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原创 问题录

1、内核中这个KERN_INFO定义方法是什么意思?          static char banner[] __initdata = KERN_INFO "S3C2410 Watchdog Timer/n";  

2010-11-17 09:34:00 1161

原创 Python语言使用备忘

编写软件界面的方法备注:python官网:http://www.python.org/ (可以搜索任何你需要的东西)python是个好语言工具,就像csdn一直是最好的技术forge一样。python可以做脚本,可以写界面,可以。。。下面列举可能用到的功能:1、scons:用python写的自动化构建工具,用来替代GNUmake的,类似autoconf、automake,它更简洁、

2013-07-10 09:44:58 746

原创 硬实时与软实时


2013-06-12 14:49:39 4358

原创 C 99 变长数组(不完整数组)的支持

在标准 C 或者 C++ 中由于不支持 0 长度的数组,所以 int array[0]; 这样的定义是非法的。不过有些编译器的扩展功能支持 0 长度的数组。在 C 中,0 长度的数组的主要用途是用来作为结构体的最后一个成员,然后用它来访问此结构体对象之后的一段内存(通常是动态分配的内存)。由于其非标准性,在程序中尽量避免使用 0 长度的数组。作为替换,可以使用 C99 标准中的不完整数组来

2011-10-29 14:00:01 808

原创 汇编问题录

<br />1、ldr r13,=0x1000 <br /><br />对于ldr r13,=0x1000的解释<br />有“=”号表示ldr是一个伪指令。 <br />ldr r13,=0x1000     //表示把立即数0x1000送入r13,0x1000=4KB代表bootloader结束处  <br />r13是stack pointer,因为后面要跳到LedMain,这个function是用c写的,所以必须要事先分配stack,否则c程序没法运行。给r13赋值就是分配stack,对跑马灯来说只

2010-12-15 10:38:00 816

原创 TE2440II-bootloader-2440init.s

<br />;2410Init.s包括了板子上电后的初始话,具体有几个步骤:<br />;讲述S3C2410启动程序设计<br />;1.       屏蔽所有中断,关看门狗。<br />;2.       根据工作频率设置PLL寄存器<br />;3.       初始化存储控制相关寄存器<br />;4.       初始化各模式下的栈指针<br />;5.       设置缺省中断处理函数<br />;6.       将数据段拷贝到RAM中,将零初始化数据段清零<br />;7.       跳转到

2010-12-09 17:34:00 1180

原创 TE2440II-bootloader-memcfg.inc

<br /><br />;此文件被2440init.s包含(GET memcfg.inc)<br />;本文件主要配置内存的各个变量,供2440init.s使用<br /> <br />;************************************************<br />; NAME    : MEMCFG.A<br />; DESC   : Memory bank configuration file<br />; Revision: 02.28.2002 ver 0.0<br /

2010-12-09 11:38:00 1100

原创 TE2440II-bootloader-option.inc

;这个Option.inc文件主要是为设置时钟服务的,选择好分频系数。包括(cpu选择,晶振选择,fclk,hclk,pclk);===========================================; NAME: OPTION.A; DESC: Configuration options for .S files; HISTORY:; 02.28.2002: ver 0.0; 03.11.2003: ver 0.0 attached for 2440.; jan E, 2004: ver0

2010-12-09 11:08:00 1398

原创 te2440使用dnw下载的时候地址为何设置为0x30800000

我看了te2440的bootloader源码,那个0x30800000并非在te2440的bootloader中规定的,而是当电脑的dnw向2440发送数据的时候,最先的4个字节是要下载到SDRAM的地址,接着后4个字节是要下载的数据的大小(这一步是在usb的中断中判断的,/usbout.c中的Ep3Handler())。在option.h中看到如sdram分部://64MB// 0x30000000 ~ 0x30ffffff : Download Area (16MB) Cacheable// 0x310

2010-12-08 14:23:00 3000

原创 TE2440II内核移植笔记--redxu

TE2440开发板内核移植笔记参考:http://bbs.witech.com.cn/thread-468-1-1.html宿主机:fedora9目标机:s3c2440交叉编译器:arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2交叉编译器路径:/usr/local/arm/4.3.2要移植的内核版本:linux-文件系统类型: yaffs2(后续移植)移植内核要求:驱动包括nandflash,usb,lcd,rtc.笔记作者:redxu下载内核linux-

2010-11-19 11:07:00 1145 1

原创 就先叫笔记吧


2010-11-11 17:58:00 1328

原创 HMI(智能串口显示终端)调试笔记--(北京迪文科技)

HMI(智能串口显示终端)调试笔记--(北京迪文科技)----by redxuHMI屏型号:DMT64480T056_O1WT公司:北京迪文科技有限公司调试软件:串口调试助手SSCOM3.2话说迪文的HMI号称是“复杂的触控界面由迪文HMI来处理完成,无需用户软件过多干涉,使界面和控制真正分离,简化软件设计”,但我觉得这还不如我的QT来的快!但谁让公司要用它呢,没办法,啃吧。迪文的服务还是不错的,昨天打电话咨询屏幕上那个按键接法的时候, 态度还是很热心的,电话也是免费的。迪文的配套资料和教程真的不怎么的,比

2010-11-10 14:49:00 15597 1

原创 位移溢出问题

<br />“    今天调试程序,调出来个问题,就是左移溢出的问题。<br />unsigned short COM_BUFB[2048];<br />if( !( ((COM_BUFB[k+1]<<16) + COM_BUFB[k] ) == 0 || ((COM_BUFB[k+1]<<16) +COM_BUFB[k])==0xfffffff7 ) ) <br />其中,COM_BUFB是个16位的数组,COM_BUFB[k+1]<<16的结果就是0了。遂,错误。”<br /> <br />以前想法有些

2010-10-29 14:10:00 8630

原创 小记csdn安家(2010.10.26)

<br />自我简介:<br />          李洪旭,河北保定人。2010年毕业于延安大学,现居住在北京海淀,服务于一家电子产品研发公司。<br />职      业:<br />          嵌入式linux软件工程师<br /> <br /> <br />      今天开始,我在csdn上安家了。csdn是一个充满活力的地方,是一个能够交流技术经验的地方,也是一个能够结交朋友的地方。所以今天选定了csdn,以前也有技术博客,但常感交流不便。希望这是一个充满意义的转折,也是职业生涯的一个好

2010-10-26 13:54:00 708


德州仪器 最新近距离无线网络协议 SimpliciTI 1 www.ti.com/simpliciti © 2009-2011 All Rights Reserved. Version 1.2.0 Minimum required versions for IDEs to support Version 1.1.1 are as follows: ƒ IAR IDE MSP430 V5.30.4 ƒ IAR IDE 8051 V7.60.7 ƒ CCS IDE (not supported in version 1.2.0) 2. Support for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) signaling has been added. This includes a network wide PLL application (nwk_pll) which is now part of the standard SimpliciTI distribution. Enabling FHSS turns on this PLL application and also utilizes a single timer for continuous operation. ƒ Sleeping nodes are not currently supported for FHSS systems. ƒ Included FHSS_ACTIVE( ) macro to support compilation of projects with and without FHSS enabled. ƒ Increased logical channel table to 25 channels when FHSS enabled. 3. Additional generalized timing features added when MRFI_TIMER_ALWAYS_ACTIVE macro is defined. ƒ Get/Set 1ms event hooks for user time management. ƒ Function to Get/Set time. ƒ Function to calculate difference between two times. 4. Function to do generalized timing with semaphore testing capabilities. Available with and without the MRFI_TIMER_ALWAYS_ACTIVE macro. 5. Added the UART Bridge project for all platforms. ƒ Added a UART driver for support of the UART Bridge projects. ƒ Added code to support access to register fields for UART registers. 6. Added code to prioritize interrupts on the 8051 SoC devices as follows ƒ Highest priority – timer interrupt ƒ Medium priority – UART interrupts ƒ Lowest priority – Radio interrupt ƒ Remaining interrupt groups were not assigned a specified priority. 7. Modified radio interrupt code on MSP430 based systems including the CC430 to re-enable global interrupts and disable only the radio interrupt allowing other interrupts to pre-empt the radio interrupt. 8. Increased project coverage for all radios supportable on each platform. For example, the SRF05-MSP platform now supports the CC2500, CC1100, CC1100E, and CC1101 as well as the CC2520 radios. 9. Added additional bit field manipulation macros BF_CLR , BF_SET , and BF_GET . 10. Increased MAX_NWK_PAYLOAD to 34 bytes in configuration files to support NWK_PLL application packets. SimpliciTI 2 www.ti.com/simpliciti © 2009-2011 All Rights Reserved. 11. Bug Fixes ƒ Added timeout function to while loops in transmit functions. Occasionally the radio would not indicate the transition out of transmit mode (more prevalent with high radio traffic) thus causing the system to hang in the while loop waiting for this event. ƒ Added ISR code to manage priority inversion due to bug in 8051 XCH instruction ƒ Initialized pointers in nwk_QfindOldest function. Uninitialized pointers caused invalid address comparisons for certain packet types. ƒ Correctly Free connection table status in nwk_link function. Failure to free connection table entry when link packet failed to be transmitted caused connection table entries to be exhausted and unusable. ƒ Correctly modify frame queue status for incoming frames which fail security decoding. Failure to correctly adjust the frame queue status exhausted all frames resulting in no frames being able to be received. ƒ Properly remove forwarded frames from queue. Failure to do so left the frame in the queue. Enough of these events could exhaust the queue for transmits



奶奶的 ,有个版本分太高了,来个低分的。BusHound_v6.0破解版.rar



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