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原创 Group Management

1. 增加一个组groupadd cec 2. 将某个用户加入到这个组中usermod -a -G cec wyang2 3. 显示该用户所加入的组[root@Linux-Build home]# groups wyang2wyang2 intern cec[root@Linux-Build home]# id wyang2uid=500(wyang2) g

2009-09-24 12:29:00 801

原创 增加静态域名解析

在/etc/hosts文件中增加一条记录,可以不用dns解析域名,而直接使用指定的ip地址。 修改完后 最好重启网络服务/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

2009-09-23 14:42:00 3722

原创 获取文件大小,尤其是超过2G的大文件

#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64#include #include #include long long get_file_size(const char *filename){        struct stat buf;        if(stat(filename, &buf)        {             

2009-09-20 16:17:00 2505

原创 将大文件 分卷 压缩

用的是rar  ./rar_static a -v10000k -m0 -y -ol rarfile bigfile -v 指定的是每个分卷的大小-m 表示了压缩的程度,默认为3, 0表示不压缩-y 表示对所有提示回答yes-ol 表示将 Save symbolic links as the link instead of the file  /opt/

2009-09-18 17:30:00 1275

原创 wget命令详解,断点续传

(1)支持断点下传功能(2)同时支持FTP和HTTP下载方式(3)支持代理服务器(4)设置方便简单(5)程序小,完全免费?wget虽然功能强大,但是使用起来还是比较简单的,基本的语法是:wget [参数列表] URL。下面就结合具体的例子来说明一下wget的用法。1、下载整个http或者ftp站点。wget http://place.your.url

2009-09-18 11:40:00 84200

原创 ftp命令中断点续传

使用Linux下ftp命令,使用reget替代mget和get命令;(get前最好还用上bin和hash命令,表示二进制文件、显示传输进度); 但是问题是不能传文件夹。。。。  

2009-09-18 11:35:00 4774

原创 Scp Usage and rsync usage

Usage:scp [[user@]from-host:]source-file [[user@]to-host:][destination-file]  scp -r miguel@ miguel@  Resume the transation:如果因为某些原因,传送中断,但又

2009-09-18 01:21:00 1085

原创 增加swap盘

#free -m 查看内存使用情况 增加一块swap的分区,fdisk id为82.#swapon /dev/sde2 ok, 再 free -m看一眼就发现swap增加了。 呵呵

2009-09-17 12:29:00 743

原创 在 kernel中如何定时, 变量 HZ 和 jiffies

 HZ      定义了时钟中断的频率,即每秒钟时钟中断的次数jiffies  记录了自启动后,时钟中断发生的次数 例如:unsigned long timeout = jiffies + (3*HZ);     while (hwgroup->busy) {     /* ... */     if (time_after(jiffies, timeo

2009-09-17 11:08:00 1837

转载 软Raid5阵列LVM逻辑 数据恢复和阵列扩容 别人的blog

http://blog.zol.com.cn/1164/article_1163428.htmlhttp://blog.zol.com.cn/1164/article_1163486.html软RAID是建立在磁盘分区上的,因此在创建RAID阵列前先要给磁盘分区,且分区类型是Linux的软RAID分区。建立分区#fdisk /dev/sdb命

2009-09-16 20:58:00 4353

原创 The Shannon Limit

香农定理:香农定理则描述了有限带宽、有随机热噪声信道的最大传输速率与信道带宽、信号噪声功率比之间的关系.    在有随机热噪声的信道上传输数据信号时,数据传输率Rmax与信道带宽B,信噪比S/N关系为:         Rmax=B*Log⒉(1+S/N)  对于802.11的信道,每个channel是22MHz带宽, 如果要达到54Mbps的速率,S/N为4.5左右,约为7.

2009-09-15 13:55:00 1946

原创 Path loss, Range and Throughput

传输速率越高,需要的信噪比就越高。 当信噪比下降到一定程度时,station就会降低传输速率以保证传输。 传输距离越大、频率越高,信号衰减就越多。

2009-09-14 21:13:00 1043

原创 Network install the RHEL

1、下载RHEL5的安装镜像,这里我下载的是:rhel-5.1-server-i386-dvd.iso 2、把镜像mount到ftp服务器的目录中    mkdir /var/ftp/rhel    mount -t iso9660 -o loop rhel-5.1-server-i386-dvd.iso /var/f

2009-09-14 13:54:00 760

原创 THe Radio Link and band used for 802.11

 Three physical layers were standardized in the initial revision of 802.11, which was published in 1997:Frequency-hopping (FH) spread-spectrum radio PHYDirect-sequence (DS) spread-sp

2009-09-14 10:38:00 679

原创 Creating a Target Linux System

主要有四个步骤: 1. Determine system components2. Configure and build the kernel3. Build root filesystem4. set up boot software and configuration

2009-09-14 09:35:00 656

原创 Bash Regular Expressions

不过老的bash 不支持。。。。When working with regular expressions in a shell script the norm is to use grep or sed or some other external command/program. Since version 3 of bash (released in 2004) there is ano

2009-09-12 21:40:00 1662

原创 Normalizing Path Names with Bash

Regular expressions were introduced in bash 3.0. Bash 3.2 changed regular expression handling slightly in that quotes around regular expressions became part of the regular expression. So, if you have

2009-09-12 18:52:00 833

原创 MELD 用来做merge的高级工具

rt  暂时不会用。 不过貌似很好用

2009-09-11 17:23:00 1032

原创 算出某个值(2^N)的整数倍数

这个题目不是很准确,先看个代码 int main(){    int a = 128;    int b = 7;    printf("%d /n", (b+(a-1)) & ~(a-1));    b = 128;    printf("%d /n", (b+(a-1)) & ~(a-1));    b = 129;    printf("%d /n",

2009-09-11 10:00:00 1097

原创 Mail lists

一个搜索邮件列表archive的地方http://marc.info/ Linux Kernel Mailing List archivehttp://lkml.org/  Network Related mail listThe linux-net@vger.kernel.orgmailing list is for networking

2009-09-09 23:17:00 912

原创 RPM search page

So many rpms here .... http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/

2009-09-08 14:07:00 1305

原创 Some intersting project

http://sourceforge.net/projects/gacc/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcontacts/ 

2009-09-05 09:54:00 694

原创 Debug System Hang with “magic SysRq key"

 An indispensable tool for many lockups is the “magic SysRq key,” which is availableon most architectures. Magic SysRq is invoked with the combination of the Alt andSysRq keys on the PC keyboard

2009-09-04 10:31:00 1068

原创 Debugging by Watching -- strace

strace has many command-line options; the most useful of which are   -t to display the time when each call is executed, -T to display the timespent in the call, -e to limit the types of call

2009-09-04 09:48:00 685

原创 Create file under /proc -- Manage it with standard file system

 /* *  procfs3.c -  create a "file" in /proc, use the file_operation way *              to manage the file. */#include        /* Were doing kernel work */#include        /* Specifically

2009-09-03 16:56:00 837

原创 Turning the Message on and off

The code for this feature:------------------------------------------------------------#undef PDEBUG /* undef it, just in case */#ifdef SCULL_DEBUG#    ifdef __KERNEL__        /* This on

2009-09-03 11:11:00 688

原创 Kernel Configuration Options

Configure these options in "kernel hacking" column CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNELThis option just makes other debugging options available; it should be turned onbut does not, by itself, enable

2009-09-03 10:32:00 1405

原创 Android Links

Beijing-GTUG:http://groups.google.com/group/beijing-gtug   Google Code: http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN   Google Android:http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/android   eoe

2009-09-02 16:52:00 742

原创 File sync tools

BestSync http://www.risefly.com/这个既可以用来同步文件夹,又可以从ftp上同步. 试了下,ftp的功能不能用。  Moleskinsoft File Sync http://moleskinsoft-file-sync.sync-software.qarchive.org/_download2.html这个也不错,有定时功能,可惜

2009-09-02 12:36:00 816

intel ia32 programming guide

intel ia32 programming guide. for the reference for others.



debug.hacks 深入调试的技术和工具


slide on dma

描述了硬件层面dma controller的位置。 以及dma与系统其他部件交互的详细过程。


DOS6.0 image

This is the floppy boot disk of MSDOS6.0



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