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Spring Batch 2. 行话

 每一个行业都有自己的行话,SpringBatch也不例外。 Job一个Job是用于封装一整个批处理的实体。和其它Spring项目一样,一个Job和一个XML配置文件相连。这个文件可能叫任务配置。无论如何,Job是整个层次结构的顶点。 一个Job就是一系列Step的容器。Job可以定义一些属性,如是否可以重新执行。Step会使用Job定义的属性。 Job的定义包含下...

2009-11-27 11:04:02 254

Spring Batch 1. 介绍

 本想翻译一下的,试了一下前几段,实在是太难了,自己能看懂和翻译出来绝对不是同一个等级的。还是把文档中间认为比较有用的部分整理一下,部分使用翻译,部分是自己理解。 SpringBatch是一个批处理的框架。 SpringBatch可以应用于下面业务场景• 周期性的提交批处理• 把一个任务并行处理• 消息驱动应用分级处理• 大规模并行批处理...

2009-11-26 16:42:13 111


JCA简介JCA是Java Connection Architecture的缩写。它是Sun提出的一个标准,用于为连接外部系统定义一个规范。JCA标准定义非常宽泛,几乎泛泛的说了所有东西,但是并没有任何实现。所有JCA更像是一个元标准,具体怎么样需要看Application Server如何实现,也要看JCA提供者如何实现。 一个JCA可以实现的比较简单,也可以实现的比较复杂,但它不可...

2009-11-10 16:32:16 123


老早就想玩Linux, 只是以前Linux不是很好用, 而且虚拟机也不行. 这段时间有点空, 打算玩一下. 听说Debian还是不错的, 就选他了. 安装Debian从网上下载了一个网络安装Debian5的iso, 在Windows上装了个VMPlayer. 安装Debian过程一路顺风, 安装完了之后网络也可以在Host和Guest之间访问. VMWare的屏使用不太方便, ssh是...

2009-10-10 09:32:57 80

原创 从美的脱排安装想到的我们的民族品牌

美的算是一个我以前比较喜欢的牌子。家中有多件美的的东西,像电磁炉、电饭煲。两个月前家里开始装修。脱排本来打算买Electrolux,后来经不住推销员的磨,加上对美的还比较有好感,就买了美的脱排两件套,抽油烟机和煤气灶。 上周打电话让美的服务人员上门安装。煤气灶顺利安装上。安装抽油烟机的时候发现橱柜中间没有留足够的宽度,抽油烟机宽度895mm(平常他们应该留 910mm),给...

2009-08-18 07:29:50 184

Maven 多项目依赖关系

Maven提供了多种依赖关系,这些依赖关系使用起来非常容易出错。这几天看到我们产品项目间的依赖关系使用相当混乱,所以花了几天时间研究了一把。 Maven提供多种项目依赖关系。compile:这是缺省的依赖关系。不要被它的名字给迷惑了,它并不表示编译时依赖,而是所有都依赖。provided:如果该库应用服务器提供了,就使用它。test:只在单元测试使用。还有其它几种,我觉得并不重要。 ...

2009-02-16 05:24:43 259



2009-02-12 05:22:06 225

Software Architecture Design Thinking

Balancing between flexibility and simplicity is the mostimportant part for design architecture. Technical managers always want mostflexible software. Everything should be configurable. Configurable ...

2009-01-19 00:16:56 135

Implement Hash table

I went to German in XMas holidays. So the feature did not finished until tonight. I was shocked by hash algorithm again when I was implemented it. It is very simple and unbelivable powerful. I got s...

2009-01-04 07:48:47 134

refactor reference types

refactor implementation for reference types to make it compatible with super types. 

2008-12-20 05:44:33 85

JDK library usage analyze.

I analyzed some jar files. I want know how much they using JDK. The jar files totally is 200M which contain quite lot of jars, like jboss, glassfish, spring, junit, apache. Jar files analyzed, stati...

2008-12-17 04:19:51 109

Dec, Improve GC

Garbage collecting for reference create by new instructions need to be released. The information need be record down when invoking a method. How many memory need for store the information was just har...

2008-12-17 02:57:16 78

Dec 16, field access for multiple layers class

Implement field access for multiple layers class. public class TestFieldClassBase{ int instanceBase; static float staticBase; }public class TestFieldClassDerived extends TestFieldClassBa...

2008-12-16 07:01:57 78

Library Usage Analyzer

Since I am writing a simple JVM. Most part of JVM work is implement libraries. But it is impossible for me to implement all classes specified in JDK. So I need analyze which classes in JDK are most po...

2008-12-14 16:50:34 104

String performance test

I found string plus using StringBuffer but not StringBuilder when I was implementing my simple JVM. So I wrote some test case to test it. But it became using StringBuilder but not StringBuffer. So I g...

2008-12-14 16:05:04 98

Dec 11, Implement a simple GUI use win32

Implement a simple GUI use win32 api.  But it can not run with mingw even I use "g++ -mwindows". So I use VC2008 ran it.  The first GUI looks like following picture. When a mouse down event happen...

2008-12-12 06:21:59 93

Dec 10, Be careful use string append

I was implmenting string append feature in my simple VM. I find that when there are string append in JAVA code. The binary codes generated are not the same as I thought. I use a simple test to tes...

2008-12-11 05:54:17 80

Dec 8, java.lang.String, etc

implement some function of string. correct multi array bugs. add simple memory monitor feature.

2008-12-09 06:19:54 80

Dec 7, GC loop, logic, multi array, exception

finished GC for loop logic(do, do while, for) finished GC for if logic(if, if else, if else if) finished GC for witch logic(tableswitch and lookupswith) finished GC for multi array(2 dimension o...

2008-12-07 18:40:40 79

Dec 6, implement field instructions

implement field instructions include instance field and static field instructions. 64 bits field feature is not finished. GC for field is also finished.

2008-12-07 06:07:44 86

Dec 5, implement gc for locals and arrays

implement gc for local vars. The test code is very similar with the test code yesterday. only add one more statement.  private static void testNewRawArray() { int[] ia = new int[1]; int[] ib =...

2008-12-06 03:57:09 72

Dec 4, implement simple GC for new and newarray

implement simple GC for new and newarray public class TestGCNew { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { int object_count = Memory.getObjectCount(); testNewObject()...

2008-12-05 07:00:45 86

Dec 3, method invocation, multi array

implement method invocation  define an interface named Interface which contains one method named test.class Base implement the Interface. Base also implement the interface method.class Derived ext...

2008-12-04 02:31:25 95

Dec 2 implement loop, return, arithmetic

implemented all loop instructions. implemented return instructions for 32bits types.return instructions for 64 bits type and reference type to be implemented. implemented arithmetic instructions ...

2008-12-03 04:59:38 54

Dec 1, implement branch logic

Branch feature was almost implemented before. I felt quite long this evening. After implemented the JNI string feature, I spent 2 hours to implement it. It was not so difficult. So I finished although...

2008-12-02 06:08:41 58

Dec 1,implement constant string and JNI invocation

implement constant string and JNI invocation Current implmentation for bcode ldc for constant string create a object each time. The object only store string's size and the pointer.

2008-12-02 02:55:43 64

Nov 30 implement JNI Array

 Implement a char array print through JNI call. Native method interface/** * native method type * @param params : input and output * @return : > 0 n output has stored into params * ...

2008-11-30 23:08:40 96

Nov 25 implement JNI parameters.

Implement all built in generic type JNI parameters except long and double. Multiple parameters and complex parameters are to be implemented.

2008-11-26 05:27:58 57

Nov 24 java class files for test change method

The java class files for test code in C is wrote in Java, then copy to C project path. This method was not good since it need two steps. So I changed to directly use files in Java project class path....

2008-11-25 05:05:36 69

Restore VM work

A friend ask me to implement a simple JVM few days before. I was quite interesting at this area half year before. A JVM was almost implemented except multiple thread feature. It was just did not work ...

2008-11-22 05:47:31 417

原创 English Study

Insist on doing a thing is very difficult specially for learn a language. I am trying to record down sentences I learn. Most of the sentences are from BBC. Nov 19. The goverment said that it has rep...

2008-11-20 20:04:49 111


升级到Vista之后发现打星际不能全屏, 只能是中间很小的一部分(600*400). 我用的14寸的本本, 1280*800的分辨率. 试了网上写的很多办法都不能奏效. 玩了几天后实在受不了了, 还是继续搞, 在试了n次之后, 终于被我搞定. 方法如下, 不过这个方法不一定适用于所有机型: 将分辨率设为1024*768. 之后边缘会有一部分是黑的. 将图形选项设为全屏没有边界. Graphi...

2008-11-05 04:33:16 99

TDD笔记4 保住隐私

public void testMultiplication() { Dollar five = new Dollar(5); Dollar product = five.times(2); assertEquals(10, product.amount); product = five.times(3); assertEquals(15, product.amoun...

2008-09-27 15:51:01 92

TDD笔记3 三角测量Triangulation

TDD的第三章主要讲了一个概念Triangulation,用金山词霸查了的意义为三角测量。 三角测量的原理颇为简单,基本,非常好理解。如两眼睁开穿针很容易,一只眼睛就非常不容易,如果没试过不妨试一下。打官司的时候往往是公说公有理,婆说婆有理,但只要有一个无利害关系的第三方,就很容量理清是非了。 在软件测试领域三角测量也非常有用。如在TDD的第二章有这样一个测试用例。 public voi...

2008-09-27 14:46:40 1023


开始看第二章。将测试代码修改为。 public void testMultiplication() { Dollar five = new Dollar(5); Dollar product = five.times(2); assertEquals(10, product.amount); product = five.times(3); assertEquals(...

2008-09-27 13:44:06 91


 一直觉得TDD不是太好做,虽然很多地方都宣扬TDD有很多好处。以前做的时候都是先写工作代码,等工作代码写的差不多之后再加TestCase,把TestCase当作调试驱动。过两天就要到Karlskrona出差了,老大也没有给我分配什么任务。拿起Kent Beck 的 Test-Driven Development By Exampe准备一步一步感觉一下。TDD到底是不是吹得。 从网上下载了一...

2008-09-27 12:50:21 105

DFC是如何使用 C++实现 JAVA类体系的?

模板实现JAVA类题型尝试最近一直在写一个将Jar文件转换到C++源文件的程序。关于如何实现JAVA类体系一直迷茫了好久,一开始想用模板实现各个类的智能指针。写了之后才发现该方法行不通。该方法思路大致在如下代码中。 class Object{};class String : public Object{};template<typename T>clas...

2008-09-18 17:17:30 340



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