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原创 addr2line for windows

While debugging os or application crash bug on windows ce (the tool winaddr2line isnt particularly used for windows CE application, it can be used for normal windows application too.) platform, dev

2011-06-27 19:40:00 3900 1

原创 quickswitch

One of the most used function on a pc is switching between tasks. We may write some code in vim, switch to firefox to search for the usage of an api. And then switch back to vim continue writing code.

2011-05-31 18:58:00 1842

原创 extend windows ce platform with oalioctl

Though not being a open source platform, windows ce is designed to be flexible so that device venders can extend it easily. oalioctl is a feature that makes it possible to do things in kernel space on behalf of application. Features1. ExtensibilityThe

2011-04-14 20:09:00 561

原创 resolve windows ce remote tool connection issue

remote tools for windows ce is a set of powerful tools for debugging. I have Visual Studio 2005, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 installed, but the remote tools don't work. They fail to connect to device with following error message:The Microsoft ActiveSync re

2011-03-08 19:50:00 1182 1

原创 view call stack of crashed application on android

On android, when a process crashes in native code, the call stack of the process will be saved to a log file in /data/tombstomes/, and written to logcat as well. The information is helpful for debuggi

2011-01-25 09:10:00 1132

原创 install h.264 plugin for linphone on ubuntu

h.264 plugin isn't a standard part of linphone installation on ubuntu. We must manually compile and install it.1. Download msx264 plugin source code.2. Run sudo apt-get install libmediastreamer-dev libx264-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libtheora-dev

2011-01-19 16:48:00 1889

原创 utility for debugging android native application

agdb is a utility aims to ease the task of debugging android native application. Its working mechanism is similar to ndk-gdb. But it's intended to assist debugging native applications in android source tree, not for application created with ndk.It does f

2011-01-13 10:05:00 721

原创 view raw yuv file with mplayer

mplayer is a powerful utility that is helpful for examining the raw yuv file.We decoded this h.264 media file (test_avc_amr.mp4) coming with android opencore to yuv format, saved as a.yuv. The command below can display the yuv file frame by frame:mplayer

2011-01-10 22:32:00 978

原创 another free uml tool, bouml

Having tried metauml as my primary design utility recently, the experience isn't as good as I expected. At the beginning, I thought I would be more focused on the content/design while using a pure textual editing tool, but the result is very frustrating. B

2010-12-24 11:01:00 522

原创 common programming and debugging tools

To help me memorize commonly used programming and debugging tools on windows and linux, I created a wiki page here:http://code.google.com/p/rxwen-blog-stuff/wiki/CommonProgrammingAndDebuggingToolsOnWinAndLinux

2010-12-21 19:22:00 557

原创 port exosip to android

Port exosip to android platform isn't a difficult task because exosip doesn't rely on any special system calls that aren't available on android. It only requires osip to compile, which can also be easily ported.As an example, I created two applications to

2010-12-19 17:29:00 2359

原创 tools for working with android jni

When we make use of jni on android, it's a error-prone task to manually write the native function name for a given java native function. Though there are rules for us to follow, no one would like to memorize that. javah to the rescue.For example, for the

2010-12-14 23:07:00 542

原创 learning opencore through unit testing

Android 2.3 gingerbread was officially released. A big improvement is this version is in media framework, as stated in platform highlights:Media FrameworkNew media framework fully replaces OpenCore, maintaining all previous codec/container support for enc

2010-12-08 22:00:00 749

原创 python decorators

Decorator is a very expressive language feature in python. It helps developers to write cleaner, modular code that is easier to extend and maintain. It also helps implement AOP and decorator pattern in python.Decorator syntaxTo declare a decorator funct

2010-12-05 21:10:00 614

原创 install fcitx input method on ubuntu

The default scim input method doesn't work well with freemind on my computer, so I'd like to switch to fcitx. The fcitx package in ubuntu repository is an old version, and to install fcitx manually isn't very straightforward, so I make this post about how

2010-12-04 15:10:00 1843

原创 draw uml with latex&metauml

I've used and enjoyed the benefits of reversion control system for several years. RCS makes my life a lot easier. And it pushes me to highly prefer text format files over binary files, because text files can be managed by RCS more easily. metauml is a m

2010-11-23 21:15:00 1089

原创 avoid memory leak in osip

I was debugging memory leak bugs recently. The bug was caused by incorrect usage of the osip library. It's not uncommon that we meet problems when we rely on a library or framework that we don't fully understand. Symptom and debuggingThe symptom is our

2010-11-15 20:17:00 583

原创 blogporter v1.0.0 released

The first version of blogporter is released. It's a utility for synchronizing posts between different blog service provider.I wrote this tool because I need to maintain two blogs. It's annoying to have to copy and paste my posts to another blog. And the m

2010-10-20 21:48:00 564

原创 nook vs kindle 3

I finally had a chance to play with kindle 3, and compared it with my nook.Pros: The greatest advantage I felt that kindle 3 is over nook is its speed. It's extremely fast to turn pages, at least twice faster than nook.The second point that kindle

2010-10-16 12:53:00 891

原创 android touch event summary

In "implement drag and drop on android", I wrote the rules how touch event can be passed to the touched view's parent, and how a parent can intercept the touched view's event. On a device without mouse, Click and LongClicked events are also strongly relate

2010-10-16 10:05:00 1010

原创 测试中文


2010-10-12 22:32:00 615

原创 repair mac login failure due to invalid home directory

My macbook failed to start and gave me "the password you entered is invalid" on login. It happened after my user directory is changed.By default, mac system saves a user's personal data in /Users/user_name directory. In order to make the system easier to

2010-10-11 20:25:00 926

原创 How to Build a Nook emulator

due to nookdevs isn't accessible, I make a copy of their document about how to build nook emulator here. Also, I shared my system.img for nook at the end this post as well. Android Emulator for the NookIt is very possible to run the Barnes and Noble Noo

2010-09-28 11:04:00 769

原创 how to soft-root your nook

I don't know for what reason, the nookdevs.com isn't accessible. So I made a copy of their document about how to soft-root nook here:How to soft-root your Nook Thanks to nookdevs.com for rooting the device. Guideline provided

2010-09-28 10:58:00 1279

原创 recovering GRUB bootloader on windows/ubuntu dual boot machine

I installed both windows and ubuntu on my laptop. It's easy to dual boot because I installed ubuntu after windows. But for some reasons, I have to reinstall windows.And after windows is installed, dual boot no longer work because windows installer overwri

2010-09-24 21:17:00 561

原创 understanding drawBitmapMesh on android

The Canvas.drawBitmapMesh method on android is a like a mystery to me while I looked at the BitmapMesh sample. Though I tried to get some hints from the official document, it didn't help much. After played it with several tests, I got some ideas about how

2010-09-24 20:52:00 935

原创 avoid designing by coding

I found a obvious, stupid mistake in my c++ code. The mistake itself is trivial and doesn't worth mentioning. What I'm interested in is what lead me to making such a mistake that a very fresh c++ learner can easily recognize.The main reason is I was desig

2010-08-29 13:14:00 442

原创 looper and handler in android

It's widely known that it's illegal to update UI components directly from threads other than main thread in android. This android document (Handling Expensive Operations in the UI Thread) suggests the steps to follow if we need to start a separate thread t

2010-08-22 19:10:00 655

原创 测试文章一枚


2010-08-01 10:13:00 477

原创 implement drag and drop on android

Nowadays, drag and drop is a frequently seen feature on touch screen devices. Tthis post introduces the basic idea of how to implement drag and drop on android.On android, touch event is composed of a series events.First, user puts his finger on an elem

2010-07-29 21:34:00 1868 1

原创 nook's battery sucks

nook's battery is advertised to be able to run for around 10 days if users trun off the wifi. But my nook can only run for 4 days at maximum, even if I always turn air mode on. On average, I used it for two or three hours per day. That's to say, its batter

2010-07-28 22:04:00 911

原创 why offsetof can use null pointer

offsetof is a widely used means in c and c++ to find out the offset of a member variable in its struct or class. The most normal way to implement it is via following macro:#define offsetof(st, m) ((size_t) ( (char *)&((st *)(0))->m - (char *)0 ))The idea

2010-07-18 14:30:00 475

原创 got nook

Finally, after more than two weeks' waiting, my nook was delivered to me.nook and accessories:screensaver:main menu:viewing pdf:micro-sd card socket:There are two set of go to previous/next buttons on both left and right side of nook for user's co

2010-07-17 16:17:00 462

原创 performance impact of printf

Logging is a widely used debugging means. As a way of implementing logging, I saw printf used in a lot of places. It's so quick and easy to use printf to examine the behavior of an application. But it also has heavy impact of the performance of the applica

2010-07-07 13:23:00 467

原创 paste in vim command line

To be able to paste something to vim's command line is a feature makes our life a lot easier. For instance, say we want to change a frequently used variable name in c source file from a_super_long_inproper_variable_for_caching_bank_account_balance to balan

2010-07-05 20:26:00 995

原创 perform profiling on windows ce

Profiling is an effective way of finding out bottlenecks in an application. On windows ce platform, profiling can also be done easily.To perform profiling for native code, we can use the /callcap compiler option to enable callcap profiling. After it's en

2010-07-01 20:07:00 490

原创 openoffice exports better pdf than word

I generated a pdf file from a word document with word 2007. But the pdf file looks very uncomfortable in my pdf viewer. So I looked it closely to see what makes me feel so. The culprit is the spacing between characters. As shown in the image blow, the spac

2010-06-25 22:28:00 446

原创 aaaaaaaaa


2010-06-10 02:30:00 784 2

原创 debugging python script in ipython

ipython doesn't work with built-in pdb debugger. While I tried to debug a python script with "run -d script.py" within ipython shell, I got bellow error:AttributeError: Pdb instance has no attribute 'curframe'To debug script in ipython, we need to use a

2010-06-09 21:39:00 937

原创 install ipython and readline on mac

ipython is a powerful interactive shell for python. With it, we can tak advantage of python programming language in our daily works.One of ipython's power is its tab-completion feature that needs readline to work. On mac system, it lacks this library due

2010-06-06 10:47:00 1126



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