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转载 Avoid (Not Responding) message at Client Application

http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/147601/not-responding-message#http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc164037.aspx (Practical Multithreading for Client Apps)Her

2012-07-30 23:08:20 756

转载 Using Repository and Unit of Work patterns with Entity Framework 4.0

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2009/06/16/using-repository-and-unit-of-work-patterns-with-entity-framework-4-0.aspxIf you have been watching this blog, you know that I have been discussi

2012-07-26 23:12:29 726

转载 Inversion of Control

http://joelabrahamsson.com/entry/inversion-of-control-introduction-with-examples-in-dotnethttp://joelabrahamsson.com/entry/inversion-of-control-its-broader-than-just-injecting-componentsAn Examp

2012-07-26 10:31:25 364

转载 Database Mail set up in SQL Server 2008

http://www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs/databaseexpertisecom/2010/05/12/database-mail-set-up-in-sql-server-2008/IntroductionThis article discusses about setting up and configuring SQL Server 2

2012-07-25 11:17:27 819

转载 关于Repository模式

关于Repository模式http://www.cnblogs.com/dudu/archive/2011/05/25/repository_pattern.html定义(来自Martin Fowler的《企业应用架构模式》):Mediates between the domain and data mapping layers using a collectio

2012-07-23 22:15:25 532


http://weblogs.asp.net/infinitiesloop/archive/2006/08/03/Truly-Understanding-Viewstate.aspxViewState is a very misunderstood animal. I would like to help put an end to the madness by attempting

2012-07-20 01:11:01 589

转载 SQL Server Join Example


2012-07-14 13:39:34 299

原创 loop through column that has value - SpecialCells

Excel.Range a = this.UsedRange[1, 1].EntireColumn.Cells.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeConstants);            foreach (Excel.Range r in a.Cells)            {            }

2012-07-14 12:13:49 305

转载 Web Platform Installer Logs

http://forums.iis.net/t/1178550.aspxIf WebPI itself is failing to install - Post the log file here: %temp%\webpi_launcher.txtIf WebPI is installed, but an application or product fails to

2012-07-12 23:17:34 449

转载 VSTO Check Cell is In Edit Mode or Not

private bool isInCellEditingMode() { bool flag = false; try { app.DisplayAlerts = false; //This will throw an Exception if Excel is in Cell

2012-07-06 00:00:28 502

转载 Write data to an Excel Worksheet

http://www.clear-lines.com/blog/post/Write-data-to-an-Excel-worksheet-with-C-fast.aspxThe current project I am working on requires writing large amount of data to Excel worksheets. In this type

2012-07-05 23:22:32 422

转载 Conditional row color based on a cell value

http://www.asap-utilities.com/blog/index.php/2005/11/07/conditional-row-color-based-on-a-cell-value/Jeremy (US) asked me a question about coloring based on a cells value:First your product A

2012-07-02 17:43:40 408

转载 Excel

Ctrl + ~ : show formula/ show valueShift + F9 :recalculation current active worksheetIF函数的语法结构:IF(条件,结果1,结果2)。http://isvincent.pixnet.net/blog/post/35164039-excel-%E7%B7%B4%E7%BF%92%E5%90%

2012-07-01 22:25:17 401

原创 VSTO - Named Range Control Basic Operation

Add Named Range Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.NamedRange AuthorNamedRange = null; Excel.Range AuthorRange = this.Range["E1", "G1"]; // Setting the range name for cells  AuthorNamedRange = this.

2012-06-26 22:34:22 949


Let us summarize some of the big advantages VSTO has over VBA:Works with your favorite language: VB, c++et,c .Uses more powerful forms with expanded potential.Improves access to data residing on

2012-06-24 00:38:40 565

转载 How to send a keybord shortcut to the Excel.

http://geekswithblogs.net/lszk/archive/2009/09/10/vsto-for-excel-2007-snippets.aspx#4How to send a keybord shortcut to the Excel. Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.SendKeys("{F10}");

2012-06-17 21:56:48 438

原创 Excel Programming in VSTO (book:Visual Studio Tools for Office 2007 VSTO) Note

The Office PIAs (Primary Interop Assemblies) allow .NET code to call the unmanaged object models that Office applications expose. Programming Excel:                -Thebasic hierarchy of the E

2012-06-03 20:06:53 1870

原创 VSTO Performance (Con'd)

Performance Tuning-ScreenUpdating-Caching Data-use Array + Range instead of dataTable to populate data-Assign value to a range instead of one cell by one cellhttp://blogs.office.co

2012-06-03 19:51:45 1180

转载 Adding Styles to Excel sheet Range in VSTO

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/krishnab/archive/2008/10/04/disable-all-default-ribbons-in-excel-application.aspxExcel.Style style;style = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add("Style1", Type.Missing); style.

2012-05-31 10:10:38 617

原创 WCF Tracing Note

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa751917.aspxThere are four components to WCF Diagnostics: Eventing,Tracing, which includes Activity Tracing, and Message Logging.            -Activities

2012-05-28 00:23:02 553

转载 WCF Before Call and After Call

http://blog.csdn.net/quanben/article/details/5271298客户端: BeforeCall在参数序列化之前发生;AfterCall在消息返回参数反序列化之后发生。当参数不正确,需要阻止传递时,应抛出FaultException。 在proxy创建后,用proxy.Endpoint.Contract.Operations[0].Behavi

2012-05-28 00:13:09 509

原创 Introduce SQL Server Compact Note

Embeded Engine base on set of dlls            -not need other installation required except framework            -not run as a service   -In-proc   What it is?            -very smallembeded

2012-05-18 16:17:25 577

转载 Basic drag and drop in WinForms

http://codebetter.com/petervanooijen/2007/07/07/basic-drag-and-drop-in-winforms/1.Start the drag operation in the originator. This is done by invoking the DoDragDrop method, a member of the Co

2012-05-15 09:50:34 287

原创 How to keep Item in the same page?

Solution 1: - Make two items distance to "0", meaning link together, then these two items will appear together in the export PDF pages

2012-05-08 15:31:10 372

转载 Windows Communication Foundation Authentication Service Overview

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386582.aspxThe Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) authentication service enables you to use ASP.NET membership toauthenticate users from any applica

2012-05-08 00:12:28 341

原创 Add SSL Certificate During WCF HTTPS Development Testing

IIS: Add a certificate (name as "localhost-cert") :cmd>makecert -sr LocalMachine -ss My -n CN=localhost -sky exchangeThis command creates a certificate with the subject “localhost” and places it

2012-05-07 23:59:03 695

转载 Perform Input Validation in WCF

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647875.aspxIt implements AfterCall() and BeforeCall() methods.When used as part of the service, BeforeCall() will be invoked before the parameters are

2012-05-07 17:53:40 426

原创 Message Contract, Data Contract, XmlSerializer Message XML Body

1.Message Contract Declaration [ServiceContract] public interface ISocialStatus { [OperationContract] string UpdateStatus(string text); [OperationContract]

2012-05-07 10:14:24 603

原创 When need to add WCF SessionMode.Required

Scenarios:1. TransactionAutoComplete set to falserequires SessionMode.Required. [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete=false)] [TransactionFlow(T

2012-05-06 17:30:58 729

原创 FindBySubjectName vs FindBySubjectDistinguishedName

FindBySubjectName vs FindBySubjectDistinguishedNameFindBySubjectName : The findValue parameter for the Find method must be a string representing the subject name of the certificate. This i

2012-05-06 16:58:06 6165

原创 Using WMI to Modify Settings at runtime

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms735120.aspxhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa702726.aspxUsing WMI to Modify Settings (Windows Management Instrumentation)You can use WMI to

2012-05-06 16:45:00 480

原创 Discovery & Annoucement

Ad Hoc DiscoveryService (add "UdpDiscoveryEndpoint")// Add ServiceDiscoveryBehavior svcHost.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceDiscoveryBehavior()); // Add a UdpDiscov

2012-05-06 15:35:22 478

转载 ConcurrencyMode and InstanceContextMode

http://kennyw.com/work/indigo/178ConcurrencyMode : Specifies whether a service class supports single-threaded or multi-threaded modes of operation.InstanceContextMode: Specifies the number of se

2012-05-06 13:11:06 409

原创 Impersonation In WCF

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731090.aspxhttp://www.danrigsby.com/blog/index.php/2008/04/17/impersonate-a-clients-identity-in-wcf/Impersonation is a common technique that WCF servi

2012-05-06 11:57:24 570

转载 How to: Set the ProtectionLevel Property

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa347791.aspxTo sign all messages for a service[ServiceContract(ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.Sign)]public interface ICalculatorTo sign all message

2012-05-06 00:01:58 542

原创 Manual addressing is enabled on this factory, so all messages sent must be pre-addressed.

When using "ChannelFactory" to try to consume WCF Restful Service, e.g.:Service[ServiceContract] public interface ISocialStatus { [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate

2012-05-05 23:32:09 6562

原创 2 approach achieve Duplex call at Client Side

Approach One:InstanceContext callbackContext = new InstanceContext(new NameService());DuplexChannelFactory factory = new DuplexChannelFactory(typeof(callbackContext), binding, address);IMyService

2012-05-05 22:38:32 475

原创 LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method ToString()

SqlFunctions.StringConvertddEnrollmentMethod.DataSource = from t in context.EnrollmentMethodsorderby t.Nameselect new{Name = SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)t.EnrollmentMethodID) + ". " + t.Nam

2012-05-04 12:10:21 1126

转载 Fixing the Date Format Issue in Azure Reporting CTP

http://www.clickrex.com/post/21657412179/fixing-the-date-format-issue-in-azure-reporting-ctpIf you are migrating to the Azure Reporting CTP; you may experience the below error:The report s

2012-05-03 10:22:42 564

原创 WCF Addressing In Depth Note

WCF Addressing In Depthhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163412.aspx-Addressing Fundamentals                                -Relative URIs (base address)

2012-05-03 00:00:00 790

MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit(70-516)

EXAM PREP GUIDE Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-516—and on the job—with this official Microsoft study guide. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce and apply what you’ve learned through real-world case scenarios and practice exercises. Maximize your performance on the exam by mastering the skills and experience measured by these objectives: Modeling data Managing connections and context Querying data Manipulating data Developing and deploying reliable applications PRACTICE TESTS Assess your skills with the practice tests on CD. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet your specific learning needs. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers—including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.


Microsoft Press Windows Azure Step by Step

Teach yourself how to build and host scalable applications in the cloud using Windows Azure—one step at a time. Ideal for those with basic programming skills, this tutorial provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for working with the core services and features of the Windows Azure platform. Discover how to: Extend your existing skills to the cloud development model Build a simple web role application and deploy it to the cloud Create a worker role project to perform backend processes Store persistent data with Windows Azure Storage Develop a scalable database application in the cloud using Microsoft SQL Azure™ Connect several cloud-based applications with Windows Azure AppFabric Design a multitiered solution that can scale to meet user demand



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