'''Implement a crawler program, grab the novel, save the novel content to a file'''
import requests
import bs4
import re
import time
# ButifulSoul4的缩写
# 1. 先构造一个 HTTP请求,把这个请求发送出去获取到响应
# 既能打开内容页,也能打开菜单页
def open_page(url):
# 'User-Agent':
response = requests.get(url)#,headers=headers)
# 手动将程序的解析的编码方式设定为 Gbk
response.ecncoding = 'gbk'
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"requests get {url}")
return response.text
def test1():
# 2. 根据内容进行解析
# 解析出每个章节的URL (a 标签中的解析)
def parse_main_page(html):
# a) 创建一个 soup 对象
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")
#找到所有 href 属性由6个连续的数字构成的url
charts = soup.find_all(href=re.compile(r'\d{6}.html'))
# c) 根据上一步的结果生成所有章节的 url 的列表
url_list = ['http://book.zongheng.com/chapter/841970/' + item['href'] for item in charts]
return url_list
def test2():
html = open_page('http://book.zongheng.com/chapter/841970/56888216.html')
# 要解析的详情页
def parse_detail_page(html):
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
content = soup.find(id_='content')[0].get.text()
return title,content
def test4():
html = open_page('http://book.zongheng.com/chapter/841970/56888216.html')
title,content = parse_detail_page(html)
print("title: ",title)
print("content: ",content)
def write_file(title,content):
with open("tmp.txt",'a',encoding='gbk',errors='ignore') as f:
f.write(title + '\n' + content + '\n\n\n\n')
def run():
url = "http://book.zongheng.com/chapter/841970/"
# 打开入口页面,并分析其中的所有详情页的 url
html = open_page(url)
url_list = parse_main_page(html)
# 2.遍历详情页的 url,依次分析每个详细内容页
for url in url_list:
print("crawler url: ",url)
detail_html = open_page(url)
title,content = parse_detail_page(detail_html)