

A virtual machine snapshot is a view of a virtual machine(its OS & all its applications) at a given point in time. So that, one can revert to a known sane state, or take backups while the guest is running live. So, before we dive into snapshots, let's have an understanding of backing files and overlays.

QCOW2 backing files & overlays

In essence, QCOW2(Qemu Copy-On-Write) gives you an ability to create a base-image, and create several 'disposable' copy-on-write overlay disk images on top of the base image(also called backing file). Backing files and overlays are extremely useful to rapidly instantiate thin-privisoned virtual machines(more on it below). Especially quite useful in development & test environments, so that one could quickly revert to a known state & discard the overlay.


.--------------.    .-------------.    .-------------.    .-------------.
|              |    |             |    |             |    |             |
| RootBase     |<---| Overlay-1   |<---| Overlay-1A  <--- | Overlay-1B  |
| (raw/qcow2)  |    | (qcow2)     |    | (qcow2)     |    | (qcow2)     |
'--------------'    '-------------'    '-------------'    '-------------'

The above figure illustrates - RootBase is the backing file for Overlay-1, which in turn is backing file for Overlay-2, which in turn is backing file for Overlay-3.


.-----------.   .-----------.   .------------.  .------------.  .------------.
|           |   |           |   |            |  |            |  |            |
| RootBase  |<--- Overlay-1 |<--- Overlay-1A <--- Overlay-1B <--- Overlay-1C |
|           |   |           |   |            |  |            |  | (Active)   |
'-----------'   '-----------'   '------------'  '------------'  '------------'
   ^    ^
   |    |
   |    |       .-----------.    .------------.
   |    |       |           |    |            |
   |    '-------| Overlay-2 |<---| Overlay-2A |
   |            |           |    | (Active)   |
   |            '-----------'    '------------'
   |            .-----------.    .------------.
   |            |           |    |            |
   '------------| Overlay-3 |<---| Overlay-3A |
                |           |    | (Active)   |
                '-----------'    '------------'

The above figure is just another representation which indicates, we can use a 'single' backing file, and create several overlays -- which can be used further, to create overlays on top of them.

NOTE: Backing files are always opened  read-only. In other words, once
an overlay is created, its backing file should not be modified(as the overlay depends on a particular state of the backing file). Refer below ('blockcommit' section) for relevant info on this.

Example :

[FedoraBase.img] ----- <- [Fedora-guest-1.qcow2] <- [Fed-w-updates.qcow2] <- [Fedora-guest-with-updates-1A]
                  \--- <- [Fedora-guest-2.qcow2] <- [Fed-w-updates.qcow2] <- [Fedora-guest-with-updates-2A]

(Arrow to be read as Fed-w-updates.qcow2 has Fedora-guest-1.qcow2 as its backing file.)

In the above example, say, FedoraBase.img has a freshly installed Fedora-17 OS on it, and let's establish it as our backing file. Now, FedoraBase can be used as a read-only 'template' to quickly instantiate two(or more) thinly provisioned Fedora-17 guests(say Fedora-guest-1.qcow2, Fedora-guest-2.qcow2) by creating QCOW2 overlay files pointing to our backing file. Also, the example & Figure-2 above illustrate that a single root-base image(FedoraBase.img) can be used to create multiple overlays -- which can subsequently have their own overlays.

To create two thinly-provisioned Fedora clones(or overlays) using a single backing file, we can invoke qemu-img as below:

# qemu-img create -b /export/vmimages/RootBase.img -f qcow2 \

# qemu-img create -b /export/vmimages/RootBase.img -f qcow2 \

Now, both the above images Fedora-guest-1 & Fedora-guest-2 are ready to boot. Continuting with our example, say, now you want to instantiate a Fedora-17 guest, but this time, with full Fedora updates. This can be accomplished by creating another overlay(Fedora-guest-with-updates-1A) - but this overly would point to 'Fed-w-updates.qcow2' as its backing file (which has the full Fedora updates)

# qemu-img create -b /export/vmimages/Fed-w-updates.qcow2 -f qcow2 \

Information about a disk image, like virtual size, disk size, backing file(if it exists) can be obtained by using 'qemu-img' as below:

# qemu-img info /export/vmimages/Fedora-guest-with-updates-1A.qcow2

NOTE: With latest qemu, an entire backing chain can be recursively enumerated by doing:

# qemu-img info --backing-chain /export/vmimages/Fedora-guest-with-updates-1A.qcow2

Snapshot Terminology:

  • Internal Snapshots -- A single qcow2 image file holds both the saved state

    & the delta since that saved point. This can be further classified as :-

    1. Internal disk snapshot: The state of the virtual disk at a given point in time. Both the snapshot & delta since the snapshot are stored in the same qcow2 file. Can be taken when the guest is 'live' or 'offline'.

      • Libvirt uses QEMU's 'qemu-img' command when the guest is 'offline'.
      • Libvirt uses QEMU's 'savevm' command when the guest is 'live'.
    2. Internal system checkpoint: RAM state, device state & the disk-state of a running guest, are all stored in the same originial qcow2 file. Can be taken when the guest is running 'live'.

      • Libvirt uses QEMU's 'savevm' command when the guest is 'live'
  • External Snapshots -- Here, when a snapshot is taken, the saved state will be stored in one file(from that point, it becomes a read-only backing file) & a new file(overlay) will track the deltas from that saved state. This can be further classified as :-

    1. External disk snapshot: The snapshot of the disk is saved in one file, and the delta since the snapshot is tracked in a new qcow2 file. Can be taken when the guest is 'live' or 'offline'.

      • Libvirt uses QEMU's 'transaction' cmd under the hood, when the guest is 'live'.
      • Libvirt uses QEMU's 'qemu-img' cmd under the hood when the guest is 'offline'(this implementation is in progress, as of writing this).
    2. External system checkpoint: Here, the guest's disk-state will be saved in one file, its RAM & device-state will be saved in another new file (This implementation is in progress upstream libvirt, as of writing this).

  • VM State: Saves the RAM & device state of a running guest(not 'disk-state') to a file, so that it can be restored later. This simliar to doing hibernate of the system. (NOTE: The disk-state should be unmodified at the time of restoration.)

    • Libvirt uses QEMU's 'migrate' (to file) cmd under the hood.

Creating snapshots

  • Whenever an 'external' snapshot is issued, a /new/ overlay image is created to facilitate guest writes, and the previous image becomes a snapshot.

  • Create a disk-only internal snapshot

    1. If I have a guest named 'f17vm1', to create an offline or online 'internal' snapshot called 'snap1' with description 'snap1-desc'

      # virsh snapshot-create-as f17vm1  snap1 snap1-desc
    2. List the snapshot ; and query using qemu-img tool to view the image info & its internal snapshot details

      # virsh snapshot-list f17vm1
      # qemu-img info /home/kashyap/vmimages/f17vm1.qcow2
  • Create a disk-only external snapshot :

    1. List the block device associated with the guest.

      # virsh domblklist f17-base
      Target     Source
      vda        /export/vmimages/f17-base.qcow2
    2. Create external disk-only snapshot (while the guest is running).

      # virsh snapshot-create-as --domain f17-base snap1 snap1-desc \
      --disk-only --diskspec vda,snapshot=external,file=/export/vmimages/sn1-of-f17-base.qcow2 \
      Domain snapshot snap1 created
          * Once the above command is issued, the original disk-image
          of f17-base will become the backing_file & a new overlay
          image is created to track the new changes. Here on, libvirt
          will use this overlay for further write operations(while
          using the original image as a read-only backing_file).
    3. Now, list the block device associated(use cmd from step-1, above) with the guest,again, to ensure it reflects the new overlay image as the current block device in use.

      # virsh domblklist f17-base
      Target     Source
      vda        /export/vmimages/sn1-of-f17-base.qcow2

Reverting to snapshots

As of writing this, reverting to 'Internal Snapshots'(system checkpoint or disk-only) is possible.

To revert to a snapshot named 'snap1' of domain f17vm1

# virsh snapshot-revert --domain f17vm1 snap1

Reverting to 'external disk snapshots' using snapshot-revert is a little more tricky, as it involves slightly complicated process of dealing with additional snapshot files - whether to merge 'base' images into 'top' or to merge other way round ('top' into 'base').

That said, there are a couple of ways to deal with external snapshot files by merging them to reduce the external snapshot disk image chain by performing either a blockpull or blockcommit (more on this below).

Further improvements on this front is in work upstream libvirt as of writing this.

Merging snapshot files

External snapshots are incredibly useful. But, with plenty of external snapshot files, there comes a problem of maintaining and tracking all these inidivdual files. At a later point in time, we might want to 'merge' some of these snapshot files (either backing_files into overlays or vice-versa) to reduce the length of the image chain. To accomplish that, there are two mechanisms:

  • blockcommit: merges data from top into base (in other words, merge overlays into backing files).
  • blockpull: Populates a disk image with data from its backing file. Or merges data from base into top (in other words, merge backing files into overlays).


Block Commit allows you to merge from a 'top' image(within a disk backing file chain) into a lower-level 'base' image. To rephrase, it allows you to merge overlays into backing files. Once the blockcommit operation is finished, any portion that depends on the 'top' image, will now be pointing to the 'base'.

This is useful in flattening(or collapsing or reducing) backing file chain length after taking several external snapshots.

Let's understand with an illustration below:

We have a base image called 'RootBase', which has a disk image chain with 4 external snapshots. With 'Active' as the current active-layer, where 'live' guest writes happen. There are a few possibilities of resulting image chains that we can end up with, using 'blockcommit' :

  1. Data from Snap-1, Snap-2 and Snap-3 can be merged into 'RootBase' (resulting in RootBase becoming the backing_file of 'Active', and thus invalidating Snap-1, Snap-2, & Snap-3).
  2. Data from Snap-1 and Snap-2 can be merged into RootBase(resulting in Rootbase becoming the backing_file of Snap-3, and thus invalidating Snap-1 & Snap-2).
  3. Data from Snap-1 can be merged into RootBase(resulting in RootBase becoming the backing_file of Snap-2, and thus invalidating Snap-1).
  4. Data from Snap-2 can be merged into Snap-1(resulting in Snap-1 becoming the backing_file of Snap-3, and thus invalidating Snap-2).
  5. Data from Snap-3 can be merged into Snap-2(resulting in Snap-2 becoming the backing_file for 'Active', and thus invalidating Snap-3).
  6. Data from Snap-2 and Snap-3 can be merged into Snap-1(resulting in Snap-1 becoming the backing_file of 'Active', and thus invalidating Snap-2 & Snap-3).
NOTE: Eventually(not supported in qemu as of writing this), we can also
merge down the 'Active' layer(the top-most overlay) into its backing_files. Once it is supported, the 'top' argument can become optional, and default to active layer.

(The below figure illustrates case (6) from the above)


.------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
| RootBase   <---  Snap-1    <---  Snap-2    <---  Snap-3    <---  Snap-4    |
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  | (Active)   |
'------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'
                                 /                  |
                                /                   |
                               /  commit data       |
                              /                     |
                             /                      |
                            /                       |
                           v           commit data  |
.------------.  .------------. <--------------------'           .------------.
|            |  |            |                                  |            |
| RootBase   <---  Snap-1    |<---------------------------------|  Snap-4    |
|            |  |            |       Backing File               | (Active)   |
'------------'  '------------'                                  '------------'

For instance, if we have the below scenario:

Actual: [base] <- sn1 <- sn2 <- sn3 <- sn4(this is active)

Desired: [base] <- sn1 <- sn4 (thus invalidating sn2,sn3)

Any of the below two methods is valid (as of 17-Oct-2012 qemu-git). With method-a, operation will be faster & correct if we don't care about sn2(because, it'll be invalidated). Note that, method-b is slower, but sn2 will remain valid. (Also note that, the guest is 'live' in all these cases).

# virsh blockcommit --domain f17 vda --base /export/vmimages/sn1.qcow2 --top /export/vmimages/sn3.qcow2 --wait --verbose


# virsh blockcommit --domain f17 vda  --base /export/vmimages/sn2.qcow2 --top /export/vmimages/sn3.qcow2 --wait --verbose
# virsh blockcommit --domain f17 vda  --base /export/vmimages/sn1.qcow2 --top /export/vmimages/sn2.qcow2 --wait --verbose

NOTE: If we had to do manually with qemu-img cmd, we can only do method-b at the moment.


.------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
| RootBase   <---  Snap-1    <---  Snap-2    <---  Snap-3    <---  Snap-4    |
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  | (Active)   |
'------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'
                  /                  |             |
                 /                   |             |
                /                    |             |
   commit data /         commit data |             |
              /                      |             |
             /                       | commit data |
            v                        |             |
.------------.<----------------------|-------------'            .------------.
|            |<----------------------'                          |            |
| RootBase   |                                                  |  Snap-4    |
|            |<-------------------------------------------------| (Active)   |
'------------'                  Backing File                    '------------'

The above figure is another representation of reducing the disk image chain using blockcommit. Data from Snap-1, Snap-2, Snap-3 are merged(/committed) into RootBase, & now the current 'Active' image now pointing to 'RootBase' as its backing file(instead of Snap-3, which was the case before blockcommit). Note that, now intermediate images Snap-1, Snap-1, Snap-3 will be invalidated(as they were dependent on a particular state of RootBase).


Block Pull(also called 'Block Stream' in QEMU's paralance) allows you to merge into 'base' from a 'top' image(within a disk backing file chain). To rephrase it allows merging backing files into an overlay(active). This works in the opposite side of 'blockcommit' to flatten the snapshot chain. At the moment,blockpull can pull only into the active layer(the top-most image). It's worth noting here that, intermediate images are not invalidated once a blockpull operation is complete (while blockcommit, invalidates them).

Consider the below illustration:


.------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
| RootBase   <---  Snap-1    <---  Snap-2    <---  Snap-3    <---  Snap-4    |
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  | (Active)   |
'------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'
                         |                 |              \
                         |                 |               \
                         |                 |                \
                         |                 |                 \ stream data
                         |                 | stream data      \
                         | stream data     |                   \
                         |                 |                    v
     .------------.      |                 '--------------->  .------------.
     |            |      '--------------------------------->  |            |
     | RootBase   |                                           |  Snap-4    |
     |            | <---------------------------------------- | (Active)   |
     '------------'                 Backing File              '------------'

The above figure illustrates that, using block-copy we can pull data from Snap-1, Snap-2 and Snap-3 into the 'Active' layer, resulting in 'RootBase' becoming the backing file for the 'Active' image (instead of 'Snap-3', which was the case before doing the blockpull operation).

The command flow would be:
  1. Assuming a external disk-only snapshot was created as mentioned in Creating Snapshots section:

  2. A blockpull operation can be issued this way, to achieve the desired state of Figure-5-- [RootBase] <- [Active].

    # virsh blockpull --domain RootBase --path var/lib/libvirt/images/active.qcow2 --base /var/lib/libvirt/images/RootBase.qcow2  --wait --verbose

As a follow up, we can do the below to clean-up the snapshot tracking metadata by libvirt (note: the below does not 'remove' the files, it just cleans up the snapshot tracking metadata).

# virsh snapshot-delete --domain RootBase Snap-3 --metadata
# virsh snapshot-delete --domain RootBase Snap-2 --metadata
# virsh snapshot-delete --domain RootBase Snap-1 --metadata


.------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.  .------------.
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |
| RootBase   <---  Snap-1    <---  Snap-2    <---  Snap-3    <---  Snap-4    |
|            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  | (Active)   |
'------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'  '------------'
      |                  |              |                  \
      |                  |              |                   \
      |                  |              |                    \  stream data
      |                  |              | stream data         \
      |                  |              |                      \
      |                  | stream data  |                       \
      |  stream data     |              '------------------>     v
      |                  |                                    .--------------.
      |                  '--------------------------------->  |              |
      |                                                       |  Snap-4      |
      '---------------------------------------------------->  | (Active)     |
                                                                (w/o backing

The above figure illustrates, once blockpull operation is complete, by pulling/streaming data from RootBase, Snap-1, Snap-2, Snap-3 into 'Active', all the backing files can be discarded and 'Active' now will be a standalone image without any backing files.

Command flow would be:
  1. Assuming 4 external disk-only (live) snapshots were created as mentioned in Creating Snapshots section,

  2. Let's check the snapshot overlay images size before blockpull operation (note the image of 'Active'):

    # ls -lash /var/lib/libvirt/images/RootBase.img
    608M -rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 1.0G Oct 11 17:54 /var/lib/libvirt/images/RootBase.img
    # ls -lash /var/lib/libvirt/images/*Snap*
    840K -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 896K Oct 11 17:56 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-1.qcow2
    392K -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 448K Oct 11 17:56 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-2.qcow2
    456K -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 512K Oct 11 17:56 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-3.qcow2
    2.9M -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 3.0M Oct 11 18:10 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2
  3. Also, check the disk image information of 'Active'. It can noticed that 'Active' has Snap-3 as its backing file.

    # qemu-img info /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2
    image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2
    file format: qcow2
    virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
    disk size: 2.9M
    cluster_size: 65536
    backing file: /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-3.qcow2
  4. Do the blockpull operation.

    # virsh blockpull --domain ptest2-base --path /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2 --wait --verbose
    Block Pull: [100 %]
    Pull complete
  5. Let's again check the snapshot overlay images size after blockpull operation. It can be noticed, 'Active' is now considerably larger.

    # ls -lash /var/lib/libvirt/images/*Snap*
     840K -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 896K Oct 11 17:56 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-1.qcow2
     392K -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 448K Oct 11 17:56 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-2.qcow2
     456K -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 512K Oct 11 17:56 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Snap-3.qcow2
    1011M -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 3.0M Oct 11 18:29 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2
  6. Also, check the disk image information of 'Active'. It can now be noticed that 'Active' is a standalone image without any backing file - which is the desired state of Figure-6.:

    # qemu-img info /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2
    image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2
    file format: qcow2
    virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
    disk size: 1.0G
    cluster_size: 65536
  7. We can now clean-up the snapshot tracking metadata by libvirt to reflect the new reality

    # virsh snapshot-delete --domain RootBase Snap-3 --metadata
  8. Optionally, one can check, the guest disk contents by invoking guestfish tool(part of libguestfsREAD-ONLY (--ro option below does it) as below

    # guestfish --ro -i -a /var/lib/libvirt/images/Active.qcow2

Deleting snapshots (and 'offline commit')

Deleting (live/offline) Internal Snapshots (where the originial & all the named snapshots are stored in a single QCOW2 file), is quite straight forward.

# virsh snapshot-delete --domain f17vm --snapshotname snap6


# virsh snapshot-delete f17vm snap6

Deleting External snapshots (offline), Libvirt has not acquired the capability. But, it can be done via qemu-img manipulation.

Say, we have this image chain(the guest is offline here): base <- sn1 <- sn2 <- sn3 (arrow to be read as 'sn3 has sn2 as its backing file').

And, we want to delete the second snapshot(sn2). It's possible to do it in two ways:

  • Method (1)base <- sn1 <- sn3 (by copying sn2 into sn1)
  • Method (2)base <- sn1 <- sn3 (by copying sn2 into sn3)

Method (1)

To end up with this image chain : base <- sn1 <- sn3 (by copying sn2 into sn1)

NOTE: This is only possible if sn1 isn't used by more images as their backing file, or they'd get corrupted!!

(a) We're doing an offline commit (similar to what blockcommit can do to an online guest).

# qemu-img commit sn2.qcow2

    - This will *commit* the changes from sn2 into its backing file(which is
  1. Now that we've comitted changes from sn2 into sn1, let's change the backing file link in sn3 to point to sn1.

    # qemu-img rebase -u -b sn1.qcow2 sn3.qcow2
    • NOTE: This is 'Unsafe mode' -- in this mode, only the backing file name is changed w/o any checks on the file contents. The user must take care of specifying the correct new backing file, or the guest-visible. This mode is useful for renaming or moving the backing file to somewhere else. It can be used without an accessible old backing file, i.e. you can use it to fix an image whose backing file has already been moved/renamed.
  2. Now, we can delete the sn2 disk image(as the changes are now committed to sn1).

    # rm sn2.qcow2

Method (2)

To end up with this image chain : base <- sn1 <- sn3 (by copying sn2 into sn3)

  1. Copy contents of sn2(the old backing file) into sn3, and change the backing file link of sn3 to sn1:

    # qemu-img rebase -b sn1.qcow2 sn3.qcow2
    • Apart from changing backing file link of sn3 to sn1, the above cmd will it also /copy/ the contents from sn2 into sn3).
    • In other words: This is 'Safe mode', which is the default -- any clusters that differ between the new backing_file(in this case, sn1) and the old backing file(in this case, sn2) of filename(in this case, sn3) are merged into filename(sn3), before actually changing the backing file.
  2. Now, we can delete the sn2 disk image(as the changes are now committed to sn1).

    # rm sn2.qcow2

Upcoming improvements (in libvirt 1.0.0 & beyond)

  • Creation of offline External [system checkpoint/offline] Snapshots (using virsh). At the moment, we can do 'offline' external snapshots manually using 'qemu-img'.
  • Snapshot revert/delete improvements for external snapshots
  • Live/Offline 'blockcommit' enhancements
  • Storage migration with Blockcopy
  • 0
  • 0
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