



1.Find all loans of over $1200

σ a m o u n t > 1200 ( l o a n ) \sigma_{amount>1200}(loan) σamount>1200(loan)

选取贷款额超过1200的行,用 σ \sigma σ

2.Find the loan number for each loan of an amount greater than $1200

Π l o a n _ n u m b e r ( σ a m o u n t > 1200 ( l o a n ) ) \Pi_{loan\_number}(\sigma_{amount>1200}(loan)) Πloan_number(σamount>1200(loan))

选取the loan number列名,用 Π \Pi Π

3.Find the names of all customers who have a loan, an account, or both, from the bank

Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e   ( b o r r o w e r ) ∪ Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( d e p o s i t o r ) \Pi_{customer\_name~}(borrower) \cup \Pi_{customer\_name}(depositor) Πcustomer_name (borrower)Πcustomer_name(depositor)

选择 the names of all customers列名, Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e \Pi_{customer\_name} Πcustomer_name

have a loan, an account, or both表示都有贷款或存款,按理来说要选loan贷款表和account存款表啊,但注意这两个表都没有表示名字的属性,所以要选则borrower贷款人表和depositor存款人表。

4.Find the names of all customers who have a loan and an account at bank.

Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( b o r r o w e r ) ∩ Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( d e p o s i t o r ) \Pi_{customer\_name} (borrower) \cap\Pi_{customer\_name} (depositor) Πcustomer_name(borrower)Πcustomer_name(depositor)


5.Find the names of all customers who have a loan at the Perryridge branch.


Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” ( σ b o r r o w e r . l o a n _ n u m b e r = l o a n . l o a n _ n u m b e r ( b o r r o w e r × l o a n ) ) ) \Pi_{customer\_name}(\sigma_{branch\_name=“Perryridge”}(\sigma_{\_number =\_number}(borrower \times loan))) Πcustomer_name(σbranch_name=Perryridge(σborrower.loan_number=loan.loan_number(borrower×loan)))

选择 the names of all customers列名,用 Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e \Pi_{customer\_name} Πcustomer_name

列名要求一个是cutomer_name,另一个是branch_name,前者在borrower表中,后者在loan表中,所以我们才用两个表的笛卡尔积: b o r r o w e r × l o a n borrower \times loan borrower×loan

两个表中贷款人的loan_number应该一致,所以选取一致的行 σ b o r r o w e r . l o a n _ n u m b e r = l o a n . l o a n _ n u m b e r \sigma_{\_number =\_number} σborrower.loan_number=loan.loan_number

选择银行为the Perryridge branch,即 σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” \sigma_{branch\_name=“Perryridge”} σbranch_name=Perryridge


Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( σ l o a n . l o a n _ n u m b e r = b o r r o w e r . l o a n _ n u m b e r ( ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” ( l o a n ) ) × b o r r o w e r ) ) \Pi_{customer\_name}(\sigma_{\_number =\_number} ((\sigma_{branch\_name = “Perryridge”} (loan)) \times borrower)) Πcustomer_name(σloan.loan_number=borrower.loan_number((σbranch_name=Perryridge(loan))×borrower))

同上的区别是先筛选出属于the Perryridge branch,然后再进行匹配loan_number.


Π c u s t o m e r n a m e ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” ( l o a n ⋈ b o r r o w e r ) ) \Pi_{customer_name }(\sigma_{branch\_name=“Perryridge”} (loan \bowtie borrower )) Πcustomername(σbranch_name=Perryridge(loanborrower))

loan表和borrower表只有loan_number列名是相同的,那么这个操作完全可以用连接natural join操作代替。

6.Find the names of all customers who have a loan at the Perryridge branch but do not have an account at any branch of the bank.

Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” ( σ b o r r o w e r . l o a n _ n u m b e r = l o a n . l o a n _ n u m b e r ( b o r r o w e r × l o a n ) ) ) – Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( d e p o s i t o r ) \Pi_{customer\_name} (\sigma_{branch\_name = “Perryridge”} (\sigma_{\_number =\_number}(borrower \times loan))) – \Pi_{customer\_name}(depositor) Πcustomer_name(σbranch_name=Perryridge(σborrower.loan_number=loan.loan_number(borrower×loan)))Πcustomer_name(depositor)

选择 the names of all customers列名,用 Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e \Pi_{customer\_name} Πcustomer_name

前半部分同5,后半部分but do not have an account at any branch of the bank表示在任何银行中都没有存款的。

7.Find the largest account balance


Π b a l a n c e ( a c c o u n t ) − Π A 1. b a l a n c e ( σ A 1. b a l a n c e &lt; A 2. b a l a n c e ( ρ A 1 ( a c c o u n t ) × ρ A 2 ( a c c o u n t ) ) ) \Pi_{balance}(account) - \Pi_{A1.balance}(\sigma_{A1.balance &lt; A2.balance }(\rho_{A1} (account) \times \rho_{A2} (account))) Πbalance(account)ΠA1.balance(σA1.balance<A2.balance(ρA1(account)×ρA2(account)))



FROM  account)
(SELECT  A1.balance
FROM  account AS A1, account AS A2
WHERE A1.balance < A2.balance);


Q2 (Aggregate Functions)

FROM  account
WHERE balance = (SELECT max(balance) FROM account);


Q3 (Set Comparison)

FROM  account
WHERE balance >= ALL (SELECT balance FROM account );


Q4 (EXISTS predicate)

FROM  account A1
FROM  account A2
WHERE  A1.balance < A2.balance);

8.Find all customers who have an account from at least the “Downtown and the Uptown” branches.


Π c u s t o m e r n a m e ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ D o w n t o w n ” ( d e p o s i t o r ⋈ a c c o u n t ) ) ∩ Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ U p t o w n ” ( d e p o s i t o r ⋈ a c c o u n t ) ) \Pi_{customer_name }(\sigma_{branch\_name = “Downtown”} (depositor \bowtie account )) \cap \Pi_{customer\_name} (\sigma_{branch\_name = “Uptown”} (depositor \bowtie account)) Πcustomername(σbranch_name=Downtown(depositoraccount))Πcustomer_name(σbranch_name=Uptown(depositoraccount))



Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e , b r a n c h _ n a m e ( d e p o s i t o r ⋈ a c c o u n t ) ÷ ρ t e m p ( b r a n c h _ n a m e ) ( { ( “ D o w n t o w n ” ) , ( “ U p t o w n ” ) } ) \Pi_{customer\_name, branch\_name} (depositor \bowtie account) \div \rho _{temp}(branch\_name) (\{ (“Downtown” ), (“Uptown” )\}) Πcustomer_name,branch_name(depositoraccount)÷ρtemp(branch_name)({(Downtown),(Uptown)})

Note that Query 2 uses a constant relation.

9.Find all customers who have an account at all branches located in Brooklyn city.

Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e , b r a n c h _ n a m e ( d e p o s i t o r × a c c o u n t ) ÷ Π b r a n c h _ n a m e ( σ b r a n c h _ c i t y = “ B r o o k l y n ” ( b r a n c h ) ) \Pi_{customer\_name, branch\_name }(depositor \times account) \div \Pi_{branch\_name} (\sigma_{branch\_city = “Brooklyn”} (branch)) Πcustomer_name,branch_name(depositor×account)÷Πbranch_name(σbranch_city=Brooklyn(branch))


select distinct S.customer_name
from depositor as S
where not exists (
(select branch_name from branch where branch_city = 'Brooklyn')
(select R.branch_name 
from depositor as T, account as R 
where T.account_number = R.account_number and S.customer_name = T.customer_name)

10.Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the Perryridge branch


select distinct customer_name
from borrower, loan
where borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number 
and branch_name = 'Perryridge'
and  (branch_name, customer_name ) in
(select branch_name, customer_name
from depositor, account
where depositor.account_number = account.account_number );


SELECT DISTINCT depositor.customer_name
FROM  depositor , account, borrower, loan
WHERE depositor.account_number = account.account_number
AND borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number
AND depositor.customer_name = borrower.customer_name 
AND account.branch_name = 'Perryridge'
AND loan.branch_name = 'Perryridge' ;

11.Find all branches that have greater assets than some branch located in Brooklyn.


select distinct  T.branch_name
from branch as T, branch as S
where  T.assets > S.assets and S.branch_city = 'Brooklyn';


select branch_name
from branch
where assets > some
(select assets from branch where branch_city = 'Brooklyn');

12.Find the names of all branches that have greater assets than all branches located in Brooklyn.


select branch_name
from branch
where assets > all
(select assets from branch where branch_city = 'Brooklyn');

13.Find the branch that has the highest average balance.


SELECT branch_name
FROM  account
GROUP BY branch_name
HAVING avg(balance)>=ALL
(SELECT avg(balance) FROM account GROUP BY branch_name);

14.Find the customers name who have at least one deposit of a balance greater than $700.

SELECT DISTINCT customer_name
FROM  depositor
	FROM  account
	WHERE depositor.account_number = account.account_number AND balance > 700 );

15.Find all customers who have at most one account at the Perryridge branch.

Q1 (using UNIQUE)

select T.customer_name
from depositor as T
where unique (
select R.customer_name
from account, depositor as R
where T.customer_name = R.customer_name 
and R.account_number = account.account_number
and	account.branch_name = 'Perryridge' );

16.Find all customers who have at least two accounts at the Perryridge branch.


Q1 (using UNIQUE)

SELECT DISTINCT D1.customer_name
FROM depositor AS D1
SELECT D2.customer_name
FROM account AS A, depositor AS D2
WHERE A.account_number = D2.account_number
AND D1.customer_name = D2.customer_name
AND  A.branch_name = 'Perryridge') ;


Q2 (using GROUP BY)

SELECT customer_name
FROM  depositor AS D, account AS A
WHERE D.account_number = A.account_number 
GROUP BY customer_name
HAVING  count(*) > 2 ;

16.Find all accounts with the maximum balance

(using With)

with max_balance(value) as
	(select max(balance)
	from account)
select account_number
from account, max_balance
where account.balance = max_balance.value

17.Find all branches where the total account deposit is greater than the average of the total account deposits at all branches.

(using With)

branch_total (branch_name, value) as
	(select branch_name, sum(balance)
	from account
	group by branch_name),
branch_total_avg (value) as
	(select avg(value)
	from branch_total)
select branch_name
from branch_total, branch_total_avg
where branch_total.value >= branch_total_avg.value



(1)Insert information in the database specifying that Smith has $1200 in account A-973 at the Perryridge branch.

a c c o u n t ← a c c o u n t { ( “ P e r r y r i d g e ” , A − 973 , 1200 ) } account ← account \{(“Perryridge”, A-973, 1200)\} accountaccount{(Perryridge,A973,1200)}
d e p o s i t o r ← d e p o s i t o r { ( “ S m i t h ” , A − 973 ) } depositor← depositor \{(“Smith”, A-973)\} depositordepositor{(Smith,A973)}

(2)Provide as a gift for all loan customers in the Perryridge branch, a $200 savings account. Let the loan number serve as the account number for the new savings account.

r 1 ← ( σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” ( b o r r o w e r ⋈ l o a n ) ) r1 ← (\sigma_{branch\_name = “Perryridge” }(borrower \bowtie loan)) r1(σbranch_name=Perryridge(borrowerloan))
a c c o u n t ← a c c o u n t ∪ Π b r a n c h _ n a m e , l o a n _ n u m b e r , 200 ( r 1 ) account ← account \cup \Pi_{branch\_name, loan\_number,200 }(r1) accountaccountΠbranch_name,loan_number,200(r1)
d e p o s i t o r ← d e p o s i t o r ∪ Π c u s t o m e r _ n a m e , l o a n _ n u m b e r ( r 1 ) depositor ← depositor \cup \Pi_{customer\_name, loan\_number} (r1) depositordepositorΠcustomer_name,loan_number(r1)

PS: Π 200 ( r 1 ) \Pi_{200}(r1) Π200(r1)表示一列全是200,对应amount列的值全是200.

insert into account
 	select loan_number, branch_name,  200
 	from loan
 	where branch_name = 'Perryridge'
insert into depositor
	select customer_name, loan_number
	from loan, borrower
	where branch_name = 'Perryridge'
		and loan.account_number = borrower.account_number;


(1)Delete all account records in the Perryridge branch.

a c c o u n t ← a c c o u n t – σ b r a n c h _ n a m e = “ P e r r y r i d g e ” ( a c c o u n t ) account ← account – \sigma_{ branch\_name = “Perryridge” }(account ) accountaccountσbranch_name=Perryridge(account)

PS: account records 只删除account表中的数据

delete from account
where branch_name = 'Perryridge'

(2)Delete all loan records with amount in the range of 0 to 50

l o a n ← l o a n – σ a m o u n t ≥ 0   a n d   a m o u n t ≤ 50 ( l o a n ) loan ←loan – \sigma_{amount \geq 0 \ and \ amount \leq 50} (loan) loanloanσamount0 and amount50(loan)

PS: loan records 只删除loan表

(3)Delete all accounts at branches located in Needham.

r 1 ← σ b r a n c h _ c i t y = “ N e e d h a m ” ( a c c o u n t ⋈ b r a n c h ) r1←\sigma_{branch\_city = “Needham” }(account \bowtie branch ) r1σbranch_city=Needham(accountbranch)
r 2 ← Π b r a n c h _ n a m e , a c c o u n t _ n u m b e r , b a l a n c e ( r 1 ) r2←\Pi_{branch\_name, account\_number, balance }(r1) r2Πbranch_name,account_number,balance(r1)
r 3 ← σ c u s t o m e r _ n a m e , a c c o u n t _ n u m b e r ( r 2 ⋈ d e p o s i t o r ) r3 ←\sigma_{customer\_name, account\_number }(r2 \bowtie depositor) r3σcustomer_name,account_number(r2depositor)
a c c o u n t ← a c c o u n t – r 2 account ←account – r2 accountaccountr2
d e p o s i t o r ← d e p o s i t o r – r 3 depositor ← depositor – r3 depositordepositorr3

注意 :account表中没有branch_city属性。


from account
where branch_name in 
	(select branch_name
	from branch
	where branch_city = 'Needham'

(4)Delete the record of all accounts with balances below the average at the bank.

delete from account
where balance < (
	select avg (balance)
	from account )


(1)Make interest payments by increasing all balances by 5 percent.

a c c o u n t ← Π a c c o u n t _ n u m b e r , b r a n c h _ n a m e , b a l a n c e ∗ 1.05 ( a c c o u n t ) account ← \Pi_{account\_number, branch\_name, balance * 1.05} (account) accountΠaccount_number,branch_name,balance1.05(account)

(2)Pay all accounts with balances over $10,000 6 percent interest and pay all others 5 percent.

a c c o u n t ← Π a c c o u n t _ n u m b e r , b r a n c h _ n a m e , b a l a n c e ∗ 1.06 ( σ B A L &gt; 10000 ( a c c o u n t ) ) ∪ Π a c c o u n t _ n u m b e r , b r a n c h _ n a m e , b a l a n c e ∗ 1.05 ( σ B A L ≤ 10000 ( a c c o u n t ) ) account ← \Pi_{account\_number, branch\_name, balance * 1.06 }(\sigma_{ BAL &gt; 10000 }(account )) \cup \Pi_{account\_number, branch\_name, balance * 1.05} (\sigma_{BAL \leq 10000 }(account)) accountΠaccount_number,branch_name,balance1.06(σBAL>10000(account))Πaccount_number,branch_name,balance1.05(σBAL10000(account))

Query1:Just use update

update account
set balance = balance*1.06
where balance > 10000;

update account
set balance = balance*1.05
where balance <= 10000


Query 2:use update and case

update account
set balance =  case
					when balance <= 10000 then balance*1.05
					else balance*1.06




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


