Spring源码深度解析(郝佳)-学习-ASM 类字节码解析



package com.spring_1_100.test_31_40.test35_resource_inject;

public class MyTest35_1 {
    String str = "Welcome";
    private int x = 5;
    private static Integer in = 10;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyTest35_1 myTest35_1 = new MyTest35_1();
        in = 20;

    public void setX(int x) {
        this.x = x;


public void test() {
    ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:spring_1_100/config_31_40/spring35_resource_inject.xml");
    Boss boss = (Boss) ac.getBean("boss");

执行javac -verbose

Classfile /Users/quyixiao/project/spring_tiny/target/classes/com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1.class
  Last modified 2020-10-11; size 911 bytes
  MD5 checksum 4a1f4eae2b03a3a38505911fd4ffa3e4
  Compiled from "MyTest35_1.java"
public class com.spring_1_100.test_31_40.test35_resource_inject.MyTest35_1
  minor version: 0
  major version: 51
Constant pool:
   #1 = Methodref          #10.#34        // java/lang/Object."":()V
   #2 = String             #35            // Welcome
   #3 = Fieldref           #5.#36         // com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1.str:Ljava/lang/String;
   #4 = Fieldref           #5.#37         // com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1.x:I
   #5 = Class              #38            // com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1
   #6 = Methodref          #5.#34         // com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1."":()V
   #7 = Methodref          #5.#39         // com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1.setX:(I)V
   #8 = Methodref          #40.#41        // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
   #9 = Fieldref           #5.#42         // com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1.in:Ljava/lang/Integer;
  #10 = Class              #43            // java/lang/Object
  #11 = Utf8               str
  #12 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/String;
  #13 = Utf8               x
  #14 = Utf8               I
  #15 = Utf8               in
  #16 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/Integer;
  #17 = Utf8               
  #18 = Utf8               ()V
  #19 = Utf8               Code
  #20 = Utf8               LineNumberTable
  #21 = Utf8               LocalVariableTable
  #22 = Utf8               this
  #23 = Utf8               Lcom/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1;
  #24 = Utf8               main
  #25 = Utf8               ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
  #26 = Utf8               args
  #27 = Utf8               [Ljava/lang/String;
  #28 = Utf8               myTest35_1
  #29 = Utf8               setX
  #30 = Utf8               (I)V
  #31 = Utf8               
  #32 = Utf8               SourceFile
  #33 = Utf8               MyTest35_1.java
  #34 = NameAndType        #17:#18        // "":()V
  #35 = Utf8               Welcome
  #36 = NameAndType        #11:#12        // str:Ljava/lang/String;
  #37 = NameAndType        #13:#14        // x:I
  #38 = Utf8               com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1
  #39 = NameAndType        #29:#30        // setX:(I)V
  #40 = Class              #44            // java/lang/Integer
  #41 = NameAndType        #45:#46        // valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
  #42 = NameAndType        #15:#16        // in:Ljava/lang/Integer;
  #43 = Utf8               java/lang/Object
  #44 = Utf8               java/lang/Integer
  #45 = Utf8               valueOf
  #46 = Utf8               (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
  java.lang.String str;
    descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;

  public com.spring_1_100.test_31_40.test35_resource_inject.MyTest35_1();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0
         1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."":()V
         4: aload_0
         5: ldc           #2                  // String Welcome
         7: putfield      #3                  // Field str:Ljava/lang/String;
        10: aload_0
        11: iconst_5
        12: putfield      #4                  // Field x:I
        15: return
        line 3: 0
        line 4: 4
        line 5: 10
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0      16     0  this   Lcom/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1;

  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
      stack=2, locals=2, args_size=1
         0: new           #5                  // class com/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1
         3: dup
         4: invokespecial #6                  // Method "":()V
         7: astore_1
         8: aload_1
         9: bipush        8
        11: invokevirtual #7                  // Method setX:(I)V
        14: bipush        20
        16: invokestatic  #8                  // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
        19: putstatic     #9                  // Field in:Ljava/lang/Integer;
        22: return
        line 9: 0
        line 10: 8
        line 11: 14
        line 12: 22
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0      23     0  args   [Ljava/lang/String;
            8      15     1 myTest35_1   Lcom/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1;

  public void setX(int);
    descriptor: (I)V
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=2, args_size=2
         0: aload_0
         1: iload_1
         2: putfield      #4                  // Field x:I
         5: return
        line 15: 0
        line 16: 5
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
            0       6     0  this   Lcom/spring_1_100/test_31_40/test35_resource_inject/MyTest35_1;
            0       6     1     x   I

  static {};
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_STATIC
      stack=1, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: bipush        10
         2: invokestatic  #8                  // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
         5: putstatic     #9                  // Field in:Ljava/lang/Integer;
         8: return
        line 6: 0
SourceFile: "MyTest35_1.java"

在学习之前,还是和多前一样,来了解一下java类字节码结构 。
ClassFile {
        u4                 magic;
        u2                 minor_version;
        u2                 major_version;
        u2                 constant_pool_count;
        cp_info         constant_pool[constant_pool_count-1];
        u2                 access_flags;
        u2                 this_class;
        u2                 super_class;
        u2                 interfaces_count;
        u2                 interfaces[interfaces_count];
        u2                 fields_count;
        field_info       fields[fields_count];
        u2                 methods_count;
        method_info methods[methods_count];
        u2                 attributes_count;
        attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];

Class 文件结构中常量池中11种数据类型的结构总表

Class 文件结构中常量池中11种数据类型的结构总表
bytesU(length)长度为 length 的 UTF-8编码的字符串
bytesU4按照高位在前存储 int 值
bytesU4按照高位在前存储 float 值
bytesU8按照高位在前存储 long 值
bytesU8按照高位在前存储 double 值
indexU2指向字段描述符 CONSTANT_NameAndType_Info 的索引项
indexU2指向名称及类型描述符 CONSTANT_NameAndType_Info 的索引项
indexU2指向名称及类型描述符 CONSTANT_NameAndType_Info 的索引项


ACC_PUBLIC0x0001是否为Public类型class, field, method
ACC_PRIVATE0x0002是否为private类型class, field, method
ACC_PROTECTED0x0004是否为protected类型class, field, method
ACC_STATIC0x0008static 类型field, method
ACC_FINAL0x0010是否被声明为final,只有类可以设置class, field, method, parameter
ACC_NATIVE0x0100native 类型method
ACC_ABSTRACT0x0400是否为abstract类型,对于接口或者抽象类来说, 次标志值为真,其他类型为假class, method
ACC_SYNTHETIC0x1000标志这个类并非由用户代码产生class, field, method, parameter
ACC_ENUM0x4000标志这是一个枚举class(?) field inner
  1. 属性表结构
                   u2 access_flags; 0002
                   u2 name_index; 0006
                   u2 descriptor_index; 0006
                   u2 attributes_count; 0000
                   attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];

  2. 方法表结构
            u2         access_flags;
            u2         name_index;
            u2         descriptor_index;
            u2         attributes_count;
            attribute_info         attributes[attributes_count];

  3. 方法的属性结构,方法中每个属性都是一个 attribute_info 结构 ,JVM预定义了部分 attribute,但是编译器自己也可以实现了自己的 attribute 写入 class 文件里,供运行时使用。不同的 attribute 通过attribute_name_index 来区分。
            u2        attribute_name_index;
            u4        attribute_length;
            u1        info[attribute_length];

  4. Code结构:Code Attribute 的作用是保存该方法的结构,如所对应的字节码
    Code_attribute {
            u2        attribute_name_index;
            u4        attribute_length;
            u2        max_stack;
            u2        max_locals;
            u4        code_length;
            u1        code[code_length];
            u2        exception_table_length;
                    u2        start_pc;
                    u2        end_pc;
                    u2        handler_pc;
                    u2        catch_type;
            } exception_table[exception_table_lenght];
            u2        attributes_count;
            attribute_info        attributes[attributes_count];

  • attribute_length:表示 attribute所包含的字节数,不包含 attribute_name_index 和attribute_length 字段 。
  • max_stack:表示这个方法运行的任何时刻所能达到的操作数栈的最大深度。
  • max_locals:表示方法执行期间创建的局部变量的数目,包含用来表示传入的参数的局部变量。
  • code_length:表示该方法所包含的字节码的字节数以及具体的指令码。具体字节码即是该方法被调用时,虚拟机所执行的字节码。
  • exception_table:这里存放的是处理异常的信息。每个exception_table 表项由start_pc,end_pc,handler_pc,catch_type 组成
  • start_pc 和 end_pc :表示在 code数组中的从 start_pc 到 end_pc (包含 start_pc,不包含 end_pc) 的指令抛出的异常会由这个表项来处理。
  • handler_pc:表示处理异常的代码的开始处。 catch_type:表示会被处理的异常类型,它指向常量池里的一个异常类,当 catch_type 为0时,表示处理所有的异常。
  1. 附加属性
            LineNumberTable:这个属性用来表示 code 数组中的字节码和 Java 代码行数之间的关系,这个属性可以用来在调试的时候定位代码执行的行数。
    LineNumberTable 的结构录下:
                    u2        attribute_name_index;
                    u4        attribute_length;
                    u2        line_number_table_length;
                            u2        start_pc;
                            u2        line_number;

  2. 助记符

  • aload_0 = 42 (0x2a) : 将索引为0的元素推送到操作栈的栈顶。
  • invokespecial :调用实例方法,后面可以接参数。
  • iconst_<i>: 定义常量。
  • putfield:将栈顶的元素赋值。
  • return : 表示返回。


  SimpleMetadataReader(Resource resource, ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException {
    InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(resource.getInputStream());
    ClassReader classReader;
    try {
      classReader = new ClassReader(is);
    catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      throw new NestedIOException("ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - " +
          "probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet: " + resource, ex);
    finally {
    AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor visitor = new AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor(classLoader);
    classReader.accept(visitor, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG);

    this.annotationMetadata = visitor;
    this.classMetadata = visitor;
    this.resource = resource;


public ClassReader(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
    this(readClass(is, false));

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public ClassReader(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) {
    this.b = b;
    // checks the class version
    if (readShort(off + 6) > Opcodes.V1_8) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    // parses the constant pool
    readUnsignedShort()这个方法主要是计算索引及索引的下一位,2个字节的16进制数转化为10进制数,比如01 01 转化为10进制数为 257,
    items = new int[readUnsignedShort(off + 8)];
    int n = items.length;
    strings = new String[n];
    int max = 0;
    int index = off + 10;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
        items[i] = index + 1;
        int size;
        switch (b[index]) {
        //根据Class 文件结构中常量池中11种数据类型的结构总表中,得到属性,方法,int,float,CONSTANT_NameAndType_info等,这些类型都是占5个字节
        case ClassWriter.FIELD:
        case ClassWriter.METH:
        case ClassWriter.IMETH:
        case ClassWriter.INT:
        case ClassWriter.FLOAT:
        case ClassWriter.NAME_TYPE:
        case ClassWriter.INDY:
            size = 5;
        case ClassWriter.LONG:
        case ClassWriter.DOUBLE:
            size = 9;
        case ClassWriter.UTF8:
        	而接着后面两个字节是UTF8常量的所占字节数,因此,UTF8常量所占总字节数=1 + 2 + 字符串所占字节个数
            size = 3 + readUnsignedShort(index + 1);
            if (size > max) {
                max = size;
        case ClassWriter.HANDLE:
            size = 4;
        // case ClassWriter.CLASS:
        // case ClassWriter.STR:
        // case ClassWriter.MTYPE
            size = 3;
        index += size;
    maxStringLength = max;
    header = index;

到这里常量池终于记录完了,生成了一个items数组,数组记录每个常量池所在字节码处的下标,并用header记录常量池结束所在字节码所在的索引 。


public void accept(final ClassVisitor classVisitor, final int flags) {
    accept(classVisitor, new Attribute[0], flags);


public void accept(final ClassVisitor classVisitor,
        final Attribute[] attrs, final int flags) {
    int u = header; //常量池之后的第一个字节码索引
    char[] c = new char[maxStringLength]; //读UTF8常量的缓存变量,maxStringLength : UTF8常量的最大长度

    Context context = new Context();
    context.attrs = attrs;
    context.flags = flags;
    context.buffer = c;

   	//根据类的 类字节码文件完整结构 常量池之后的两个字节表示类的访问标志位,这里得到的是0x0021,根据访问标志位表,
    int access = readUnsignedShort(u);
    //根据 类字节码文件完整结构 知道访问标志位的后两位是当前类名 
    String name = readClass(u + 2, c);
    String superClass = readClass(u + 4, c);
    String[] interfaces = new String[readUnsignedShort(u + 6)];
    u += 8;
    for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; ++i) {
        interfaces[i] = readClass(u, c);
        u += 2;

    String signature = null;
    String sourceFile = null;
    String sourceDebug = null;
    String enclosingOwner = null;
    String enclosingName = null;
    String enclosingDesc = null;
    int anns = 0;
    int ianns = 0;
    int tanns = 0;
    int itanns = 0;
    int innerClasses = 0;
    Attribute attributes = null;
    u = getAttributes();
    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        String attrName = readUTF8(u + 2, c);
        if ("SourceFile".equals(attrName)) {
         	//如果属性名是源文件,则向后加8个字节,得到文件名,如图 源文件字节码结构,向后读取8个字节,得到源文件的名字     
            sourceFile = readUTF8(u + 8, c);
        } else if ("InnerClasses".equals(attrName)) {//如果是内部类
            innerClasses = u + 8;
        } else if ("EnclosingMethod".equals(attrName)) {
            enclosingOwner = readClass(u + 8, c);
            int item = readUnsignedShort(u + 10);
            if (item != 0) {
                enclosingName = readUTF8(items[item], c);
                enclosingDesc = readUTF8(items[item] + 2, c);
        } else if (SIGNATURES && "Signature".equals(attrName)) {
            signature = readUTF8(u + 8, c);
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {//如果包含注解
            anns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            tanns = u + 8;
        } else if ("Deprecated".equals(attrName)) {
            access |= Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED;
        } else if ("Synthetic".equals(attrName)) {
            access |= Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC
                    | ClassWriter.ACC_SYNTHETIC_ATTRIBUTE;
        } else if ("SourceDebugExtension".equals(attrName)) {
            int len = readInt(u + 4);
            sourceDebug = readUTF(u + 8, len, new char[len]);
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            ianns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            itanns = u + 8;
        } else if ("BootstrapMethods".equals(attrName)) {
            int[] bootstrapMethods = new int[readUnsignedShort(u + 8)];
            for (int j = 0, v = u + 10; j < bootstrapMethods.length; j++) {
                bootstrapMethods[j] = v;
                v += 2 + readUnsignedShort(v + 2) << 1;
            context.bootstrapMethods = bootstrapMethods;
        } else {
            Attribute attr = readAttribute(attrs, attrName, u + 8,
                    readInt(u + 4), c, -1, null);
            if (attr != null) {
                attr.next = attributes;
                attributes = attr;
        u += 6 + readInt(u + 4);

    //readInt(items[1] - 7) 主要得到jdk的版本号,为什么是-7,
    classVisitor.visit(readInt(items[1] - 7), access, name, signature,
            superClass, interfaces);
    // visits the source and debug info
    if ((flags & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0
            && (sourceFile != null || sourceDebug != null)) {
        classVisitor.visitSource(sourceFile, sourceDebug);

    // visits the outer class
    if (enclosingOwner != null) {
        classVisitor.visitOuterClass(enclosingOwner, enclosingName,

    if (ANNOTATIONS && anns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(anns), v = anns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                    classVisitor.visitAnnotation(readUTF8(v, c), true));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && ianns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(ianns), v = ianns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                    classVisitor.visitAnnotation(readUTF8(v, c), false));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && tanns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(tanns), v = tanns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationTarget(context, v);
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                            context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), true));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && itanns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(itanns), v = itanns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationTarget(context, v);
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                            context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), false));

    //如果类中包含atributes ,则访问attribute
    while (attributes != null) {
        Attribute attr = attributes.next;
        attributes.next = null;
        attributes = attr;

    if (innerClasses != 0) {
        int v = innerClasses + 2;
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(innerClasses); i > 0; --i) {
            classVisitor.visitInnerClass(readClass(v, c),
                    readClass(v + 2, c), readUTF8(v + 4, c),
                    readUnsignedShort(v + 6));
            v += 8;
    u = header + 10 + 2 * interfaces.length;
    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u - 2); i > 0; --i) {
        u = readField(classVisitor, context, u);
    u += 2;
    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u - 2); i > 0; --i) {
        u = readMethod(classVisitor, context, u);



private int getAttributes() {
    //跳过访问标志位(2) ,当前类(2),父类(2),接口数(2) ,接口(2 * 接口数)
    int u = header + 8 + readUnsignedShort(header + 6) * 2;
    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        for (int j = readUnsignedShort(u + 8); j > 0; --j) {
            u += 6 + readInt(u + 12);
        u += 8;
    u += 2;
    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        for (int j = readUnsignedShort(u + 8); j > 0; --j) {
            u += 6 + readInt(u + 12);
        u += 8;
    return u + 2;

此时,读取到方法的个数是4个。而在u+8,向后移动8个字节,再读取两个字节,表示方法属性个数,因此j = 1
而u + 12 如下图所示,表示方法属性所占的字节数。



public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String supername, String[] interfaces) {
  this.className = ClassUtils.convertResourcePathToClassName(name); //当前类的命名,将 "/" 替换成 "."
  //是否是接口,当前类的访问标志是0x0021,而ACC_INTERFACE 是0x0200,因此0x0021 & 0x0200 不是接口,下面其他的同理
  this.isInterface = ((access & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0);
  this.isAnnotation = ((access & Opcodes.ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0);
  this.isAbstract = ((access & Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0);
  this.isFinal = ((access & Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) != 0);
  if (supername != null && !this.isInterface) {
    this.superClassName = ClassUtils.convertResourcePathToClassName(supername);
  this.interfaces = new String[interfaces.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
    this.interfaces[i] = ClassUtils.convertResourcePathToClassName(interfaces[i]);


private int readField(final ClassVisitor classVisitor,
        final Context context, int u) {
    char[] c = context.buffer;
    int access = readUnsignedShort(u);
    String name = readUTF8(u + 2, c);
    String desc = readUTF8(u + 4, c);
    u += 6;

    String signature = null;
    int anns = 0;
    int ianns = 0;
    int tanns = 0;
    int itanns = 0;
    Object value = null;
    Attribute attributes = null;

    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        String attrName = readUTF8(u + 2, c);
        if ("ConstantValue".equals(attrName)) {
            int item = readUnsignedShort(u + 8);
            value = item == 0 ? null : readConst(item, c);
        } else if (SIGNATURES && "Signature".equals(attrName)) {
            signature = readUTF8(u + 8, c);
        } else if ("Deprecated".equals(attrName)) {
            access |= Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED;
        } else if ("Synthetic".equals(attrName)) {
            access |= Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC
                    | ClassWriter.ACC_SYNTHETIC_ATTRIBUTE;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            anns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            tanns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            ianns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            itanns = u + 8;
        } else {
            Attribute attr = readAttribute(context.attrs, attrName, u + 8,
                    readInt(u + 4), c, -1, null);
            if (attr != null) {
                attr.next = attributes;
                attributes = attr;
        u += 6 + readInt(u + 4);
    u += 2;
    FieldVisitor fv = classVisitor.visitField(access, name, desc,
            signature, value);
    if (fv == null) {
        return u;

    if (ANNOTATIONS && anns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(anns), v = anns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                    fv.visitAnnotation(readUTF8(v, c), true));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && ianns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(ianns), v = ianns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                    fv.visitAnnotation(readUTF8(v, c), false));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && tanns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(tanns), v = tanns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationTarget(context, v);
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                            context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), true));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && itanns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(itanns), v = itanns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationTarget(context, v);
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                            context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), false));

    while (attributes != null) {
        Attribute attr = attributes.next;
        attributes.next = null;
        attributes = attr;
    return u;


private int readMethod(final ClassVisitor classVisitor,
        final Context context, int u) {
    char[] c = context.buffer;
    context.access = readUnsignedShort(u);
    context.name = readUTF8(u + 2, c);
    //当前方法描述 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V ,表示传入String类型,方法返回值为void
    context.desc = readUTF8(u + 4, c);
    u += 6;
    int code = 0;
    int exception = 0;
    String[] exceptions = null;
    String signature = null;
    int methodParameters = 0;
    int anns = 0;
    int ianns = 0;
    int tanns = 0;
    int itanns = 0;
    int dann = 0;
    int mpanns = 0;
    int impanns = 0;
    int firstAttribute = u;
    Attribute attributes = null;

    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        String attrName = readUTF8(u + 2, c);
        if ("Code".equals(attrName)) {
            if ((context.flags & SKIP_CODE) == 0) {
                code = u + 8;
        } else if ("Exceptions".equals(attrName)) {
            exceptions = new String[readUnsignedShort(u + 8)];
            exception = u + 10;
            for (int j = 0; j < exceptions.length; ++j) {
                exceptions[j] = readClass(exception, c);
                exception += 2;
        } else if (SIGNATURES && "Signature".equals(attrName)) {
            signature = readUTF8(u + 8, c);
        } else if ("Deprecated".equals(attrName)) {
            context.access |= Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            anns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            tanns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS && "AnnotationDefault".equals(attrName)) {
            dann = u + 8;
        } else if ("Synthetic".equals(attrName)) {
            context.access |= Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC
                    | ClassWriter.ACC_SYNTHETIC_ATTRIBUTE;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            ianns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            itanns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            mpanns = u + 8;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            impanns = u + 8;
        } else if ("MethodParameters".equals(attrName)) {
            methodParameters = u + 8;
        } else {
            Attribute attr = readAttribute(context.attrs, attrName, u + 8,
                    readInt(u + 4), c, -1, null);
            if (attr != null) {
                attr.next = attributes;
                attributes = attr;
        u += 6 + readInt(u + 4);
    u += 2;

    MethodVisitor mv = classVisitor.visitMethod(context.access,
            context.name, context.desc, signature, exceptions);
    if (mv == null) {
        return u;

    /** 如果返回的MethodVisitor实际上是MethodWriter,则表示在读取器和编写器之间没有方法适配器。如果,在
    * 此外,写入程序的常量池是从该读取器复制的(兆瓦cw.cr==this),以及方法的签名和异常未更改,则可以跳过所有访问事件
    * 只需将方法的原始代码复制到编写器(访问、名称和描述符可以更改,但不是这样很重要,因为它们不是从读者那里复制的)。
    if (WRITER && mv instanceof MethodWriter) {
        MethodWriter mw = (MethodWriter) mv;
        if (mw.cw.cr == this &&
      (signature != null ? signature.equals(mw.signature) : mw.signature == null)) {
            boolean sameExceptions = false;
            if (exceptions == null) {
                sameExceptions = mw.exceptionCount == 0;
            } else if (exceptions.length == mw.exceptionCount) {
                sameExceptions = true;
                for (int j = exceptions.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
                    exception -= 2;
                    if (mw.exceptions[j] != readUnsignedShort(exception)) {
                        sameExceptions = false;
            if (sameExceptions) {
                 * we do not copy directly the code into MethodWriter to
                 * save a byte array copy operation. The real copy will be
                 * done in ClassWriter.toByteArray().
                mw.classReaderOffset = firstAttribute;
                mw.classReaderLength = u - firstAttribute;
                return u;

    if (methodParameters != 0) {
        for (int i = b[methodParameters] & 0xFF, v = methodParameters + 1; i > 0; --i, v = v + 4) {
            mv.visitParameter(readUTF8(v, c), readUnsignedShort(v + 2));

    if (ANNOTATIONS && dann != 0) {
        AnnotationVisitor dv = mv.visitAnnotationDefault();
        readAnnotationValue(dann, c, null, dv);
        if (dv != null) {
    if (ANNOTATIONS && anns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(anns), v = anns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                    mv.visitAnnotation(readUTF8(v, c), true));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && ianns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(ianns), v = ianns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                    mv.visitAnnotation(readUTF8(v, c), false));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && tanns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(tanns), v = tanns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationTarget(context, v);
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                            context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), true));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && itanns != 0) {
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(itanns), v = itanns + 2; i > 0; --i) {
            v = readAnnotationTarget(context, v);
            v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                            context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), false));
    if (ANNOTATIONS && mpanns != 0) {
        readParameterAnnotations(mv, context, mpanns, true);
    if (ANNOTATIONS && impanns != 0) {
        readParameterAnnotations(mv, context, impanns, false);

    while (attributes != null) {
        Attribute attr = attributes.next;
        attributes.next = null;
        attributes = attr;

    if (code != 0) {
        readCode(mv, context, code);


    return u;


private void readCode(final MethodVisitor mv, final Context context, int u) {
    byte[] b = this.b;
    char[] c = context.buffer;
    int maxStack = readUnsignedShort(u);
    int maxLocals = readUnsignedShort(u + 2);
    int codeLength = readInt(u + 4);
    u += 8;

    int codeStart = u;
    int codeEnd = u + codeLength;
    Label[] labels = context.labels = new Label[codeLength + 2];
    readLabel(codeLength + 1, labels);
    while (u < codeEnd) {
        int offset = u - codeStart;
        //得到Code操作指令码 ,下面的循环具体解析如下图 ,指令码相关图
        int opcode = b[u] & 0xFF;
        switch (ClassWriter.TYPE[opcode]) {
        case ClassWriter.NOARG_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.IMPLVAR_INSN:
            u += 1;
        case ClassWriter.LABEL_INSN:
            readLabel(offset + readShort(u + 1), labels);
            u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.LABELW_INSN:
            readLabel(offset + readInt(u + 1), labels);
            u += 5;
        case ClassWriter.WIDE_INSN:
            opcode = b[u + 1] & 0xFF;
            if (opcode == Opcodes.IINC) {
                u += 6;
            } else {
                u += 4;
        case ClassWriter.TABL_INSN:
            // skips 0 to 3 padding bytes
            u = u + 4 - (offset & 3);
            // reads instruction
            readLabel(offset + readInt(u), labels);
            for (int i = readInt(u + 8) - readInt(u + 4) + 1; i > 0; --i) {
                readLabel(offset + readInt(u + 12), labels);
                u += 4;
            u += 12;
        case ClassWriter.LOOK_INSN:
            // skips 0 to 3 padding bytes
            u = u + 4 - (offset & 3);
            // reads instruction
            readLabel(offset + readInt(u), labels);
            for (int i = readInt(u + 4); i > 0; --i) {
                readLabel(offset + readInt(u + 12), labels);
                u += 8;
            u += 8;
        case ClassWriter.VAR_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.SBYTE_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.LDC_INSN:
            u += 2;
        case ClassWriter.SHORT_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.LDCW_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.FIELDORMETH_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.TYPE_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.IINC_INSN:
            u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.ITFMETH_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.INDYMETH_INSN:
            u += 5;
        // case MANA_INSN:
            u += 4;

    // reads the try catch entries to find the labels, and also visits them
    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        Label start = readLabel(readUnsignedShort(u + 2), labels);
        Label end = readLabel(readUnsignedShort(u + 4), labels);
        Label handler = readLabel(readUnsignedShort(u + 6), labels);
        String type = readUTF8(items[readUnsignedShort(u + 8)], c);
        mv.visitTryCatchBlock(start, end, handler, type);
        u += 8;
    u += 2;

    //reads the code attributes
    int[] tanns = null; //每个可见类型批注的起始索引
    int[] itanns = null; //每个不可见类型批注的起始索引
    int tann = 0; //tanns数组中的当前索引
    int itann = 0;//itanns数组中的当前索引
    int ntoff = -1; //下一个可见类型批注代码偏移量
    int nitoff = -1; //下一个不可见类型批注代码偏移量
    int varTable = 0;
    int varTypeTable = 0;
    boolean zip = true;
    boolean unzip = (context.flags & EXPAND_FRAMES) != 0;
    int stackMap = 0;
    int stackMapSize = 0;
    int frameCount = 0;
    Context frame = null;
    Attribute attributes = null;

    for (int i = readUnsignedShort(u); i > 0; --i) {
        String attrName = readUTF8(u + 2, c);
        if ("LocalVariableTable".equals(attrName)) {
            if ((context.flags & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0) {
                varTable = u + 8;
                for (int j = readUnsignedShort(u + 8), v = u; j > 0; --j) {
                    int label = readUnsignedShort(v + 10);
                    if (labels[label] == null) {
                        readLabel(label, labels).status |= Label.DEBUG;
                    label += readUnsignedShort(v + 12);
                    if (labels[label] == null) {
                        readLabel(label, labels).status |= Label.DEBUG;
                    v += 10;
        } else if ("LocalVariableTypeTable".equals(attrName)) {
            varTypeTable = u + 8;
        } else if ("LineNumberTable".equals(attrName)) {
            if ((context.flags & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0) {
                for (int j = readUnsignedShort(u + 8), v = u; j > 0; --j) {
                    int label = readUnsignedShort(v + 10);
                    if (labels[label] == null) {
                        readLabel(label, labels).status |= Label.DEBUG;
                    Label l = labels[label];
                    while (l.line > 0) {
                        if (l.next == null) {
                            l.next = new Label();
                        l = l.next;
                    l.line = readUnsignedShort(v + 12);
                    v += 4;
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            tanns = readTypeAnnotations(mv, context, u + 8, true);
            ntoff = tanns.length == 0 || readByte(tanns[0]) < 0x43 ? -1
                    : readUnsignedShort(tanns[0] + 1);
        } else if (ANNOTATIONS
                && "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations".equals(attrName)) {
            itanns = readTypeAnnotations(mv, context, u + 8, false);
            nitoff = itanns.length == 0 || readByte(itanns[0]) < 0x43 ? -1
                    : readUnsignedShort(itanns[0] + 1);
        } else if (FRAMES && "StackMapTable".equals(attrName)) {
            if ((context.flags & SKIP_FRAMES) == 0) {
                stackMap = u + 10;
                stackMapSize = readInt(u + 4);
                frameCount = readUnsignedShort(u + 8);
        } else if (FRAMES && "StackMap".equals(attrName)) {
            if ((context.flags & SKIP_FRAMES) == 0) {
                zip = false;
                stackMap = u + 10;
                stackMapSize = readInt(u + 4);
                frameCount = readUnsignedShort(u + 8);
             * IMPORTANT! here we assume that the frames are ordered, as in
             * the StackMapTable attribute, although this is not guaranteed
             * by the attribute format.
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < context.attrs.length; ++j) {
                if (context.attrs[j].type.equals(attrName)) {
                    Attribute attr = context.attrs[j].read(this, u + 8,
                            readInt(u + 4), c, codeStart - 8, labels);
                    if (attr != null) {
                        attr.next = attributes;
                        attributes = attr;
        u += 6 + readInt(u + 4);
    u += 2;

    // generates the first (implicit) stack map frame
    if (FRAMES && stackMap != 0) {
         * for the first explicit frame the offset is not offset_delta + 1
         * but only offset_delta; setting the implicit frame offset to -1
         * allow the use of the "offset_delta + 1" rule in all cases
        frame = context;
        frame.offset = -1;
        frame.mode = 0;
        frame.localCount = 0;
        frame.localDiff = 0;
        frame.stackCount = 0;
        frame.local = new Object[maxLocals];
        frame.stack = new Object[maxStack];
        if (unzip) {
         * Finds labels for UNINITIALIZED frame types. Instead of decoding
         * each element of the stack map table, we look for 3 consecutive
         * bytes that "look like" an UNINITIALIZED type (tag 8, offset
         * within code bounds, NEW instruction at this offset). We may find
         * false positives (i.e. not real UNINITIALIZED types), but this
         * should be rare, and the only consequence will be the creation of
         * an unneeded label. This is better than creating a label for each
         * NEW instruction, and faster than fully decoding the whole stack
         * map table.
        for (int i = stackMap; i < stackMap + stackMapSize - 2; ++i) {
            if (b[i] == 8) { // UNINITIALIZED FRAME TYPE
                int v = readUnsignedShort(i + 1);
                if (v >= 0 && v < codeLength) {
                    if ((b[codeStart + v] & 0xFF) == Opcodes.NEW) {
                        readLabel(v, labels);

    // visits the instructions
    u = codeStart;
    while (u < codeEnd) {
        int offset = u - codeStart;

        // visits the label and line number for this offset, if any
        Label l = labels[offset];
        if (l != null) {
            Label next = l.next;
            l.next = null;
            if ((context.flags & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0 && l.line > 0) {
                mv.visitLineNumber(l.line, l);
                while (next != null) {
                    mv.visitLineNumber(next.line, l);
                    next = next.next;

        // visits the frame for this offset, if any
        while (FRAMES && frame != null
                && (frame.offset == offset || frame.offset == -1)) {
            // if there is a frame for this offset, makes the visitor visit
            // it, and reads the next frame if there is one.
            if (frame.offset != -1) {
                if (!zip || unzip) {
                    mv.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_NEW, frame.localCount,
                            frame.local, frame.stackCount, frame.stack);
                } else {
                    mv.visitFrame(frame.mode, frame.localDiff, frame.local,
                            frame.stackCount, frame.stack);
            if (frameCount > 0) {
                stackMap = readFrame(stackMap, zip, unzip, frame);
            } else {
                frame = null;

        // visits the instruction at this offset
        int opcode = b[u] & 0xFF;
        switch (ClassWriter.TYPE[opcode]) {
        case ClassWriter.NOARG_INSN:
            u += 1;
        case ClassWriter.IMPLVAR_INSN:
            if (opcode > Opcodes.ISTORE) {
                opcode -= 59; // ISTORE_0
                mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE + (opcode >> 2),
                        opcode & 0x3);
            } else {
                opcode -= 26; // ILOAD_0
                mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD + (opcode >> 2), opcode & 0x3);
            u += 1;
        case ClassWriter.LABEL_INSN:
            mv.visitJumpInsn(opcode, labels[offset + readShort(u + 1)]);
            u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.LABELW_INSN:
            mv.visitJumpInsn(opcode - 33, labels[offset + readInt(u + 1)]);
            u += 5;
        case ClassWriter.WIDE_INSN:
            opcode = b[u + 1] & 0xFF;
            if (opcode == Opcodes.IINC) {
                mv.visitIincInsn(readUnsignedShort(u + 2), readShort(u + 4));
                u += 6;
            } else {
                mv.visitVarInsn(opcode, readUnsignedShort(u + 2));
                u += 4;
        case ClassWriter.TABL_INSN: {
            // skips 0 to 3 padding bytes
            u = u + 4 - (offset & 3);
            // reads instruction
            int label = offset + readInt(u);
            int min = readInt(u + 4);
            int max = readInt(u + 8);
            Label[] table = new Label[max - min + 1];
            u += 12;
            for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
                table[i] = labels[offset + readInt(u)];
                u += 4;
            mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(min, max, labels[label], table);
        case ClassWriter.LOOK_INSN: {
            // skips 0 to 3 padding bytes
            u = u + 4 - (offset & 3);
            // reads instruction
            int label = offset + readInt(u);
            int len = readInt(u + 4);
            int[] keys = new int[len];
            Label[] values = new Label[len];
            u += 8;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                keys[i] = readInt(u);
                values[i] = labels[offset + readInt(u + 4)];
                u += 8;
            mv.visitLookupSwitchInsn(labels[label], keys, values);
        case ClassWriter.VAR_INSN:
            mv.visitVarInsn(opcode, b[u + 1] & 0xFF);
            u += 2;
        case ClassWriter.SBYTE_INSN:
            mv.visitIntInsn(opcode, b[u + 1]);
            u += 2;
        case ClassWriter.SHORT_INSN:
            mv.visitIntInsn(opcode, readShort(u + 1));
            u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.LDC_INSN:
            mv.visitLdcInsn(readConst(b[u + 1] & 0xFF, c));
            u += 2;
        case ClassWriter.LDCW_INSN:
            mv.visitLdcInsn(readConst(readUnsignedShort(u + 1), c));
            u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.FIELDORMETH_INSN:
        case ClassWriter.ITFMETH_INSN: {
            int cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(u + 1)];
            boolean itf = b[cpIndex - 1] == ClassWriter.IMETH;
            String iowner = readClass(cpIndex, c);
            cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(cpIndex + 2)];
            String iname = readUTF8(cpIndex, c);
            String idesc = readUTF8(cpIndex + 2, c);
            if (opcode < Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
                mv.visitFieldInsn(opcode, iowner, iname, idesc);
            } else {
                mv.visitMethodInsn(opcode, iowner, iname, idesc, itf);
            if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE) {
                u += 5;
            } else {
                u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.INDYMETH_INSN: {
            int cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(u + 1)];
            int bsmIndex = context.bootstrapMethods[readUnsignedShort(cpIndex)];
            Handle bsm = (Handle) readConst(readUnsignedShort(bsmIndex), c);
            int bsmArgCount = readUnsignedShort(bsmIndex + 2);
            Object[] bsmArgs = new Object[bsmArgCount];
            bsmIndex += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < bsmArgCount; i++) {
                bsmArgs[i] = readConst(readUnsignedShort(bsmIndex), c);
                bsmIndex += 2;
            cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(cpIndex + 2)];
            String iname = readUTF8(cpIndex, c);
            String idesc = readUTF8(cpIndex + 2, c);
            mv.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(iname, idesc, bsm, bsmArgs);
            u += 5;
        case ClassWriter.TYPE_INSN:
            mv.visitTypeInsn(opcode, readClass(u + 1, c));
            u += 3;
        case ClassWriter.IINC_INSN:
            mv.visitIincInsn(b[u + 1] & 0xFF, b[u + 2]);
            u += 3;
        // case MANA_INSN:
            mv.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(readClass(u + 1, c), b[u + 3] & 0xFF);
            u += 4;

        // visit the instruction annotations, if any
        while (tanns != null && tann < tanns.length && ntoff <= offset) {
            if (ntoff == offset) {
                int v = readAnnotationTarget(context, tanns[tann]);
                readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                                context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), true));
            ntoff = ++tann >= tanns.length || readByte(tanns[tann]) < 0x43 ? -1
                    : readUnsignedShort(tanns[tann] + 1);
        while (itanns != null && itann < itanns.length && nitoff <= offset) {
            if (nitoff == offset) {
                int v = readAnnotationTarget(context, itanns[itann]);
                readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                                context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), false));
            nitoff = ++itann >= itanns.length
                    || readByte(itanns[itann]) < 0x43 ? -1
                    : readUnsignedShort(itanns[itann] + 1);
    if (labels[codeLength] != null) {

    // visits the local variable tables
    if ((context.flags & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0 && varTable != 0) {
        int[] typeTable = null;
        if (varTypeTable != 0) {
            u = varTypeTable + 2;
            typeTable = new int[readUnsignedShort(varTypeTable) * 3];
            for (int i = typeTable.length; i > 0;) {
                typeTable[--i] = u + 6; // signature
                typeTable[--i] = readUnsignedShort(u + 8); // index
                typeTable[--i] = readUnsignedShort(u); // start
                u += 10;
        u = varTable + 2;
        for (int i = readUnsignedShort(varTable); i > 0; --i) {
            int start = readUnsignedShort(u);
            int length = readUnsignedShort(u + 2);
            int index = readUnsignedShort(u + 8);
            String vsignature = null;
            if (typeTable != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < typeTable.length; j += 3) {
                    if (typeTable[j] == start && typeTable[j + 1] == index) {
                        vsignature = readUTF8(typeTable[j + 2], c);
            mv.visitLocalVariable(readUTF8(u + 4, c), readUTF8(u + 6, c),
                    vsignature, labels[start], labels[start + length],
            u += 10;

    // visits the local variables type annotations
    if (tanns != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < tanns.length; ++i) {
            if ((readByte(tanns[i]) >> 1) == (0x40 >> 1)) {
                int v = readAnnotationTarget(context, tanns[i]);
                v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                                context.typePath, context.start,
                                context.end, context.index, readUTF8(v, c),
    if (itanns != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < itanns.length; ++i) {
            if ((readByte(itanns[i]) >> 1) == (0x40 >> 1)) {
                int v = readAnnotationTarget(context, itanns[i]);
                v = readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
                                context.typePath, context.start,
                                context.end, context.index, readUTF8(v, c),

    // visits the code attributes
    while (attributes != null) {
        Attribute attr = attributes.next;
        attributes.next = null;
        attributes = attr;

    // visits the max stack and max locals values
    mv.visitMaxs(maxStack, maxLocals);

在这个方法中,当打断点调用时,只是将u + n个值,其他的,也没有发现过多的访问。


  1. 创建items数组记录所有常量池中每一个常量的起始位置
  2. 从字节码中获取类的访问标识
  3. 获取类名
  4. 获取父类名
  5. 获取接口数
  6. 获取所有的接口名称
  7. 根据访问标识,得到类是不是抽象,是不是final,是不是接口。
  8. 跳过所有的属性和方法索引,获取源文件名称
  9. 解析类的所有属性
  10. 解析类的所有方法

本次解析,只是从代码的角度来了解类字节码的结构,以及是如何解析的。方便以后关于Spring是如何通过ASM 来获取类,方法,以及属性的注解。从而来实现bean的定义的创建。


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