








select s1.s#

from SC s1,SC s2

where s1.s#=s2.s# and s1.c#='001'and s2.c#='002'ands1.score>s2.score;



select s.s#,avg(s.score)

from SC s

groupby s.s#



--3、查询所有同学的学号、姓名 、选课数、总成绩;

select d.s#,max(d.sname),count(distinct s.c#),sum(s.score)

from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s#

groupby d.s#;




from Teacher t

where t.tname like'李%';



select d.s#,d.sname

from Student d



    from SC s,Teachert,Course c

    where t.t#=c.t# and s.c#=c.c# and t.tname='叶平'and d.s#=s.s#);



select d.s#, d.sname

from Student d, SC s

where s.s# = d.s# and s.c# ='001'andexists

 (select s1.s# from SC s1 where s1.s# = s.s# and s1.c# ='002');



select s.s#,max(d.sname)

from SC s,Studentd,Course c,Teachert

where s.s#=d.s# and s.c#=c.c# and c.t#=t.t# and t.tname='叶平'

groupby s.s#

havingcount(distinct s.c#)=(

       selectcount(0)from Coursec,Teachert where c.t#=t.t# and t.tname='叶平');             



select d.s#,d.sname

from SC s1,SC s2,Studentd

where s1.s#=s2.s# and s1.s#=d.s# and s1.c#='002'and s2.c#='001'ands1.score<s2.score;



select s.s#,max(d.sname)

from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s# and s.score<60

groupby s.s#

havingcount(0)=(selectcount(0)from SC s1 where s.s#=s1.s#);



select s.s#,max(d.sname)

from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s#

groupby s.s#

havingcount(distinct s.c#)<>(selectcount(0)from Course);



selectdistinct s.s#,d.sname

from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s# and s.s#<>'1001'andexists(

      select s1.c# from SC s1 where s1.s#='1001'and s.c#=s1.c# );



selectdistinct s.s#,d.sname

from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s# and s.s#<>'1010'and s.c# in(

      select s1.c# from SC s1 where s1.s#='1010');



update SC s

set s.score =

    (selectavg(s1.score)from SC s1 where s.c# = s1.c#)

whereexists(select s.c#

       from Coursec, Teachert

       where s.c# = c.c# and c.t# = t.t# and t.tname='叶平');    



select s.s#,max(d.sname)

from Studentd,SC s

where d.s#=s.s# and s.s#<>'1002'andexists(

      select c# from SC where s#='1002'and s.c#=c#)

groupby s.s#

havingcount(0)=(selectcount(0)from SC where s#='1002')

and count((select count(0) from SC wheres#=s.s#))=(select count(0) from SC where s#='1002');



delete SC s whereexists(select s.c# from Coursec,Teachert

                          where s.c#=c.c# and c.t#=t.t# and t.tname='叶平');



--    没有上过编号“003”课程的同学学号、002号课的平均成绩;

insertinto SC

(select d.s#,'002',(selectround(avg(score),2)from SC where c#='002')

from Student d  wherenotexists(selectdistinct s.s# from SC s where s.s#=d.s# and s.c#='003'));



--    按如下形式显示:学生ID,,数据库,企业管理,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分;

select s.s# as学生ID,

        (select avg(s1.score)from SC s1,Course c where s1.c#=c.c# and s.s#=s1.s# andc.cname='Java编程思想')as Java编程思想,

        (select avg(s1.score)from SC s1,Course c where s1.c#=c.c# and s.s#=s1.s# andc.cname='Struts2基础')as Struts2基础,

        (select avg(s1.score)from SC s1,Course c where s1.c#=c.c# and s.s#=s1.s# andc.cname='Spring基础')as Spring基础,


from SC s,Course c where s.c#=c.c# andc.cname in('Java编程思想','Struts2基础','Spring基础')

groupby s.s#




select s.c# as课程ID,max(s.score)as最高分,min(s.score)as最低分

from SC s

groupby s.c#;



select s.c# as课程ID,round(avg(s.score),2)as平均分,

       round(100*sum(casewhen s.score>=60then1else0end)/count(s.score),0)||'%'as及格率   

from SC s

groupby s.c#;



--    企业管理(001),马克思(002),OO&UML(003),数据库(004)

selectround(sum(casewhen c.cname='Java编程思想'then s.score else0end)/sum(case c.cnamewhen'Java编程思想'then1else0end),2)as Java编程思想,

       round(100*sum(casewhen s.score>=60and c.cname='Java编程思想'then1else0end)/sum(casewhen c.cname='Java编程思想'then1else0end),0)||'%'as及格率,

       round(sum(casewhen c.cname='Struts2基础'then s.scoreelse0end)/sum(case c.cnamewhen'Struts2基础'then1else0end),2)as Struts2基础,                       

       round(100*sum(casewhen s.score>=60and c.cname='Struts2基础'then1else0end)/sum(casewhen c.cname='Struts2基础'then1else0end),0)||'%'as及格率

from SC s,Course c

where s.c#=c.c#;



--    SELECT max(Z.T#) AS 教师ID,MAX(Z.Tname) AS 教师姓名,

--    C.C# AS 课程ID,MAX(C.Cname) AS 课程名称,AVG(Score) AS 平均成绩

select t.t# as教师ID,


       c.cname as所教课程,


from Teacher t, Coursec, SC s

where t.t# = c.t# and c.c# = s.c#

groupby t.t#, c.cname

orderby t.t#,round(avg(s.score),2)desc;


--22、查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第6 名的学生成绩单:

--    企业管理(001),马克思(002),UML (003),数据库(004)

select d.s#,d.sname,c.cname,s.score,s.rank1 as名次

from Student d,Course c,

     (select s#,c#,score,row_number()over(partitionby c# orderby score desc) rank1 from SC) s

where s.c#=c.c# and d.s#=s.s#

      and c.cnamein('Java编程思想','Struts2基础','Hibernate基础','Spring基础')

      and(s.rank1 between3and6)

orderby c.c#,s.rank1;


--23、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]

select s.c#,max(c.cname),

      sum(casewhen s.scorebetween85and100then1else0end)as分数85至100,

      sum(casewhen s.scorebetween70and85then1else0end)as分数70至85,

      sum(casewhen s.scorebetween60and70then1else0end)as分数60至70,

      sum(casewhen s.scorebetween0and60then1else0end)as小于60

from SC s,Course c

where s.c#=c.c#

groupby s.c#;



select d.s#,max(d.sname),round(avg(s.score),2)as平均分,


from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s#

groupby d.s#;



select c.c# as课程编号,c.cname as课程名称,

       d.sname as学生名称,s.rank1 as名次,s.score as成绩

from(select s#,c#,score,

       row_number()over(partitionby c# orderby score desc) rank1

       from sc ) s,Course c,Studentd

where s.c#=c.c# and s.s#=d.s# and  rank1 <4

orderby c.c#,s.rank1;



select s.c#,count(distinct s.s#)as人数

from SC s

groupby s.c#;



select d.s#,max(d.sname)

from SC s,Studentd

where d.s#=s.s#

groupby d.s#

havingcount(distinct s.c#)=1;



selectsum(case d.ssex when'男'then1else0end)as男生,

       sum(case d.ssex when'女'then1else0end)as女生

from Student d;




from Student d

where d.sname like'张%';





select d.sname,d.ssex,count(0)

from Student d

groupby d.sname,d.ssex





from Student d

where to_char(d.sage,'yyyy')='1981';



select s.c#,round(avg(s.score),2)as平均分

from SC s

groupby s.c#

orderbyavg(s.score),s.c# desc;



select s.s#,max(d.sname),round(avg(s.score),2)as平均分

from SC s,Studentd

where s.s#=d.s#

groupby s.s#




select d.sname,s.score

from Student d,SC s,Course c

where d.s#=s.s# and s.c#=c.c# and c.cname='Java编程思想'and s.score<60;



select d.s#,max(d.sname),count(distinct s.c#)as选课数

from Student d leftjoin SC s on(d.s#=s.s#)

groupby d.s#;




from Student d,SC s,Course c

where d.s#=s.s# and s.c#=c.c# and s.score>70

groupby s.s#,s.score

havingcount(0)=(selectcount(s1.c#)from SC s1 where s.s#=s1.s#);



select s.s#,c.cname,s.score

from SC s,Course c

where s.c#=c.c# and s.score<60

orderby s.c# desc;



select d.s#,d.sname

from Student d,SC s

where d.s#=s.s# and s.c#='003'and s.score>80;



selectcount(distinct s.s#)as选课的人数

from SC s;



select sname,score

from(select d.sname,s.score,row_number()over(orderby s.scoredesc)as rank1

      from Studentd,SC s,Course c,Teachert

      where d.s#=s.s# and s.c#=c.c# and c.t#=t.t# and t.tname='叶平')

where rank1=1;



select s.c#,count(distinct s.s#)as选修人数

from SC s

groupby s.c#;




from SC s1,SC s2

where s1.c#<>s2.c# ands1.score=s2.score and s1.s#<>s2.s#;



select d.s#,d.sname,s.c#,s.score,s.rank1

from(select s1.s#,s1.c#,s1.score,

     row_number()over(partitionby s1.c# orderbys1.score desc)as rank1

      from SC s1) s,Studentd

where s.s#=d.s# and rank1 <3

orderby s.c#,s.rank1;



--    查询结果按人数降序排列,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列    

select s.c#,count(distinct s.s#)as选修人数

from Course c leftjoin SC s on(c.c#=s.c#)

groupby s.c# havingcount(distinct s.s#)>10

orderbycount(distinct s.s#)desc,s.c#;



select s.s#

from SC s

groupby s.s#

havingcount(distinct s.c#)>=2;



select s.c# as课程编号,


from SC s,Course c

where s.c#=c.c#

groupby s.c#

havingcount(distinct s.s#)=(selectcount(0)from Student);



select d.s#,d.sname

from Student d

wherenotexists(select s.s# from SC s,Course c,Teachert

                   where s.c#=c.c# and c.t#=t.t# and s.s#=d.s# and t.tname='叶平');



select s.s#,round(avg(s.score),2)as平均分

from SC s where s.score<60

groupby s.s#




select s.s#

from SC s where s.c#='004'and s.score<60

orderby s.scoredesc;



deletefrom SC s

where s.s#='1002'and s.c#='001';



评论 1




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