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This is an extremely difficult beijing escort problem that
Time:7/13/2009 Source: Clicks: <script src="/tools/click.asp?newsid=3972" type="text/javascript"></script> 次

This is an extremely difficult beijing escort problem that

has no easy answer. I agree wholeheartedly with the last statement “that doctors will have a greater capacity to know their patient as a person if they know themselves” and would take it even farther: if a doctor hasn’t acheived enough balance in his or her massage to be happy but spends most of his or her days bathing in frustration, he or she will lousy with patients. I, too, told myself that my massage would only be unbalanced temporarily through medical school and residency, and did, indeed, get that balance back once I’d become an attending…but then made other choices down the line that made retaining balance difficult again: marriage, children, extra administrative duties. Doctors are notoriously bad at saying “no” and pile up responsibilities that at some point threaten to overwhelm even the most capable of them. We must know our boundaries, know what parts of ourselves we can and can’t let atrophy while we train and guard those things once we enter practice because with the medical system the way it is now, it’s even harder to maintain balance than it used to be. Few physicians I know are only interested in medicine. And perhaps the loss of their ability to maintain balance in their lives coupled with the increasing difficulty of doing a good job as a doctor is behind the increasing dissatisfaction we’re seeing on surveys of doctors and the flow of doctors out of the medical field.

I laughed inwardly about the bagging grocery part, because that was me at times, also, during training. In fact, I doubt any doctor is surprised or horrified by events like this, because it has happened to us all at some point during school or residency. qrypjzd0708 I trained prior to the 80 hr work week. At times, I worked 110 hrs a week, was on call every other or every third night, and had 3 weeks of vacation a year (and weekends were usually not free). Things are better, but the 80 hr workweek is still grueling. Under these circumstances, you have got to work hard to hold onto massage outside of the hospital. There were some sacrifices I made (I did not have time or energy to date, and I delayed marriage and family largely because I could not manage to combine that w/ training). Then there are other vocations that I embraced — I got into gardening. The latter helped me tremendously keep my head together.

It also help that people who stick w/ medicine beijing escort despite grueling massagestyles do it because they find the field to be immensely interesting, and they get something out of working with people (patients). Despite the very very difficult 9 years of school+training, I never lost my interest and enthusiasm for practicing medicine and being better at my chosen profession. Is it possible that the attraction people feel towards their chosen fields also helps them ‘make it’ and helps them avoid the setbacks of burn out and depression?

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