Points

  • Great uncle: an uncle of one's father and mother
  • Ministry : the work or duty of a minister or priest
  • Baptism: a Christian ceremony marking a person's admission into the Church.
  • Baptist: a member of the Baptist Church, which holds that baptism should only be for people old enough to understand its meaning.

Key  and Difficult words

  • Clumsy : awkward in movement
  • What is a ' pastoral call?'
  • It is a call required by the duties of a pastor.Such visits help him to maintain a good relationship with his congregation.
  • Inadvertently: accidentally 
  • Chihuahua: a breed of dog     breed  n 品种 v 繁殖
  • panic : to fell afraid suddenly .  panic sb into doing sth.         in panic
  • Slip sth into : to put sth. somewhere quickly, quietly, or secretly
  • Devastated : feeling extremely shocked and sad
  • bring oneself to do sth : to force oneself to do sth.
  • Paraphrase: ‘Although he was devastated... what had happened'.
  • Uncle Alden was so greatly shocked that he didn't have the courage to tell the hostess that he had killed the dog inadvertently/accidently.

phrase n 短语 习语      paraphrase  释义

Question for Paragraph 2

  • What did Uncle Alden plan to do?
  • Resolve to do sth: be determined to do sth.
  • Unburden oneself ( of sth to sb)  to tell sb your problems, secrets, etc. so that you feel better
  • translate : 他需要找人诉说心里的苦衷
  • She needed to unburden herself to sb.
  • What does the word ' retire' mean here?
  • 1. to stop working as a result of age or illness
  • 2.(formal) to go to bed

Question for Paragraph 3

  • What did Uncle Alden knock over that night?
  • Grope for sth. : to try to find sth. by feeling with the hands.
    • grope one's way 
    • feel one's way
    • force one's way
    • edge one's way
    • wind one's way
    • fight one's way
    • lose one's way
    • worm one's way
  • Retrace one's steps/way/route/path
    • to go back exactly the way you have com
  • Horrify ( horror + ify ): to make sb. feel very shocked of afraid
    • Can you give some other words formed in this way?
    • beautify    simplify      purify     classify     justify    
    • Blob : spot of color  色斑,色点
    • Crisp ( of cloth or pater )  fresh, clean and new
    • Smudge : to make sth. dirty
    • Slip: to slide unintentionally and fall.   accidentally ,  inadvertently ,  unintentionally 

fight one's way 奋斗前行        grope one's way  抹黑前行     lose one's way 迷路

intention n 目的 意图      intentional adj 有目的的         intentionally adv 有目的地   

accident n 事故            accidental adj 意外的       accidentally adv 意外地

intention n 打算 目的 意图     intentional  adj 故意的   unintentionally adv 偶然地

What does a candelabra look like?

  • Rip ... from = tear ... off : to remove sth. suddenly or violently
  • Topple : to fall down 
  • RIse to one's feet: stand up 
  • Demolish : to destroy completely a building

rip from 把。。 从。。 上猛地扯下来

topple  v 倒塌     raise one's feet  站起来    demolish v 毁灭

Summarize the story.

  • Uncle used to be a Baptist minister. He was  a lovely man of large size. However, his clumsiness led him to give up his job. During a pastoral call on a woman, he accidentally sat on and killed her pet dog. He revisited her 5 years later. Unfortunately, his clumsiness left a horrible mess of the house. Before long, he retired and turned to teaching in a school.

Summarize the 1st paragraph

  • It gives us a description of Uncle Alden's personality, appearance and his accidental killing of a dog.

Summarize the 3rd paragraph.

  • It is an account of how his clumsiness led to a terrible mess in the guest room during his visit to the lady.

Summarize the 4th paragraph.

  • It describes how the narrator's great-uncle damaged a beautiful candelabra when he rushed downstairs.

greatly adv 副词

An City of Churches.

An Introduction to the Author

  • Donald Bartheleme ( April 7,1931 -- July 23, 1989 )
    • He was a famous American author, known for his postmodernist style of short fiction.
  • Year written: 1973
  • Type of work: Black Humor
    • It artistically exaggerated the ugly, twisted, cruel, dark sides of a society, making them ridiculous in a humorous way, pointing at their absurdity.
  • Literary device: sarcasm

introduce v 介绍 引进      introduction n 介绍           write v 写                        art n 艺术   artist  n 艺术家   artistically  adv 艺术上的

literature n 文学   literary n 文学上的                            absurd adj 荒谬的     absurdity n 荒谬

exaggerate  v 夸大

What do you know about the heroine, Cecilia?

  • a new-comer who wants to open a car-rental office at Prester 
  • looking for a place to live in
  • not belonging to any denomination.
  • forced to stay though there will be no busines at all
  • able to dream whatever she wants and threatening to change the city by dreaming the life that people like Mr.Philips are most afraid of.

What do you know about the hero, Mr. Philips?

  • a real-estate agent 
  • a totalitarian , a representative of the ruling class 
  • hypocritical ( I don't think I'd pick the car-rental business if I was just starting out in Prester. But you'll do fine.)

What do you know about the hero, Mr.Philips?

  • objection to criticism( That may be, but it's not for you to say, is it?)
  • objection to changes ( That's not usual here. That's the usual pattern.)
  • a frog in the well ( We are like other towns, except that we are perfect.)

reject v 反对 拒绝             object v 反对,拒绝  n 物体,目标 , 客观    objective  n 目标,客观上    

objection n 拒绝  

What do you know about Prester, the setting of the story?

  • very religious ( Everyone takes a great interest in church matters)
  • no diversity & vitality ( one belief, one lifestyle, one kind of building)
  • no privacy  (the usual pattern is to share a room with others)
  • no freedom ( Most people live in the church of their 'own' choice)

estate  n 房地产      real-estate  不动产       vital adj 重要的   vitality n活力

Listening and speaking Activities






1.Expressions for describing general impressions of a person:

Positive expressions :

  • polite
  • smart
  • cute
  • nice
  • a good leader
  • well-educated
  • gentle
  • charming
  • wise man

Negative expression:

  • clumsy
  • forgetful
  • rude
  • careless
  • stupid
  • a follower
  • have more age than experience
  • wise guy

Neutral expressions:

  • funny
  • strange
  • peculiar 
  • sensitive

2.Expressions for describing someone's emotional changes:

Changes for better:

  • calm
  • cool
  • cheer up
  • feel better
  • be sympathetic with

Changes for worse

  • get panicky
  • feel nervous
  • have butterflies in the stomach   忐忑不安
  • get irritated / angry 
  • become anxious
  • wear / have a questioning expression 
  • be horrified 
  • feel guilty
  • be embarrassed

3. Expressions of behaviour:

Silly behaviour:

  • play the fool  
  • make a fool of oneself  出丑
  • be up to no good   坏事干尽
  • behave badly 
  • get into trouble

Good Behaviour:

  • be good as gold( of children , behaving very well)  乖乖的
  • set a good example
  • turn over a new leaf 焕然一新的开端
  • behave oneself 举止规矩          

Neutral behaviour:

  • behave
  • conduct oneself 

4. Expressions for social positions or titles:

  • headmaster, doctor,nurse, director, supervisor, head of department, chairman/chairwoman, professor, coach, president

5. Expressions for commenting  on personalities:

  • can't stand
  • cant't put up with
  • It takes all sorts ( to make a world ).
  • To err is human, to forgive is divine ( someone's silly behaviour )
  •  almost brings down  the house
  • be disgusted at/with    

wise  guy    negative          d     wise man  positive 

embarrass  v 窘迫 尴尬               mischief  n 恶作剧

conduct v 行为 表现           leaf n 叶子     comment n评论       err n错误      sicken, disgust 恶心  

Para 1

1. concern : v 1) to be relevant or important to   2) to affect, worry   3) to relate, be about

He doesn't bother about things don't concern him.

She was concerned about the growth of her children.

[ idioms ] be concerned in sth.. : to have some connection with or responsibility for sth.

                concern oneself ( in/about/with ) : to interest oneself in sth . , be busy with sth .

                There's no need to concern yourself with this matter; we're dealing with it.

2.jolly : a joyful , merry,  pleasant ,delightful 

I prefer a jolly companion to a dull man.

What jolly weather we have today!

[ idioms ] a jolly dog : a joyful person 

3.beloved: a. much loved     n. much loved person

This well-beloved novel sells up to five edition.

Nobody would neglect his beloved.

4.kindly : a.kind, kind hearted; ( of climate ) pleasant     ad. in a kind or friendly way

The students were watching her with kindly interest. 饶有兴趣 

Kindly take your hands off my knee.

Would you kindly close the window?

5.clumsy: a. awkward in movement or shape; tactless. difficult to handle or use

She stumbled clumsily, as though drunk, and sat down.

John's efforts at reconciliation were clumsy and naive.

How clumsy of me to step on your foot.

6. panic : v. suddenly become anxious or afraid                    n. a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear

   Don't panic. Sit still and keep calm.

   Sandy was close to panic.

   She heard a rustle behind her and turned, panic-stricken.

Para 2

1. resolve : v 1) to make a firm decision to do    2) to find or provide an answer to 

                  I resolved to quit my job.

                 The Cabinet met to resolve the crisis.

2. unburden: vt. to relieve ( oneself or one's conscience etc.) by confession

                    After so many years of mental torture, she decided to unburden herself to her husband.

3.retire : v. 1) to leave employment   esp. because of age        2) to seek seclusion or shelter    3) to go to bed

               Having retired from the army, he lived on a pension.

               After his wife died, he retired from the world.

                 affairs of state 国家大事

delight n 高兴   delightful adj 高兴的

kindly give us your advice  请多多指教

striken adj 受挫的         panic-stricken 极度受挫

Para 3

1. knock over : to overturn

    [ idioms ] knock sb about : to treat roughly, strike , strike repeatedly

                    knock sb down : to strike sb. to the ground.    demolish sth.

                    knock sb. out: to make sb. unconscious by means of a blow, alcoholic drink, etc.

                   In his excitement he knocked over his milk.

                   She gets knocked about by her husband.

                   He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round.

                   These old houses are going to be knocked down.

                   Don't drink too much of this -- it will knock out!

2. assume : vt. 1) to take to be true     2) to take or put on oneself ( role, attitude, expression, etc )

                  I was mistakenly assumed to be a Welshman because of my surname.

                  Hitler assumed power in 1933 .

3.grope : v 1) to feel about as in dark           2) to search blindly

               I groped for the timetable I had in my pocket.

                ' I mean ... ', she groped for words.

 [ idiom ] grope one's way : to proceed tentatively

               He is accustomed to groping his way along a darkened corridor.

4. in search for : trying to find

   [ idiom ] search sb. / sth. out:  to find sb. / sth. by searching

   We went round the town in search for a place to stay.

     We've searched out some of your favorite recipes.

5.retrace one's steps/way : to return to the starting point along the old route back

      Stella retraced her steps toward the entrance.

Para 4

1. In a shaken state of mind ... : In a condition of panic. The phrase indicates that he was greatly upsest and disturbed.

         one's state of mind / states of mind : one's mood at a particular time

       My sister was in a happier state of mind.

       I couldn't use words to reflect my state of mind.

2. v-ing phrases as adverbial

    Being cooled in the air, the molten metal hardened. 

    She was sitting in an armchair, reading a book.

3. Reaching wildly for support, he grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a beautiful electric brass candelabra mounted on the stairwell wall.

grab : vt. to seize violently ;  get quickly

          She grabbed my arm.

 mount: v.  to fix sth. firmly;  to climb on; to go up to the top of it, to increase

         The sword was mounted in a wooden case.

         Walter mounted the steps and pressed the bell.

         Everywhere there is mounting unemployment.

4. The fixture was hissing and smoking as he ripped it from  the wall and topple down to the landing below, still clutching it in his hand.

rip  : v.1) to tear or cut quickly or forcibly away or apartg           2) to come violently apart, to split

            The poster had been ripped into pieces.

             I ripped the phone from her hand.

[ idioms ] rip sb. off : to cheat by overcharging

                rip sth. off: to tear sth. into small pieces

         The shop tried to rip me off.   商店想宰我

          I have ripped the cover off my book.

5.topple: v. to become unsteady and fall over; to cause ( a goernment or leader) to be no longer in power

            She toppled from her chair.

           That strike finally toppled the government. 这一击最终打垮了政府

【 idiom 】 topple over: to fall over 

           The pile of books toppled over onto the floor.

6.clutch : v. to hold together

         Myra came in, cluting her handbag. 

         Her pony stumbled, and she clutched at the reins.

Para 5

1. rise / get to one's feet : to stand up

    He rose hurriedly to his feet and ran from the room.

2. demolish : vt. to pull or knock down (building); to destroy, refute ( theory )

    They've demolished the slum distric.

3. with deep reverence :  with deep respect or ( esp religious ) 

    People removed their hats with deep reverence. 

4. Twinkie had a Christian burial.

    a Christian burial : A Christian ceremony was performed when the little dog was buried. It is believed by the Christians that the soul of the dead can be handed over to God through this ceremony. This sentence is the Baptist minister's  indirect confession that he had inadvertently killed the poor dog, and now he wanted to unburden himself by telling the truth. The sentence also indicates the minister's attempt to redeem himself for his guilty feeling by providing a Christian burial for Twinkie.

Para 6

He then retired from the ministry.

1.retire:  1) to give up a position in an office,  occupation or career.

         He will retire from the army next year.

            2) to go to bed

          I decided to retire early with a book.

 [ idioms ] retire from sth. : to withdraw

        The boxer retired from the contest with eyes injuries.

       retire to : to retreat or go away

       After lunch he retired to her study.

withdraw   v 撤回   

  1. When the girl was crossing the street, she was knocked over by a car.
  2. The police resolved to take action to save the hostages ....
  3. Mr. Bennett could not bring himself to approve of his daughter's marriage.
  4. The visiting Prime Minister rose to his feet to deliver his speech
  5. It was getting dark and we went around the town in search for a missing child.
  6. When the violent wind swept the area, it ripped the roof from the new-built house.
  7. Since his assistant has taken over all his work, the manager will soon retire from his job.
  8. To provide clear information on the bus service, the tourism office has a city map mounted on a billboard.
  9. She lost her key somewhere on the way to station, so she had to retrace her steps to look for it.
  10. As the light suddenly went out, the audience had to grope their way out of the theatre.

assist v 协助 帮助  assistant n 助手            interfere v 干扰 妨碍    billboard n 广告牌      hostage n 人质  

  1. concern: be the business of sb. ; be important to ;  affect
    1.  e.g: Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you.
  2. when :  at or on which time
    1. e.g: The Queen's last visit was in May, when she opened the new hospital.
  3. bring oneself to : force or make oneself to do sth.
    1. e.g: She couldn't bring her self to tell them the tragic news.
  4. slip : lose one's balance and slide accidentally
    1. e.g: The climber's foot slipped, and she fell.
  5. resolve to do : resolute or determined to do sth.
    1. e.g.: I was fully resolved to see him.


a. The next topic concerns environmental protection, an important issue which every government should consider.

b. This story concerns a little girl called Alice, a lovely, pretty and charming child who has an amazing tour in a wonderland.

c. The first chapter of the book concerns the author's family life in his childhood, a period which has profound influenc on his later writing. 


a. He was about to fall asleep,  when a loud explosion violently shook him out of bed.

b. The thief was happily driving the stolen car out of the town, when it occurred to him all of a sudden that he had left his tool kit  at the car park exit. 

c. I was just going out when there was a knock at the door.


a. It is hard for his friends to understand how he could bring himself to leave his girlfriend.

b. I couldn't bring myself to tell her the bad news.

c. Can he bring himself to tell his father who has damaged the car?


a. Spotting the wallet on the pavement, the woman picked it up quickly and slipped it into her pocket.

b. I saw him slipping a note into her book. I'm sure he's in love with her.

c.  The spy slipped a little piece of paper into the empty cigarette packey and left the bar right away.


a. Once she resolves to do it, nothing can change her mind.

b. I resolved to work harder in the New Year.

c. The young man resolved to win the game and he practised very hard.

Section C

        Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43  with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.

academic  achievement                     tragic           commit suicide        device  n 设备    devise v 想出 


         Psychologists are finding that hope plays a surprisingly vital role in giving people a measurable advantage in realms as diverse as academic achievement, bearing up in tough jobs and coping with tragic illness. And , by contrast, the loss of hope is turning out to be a stronger sign that a person may commit suicide than other factors long thought to be more likely risks. 

    " Hope has proven a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we've done so far , ' ,said Dr.Charles R.Snyder, a psychologist whos has devised a scale to assess how much hope a person has.

    For example, in research with 3,920 college students, Dr. Snyder and his colleagues found that the level of hope among freshmen at the begining of their first semester was a more accurate predictor of their college grades that were their S.A.T. scores  or their grade point averages in high school,the two measures most commonly used to predict college performance.

     " Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to work to attain them," Dr.Snyder said. " When you compare students of equivalent intelligence and past academic achievements , what sets them apart is hope."

   In devising a way to assess hope scientifically, Dr. Snyder went beyond the simple notion that hope is merely the sense that everything will turn out all right. " That notion is not concrete enough, and it blurs two key components of hope,", Dr.Snyder said. Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.


CategoryDescribe Them
general appearancesmart,broad-shouldered,well-built,slim,slender,lean,thin,stout,plump,short,tall,medium-height
clothescasual, fashionable,simple,tasteful,coloured
charactercheerful, bad-tempered, intelligent, friendly, versatile, sociable, modest, sensitive, quiet.


1. He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately.

2. They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction

        a car coming from the opposite position.                steady adj 稳定的        steadily adv 稳定地

       groping for the light switch.              

       Owing to a shortage of staff,             staff n 员工      stuff n填充物

financial difficulties                     fulfill v 履行,实现             on schedule  按时            make room 腾出空地

3.He walked unsteadily along in the dark, groping for the light switch.

4.After three months' illness, he found it difficult to rise his feet again.

5. Owing to a shortage of staff, the task couldn't be fulfilled on schedule.

6.During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties.

7.When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.

8.He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himself from slipping.

Language Work

  1. The customer signed his name on a crisp new bank-note.
  2. All visitors were filled with reverence when they gazed at Niagara Falls - a true wonder of the nature.
  3. The next part of his speech concerns the development of local economy.
  4. Most houses in the coastal city were demolished by the earthquake last year.
  5. As the picture were badly smudged, they were of no use to the police.
  6. The plumber was to install all bathroom fixtures before the wall was painted.
  7. After twenty year's service in the army the General was very pleased to return to his beloved native town.
  8. Look! the boxer shows incredible strength, but he is a little clumsy and can't move swiftly in the ring.
  9. It is commonly assumed that there is no life on Mars.
  10. Clutching the rail, the old lady walked cautiously downstairs. clutch clutch clutch clutch 
  11. I didn't know that she got annoyed. Perhaps I had inadvertently hurt her in my talk.
  • cautious
  • inadvertently
  • fixture

Work with Sentences

1.When the girl was crossing the street, she was knocked over by a car.

2.The police were resolved to take action to save the hostages after the unsuccessful negotiations with the terrorists.

3.Mr.Bennett could not bring himself approve of his daughter's marriage.

4.The visiting Prime Minister rose to his feet to deliver his speech.

5.It was getting dark and we went around the town in search for a missing child.

6. When the violent wind swept the area, it ripped the roof from the newly-built house.

7. Since his assistant has taken over all his work, the old manager will retire from his job.

8.To provede clear information on the bus service, the tourism office has a city map mounted on a billboard.

9.She lost her key somwhere on the way to the station, so she had to retrace her steps to look for it.

10.As the light suddenly went out, the audience had to grope their way out of the theater.

Word Study

1. a. The next topic concerns environmental protection, an important issue which every governemnt should consider.

b. This story concerns a little girl called Alice, a lovely, pretty and charming child who discovers an amazing Wonderland.

c. The first charpter of the book concerns the author's family life in his childhood, a period which has a profound influence on his latter writing.











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