英语学习路(一) optimistic


      Areyou still a signal now?  Or maybe you have a baby now, but please trust me, some of you ever suffering the big difficulty like me. When you aresingle, it's not just your problem, it's your parents', your relatives’, evenit's your  close neighbors'. With time goes by, you have  a lot moretimes to receive the only topic  betweenyou like "do you have a boy friend? You are not so young yet". Wow,  I  just  want to escape.  Then I start arrangingmy path to marriage. First, find a boy friend, second, let parents accept them,third. …then get marriage.

    I’m lucky, I fell in love with my boy friend at first sight. I wasproud   interrupting my mother intention to introduce me a handsome guy. Then I got a sequence questions youguys guess right. I am ready to talk about his job, his height, his kindness,his hardworking and responsibility. But when I just said the age, the conversation stopped. Because our Chinese zodiacs don’t match. It’s unbelievable the superstation became the first obstacle inmy marriage path. Even I found that it’s obviously  huge  gap. Because the following two years my motherfind some traditional fortunetelling  in famouslocal temple. They give  the samesuggestion. They show me the same information from  the internet. What’s worse, My great auntshows me an example, a couples of her relatives have the same birth of yearlike mine, they did not live   together normally, one of them deadearly because of some diseases. I am not opposed to  her, because mygreat  uncle is a secretary in a high school, and they are so sincere. Maybe I will change myself.

     But my boy friend has a stronger will. He said those are psychology effection. If you believe, it’s true for you, otherwise it’s not.  If we want to get married, we have to persuade our parents accepting us. Chinese zodiac gives me so many good memory in my childhood. Each year, Before NewYear’s eve we bought some new pictures about the next year’s zodiac animal. Youcan see some good wish in it, the little girl with a big ingot riding on thehorse, it stands for your family will  be rich in the next horse year. Ifyou see the monkey in the  antithetical couplet, it maybe  tell youthe next monkey year you will get good fortune. Watching CCTV Spring FestivalGala, eating dumplings with family, you also can get new dress and a little red packets. But now, I hate  it.

     I remember  an interesting  news. Some couples escape giving birth inthe coming sheep year, some pregnant even choose abortion, they believe in nine percent sheep will die, they are afraid of the bad fortune,worse fate around their babies.It was so ridiculous and brought others somewrong direction. So experts  tell us it’s not right, it comes from common people unsatisfied with the government threaten them using their zodiac of sheep. I think Chinese feng shui is so popular in the world, especially in Chinese people deep heart. No matter the popular star, or the commonpeople, you can see the wang lin,who is a menter of qigong, Li BingBing , whois a successful movie star,wang fei and Li yapeng ever stars couples , zhao weiwho award too much in different media field. All of them made a visit him andtook group photos, but is he really has the powerful and miracle ability? If it’s  true, why did not he forecast himself before he met a bad fortune? The media exposed his conmanship in the year of  2013. Unfortunately,a few days ago, I saw a news, a  farmer  has sexual intercourse withsome college female students who are superstitious and greedy.
     My boy friend and I use our good personalities to changeour parents’ superstition. We use the scientific examples against superstition.Finally, we  win. It’s closer to the marriage. I know it’s a traditional cultures, but please don’t be silly. You should distinguish it clearlysometimes. When you get lost good fortune, you can calm down at first, thenfind the right way. Please don’t be greedy, if you dream getting a million atone day without actually hard work, it’s definitely infeasible. Please trustthe science, trust psychology effection. Like a story. A teacher will teach themost brilliant students   told by the principal, finally, the principaltold  a lie, but the teacher  proved he has the ability to teach acommon students to most brilliant ones. Don’t let superstition change your life worse.


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1. 智慧社区背景与挑战 随着城市化的快速发展,社区面临健康、安全、邻里关系和服务质量等多方面的挑战。华为技术有限公司提出智慧社区解决方案,旨在通过先进的数字化技术应对这些问题,提升城市社区的生活质量。 2. 技术推动智慧社区发展 技术进步,特别是数字化、无线化、移动化和物联化,为城市社区的智慧化提供了可能。这些技术的应用不仅提高了社区的运行效率,也增强了居民的便利性和安全性。 3. 智慧社区的核心价值 智慧社区承载了智慧城市的核心价值,通过全面信息化处理,实现对城市各个方面的数字网络化管理、服务与决策功能,从而提升社会服务效率,整合社会服务资源。 4. 多层次、全方位的智慧社区服务 智慧社区通过构建和谐、温情、平安和健康四大社区模块,满足社区居民的多层次需求。这些服务模块包括社区医疗、安全监控、情感沟通和健康监测等。 5. 智慧社区技术框架 智慧社区技术框架强调统一平台的建设,设立数据中心,构建基础网络,并通过分层建设,实现平台能力及应用的可持续成长和扩展。 6. 感知统一平台与服务方案 感知统一平台是智慧社区的关键组成部分,通过统一的RFID身份识别和信息管理,实现社区服务的智能化和便捷化。同时,提供社区内外监控、紧急救助服务和便民服务等。 7. 健康社区的构建 健康社区模块专注于为居民提供健康管理服务,通过整合医疗资源和居民接入,实现远程医疗、慢性病管理和紧急救助等功能,推动医疗模式从治疗向预防转变。 8. 平安社区的安全保障 平安社区通过闭电视监控、防盗报警和紧急求助等技术,保障社区居民的人身和财产安全,实现社区环境的实时监控和智能分析。 9. 温情社区的情感沟通 温情社区着重于建立社区居民间的情感联系,通过组织社区活动、一键呼叫服务和互帮互助平台,增强邻里间的交流和互助。 10. 和谐社区的资源整合 和谐社区作为社会资源的整合协调者,通过统一接入和身份识别,实现社区信息和服务的便捷获取,提升居民生活质量,促进社区和谐。


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