What Is a Path? (And Other File System Facts)


What Is a Path? (And Other File System Facts)

A file system stores and organizes files on some form of media, generally one or more hard drives, in such a way that they can be easily retrieved. Most file systems in use today store the files in a tree (or hierarchical) structure. At the top of the tree is one (or more) root nodes. Under the root node, there are files and directories (folders in Microsoft Windows). Each directory can contain files and subdirectories, which in turn can contain files and subdirectories, and so on, potentially to an almost limitless depth.

This section covers the following:

What Is a Path?

The following figure shows a sample directory tree containing a single root node. Microsoft Windows supports multiple root nodes. Each root node maps to a volume, such as C:\ or D:\. The Solaris OS supports a single root node, which is denoted by the slash character, /.

Sample directory structure

Sample Directory Structure

A file is identified by its path through the file system, beginning from the root node. For example, the statusReport file in the previous figure is described by the following notation in the Solaris OS:


In Microsoft Windows, statusReport is described by the following notation:


The character used to separate the directory names (also called the delimiter) is specific to the file system: The Solaris OS uses the forward slash (/), and Microsoft Windows uses the backslash slash (\).

Relative or Absolute?

A path is either relative or absolute. An absolute path always contains the root element and the complete directory list required to locate the file. For example, /home/sally/statusReport is an absolute path. All of the information needed to locate the file is contained in the path string.

A relative path needs to be combined with another path in order to access a file. For example, joe/foo is a relative path. Without more information, a program cannot reliably locate the joe/foo directory in the file system.

Symbolic Links

File system objects are most typically directories or files. Everyone is familiar with these objects. But some file systems also support the notion of symbolic links. A symbolic link is also referred to as a symlink or a soft link.

A symbolic link is a special file that serves as a reference to another file. For the most part, symbolic links are transparent to applications, and operations on symbolic links are automatically redirected to the target of the link. (The file or directory being pointed to is called the target of the link.) Exceptions are when a symbolic link is deleted, or renamed in which case the link itself is deleted, or renamed and not the target of the link.

In the following figure, logFile appears to be a regular file to the user, but it is actually a symbolic link to dir/logs/HomeLogFile. HomeLogFile is the target of the link.

Sample symbolic link

Example of a Symbolic Link.

A symbolic link is usually transparent to the user. Reading or writing to a symbolic link is the same as reading or writing to any other file or directory.

The phrase resolving a link means to substitute the actual location in the file system for the symbolic link. In the example, resolving logFile yields dir/logs/HomeLogFile.

In real-world scenarios, most file systems make liberal use of symbolic links. Occasionally, a carelessly created symbolic link can cause a circular reference. A circular reference occurs when the target of a link points back to the original link. The circular reference might be indirect: directory a points to directory b, which points to directory c, which contains a subdirectory pointing back to directory a. Circular references can cause havoc when a program is recursively walking a directory structure. However, this scenario has been accounted for and will not cause your program to loop infinitely.

The next page discusses the heart of file I/O support in the Java programming language, the Path class.


### 回答1: 随着现代电力系统中电力负荷的增加,电力系统的稳定和控制变得越来越重要。Kundur 在他的著作《电力系统稳定与控制》中详细介绍了这个领域的最新研究成果和应用技术。 电力系统的稳定性是指当受到干扰或负荷变化时,电力系统维持同步运行状态的能力。为了保持系统的稳定性,电力系统必须满足多个条件,如频率、电压和电流等的稳定性。Kundur 利用动态系统稳定性理论和控制理论,提出了一些有效的解决方法,包括广泛应用的发电机控制和 FACTS 控制。 电力系统的控制是为了维持系统的稳定性和总体运行效率。对于电力系统的控制,Kundur 强调了基于物理控制的方法。例如,利用 HVDC 系统实现系统间的交流功率传输,或通过 PSS 控制发电机来提高系统稳定性等。同时,Kundur 还提出了智能化控制的概念,并将其应用于电力系统控制中。 总之,Kundur 的《电力系统稳定与控制》是一本涵盖电力系统稳定和控制最前沿研究的著作,对现代电力系统研究具有重要的指导意义。 ### 回答2: 电力系统稳定性和控制是电力工程领域中的重要研究领域,其主要目标是维持电力系统的稳定运行,保证电力供应的可靠性和安全性。 Kundur是电力系统稳定性领域的国际知名学者,他的主要贡献是推动电力系统稳定性的理论和实践研究。Kundur提出了一种系统稳定性分析方法,即“小扰动稳定性分析方法”,并开发了一套软件系统来支持电力系统的稳定性分析和控制。 在电力系统的稳定性研究中,主要考虑系统在扰动(如电压、电流变化)下的稳定性。电力系统的稳定性分析可以分为两种:静态稳定性和动态稳定性。静态稳定性主要指系统在功率平衡条件下的稳定性,包括电压稳定性和热稳定性。动态稳定性主要指系统在扰动下的稳定性,包括转子稳定性和小扰动稳定性。在电力系统中,静态稳定性和动态稳定性相互关联,综合考虑两者可以得出系统的全面稳定性状况。 为了保证电力系统的稳定运行,电力系统的控制也是至关重要的。电力系统的控制主要包括发电机调节、输电线路调节和负载控制等方面。控制系统的设计需要综合考虑电力系统的特点和控制要求,采用合适的控制策略来实现电力系统的稳定性控制。 总之,电力系统稳定性和控制是电力工程的重要领域,对于保障电力系统的可靠性和稳定性具有重要意义。Kundur在电力系统稳定性研究方面做出了重要贡献,为电力系统的稳定性分析和控制提供了有效的理论方法和实践工具。 ### 回答3: “Power System Stability and Control Kundur” 是一本经典的电力系统稳定性和控制领域的教材。该书主要介绍了电力系统中发生振荡或不稳定的情况,并阐述了相应的控制和稳定性技术。该书的作者A.P. Kundur是电力系统领域的知名专家,他在书中详细讲述了电力系统稳定性的基础理论,包括能量守恒理论、相角稳定、电压稳定和可控制惯性等方面的知识。此外,该书还介绍了电力系统稳定性的现代控制技术,例如自适应控制、先进的功率电子技术和通信技术等。这些技术可以有效地提高电力系统的稳定性和可靠性。综合来看,“Power System Stability and Control Kundur” 为从事电力系统研究和工程实践的电力工程师提供了一本全面的参考书,对于理解电力系统中的复杂问题和处理实际工程中的挑战具有重要的指导意义。




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