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原创 Kernel Module with /proc/sys support

#include #include #include MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL");unsigned int hello_log;static ctl_table powersave_nap_ctl_table[]={    {        .ctl_name   = KERN_PPC_POWERSAVE_NAP,        .

2009-07-31 13:57:00 819

原创 VNC client

Real VNC http://www.realvnc.com/

2009-07-30 14:26:00 770

原创 ifconfig usage

Usage Syntaxifconfig interface [options] | (ip-address [netmask mask] | mac-address) Common options include; up | down - enable or disable the interface metric - specify the interface met

2009-07-30 10:46:00 760

原创 Console Terminal On Windows

1. Putty 可以复制整屏的log但是没有办法中断连接,要么就关掉了。不好 2. Tera Term可以中断连接,查看log。貌似不能整屏复制,要拷贝只好先圈中。

2009-07-30 10:37:00 730

原创 WinScp 用ssh来传输文件

winscp是个非常好用的文件传输工具。 只要linux box打开了ssh链接,就可以使用了。  当然它还支持ftp等协议。 超好使

2009-07-30 10:34:00 1503

原创 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf 和 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh


2009-07-29 15:04:00 1835

原创 One linux kernel module example

Source file: hello_world.c=================================#include #include MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL");static int hello_init(void){        printk(KERN_ALERT "Hello, world/n");

2009-07-29 12:25:00 842

原创 diff usage

原来linux自带的diff 一样这么好使 diff -rc from_file to_file 用了r选项后,就可以比较两个目录了。用了c选项,输出的格式比较好看。呵呵

2009-07-28 15:36:00 664

原创 fdisk查看,创建分区, mkfs创建文件系统

We purchased several Netac U disks, unfortunately they can not be used when plugged to our box cause somehow the original partition table can not be recognised. Here are the steps for you

2009-07-27 14:34:00 2109

原创 SVN Usage in Linux

http://www.php-oa.com/2008/03/12/svnminglingzailinuxxiadeshiyong.html http://hi.baidu.com/panzhiqi/blog/item/178d0fcaa47d2582c8176828.html 1. 查看某个revision做的修改 svn diff -c r

2009-07-22 15:02:00 966

原创 打开vnc session

使用命令vncserver :端口号 设置窗口分辨率vncserver -geometry widthxheight  :port 注意这个是个x不是乘号! 结束vnc sessionvncserver -kill :port 打开后,在~/.vnc  目录下有文件xstartup 可以控制vnc的窗口 例如。。。 #!/bin/sh

2009-07-14 14:13:00 2743

原创 Management Frame

在wlan中 可以分成三类framemanagement framecontrol           framedata               frame 而management frame的frame body可以包含有两种类型的域fixed-length fields called fixed fieldsvarialble-length  called 

2009-07-14 13:47:00 1260

原创 Interframe Spacing

用来决定 什么时候可以使用medium。  The logic behind this is simple: high-priority traffic doesnt have to wait as long after the medium has become idle.  Short interframe space (SIFS) The SIFS is u

2009-07-12 16:38:00 1533

原创 MAC Access Modes

Access to the wireless medium is controlled by coordination functions。 对WLAN来说,station接入无线网络有三种方式。    DCF (distributed coordination function ) 一般都用这种 The DCF is the basis of the standard

2009-07-12 16:29:00 876

原创 Carrier-Sensing Functions and the Network Allocation Vector

用于CSMACA的机制 Two types of carrier-sensing functions in 802.11 manage this process: the physical carrier-sensing and virtual carrier-sensing functions.  Virtual carrier-sensing is provided b

2009-07-12 16:25:00 1238

原创 可以被执行两次的makefile

摘自 Linux Device Driver # If KERNELRELEASE is defined, weve been invoked from the# kernel build system and can use its language.ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)obj-m := hello.o# Otherwise w

2009-07-09 22:53:00 1755

原创 Kernel Module 的安装, 卸载 和 查询

Module的安装  insmod  或者  modprobe   It differs in that it will look at the module to be loaded to seewhether it references any symbols that are not currently defined in the kernel.

2009-07-09 22:18:00 2086

原创 几本比较重要的kernel方面的书

Linux Device Driverhttp://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/ Essential Linux Device Drivers.pdf Understanding Linux Network Internals Understanding.the.Linux.Kernel

2009-07-09 13:44:00 898

原创 Apache Directory

restart apache: apachectl -k restart -f httpd.conf stop apache: apachectl -k graceful   DocumentRoot /usr/web      Options Indexes MultiViews    AllowOverride None    Order a

2009-07-08 13:11:00 1208

原创 check folder size on linux

du -hs /path/to/directory

2009-07-06 12:37:00 2787

原创 How to: Compile Linux kernel 2.6

http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html Step # 1 Get Latest Linux kernel code $ cd /tmp$ wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-x.y.z.tar.bz2

2009-07-05 16:21:00 972

原创 Improving Performance for Wlan

1. reduce the power on access points 2. 不使用protection     使用protection会减低50% performance 3. architecture limits performanceNetworks that wall off the wireless LAN from the rest of the netw

2009-07-04 15:49:00 669

原创 Critical Data Structure -- sk_buff

struct sk_buffThis is where a packet is stored. The structure is used by all the network layers to store their headers, information about the user data (the payload), and other information needed inte

2009-07-02 13:33:00 794

原创 Common Coding Patterns

Memory Caches事先要申请,事后要销毁kmem_cache_create kmem_cache_destroy再分配和退还kmem_cache_alloc kmem_cache_free  Reference Counts 每个模块到处 xxx_hold xxx_release函数用于增加和减少引用计数 

2009-07-02 12:39:00 754

原创 Basic Terminology

 AbbreviationMeaningL2Link layer (e.g., Ethernet)L3Network layer (e.g., IP)L4Transport layer (e.g., UDP/TCP/ICMP)BHBot

2009-07-02 10:12:00 668

intel ia32 programming guide

intel ia32 programming guide. for the reference for others.



debug.hacks 深入调试的技术和工具


slide on dma

描述了硬件层面dma controller的位置。 以及dma与系统其他部件交互的详细过程。


DOS6.0 image

This is the floppy boot disk of MSDOS6.0



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