
27号晚上我问一个做共享软件的朋友Lazaru(基于FreePascal的跨平台IDE,类似于Delphi)做桌面软件如何,他推荐用Code::Blocks,说Nightly Build已经很稳定,正式版很快就发布了,接着果然28号就发布了正式版。

本文内容来自Code::Blocks wiki上的WxWindowsQuickRef ,本文内容并非按照原文完全逐字逐句的翻译。

Code::Blocks 是一个跨平台的C++IDE,支持Windows、Linux、MacOSX。同时他还支持各种不同的编译器,如GNU/MinGW C/C++,VC++ 6.0/2003/2005/2008,Borland C++,Digital Mars等等各种不同的编译器。

经过14个组员长达2年对Code::Blocks的全部重写,终于发布了正式版8.02,这个版本更包括了对构建基于wxWidgets的跨平台GUI程序的支持,堪比Visual C++。

wxWidgets 则是一个十分优秀的跨平台的GUI框架,用其编写的C++应用程序可以十分方便地迁移到不同的系统上去。

Code::Blocks + wxWidgets两个同是支持跨平台的IDE和框架,使得跨平台的编程非常方便。然而Code::Blocks虽然包含了对wxWidgets的支持, 但是却没有包含wxWidgets的构建环境,我们必须手动进行配置。另外,Code::Blocks有一个安装包包含了MinGW的编译器,如果使用别 的编译器,同样也需要自己进行相应的配置。



你至少应该正确安装了免费的MinGW/GCC编译器 或者是某种微软的编译器Express editions 是免费的,但是你还需要安装Platform SDK )。如果是用MinGW/GCC,至少要准备gcc-core、gcc-g++、binutils、w32api以及mingw32-make包;同时,确保包含编译器可执行文件的目录(一般是C:/MinGW/bin )在Windows的PATH环境变量中。



请下载最新的8.02发布版 。尚未选择编译器可以选择包含MinGW的安装包





目前推荐的wxWidgets的版本是2.8.7。点击此处下载wxWidgets 2.8.7源代码Windows安装包 (wxMSW-2.8.7-Setup.exe; 12.0 MB)。你也可以检查一下wxWidgets的下载页面 看看有没有更新的稳定版下载。强烈建议你将代码安装到不带空格的路径中。 必须保证盘中至少有300MB的剩余空间。



当前wxPack的稳定发布版是 v2.8.7.03,基于 wxWidgets 2.8.7。点击此处下载 wxPack v2.8.7.03 (wxPack_v2.8.7.03.exe, 236.9 MB)。你也可以查看wxPack下载页面 看看有没有更新的稳定版下载。强烈建议将wxPack安装到没有空格的路径中。 如果你选择只MSVC版本,应保证至少有700MB的剩余空间;如果只选择MinGW/GCC版本,则应保证至少有2.2GB的剩余空间。





打开命令行(在开始菜单中点击“运行”,输入cmd并回车)。如果使用的MSVC,你可以使用特定的用于设置环境变量的命令行。如果你使用的 MSVC版本还要求你单独下载Platform SDK,确保全部包含了标准编译工具和Platform SDK中要用到的环境变量。


cd <wxWidgets>/build/msw

执行构建命令,MinGW/GCC 推荐的命令是:

mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1 UNICODE=1

MSVC 推荐的构建命令是:



如果使用的GCC的版本较新,构建过程中可能会出现大量的警告。这样会明显导致构建过程变慢;你可以将错误信息重定向到文件中,在上述命令后面添加2> err.log ,也可以通过2>nul 直接禁止警告信息。

其中关于BUILD、SHARED、MONOLITHIC以及UNICODE选项的解释,请仔细参考文章后面关于wxWidgets的构建参数的解 释,这些参数十分关键,他们直接定义了你所使用的基本的wxWidgets开发环境。你必须严格按照你的编译参数设置Code::Blocks的配置向 导。


在Code::Blocks的起始页面中,选择“Create a new project”,也可以在File菜单中,选择“New” -> “Project…”。

找到并选择“wxWidgets project”,并创建,接下来会出现一个向导帮助进行wxWidgets项目的配置:

  1. 第一个页面是简介,可以选择以后跳过。
  2. 选择你要使用的wxWidgets版本。如果你是按照本文的过程配置的,那么你应该选择“wxWidgets 2.8.x”。
  3. 设置你的项目的名字的位置。
  4. 输入作者的信息(非必要)
  5. 选择自动代码和文件生成的选项。
  6. 选择wxWidgets的位置。强烈建议在此使用全局变量:输入“$(#wx)”(不包含引号)。如果你还没定义这个全局变量,那么全局变量对话框会出现,在Base Path中,选择你的wxWidgets安装路径。其他路径可以不用填。
  7. 为你的项目选择debug/release配置。推荐至少选择debug配置。
  8. 选择你的wxWidgets构建选项。必须和你构建wxWidgets时所使用的选项一致!如果你按照本文之前的方式构建的,应该将 “wxWidgets Library Settings”下的全部三个选项选中。如果用的是wxPack,由于wxPack包含了各种不同的版本,所以你只需要选择你需要的选项。这个页面的另 一个设置和wxWidgets的构建选项没有关系,你可以按照喜好来选择。如果,出于某种原因,你想使用调试版本的wxWidgets构建,选择 “Configure Advanced options”然后在下一页选择“Use __WXDEBUG__ and Debug wxWidgets lib”。
  9. 如果需要,选择额外的库。一般应用的话应该无须选择其中任何一个。


接下来,就可以选择“Build and run”(F9)对程序进行构建并运行了。如果顺利,你的wxWidgets应用程序就会出现。如果出现了什么问题,你可以参考后面的常见问题。



BUILD控制wxWidgets构建调试版本(BUILD=debug)或者是发布版本(BUILD=release)。绝大多数情况下你只需要 wxWidgets的发布版本就可以了,因为你应该不想要去调试wxWidgets自身,同时你依然可以通过链接wxWidgets的发布版本来构建你自 己的程序的调试版本。

  • 调试 构建wxWidgets会创建带有”d”后缀的库,例如”libwxmsw28d.a”、”wxmsw28d_gcc_custom.dll”。
  • 调试 构建wxWidgets会在wxWidgets库的输出目录中创建”mswd” 或者 “mswud” 目录。
  • 发布 构建wxWidgets创建的库没有”d”后缀,例如”libwxmsw28.a”、”wxmsw28_gcc_custom.dll”。
  • 发布 构建wxWidgets会在wxWidgets库的输出目录中创建”msw” 或者 “mswu” 目录。


SHARED控制wxWidgets是构建DLL(SHARED=1)还是静态库(SHARED=0)。利用构建的DLL,主程序构建时间较快,可执行文件更小。但是可执行文件加上wxWidgets DLL的总大小更大,但是不同的可执行文件可以使用同一个DLL。

  • wxWidgets的DLL 构建会创建导入库(如 libwxmsw28.a)以及DLL文件(如wxmsw28_gcc_custom.dll)。你必须在发布你的程序的时候包含这个DLL。
  • wxWidgets的静态 构建只会创建静态库(如 libwxmsw28.a),发布的时候也无须包含wxWidgets的DLL。


MONOLITHIC控制是构建一个单一的库(MONOLITHIC=1)还是多个组件库(MONOLITHIC=0)。使用单一构建,项目的设置 和开发会更加简单,如果你同时使用DLL构建的话,你只需要分发一个DLL文件。如果使用非单一构建(multilib),会构建出多个不同的库同时你可 以避免将整个wxWidgets的基本代码链接到主程序,就可以去掉不需要的库。同时你也必须确保你选择了正确的组件库。

  • wxWidgets的单一 构建仅会创建一个wxWidgets导入库(如libwxmsw28.a)以及一个DLL(如wxmsw28_gcc_custom.dll)。
  • wxWidgets的多库 (multilib)构建会创建多个导入库(libwx28_base.a等)以及多个DLL文件。
  • 无论何种wxWidgets构建,都会创建额外的静态 库(如libwxexpat.a、libwxjpeg.a等)。这些库对于wxWidgets的DLL构建一般是不需要的,但是当使用静态构建的时候,则是必须的。


UNICODE控制wxWidgets以及你的程序是否使用支持Unicode的宽字符串。大多数Windows 2000或更高系统上的应用程序都应该支持Unicode。早期的Windows版本不一定有Unicode支持。你应该总是使用wxWidgets的_("string")_T("string") 宏来确保硬编码的字符串编译时是正确的类型。

  • wxWidgets的Unicode (UNICODE=1)构建将会创建带有”u”后缀的库,例如”libwxmsw28u.a”、”wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll”。
  • wxWidgets的Unicode 构建会在wxWidgets库的输出目录中创建”mswu”或”mswud”目录。
  • wxWidgets的ANSI (UNICODE=0)构建创建的库没有”u”后缀,例如”libwxmsw28.a”、”wxmsw28_gcc_custom.dll”。
  • wxWidgets的ANSI 构建会在wxWidgets库的输出目录中创建”msw”或”mswd”目录。


出现类似于”wx/setup.h: No such file or directory”的错误

你在构建选项中缺少了很重要的编译器搜索路径。首先确认你是否在运行wxWidgets项目向导的时候正确选择了wxWidgets的构建配置。如果重新运行向导并配置依然无效,那么打开你的项目的构建选项并给编译起的搜索路径中添加”$(#wx.lib)/gcc_dll/mswu “(这里假设是一个单一的Unicode DLL 构建)。

出现类似于”cannot find -lwxmsw28u”的错误






  1. 到www.CodeBlocks.org下载并安装CodeBlocks,最好下载MinGW版本的,可以省掉安装和配置GCC的麻烦。
  2. 到www.wxWidgets.org下载并安装wxWidgets,如果只开发Windows程序可以只下载wxMSW版本,如果你喜欢也可以下载wxAll版本。
  3. 编译wxWidgets,如果不知道如何编译可以使用下面的wxbuild.bat进行编译,编译过程大概30分钟。
  4. 因为CodeBlocks是使用GCC编译器的,所以得先改一下编译选项以支持中文,到Settings->Compiler and debugger下的Other option标签中加入:-finput-charset=GBK,如果源文件是UTF-8或Unicode编码就改成相应的。
  5. 现在就可以新建wxWidgets工程了。


@echo off
cd build/msw
title 编译wxWidgets
echo 开始编译
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
echo 编译发行版本
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=0 UNICODE=1
echo 编译调试版本
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=0 UNICODE=1
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
echo 编译结束


新建项目选择wxWidgets Project













"Hello world" Tutorial

Since wxSmith is able to do something already it's high time to write a small tutorial on how to use it. At the very beginning, I must point out that to use wxSmith you MUST have wxWidgets compiled (version 2.6 or later). Build instructions can be found here

WARNING: wxSmith is still unstable. So use it at Your own risk. And there's no undo yet. I warned You ;)

Ok, let's start :)


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wxWidgets starts to breathe

wxSmith can be used inside any wxWidgets project. However, we currently have only one option to easily create a wxWidgets app. Simply select File -> New Project -> wxWidgets Application from the menu. If You have compiled wxWidgets using the wiki tutorial, select Using wxWidgets DLL in Project Options . Hit Create and save the project. If you're running on Windows, you probably will have to change the WX_DIR Custom variable. It should point to the root wxWidgets directory and it can be changed in Project -> Build Options menu in the Custom variables tab.

After this step you should be able to produce an app like this:



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Let's add some fireworks

Now it's time to fill the empty frame with our "Hello World" message. We will do this by placing a panel over the frame. Select wxSmith -> Add Panel from menu. If you're doing this for the first time in a project, it should display this message box:


Just click Yes, it will bring up a configuration dialog. You can set-up following options here:

  • Class Name - name of class which will contain our panel
  • Header File / Source File - files which will contain the panel's class
  • Xrc File - selecting this option allow you to use a xrc file containing the panel's data

In our tutorial we will use a class named "HelloWorldPnl" (notice that usually when typing a class name, header and source file names are generated automatically). The config dialog should look like this:


Click Create and we have our panel right in the editor

[ edit ]

Building window

wxWidgets comes with something called Sizers . But what is this for? If You have been working with java you will remember something called Layout managers. Implementation in wxWidgets differs a little bit but it does almost the same. Ok, but let's put some explanation here: Usually when adding items into windows You must specify the item's position and size. wxWidgets tries to automate this process and it uses sizers for that. They are automatic positioning and sizing window items. Sizers have one big advantage. When You write cross-platform applications, you cannot assume that fonts, buttons, etc. are sized the same from one platform to another. This can even occur on the same platform. When You use sizers, You don't have to worry about that. All sizing is done automatically. And one more thing - sizers can even reposition and resize window items when the window itself changes size. So, let's add some sizers here. But first...


[ edit ]

How can I add something ?

In a newly opened editor you will see eight black boxes around something which looks like a button without a label


These black boxes are surrounding a currently selected item. In our case it's a whole panel. Adding new item is simply done by clicking on one of the buttons in the palette at the bottom of the C::B window.


These buttons have small pictures showing what they add. If you're unsure, hold the mouse over the button and, after a moment, you will see the name of the wxWidgets class that the button represents - that's our item.

New items are added relatively to the current selection. You can add new item in one of three ways:

  • Before the currently selected widget
  • After the currently selected widget
  • Into the currently selected widget

You change the insert method via a palette (it should be easy to find ;)). (big buttons, far right) Note that all three insertions settings are not always accessible. For example You cannot add anything into a button. There are also some special situations when You cannot add new item:

  • When an item has sizer inside, it cannot contain anything else. Items can be added into the sizer only
  • When an item has anything but a sizer inside, you cannot add a sizer into it.
  • Spacers (empty fields added into sizers instead of real items) can be added into a sizers only

Always make sure that a valid item is selected and that a valid insertion method is chosen.

[ edit ]

Adding items

There are five types of sizers in wxWidgets, four are currently supported inside wxSmith (wxGridBagSizer is not supported yet). If You wish to learn about sizers I propose wxWidgets doccumentation In our sample we will add wxFlexGridSizer. Perform the following:

  • Select panel by clicking on it.
  • Click on the wxFlexGridSizer button (third in Layout row).

You probably noticed that our panel decreased it's sizer. This is because the sizer automatically adjusts to the minimal size of it's parent. And there's an additional red border - it shows where the sizer is located.

Because this is a "Hello World" application, we'll put the text into a newly created sizer. To do this:

  • Select sizer (click somewhere insided red border)
  • Make sure that the Insetion Type is Into
  • Click on the wxStaticText button
  • Click on the newly created text item (should be "Label") and go to properties (The Properties panel is inside the Resources tab at the left of C::B Use the little arrows at the top of the Management panel to find the Resources Panel if its hidden )
  • Change the Label property to "Hello World !!"

And because this text looks so lonely, we'll add another button here:

  • Select the newly created text (now "Hello World !!")
  • Chose the "After " Insertion type
  • Click on the wxButton icon

Ok, now we have this:


But I would prefer to put this button below the text. How to do this ? As I mentioned before, sizers are automatic positioning items and, in our case, the sizer decided to put the widgets in a horizontal row, one next to another. If we want them to be in a vertical colume, we need to change some properties for the sizer:

  • Select wxFlexGridSizer in the resources tree representing the structure of our window (to the left, in the Resources panel)
  • Expand "Cols x Rows" property and change the X value to 1.

What have we done ? We instructed the sizer to create only one column of widgets. Alternatively, we could have set the number of rows (Y) to 2. The effect would have been the same. Setting the values to 0 means that the sizer has to find its values automatically. Ok, let's see what we've done.

[ edit ]

Using the created panel

In this tutorial we will put our panel over the main frame. To do this:

  • Open the main.cpp file
  • Add #include "helloworldpnl.h" to the beginning of the file
  • At the end of MyFrame::MyFrame add the statement new HelloWorldPnl(this);
  • Compile and Run

You should see something like this:


[ edit ]

But I want it to look better

Let's see. I would like my panel to be more interesting, I want it to change when we resize our window. And I want a bigger font, and let's say, a blue font colour. The first can be done using the previously created wxFlexGridSizer. It needs just a few modifications:

  • Select wxFlexGridSizer from the resource browser
  • Change growable cols property to 0 (zero)
  • Change growable rows property to 0 (zero)

The changed properties keep information about columns and rows which should expand when the window changes size. Values are integers (zero-based indexes) separated by commas.

The second is also easy:

  • Select wxStaticText from the resource browser (or click on it in the editor)
  • Find font property and expand it
  • Change Use Font to True
  • Click on font property below - a button with "..." will appear, click on it
  • Select new font, I used "Times New Roman", Bold, size: 20
  • Find foreground property and expand it
  • Change Use Colour to true
  • In Colour below select Custom, colour dialog will appear
  • Select colour You like :)

Ok, let's compile & run. Now when we resize the window, our panel changes dynamically, the font is bigger and the colour has changed :)


[ edit ]

How to make buttons respond

Now we'll add an action to our button. Let's say it will close the program. First, let's change the button label to "Close". This should be pretty easy and I hope You won't have any problems with it. Ok, now let's add some action.

wxWidgets works like many other GUI systems - through events. An event is a small peace of information saying that something has happened - for example, the user clicked on a button. But we want to do something when such and event happens. To connect events with actions we have to create an event handler. wxSmith can do this automatically:

  • Select the button
  • Switch to the Events tab (if you see properties, it's right there)
  • In the line named EVT_BUTTON choose "-- Add new handler --"
  • Change the event handler name to something you like (I will leave it as it is ;)) and click OK

As You can see, a new empty function has been created

 void HelloWorldPnl::OnButton1Click(wxCommandEvent& event)

Here we can write some code that will be executed when you press the button. So, let's add a Close() command

 void HelloWorldPnl::OnButton1Click(wxCommandEvent& event)

and see what happens. I click on Close button and... nothing happens. Why ? Because we closed the panel, not the whole window. How do I know that ? Our event handler is a member of the HelloWorldPnl class. Everything inside the event handler pertains to the panel, not the outer window. When we called Close() we called this function in the wxPanel class. But how can we close the main frame? Change the code to:

 void HelloWorldPnl::OnButton1Click(wxCommandEvent& event)

The GetParent() function will return a pointer to the parent window - frame. Now Close() is being called on the panels parent, the window. But be careful. Our example was easy and we just assumed that main frame will be the panel's parent. Usually we can not be so sure.

Our Hello World application is ready to go :) I hope It wasn't boring. Not bored ? Then read next chapter ;)

[ edit ]


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Some technical info

Ok, I'll try to explain how wxSmith affects our code, how to work with it, why you shouldn't be worried about losing your code.


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Where wxSmith generates its code ?

wxSmith is not as intelligent as it may seem ;) When we say it generates code, it simply replaces whole code pieces without wondering if code is placed in the right position. But the code works. How is it done ?!

When You look into files generated inside wxSmith, you may find some special comments like :


These comments are used by wxSmith to find the place where new code should be applied. Each //(* comment starts automatically generated block of code and //*) closes it. Everything between these comments is regenerated, even if you add something there

The only exception is a block started with the //(*Handlers comment. wxSmith can only add to this block of code. If you want to write your event handler manually, you can put its declaration here.

Code outside the //(* - //*) comments won't be touched.

[ edit ]

Loading XRC resources

When using an XRC file, do not forget to initialize the wxXMLResouce Handlers & XRC File. For example in your App::OnInit:

   // Loading XRC resource file (not in a zip file).
wxXmlResource::Get()->Load("<your XRC File name>.xrc");




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


