<script language=vbscript> dim apos() dim jxcs:jxcs=0 for i=1 to 20 document.write getdata(6,"3/5") next function getdata(num,gl) dim cs,cs2,tempgl execute "tempgl="&gl if tempgl=0 then getdata=random(num) exit function end if if instr(gl,".") then gl=xs2fs(cdbl(gl)) cs=cint(split(gl,"/")(1)) cs2=cint(split(gl,"/")(0))-1 jxcs=jxcs+1 if jxcs>cs then jxcs=1 if jxcs=1 then scArray cs2,cs end if if inArray(apos,jxcs) then getdata=num else getdata=random(num) end if end function function scArray(num1,num2) dim ii,jj,n1 Redim apos(num1) for ii=0 to num1 apos(ii)=-1 next for ii=0 to num1 do while true randomize n1=int(rnd*num2)+1 for jj=0 to num1 if apos(jj)=n1 then exit for next if jj=num1+1 then apos(found_1(apos))=n1 exit do end if loop next end function function found_1(arr) found_1=-1 dim iii for iii=0 to ubound(arr) if arr(iii)=-1 then found_1=iii exit function end if next end function function inArray(arr,num1) dim ii inArray=false for ii=0 to ubound(arr) if arr(ii)=num1 then inArray=true exit function end if next end function function Random(inum) dim n do while true randomize n=int(rnd()*10) if n<>inum then Random=n exit do end if loop end function function xs2fs(num1) dim len1,gys,snum snum=split(cstr(num1),".")(1) len1=10^len(snum) fm=len1 fz=num1*len1 gys=getGYS(fm,fz) fm=fm/gys fz=fz/gys xs2fs=fz&"/"&fm end function function getGYS(num1,num2) dim temp,ii getGYS=1 if num2>num1 then temp=num2 num2=num1 num1=temp end if for ii=num2 to 2 step -1 if num1 mod ii=0 and num2 mod ii=0 then getGYS=ii exit function end if next end function </script>