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转载 WCF Message Size Quotas

http://geekswithblogs.net/smyers/archive/2011/10/05/wcf-service-message-timeouts-size-limits-tips-and-tricks.aspxvice Message Timeouts, Size Limits, Tips and TricksWednesday, October 05, 2011

2012-03-29 15:07:16 761

原创 DotNet Web Coding Best Practice

Web Coding1. Page Structure Overview#region properties // private const variable // private variable // property#endregion#region method#endregion#region event handler#endregion#

2012-03-22 22:22:56 489

原创 Telerik Grid Filtering with MS DropDownList Instead of Textbox

Reference:http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/grid-filtering-with-dropdownlist.html1. Default.aspx<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="t

2012-03-29 00:28:27 1667

原创 SSRS Scatter Chart

DataSetSELECT 1 AS RowNumber, '2007' AS x, 48123 AS y, 33 AS othersUNION ALLSELECT 2 AS Expr1, '2007' AS x, 52000 AS y, 44 AS Expr2UNION ALLSELECT 3 AS Expr1, '2009' AS x,

2012-03-21 00:10:02 767

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 9 Note (Transaction)

The commonly accepted standard mechanism for handling distributed transactions is the two-phase commit protocol.什么是两阶段提交协议 two-phase commit实现分布式事务的关键就是两阶段提交协议。在此协议中,一个或多个资源管理器的活动均由一个称为事务协调器的单独

2012-03-18 23:38:58 515

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 5 Note (Authentication in Internet)

When you start connecting client applications and services across a public network such as the Internet, you can no longer make any assumptions about the trustworthiness of client applications, servic

2012-03-18 17:38:44 671

转载 Turn on WCF Server Security Event Logging & Auditing

http://intrepiddeveloper.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/security-event-logging-auditing/Posted by intrepiddeveloper on August 7, 2008Few days ago I was trying to debug a WCF service hosted on a

2012-03-18 00:54:50 607

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 4 Note (Transport and Message Security + Authentication in Organization)

When building Web services, you can perform authenticationand encryption at two points when sending and receiving messages: at the transport leveland at the message level.Transport-Level SecurityT

2012-03-17 19:53:51 5923

原创 Telerik RadAsyncUpload Event OnFileUploaded

http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/asyncupload-overview.htmlRadAsyncUpload relies on saving temporary files to work. When posted, files are saved to the designated temp folder (App_Data/Rad

2012-03-14 13:32:07 7456

转载 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 3 Note (Fault Handling)

Interoperable services built using the WCF should convert .NET Framework exceptions intoSOAP faults and follow the SOAP specification for reporting these faults to client applications. The WCF libra

2012-03-13 23:48:12 604

转载 JMS design Note

http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E12840_01/wls/docs103/jms/fund.html#nontransactedJMS supports two messaging models: point-to-point (PTP) and publish/subscribe (pub/sub).PTPMultiple queue senders and

2012-03-07 23:58:22 453

转载 How to pass ViewState value from web form page to web user control page?

the viewstate is control specific. The member is a protected property so you can only access it from within your control (a page is a control too) orcontrols derived from your control.To share

2012-03-01 01:07:53 314

MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit(70-516)

EXAM PREP GUIDE Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-516—and on the job—with this official Microsoft study guide. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce and apply what you’ve learned through real-world case scenarios and practice exercises. Maximize your performance on the exam by mastering the skills and experience measured by these objectives: Modeling data Managing connections and context Querying data Manipulating data Developing and deploying reliable applications PRACTICE TESTS Assess your skills with the practice tests on CD. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet your specific learning needs. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers—including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.


Microsoft Press Windows Azure Step by Step

Teach yourself how to build and host scalable applications in the cloud using Windows Azure—one step at a time. Ideal for those with basic programming skills, this tutorial provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for working with the core services and features of the Windows Azure platform. Discover how to: Extend your existing skills to the cloud development model Build a simple web role application and deploy it to the cloud Create a worker role project to perform backend processes Store persistent data with Windows Azure Storage Develop a scalable database application in the cloud using Microsoft SQL Azure™ Connect several cloud-based applications with Windows Azure AppFabric Design a multitiered solution that can scale to meet user demand



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