
本文档详细介绍了如何将WebLogic Server实例设置为Windows服务,包括编辑installSvc.cmd脚本,配置连接到管理服务器,实现无密码启动,验证服务设置,以及通过控制面板停止或重启服务器实例等步骤。主要涉及设置服务器特定变量,添加启动凭证,并讨论了在Windows服务中启动的WebLogic Server不使用setDomainEnv.cmd配置的情况。




    set WL_HOME=D:/bea/weblogic92
    call "%WL_HOME%/common/bin/commEnv.cmd"


    set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain
    set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
    set USERDOMAIN_HOME=D:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain
    set WLS_USER=username

    set WLS_PW=password       




    set WL_HOME=D:/bea/wlserver_10.0
    call "%WL_HOME%/common/bin/commEnv.cmd"


    @rem *************************************************************************
    @rem *************************************************************************
    @rem *************************************************************************
    set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain
    set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
    set USERDOMAIN_HOME=d:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain
    set WLS_USER=username

    set WLS_PW=password
    @rem *************************************************************************
    @rem *************************************************************************



在如下位置/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer下面新建一个名为 security 的文件夹

在里面建一个名为 boot.properties 文件,加入以下2行:








在 set WL_HOME=……  的下面添加以下两句:

set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain
set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer



Setting Up a WebLogic Server Instance as a Windows Service

If you want a WebLogic Server instance to start automatically when you boot a Windows host computer, you can set up the server as a Windows service.

For each server instance that you set up as a Windows service, WebLogic Server creates a key in the Windows Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services. The registry entry contains such information as the name of the server and other startup arguments.

When you start the Windows host, the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM), which is part of the Windows operating system, uses the information in the Windows Registry key to invoke the weblogic.Server main class. The Windows SCM cannot be configured to use a Node Manager to start Managed Servers, and therefore the Node Manager's monitoring and automatic restart features cannot be used for servers that run as a Windows service.

The following tasks set up and manage WebLogic Server instances that run as Windows services:


Setting Up a Windows Service: Main Steps

To set up a Windows service:

    • If the Configuration Wizard prompts you to install a server as a Windows service, choose Yes.

      Some of the domain templates in the Configuration Wizard prompt you to set up a server as a Windows service. If you choose Yes, the wizard installs the server as a Windows service. If you are using the wizard to create an Administration Server and Managed Servers, the wizard creates a Windows service only for the Administration Server. The wizard also creates a server-specific script that you can modify and use to install other servers as Windows services. The script is named domain-name/installService.cmd, where domain-name is the name of the domain that you created.

    • Create a script that sets values for server-specific variables and then calls a WebLogic Server master script. For more information, refer to Creating a Server-Specific Script.
    • Do one of the following:
    • If you set up both an Administration Server and a Managed Server to run as Windows services on the same computer, modify the WebLogic Server master script so that the Managed Server starts only after the Administration Server finishes its startup cycle. For more information, refer to Requiring Managed Servers to Start After Administration Servers.
    • If you want a server instance to shut down gracefully when you use the Windows Control Panel to stop the Windows service, create a Java class and modify the master script so that the Windows SCM will invoke the class. For more information, refer to Enabling Graceful Shutdowns from the Windows Control Panel.
    • If you want to see the messages that a server instance prints to standard out and standard error (including stack traces and thread dumps), redirect standard out and standard error to a file. For more information, refer to Redirecting Standard Out and Standard Error to a File.
    • If you have created additional Java classes that you want the WebLogic Server instance to invoke, add them to the server's classpath. For more information, refer to Adding Classes to the Classpath.

Creating a Server-Specific Script

If the Configuration Wizard did not already create a server-specific script for your domain, you can create one. The script that you create must set values for variables that identify the name of the server instance and other server-specific information. Then it must call a master script, WL_HOME/server/bin/installSvc.cmd, where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server. The master scripts invokes the beasvc utility, which adds a key to the Windows Registry.

Note: For more information about beasvc, enter the following command at a command prompt: WL_HOME/server/bin/beasvc -help, where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.

To see an example of a server-specific script, refer to Listing 6-1.

To create a server-specific script:


      This is a batch command that begins the localization of environment variables in a batch file.

    • set DOMAIN_NAME=domain-name

      where domain-name is the name of your WebLogic Server domain.

    • set USERDOMAIN_HOME=absolute-pathname

      where absolute-pathname is the absolute pathname of the Administration Server's root directory (the directory that contains the domain's configuration file). For more information about the root directories for servers, refer to A Server's Root Directory.

    • set SERVER_NAME=server-name

      where server-name is the name of an existing server instance that you want set up as a Windows service.

    • set WLS_USER=username
      set WLS_PW=password

      where username is the name of an existing user with privileges to start a server instance and password is the user's password. The beasvc utility encrypts the login credentials and stores them in the Windows registry.

      This is one of two possible methods for avoiding the username/password prompt when a server instance starts. The disadvantage to this method is that changing the username or password for the server instance requires you to delete the Windows service and set up a new one with the new username and password. Instead of this method, you can use a boot identity file. With a boot identity file, you can change the login credentials without needing to modify the Windows service. For more information, refer to "Boot Identity Files" in the Administration Console Online Help.

    • set PRODUCTION_MODE=[true]

      When the PRODUCTION_MODE variable is set to true, the server instance starts in production mode. When not specified, or when set to false, the server starts in development mode. For more information about development mode and production mode, refer to Creating and Configuring Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

    • set JAVA_OPTIONS=java-options

      where java-options is one or more Java arguments that you want to pass to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Separate multiple arguments with

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