1:sudo service network-manager stop
2:sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
3:sudo service network-manager start
来自 http://www.ehow.com/info_12058752_networking-disabled-ubuntu.html
Right-click the desktop and choose the "Open in Terminal" option to open a terminal window. Type "ifconfig -a" to view the status of the network interfaces. The ifconfig command is used to configure the network interfaces and to show the status of the interfaces. There should at least be an entry for the "lo," or loopback interface in the output of the command. There should also be an entry for "eth0", the Ethernet interface and "wlan0", the wireless card, if you have one. On some systems, the wireless may be called "eth1," rather than "wlan0." The string "inet addr" followed by the IP address of the interface is visible in the second line of the output for any connected interfaces.
Starting an Interface
If the interface is shown in the output of the ifconfig command, it may need to be activated manually. The command to activate an Ethernet interface is "sudo ifconfig eth0 up". The command to activate a wireless interface is "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "network"". Replace "network" with the name of the wireless network you want to connect to. Type "ifconfig -a" again to make sure that the interface was activated correctly. If the interface wasn't given an IP address, type "sudo dhclient eth0" or "sudo dhclient wlan0" to request one from the router or DHCP server.
Networking Service
If the ifconfig output doesn't show the loopback (lo) interface or any other network interface, it's likely that the networking service was never started during the boot process or was stopped manually. Type the command "sudo service --status-all" and look for the "networking" line. The "-" character at the beginning of the line means that the service isn't running. Type the command "sudo service networking start" to start the service.
If the loopback device is visible, but one of the other interfaces isn't shown, the kernel may not recognize the device. Type the command "dmesg | grep "eth0"" or "dmesg | grep wlan0"" to see the kernel messages for the device. If there's no output from the command, the device wasn't recognized by the kernel during the boot process. If the device was never recognized, it may require a third-party driver. If the device was working, then stopped, the problem is probably hardware-based, or the kernel module for that device was disabled.
When everything looks as if it's working correctly, test it with the ping command. Type "ping google.com" or "ping yahoo.com" to test your connection. The ping command transmits a request to the address given and waits for a response. If the output indicates "unknown host" or if you get no response from the server, your router is probably the source of the problem. Ping the router directly by typing the command "ping". Replace "" with the IP address of the router. If the router has no response, the Ethernet cable is bad or the router is no longer online.
Read more: Networking Is Disabled in Ubuntu | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_12058752_networking-disabled-ubuntu.html#ixzz2SCvFXYW2