
This article is extracted from POSA2 as my reading note.

The Proactor architectural pattern allows event-driven applications to efficiently demultiplex and dispatch service requests triggered by the completion of asynchronous operations, to achieve the performance benefits of concurrency without incurring certain of its liabilities.

The Proactor pattern can be considered an asynchronous variant of the synchronous Reactor pattern. The Reactor pattern is responsible for demultiplexing and dispatching multiple event handlers that are triggered when it is possible to invoke an operation synchronous without blocking. In contrast, the Proactor pattern supports the demultiplexing and dispatching of multiple completion handlers that are triggered by the completion of operations that execute asynchronously.

The Proactor pattern includes nine participants:

Handles: Handles are provided by operating systems to identify entities, such as network connections or open files, that can generate completion events. Completion events are generated either in response to external service requests, such as connection or data requests arriving from remote applications, or in response to operations an application generates internally, such as time-outs or asynchronous I/O system calls.

Asynchronous operations: Asynchronous operations represent potentially long-duration operations that are used in the implementation of services, such as reading and writing data asynchronously via a socket handle. After an asynchronous operation  is invoked, it executes without blocking its caller's thread of control. Thus, the caller can perform other operations. If an operation must wait for application, its execution will be deferred until the event arrives.

Completion handler: A completion handler specifies an interface that consists of one or more hook methods. These methods represent the set of operations available for processing information returned in the application-specific completion events that are generated when asynchronous operations finish executing.

Concrete completion handlers: Concrete completion handlers specialize the completion handler to define a particular application service by implementing the inherited hook methods. These hook methods process the results contained in the completion events they receive when the asynchronous operations associated with the completion handler finish executing. A concrete completion handler is associated with a handle that it can use to invoke asynchronous operations itself.

Asynchronous operation processor: Asynchronous operations are invoked on a particular handle and run to completion by an aynchronous operation processor, which is often implemented by an operating system kernel.

Completion event queue:
When an asynchronous operation finishs executing the asynchronous operation processor generates the corresponding completion event. It inserts this event into the completion event queue associated with the handle upon which the operation was invoked. This queue buffers completion events while they wait to be demultiplexed to their associated completion handler.

Asynchronous event demultiplexer: An asynchronous event demultiplexer is a function that waits for completion events to be inserted into a completion event queue when an asynchronous operation has finished executing. The asynchronous event demultiplexer function then removes one or more completion event results from the queue and returns to its caller.

Proactor: A proactor provides an event loop for an application process or thread. In this event loop, a proactor calls an asynchronous event demultiplexer to wait for completion events to occur. When an event arrives the asynchronous event demultiplexer returns. The proactor then demultiplexes the event to its associated completion handler and dispatches the appropriate hook method on the handler to process the results of the completion event.

Initiator: An initiator is an entity local to an application that invokes asynchronous operations on an asynchronous operation processor. The initiator often processes the results of the asynchronous operations it invokes, in which case it also plays the role of a concrete completion handler.





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