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原创 Learning FP-Growth Algorithm in Python

Again, it is a study note of 'Machine Learning in Action'. Here is a refined variation to Apriori principle - FP-Growth algorithmThe key data structure is Condition FP Tree - a Trie with each path a

2016-03-08 06:53:11 806

原创 Learning Apriori Algorithm - in Python

"Machine Learning in Action" is a good book. I've learnt Apriori algorithm successfully. Here is a working Python3 code piece:# Load Datadef loadDataSet(path): return [[1, 3, 4],

2016-03-02 09:10:30 972

原创 Project Euler 46 solution optimized using C++ meta-programming

Continued with last post.. now I'm using C++ meta-programming to solve this problem - all computation moved to compile time.But there are limitations for G++ to compile template like recursion depth

2015-07-19 02:36:59 2187

原创 Project Euler 46 solution optimized using SSE2

http://www.mathblog.dk/project-euler-46-odd-number-prime-square/Not a hard one to code, but it can be optimized using SSE2 instructions. The code below runs with g++ 4.8.1: g++ -g -c riddle.cpp

2015-07-18 15:49:44 901

原创 Belated enlightenment on Quaternion

The first time when I read chapter 4 "Transforms", the Quaternion part confused me a lot.You may have already read this great article: http://betterexplained.com/articles/a-visual-intuitive-guide-to

2015-03-24 01:11:37 654

原创 Calling Haskell from C - (DLL solution)

My main reference is : http://mostlycode.wordpress.com/2010/01/03/shared-haskell-so-library-with-ghc-6-10-4-and-cabal/Step 1: Write your Haskell code

2014-06-28 05:51:08 1164

原创 Review on 2 well-known Haskell textbooks

Almost every Haskell beginner reads the following 2 books:

2014-06-20 14:00:22 792

原创 Boost Preprocessor is so cool

#include "boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp" #include "boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp" #include "boost/preprocessor/seq/push_back.hpp" #include "boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp" #include "boost/pr

2014-06-04 12:52:45 1838

原创 lcov solution on linux

0. Make sure you have built\installed gcov\lcov\genhtml on your linux machine

2014-04-24 14:30:14 744

转载 A Turing-complete language: Brainf*ck

Remember the mathematical representation of Turing machine? Here comes a programming language that looks just like a 'raw' simulation to that.http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/bf/http://www.he

2014-02-19 06:28:55 998

原创 Concrete maths reading notes 1 - ch. 1&2

I got my current copy of concrete maths about four years ago in Shanghai. And now I finally possess the courage and determination to read it. What surprised me is that this book is so accessible and f

2013-11-11 00:51:03 719

原创 "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" 1st round done ROUGHLY

OK finally I have read it over (at Baltimore MD), though pretty roughly. In recent months, my majority brain cycles were on this book. And compared with other CS books I read before, first, it is on T

2013-10-26 05:06:08 742

原创 C++ Grandmaster Certification ?

I encounter a very interesting C++ certification course\program free online: http://www.cppgm.org/about.htmlIt is called C++ 'GRANDMASTER' certification. Sounds pretty ambitious and challenging does

2013-08-20 00:46:08 1375

原创 "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" Reading notes - Ch. 3

Finally Turing machine is introduced. With NFA\PDA in mind, readers should be able to understand Turing machine without too much effort. Again, Prof. Michael Sisper deserves a title of Teaching Guru.

2013-07-23 01:37:56 1823

原创 "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" Reading notes - Ch. 2

Chapter 2 is a generalized chapter 1, just like (G)NFA to DFA. Combining GNFA|Regular lang., readers should be able to understand PDA|Ctx-Free grammar without too much effort.. Yes, this is what you

2013-07-16 14:50:57 5571

原创 "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" Reading notes - Ch. 0 and 1

"Introduction to the Theory of Computation" (by Michael Sipser) is a perfect book for TCS beginners. It is superbly accessible and friendly to TCS rookies, which never makes your bored during your r

2013-07-08 14:02:57 916

原创 《数学之美》Reading Notes

http://book.douban.com/subject/10750155/I saw this book in bookstore first, instead of Amazon\China-Pub that is the usual way I got to know new books. I was amazed by this book and became happie

2013-07-03 23:48:07 736

原创 Review on existing open-source Register Allocation algorithms with GCC\LLVM

The essence of compiler is in back-end, precisely, it is optimization. And Register Allocation is one very important aspect of compiler optimization. This article contains a simple review on existin

2013-05-10 04:35:08 982

转载 Two must-have articles(in zh-cn) about VIM

Reference: http://blog.csdn.net/wooin手把手教你把Vim改装成一个IDE编程环境(图文)我的vimrc

2012-01-18 15:39:32 617

转载 A pretty good article on Quantum Computing


2011-08-28 03:11:03 614

原创 Dragon Book reading notes 1

This note is on the intro. and lexical parts.Since I studied my compiler course pretty well (I think), the first 2 chapters look some famili

2011-07-19 14:50:25 564

原创 A belated enlightment on [Lacawell06JGT]

About one year ago I did a project on Bill-Board Cloud (http://blog.csdn.net/saintony/archive/2010/04/28/5541052.aspx), and the refered paper is [Lacawell06JGT] "Stochastic Billboard Clouds for Interactive Foliage Rendering".I didn't understand the 2nd ste

2011-04-19 02:36:00 731

原创 Geometry clustering using K-Means algorithm

<br />Geometry clustering is usually useful when an object is supposed to be represented by bill-boards, which is a common technique used in real-time graphics.<br /> <br />There are a bunch of clustering algorithms, and "k-means" is one of them, and a rel

2011-04-06 02:32:00 805

原创 “Physically based Rendering” first round done

<br />I found it has been exactly one year since I got this book from Amazon, by checking my mark on its cover - Mar. 29 2010.<br /> <br />I would say it deserves an essentially joyful journey of reading it. Unlike "advanced global illumination", this book

2011-03-31 12:23:00 720

原创 "Algorithms" by S. D., C.H. P., and U.V. V., recommended

As a CS lover, I guess you must have read CLRS, maybe 2nd version, or even 3rd version. Unless you are a Math fan, you may find it too theoretical, and probably you were abashed by its tons of Math details. I think CLRS is mainly for ones who intend to dev

2011-03-06 20:11:00 942

原创 TortoiseSVN SSH Tunnel Setup

<br />1. Setup SSH client parameter for TortoiseSVN<br /> <br />Right click on the blank of the folder, go to TortoiseSVN->Settings->Network->SSH, find your SSH client here. Actually TortoiseSVNPlink is enough. If your depot has a specific port, put a para

2011-02-18 08:07:00 1448

原创 My implementation of “Lightcuts”(CPU version) – got 100% speed-up

My CPU version(C/C++) of Lightcuts (http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1073318) has been done right now. It rocks, indeed. (Testing Platform: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6700 @2.66 GHz) My initial testing sample: 3 venus model (1418 triangles for eac

2011-02-10 19:34:00 1050

原创 《编程之美》(The beauty of Programming) Reading notes

First round of this book has just been finished. It is a wonderful book. It focuses on teaching readers how to analyze & solve problems, including typical CS algorithm problems and also some interesting Maths problems. But actually I am not interested in

2011-02-06 00:10:00 1177 1

原创 'Professional Assembly Language' is a nice book about Intel_AT&T

<br />"Professional Assembly Language" is a very nice beginner text about Intel/AT&T ASM. It offers a very broad view of the area, and a relatively thorough explanation.<br /> <br />Basically it is a dictionary-like book. I have got prepared for the thorou

2011-01-16 14:02:00 1434

原创 Final version of my GPU Volume Renderer

Here they are: Professor G sent them to the provost of P U, said it is just like a fully lit Xma tree! The above is the 1024x1024 (non-anti-aliased yet) image using heat color map. They are supposed to be appear on Nano Letter Journal ! BTW: don’

2010-12-09 02:29:00 734

原创 Volume Rendering using CUDA – Trilinear Interp. and Image Color-Map

The latest update of my GPU-based Volume Rendering Engine: 1. Trilinear Interpolation (smoother images) 2. Ray-tracing Blending (see the nanorod geometry) 3. Image Color-map (Loading regular pictures as the color-map)

2010-11-18 14:58:00 907

原创 Numerical Analysis : Several Interpolation Methods

[This is actually my project report for my Numerical Analysis course this semester] * Cubic Spline Algorithm application in Typeface Design As known Cubic Spline is usually the best choice in computer graphics applications, which have 2nd order continuit

2010-11-11 13:31:00 792

原创 Dynamic Cube-Mapping

Static cube mapping is only several vector calculation in GPU at runtime. But dynamic cube mapping is different. The typical way to do this is to combine an updated static cube-mapping for each frame. The required action is to use camera to take 6 pictures

2010-11-02 19:00:00 1028 2

原创 Volume Rendering using CUDA – Transfer Function & Anti-Aliasing

Here are some pictures of my GPU-based volume rendering engine: Included functions: 1. Anti-Aliasing (not applied in the above picture) 2. Transfer Function on Alpha & Color The highlight is that it reaches an interactive FPS: for 512x512 resolution

2010-10-31 18:29:00 926

原创 Volume Rendering using CUDA – Basic framework

nVidia Tesla architecture GPU + CUDA + OpenGL(FBO mapped to CUDA) is probably the best solution framework for Volume Rendering(Ray-casting) Ray-casting is probably the best scenario for parallel computing. More pictures are coming soon!

2010-10-21 00:40:00 831 1

原创 VTK rocks

The primary visualization tool for my Scientific Visualization course this semester is VTK. I would say it is really a great library. It is built on OpenGL and it opens to Java/Python/C++. VTK follows a pipeline architecture. It takes sometime to get acq

2010-10-12 02:19:00 981

原创 CLRS 2nd Round - reading notes 1

<br />I TOTALLY skipped Maths part of CLRS in this 2nd round. You know what, I can finish nearly 100 pages per day, for the first 200 pages of this book. (Practice Problem not included of course... I guess I will tackle them in the 3rd round)<br /> <br />I

2010-09-25 13:33:00 497

原创 One critical issue in Instant Radiosity

<br />I just realized: for each individual pass of Instant Radiosity, only one bounce of diffuse illumination can be evaluated. (At least true in my current implementation.) So to have a relative complete GI effect, many passes are necessary.<br /> <br />N

2010-09-20 10:27:00 770

原创 My renderer update – Instant Radiosity moved on GPU

With ray-tracing as the framework, Instant Radiosity is mainly about point lights record and replacing. In my application, point lights are collected in the iterative ray recursion process, and they will be passed into the second pass. No tricks here. Th

2010-09-09 20:55:00 843

原创 My renderer update – Tone Mapping (Global Op.)

I tried Tone-mapping a little bit. The first try I took is the simple “Spatially Varying Nonlinear Scale ” which is a global tone-mapping operator. GLOBAL, means no local contrast information will be handled, each pixel will be processed according to globa

2010-09-08 01:20:00 912



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