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原创 Windows Communication Foundation Top to Bottom Video Note

WCF SecurityBasic Concept:                -MutualAuthentication: sender and receiver to identity one another                -Authorization:rights I have                 -Confidentiality:view/h

2012-04-30 01:56:28 760

原创 WCF Useful Command

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8000/ user=UserNamenetsh http show urlaclnetsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8000/In the Visual Studio Command Prompt window, runthe command:svcutil Sh

2012-04-18 00:23:11 451

原创 WhatsNewInWCF4 Exercise Notes

WhatsNewInWCF4 Training kit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vs2010trainingcourse_whatsnewinwcf4#_Toc2809573021. udpDiscoveryEndpoint and udpAnnouncementEndpoint <service

2012-04-30 16:40:12 446

转载 Add Items to Telerik Ajax RadComboBox

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/888686/add-items-to-telerik-ajax-radcombobox-after-populated-from-webserviceAdd an extra item after the data has been loaded.  script type="text/javascri

2012-04-27 01:08:26 955

转载 ComboBox on load demand and Getting SelectedValue from second comboBox

http://www.x2x1.com/show/8048425.aspxQuestionI’m trying to populate one Telerik AJAX radComboBox from the results of another i.e.comboBox1 – autocompletes and user selects an itemc

2012-04-27 01:06:02 1640

转载 Entity Framework Error Q&A

http://waxtadpole.wordpress.com/tag/entity-framework/Entity Framework Type FixupCollection`1 is not marked as serializable.October 21, 2011Entity Framework Autogenerated Classes Not Marked a

2012-04-26 09:38:48 840

原创 Calling Functions in LINQ to Entities Queries

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd456828.aspxhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.objects.entityfunctions.aspxe.g.: EntityFunctions.DiffMilliseconds(from g in _conte

2012-04-25 14:23:55 331

转载 A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column. Column:

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7094514/ef-errora-dependent-property-in-a-referentialconstraint-is-mapped-to-a-storeQuestionWhen you try to put in the product in the cart breaks my mistake

2012-04-20 17:51:32 2832

转载 Operating with the FilterExpression of Telerik RadGrid Manually


2012-04-20 00:03:40 3405

转载 Extension Methods (C# 3.0 concept)

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/24948/Three-Ways-To-Extend-A-ClassI have to admit that I'm not actually sure how to visualize an extension method, so please be kind to me if the above diagra

2012-04-19 13:28:31 429

转载 Type conversions with implicit and explicit operators

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/177153/Type-conversions-with-implicit-and-explicit-operatIntroductionIn this article, I'm going to describe how to use type conversion operators(implici

2012-04-19 13:23:47 453

转载 Delete child objects in Entity Framework

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4150781/delete-child-objects-in-entity-frameworkQuestion:I'm using EF and when I do this: foreach (var reg in detail.Regs) {

2012-04-19 13:02:39 554

转载 Entity Framework: duplicate rows in resultset from a view

http://jepsonsblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/enitity-framework-duplicate-rows-in.htmlEntity Framework: duplicate rows in resultset from a viewAfter including a view I have in my database in

2012-04-19 10:31:57 1091

转载 Cannot serialize Object to ViewState only Session

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/925553/cannot-serialize-object-to-viewstate-only-sessionThe reason is that view state serialization is done by the LosFormatter class while session serializa

2012-04-18 17:51:45 504

转载 Using the default SQL Server instance for Windows Azure development storage

http://www.wadewegner.com/2010/07/using-the-default-sql-server-instance-for-windows-azure-development-storage/This tip isn’t new, but it’s still useful.  I found myself building a new developmen

2012-04-17 22:57:14 332

转载 Linq to SQL how to do “where [column] in (list of values)”

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1075540/linq-to-sql-how-to-do-where-column-in-list-of-valuesUsewhere list.Contains(item.Property)Or in your case:var foo = from codeData in channe

2012-04-17 10:44:03 490

转载 Show/Hide RadAjaxLoadingPanel explicitly

http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/ajax-show-hide-loadingpanel.htmlJavaScript var currentLoadingPanel = null; var currentUpdatedControl = null; function Request

2012-04-16 17:04:38 1276

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter13 Note (Implementing a WCF Service for Good Performance)

Implementing a WCF Service for Good PerformanceIn this chapter, you will examine how to use servicethrottling to assist in maintaining scalability, how to encode data by using MTOM to reduce the ove

2012-04-15 23:57:35 811

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 15 Note(Building REST Services)

Building REST ServicesThere are two common architectures that organizations usefor implementing Web services; services based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP),and services based on the Rep

2012-04-15 22:17:33 439

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter14 Note 2 (Routing Messages)

Implementing RoutingSometimes it is useful to be able to forward messages sent to a service to an entirely different service for handling.-The front-end service can implement a routing mechanism,f

2012-04-15 16:04:35 788

转载 Why the same files are copied to /Approot and /Siteroot in Windows Azure WebRole?

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/is/windowsazuredevelopment/thread/8aa6666d-5b02-493e-9c6b-473355a9afadThere is a way to avoid that, but I would not use it. The reason for having 2 comple

2012-04-13 00:06:56 1377

转载 WebDeploy Error - The response header 'MSDeploy.Response' was '' but 'v1' was expected.

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/cloud/archive/2011/04/19/enabling-web-deploy-for-windows-azure-web-roles-with-visual-studio.aspxTroubleshooting Web Deploy for Windows AzureHere are some of the most comm

2012-04-11 23:44:42 909

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter14 Note 1 (Discovering Services)

an endpoint specifies three pieces of information: an address, a binding, and a contract. The address indicates where the message should go; the binding identifiesthe transport, format, and protoc

2012-04-10 00:20:32 479

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 10-12 Note (Reliable Sessions,ProgrammaticallyControlling, One-Way ...)

Chapter 10 Implementing Reliable SessionsStrictly speaking, reliable messaging and reliable sessionsare different but related concepts. Reliable messaging is concerned with ensuring that messages ar

2012-04-09 22:33:46 1345

原创 Asynchronous Programming Design Patterns (to be continue)

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228975.aspxhttp://www.codeproject.com/Articles/67749/Extending-the-IAsyncResult-Pattern-for-Multiple-PaIAsyncResult PatternCreateResult

2012-04-08 23:26:42 493

原创 How to calculate SQL Azure Database and Objects Size

--DatabaseSELECT SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8.0 / 1024 AS 'Total Reserved Space (MB)' FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats --ObjectsSELECT name, reserved_page_count * 8.0 / 1024 AS 'Total Res

2012-04-05 18:20:14 387

转载 RadioButton not firing OnCheckedChanged in ajax

http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/ajax/radiobutton-not-firing-oncheckedchanged-in-ajax.aspxIssue Description:I got 3 radiobuttons who all are linked to execute the same OnCheck

2012-04-05 11:00:09 730

原创 "Cannot resolve collation conflict for column 1 in SELECT statement."

SELECT (table1.name + ' ' + table2.lastname) as ownersnametable1.name and table2.lastname have different collations.There is a default collation for the server.There is a default collation

2012-04-03 23:08:49 2576

原创 Telerik Grid Server Side Paging, Sorting and Filtering

Reference:http://ryantomlinson.com/post/True-data-paging-the-Telerik-RadGrid.aspxhttp://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/programming/custompaging/defaultcs.aspxDynamic LINQ:http://w

2012-04-02 23:10:07 2145

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 6 Note (Maintaining Service Contracts and Data Contracts)

In Chapter 1, “Introducing Windows CommunicationFoundation,” you learned that one of the fundamental tenets of Service Oriented Architectures(SOA) is that servicesshare schemas and contracts, not

2012-04-02 00:30:01 555

原创 WCF 4 Step By Step Chapter 7 Note(Maintaining State and Sequencing Operations)

In the real world, a Web service might require that operations be invoked in a particular sequence.For example, if you are implementing shopping cart functionalityin a service, it does not make sens

2012-04-01 23:50:03 993

MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit(70-516)

EXAM PREP GUIDE Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-516—and on the job—with this official Microsoft study guide. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce and apply what you’ve learned through real-world case scenarios and practice exercises. Maximize your performance on the exam by mastering the skills and experience measured by these objectives: Modeling data Managing connections and context Querying data Manipulating data Developing and deploying reliable applications PRACTICE TESTS Assess your skills with the practice tests on CD. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet your specific learning needs. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers—including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.


Microsoft Press Windows Azure Step by Step

Teach yourself how to build and host scalable applications in the cloud using Windows Azure—one step at a time. Ideal for those with basic programming skills, this tutorial provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for working with the core services and features of the Windows Azure platform. Discover how to: Extend your existing skills to the cloud development model Build a simple web role application and deploy it to the cloud Create a worker role project to perform backend processes Store persistent data with Windows Azure Storage Develop a scalable database application in the cloud using Microsoft SQL Azure™ Connect several cloud-based applications with Windows Azure AppFabric Design a multitiered solution that can scale to meet user demand



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