Lab2 ComplexNumber

Consider class Complex shown in Figs. 11.19 11.21 . The class enables operations on so-called complex numbers. These are numbers of the form realPart + imaginaryPart * i, where i*i has the value -1,
  1. Modify the class to enable input and output of complex numbers through the overloaded >> and << operators, respectively (you should remove the print function from the class).

  2. Overload the multiplication operator to enable multiplication of two complex numbers as in algebra.

  3. Overload the == and != operators to allow comparisons of complex numbers.

Figure 11.19. Complex class definition.

 1  // Fig. 11.19: Complex.h
 2  // Complex class definition.
 3  #ifndef COMPLEX_H
 4  #define COMPLEX_H
 6  class Complex
 7  {
 8  public:
 9     Complex( double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); // constructor
10     Complex operator+( const Complex & ) const; // addition
11     Complex operator-( const Complex & ) const; // subtraction
12     void print() const; // output
13  private:
14     double real; // real part
15     double imaginary; // imaginary part
16  }; // end class Complex
18  #endif

Figure 11.20. Complex class member-function definitions.

1  // Fig. 11.20: Complex.cpp
 2  // Complex class member-function definitions.
 3  #include <iostream>
 4  using std::cout;
 6  #include "Complex.h" // Complex class definition
 8  // Constructor
 9  Complex::Complex( double realPart, double imaginaryPart )
10     : real( realPart ),
11     imaginary( imaginaryPart )
12  {
13     // empty body
14  } // end Complex constructor
16  // addition operator
17  Complex Complex::operator+( const Complex &operand2 ) const
18  {
19     return Complex( real + operand2.real,
20        imaginary + operand2.imaginary );
21  } // end function operator+
23  // subtraction operator
24  Complex Complex::operator-( const Complex &operand2 ) const
25  {
26     return Complex( real - operand2.real,
27        imaginary - operand2.imaginary );
28  } // end function operator-
30  // display a Complex object in the form: (a, b)
31  void Complex::print() const
32  {
33     cout << '(' << real << ", " << imaginary << ')';
34  } // end function print

Figure 11.21. Complex numbers.

 1  // Fig. 11.21: fig11_21.cpp
 2  // Complex class test program.
 3  #include <iostream>
 4  using std::cout;
 5  using std::endl;
 7  #include "Complex.h"
 9  int main()
10  {
11     Complex x;
12     Complex y( 4.3, 8.2 );
13     Complex z( 3.3, 1.1 );
15     cout << "x: ";
16     x.print();
17     cout << "\ny: ";
18     y.print();
19     cout << "\nz: ";
20     z.print();
22     x = y + z;
23     cout << "\n\nx = y + z:" << endl;
24     x.print();
25     cout << " = ";
26     y.print();
27     cout << " + ";
28     z.print();
30     x = y - z;
31     cout << "\n\nx = y - z:" << endl;
32     x.print();
33     cout << " = ";
34     y.print();
35     cout << " - ";
36     z.print();
37     cout << endl;
38     return 0;
39  } // end main



// Exercise 11.13 Solution: Complex.h
// Complex class definition.
#ifndef COMPLEX_H
#define COMPLEX_H

#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
using std::istream;

class Complex
   friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const Complex & );
   friend istream &operator>>( istream &, Complex & );
   Complex( double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); // constructor
   Complex operator+( const Complex& ) const; // addition
   Complex operator-( const Complex& ) const; // subtraction
   Complex operator*( const Complex& ) const; // multiplication
   Complex& operator=( const Complex& ); // assignment
   bool operator==( const Complex& ) const;
   bool operator!=( const Complex& ) const;
   double real; // real part
   double imaginary; // imaginary part
}; // end class Complex



// Exercise 11.13 Solution: Complex.cpp
// Complex class member-function definitions.
#include "Complex.h"

#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
using std::istream;

// Constructor
Complex::Complex( double realPart, double imaginaryPart )
   : real( realPart ),
   imaginary( imaginaryPart )
   // empty body
} // end Complex constructor

// addition operator
Complex Complex::operator+( const Complex &operand2 ) const
   return Complex( real + operand2.real,
      imaginary + operand2.imaginary );
} // end function operator+

// subtraction operator
Complex Complex::operator-( const Complex &operand2 ) const
   return Complex( real - operand2.real,
      imaginary - operand2.imaginary );
} // end function operator-

// Overloaded multiplication operator
Complex Complex::operator*( const Complex &operand2 ) const
   return Complex(
      ( real * operand2.real ) + ( imaginary * operand2.imaginary ),
      ( real * operand2.imaginary ) + ( imaginary * operand2.real ) );
} // end function operator*

// Overloaded = operator
Complex& Complex::operator=( const Complex &right )
   real = right.real;
   imaginary = right.imaginary;
   return *this;   // enables concatenation
} // end function operator=

bool Complex::operator==( const Complex &right ) const
   return ( right.real == real ) && ( right.imaginary == imaginary )
      ? true : false; 
} // end function operator== 

bool Complex::operator!=( const Complex &right ) const
   return !( *this == right ); 
} // end function operator!=

ostream& operator<<( ostream &output, const Complex &complex )
   output << "(" << complex.real << ", " << complex.imaginary << ")";
   return output;
} // end function operator<<

istream& operator>>( istream &input, Complex &complex )
   input.ignore(); // skip (
   input >> complex.real;
   input.ignore( 2 ); // skip ',' and space
   input >> complex.imaginary;
   input.ignore(); // skip )
   return input;
} // end function operator>>


// Exercise 11.13 Solution: ex11_13.cpp
// Complex class test program.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;

#include "Complex.h"

int main()
   Complex x, y( 4.3, 8.2 ), z( 3.3, 1.1 ), k;

   cout << "Enter a complex number in the form: (a, b)\n? ";
   cin >> k; // demonstrating overloaded >>
   cout << "x: " << x << "\ny: " << y << "\nz: " << z << "\nk: "
      << k << '\n'; // demonstrating overloaded <<
   x = y + z; // demonstrating overloaded + and =
   cout << "\nx = y + z:\n" << x << " = " << y << " + " << z << '\n';
   x = y - z; // demonstrating overloaded - and =
   cout << "\nx = y - z:\n" << x << " = " << y << " - " << z << '\n';
   x = y * z; // demonstrating overloaded * and =
   cout << "\nx = y * z:\n" << x << " = " << y << " * " << z << "\n\n";

   if ( x != k ) // demonstrating overloaded !=
      cout << x << " != " << k << '\n';

   cout << '\n';
   x = k;

   if ( x == k ) // demonstrating overloaded ==
      cout << x << " == " << k << '\n';

   return 0;
} // end main


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