APIs and Open Interface--Manage Shipments

1 篇文章 0 订阅
  • 表名
    1. Interface:rcv_transactions_interface
    2. Interface:rcv_headers_interface
    3. 客制:spo_ep_arn_ch01d1(存放ASN资料)
    4. 客制:sep_po_asn_list(ASN资料SYNC)
  • 序列
    1. rcv_headers_interface_s.nextval
    2. rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval
  • APIs&Request
    1. PO模組:Receiving Transaction Processor



  • 案例
    1. 创建Manage Shipments(ASN)

procedure confirmed_asn(errbuf   out varchar2,

                          retcode  out varchar2,

                          p_org_id in number) as

    l_po_num          po_headers_all.segment1%type;

    l_line_num        po_lines_all.line_num%type;

    l_shipment_num    po_line_locations_all.shipment_num%type;

    l_h_rec           rcv_headers_interface%rowtype;

    l_l_rec           rcv_transactions_interface%rowtype;

    l_organization_id number;

    l_opo_quantity    number;

    l_group_id        number;

    l_request_id      number;

    l_cnt             number;

    l_d6_rec          spo_ep_d6%rowtype;

    l_d6_cnt          number;


    l_return_status varchar2(1);

    l_msg_data      varchar2(2000);

    l_exp exception;

    l_weeks   varchar2(10);  



    l_r_shipment_num   varchar2(64);

    l_p_asn_no         varchar2(64);

    l_r_asn_no   varchar2(64);

    l_r_seq_no   varchar2(64);

    l_asn_no   varchar2(64);

    l_seq_no   varchar2(64);

    l_rank     number;


    cursor c_sh is

      select  nvl(d1.data_source,'EP1.0') data_source,  --资料来源

             d1.corp_no,--Org Code

             d1.asn_no,--ASN 号码


             trim(d1.vendor_no) vendor_no,--供应商代码




             d1.mt_list,  --料号

             d1.waybill_airbill_num, --提货单/送货单             

              row_number() over(partition by d1.data_source,d1.corp_no,d1.asn_no order by d1.reply_date desc)  rank

        from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 d1, hr_operating_units ou, ap_suppliers pav

       where (d1.arn_type = 'S' and d1.epr_status = '20')

       --arn_type 表示ASN资料,epr_status 表示签核流程

         and trim(d1.asn_code) is null

         --特结标志 (目的为了取消,有部分收料特结)

         and trim(d1.asn_cancel) is null


         and d1.asn_qty - d1.ch_caqty > 0

         --ch_caqty 已收料数量

         and to_char(ou.organization_id) = d1.corp_no

         and ou.organization_id = g_org_id

         and pav.segment1 = trim(d1.vendor_no)

         and not exists (select 1

                from rcv_shipment_lines

               where bar_code_label = d1.asn_no

                AND truck_num=d1.ep_uid


       group by d1.data_source,










       order by d1.asn_no, pav.vendor_id, d1.reply_date;

    cursor c_sl( p_asn_no in varchar2,

                 p_item in varchar2,


                 p_data_source in varchar2,

                 p_vendor_no in varchar2,

                 p_reply_date in date,

                 p_invoice_no in varchar2,

                 p_invoice_date in varchar2,

                 p_waybill_airbill_num in varchar2) is

      select d1.*

        from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 d1, hr_operating_units ou

       where (d1.arn_type = 'S' and d1.epr_status = '20')

         and trim(d1.asn_code) is null

         and trim(d1.asn_cancel) is null

         and d1.asn_qty - d1.ch_caqty > 0

         and d1.asn_no = p_asn_no

         and to_char(ou.organization_id) = d1.corp_no

         and ou.organization_id = g_org_id

         and d1.mt_list = p_item

         and d1.data_source=p_data_source

         and trim(d1.vendor_no)=trim(p_vendor_no)

         and ((d1.reply_date=p_reply_date AND p_reply_date IS NOT NULL)

             OR (p_reply_date IS NULL AND d1.reply_date IS NULL) )

         and NVL(d1.invoice_no,'-1')=NVL(p_invoice_no,'-1')

         and NVL(d1.invoice_date,'-1')=NVL(p_invoice_date,'-1')

         and NVL(d1.waybill_airbill_num,'-1')=NVL(p_waybill_airbill_num,'-1')


       order by d1.mt_list, d1.po_no;





    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'g_org_id:' || g_org_id);


   fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Confirmed ASN begin :');



      select inventory_organization_id

        into l_organization_id

        from financials_system_parameters

       where org_id = g_org_id;


      when others then


                                'get inventory_organization_id error:' ||





                      'l_organization_id:' || l_organization_id);


    select count(1)

      into l_cnt

      from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 d1, hr_operating_units ou

     where (d1.arn_type = 'S' and d1.epr_status = '20')

           --arn_type 表示ASN资料,epr_status 表示签核流程

       and trim(d1.asn_code) is null


       and trim(d1.asn_cancel) is null --取消标志

       and d1.asn_qty - d1.ch_caqty > 0 --ch_caqty交货数量

       and to_char(ou.organization_id) = d1.corp_no

       and ou.organization_id = g_org_id

       and not exists (select 1

                      from rcv_shipment_lines

                     where bar_code_label = d1.asn_no

                      AND truck_num=d1.ep_uid  



    if l_cnt > 0 then--该程序是定时跑,避免取无效Group ID

      select rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval into l_group_id from dual;

    end if;


    for r_sh in c_sh loop

      l_h_rec         := null;

      l_return_status := null;

      l_msg_data      := null;


      savepoint sp_sh;


      l_asn_no :=r_sh.asn_no;


      if nvl(l_p_asn_no,'p')<> l_asn_no then

        l_p_asn_no :=r_sh.asn_no;


              get_asn_seq_no(x_seq_no => l_r_seq_no,

                                x_asn_no => l_r_asn_no,

                                x_shipment_num => l_r_shipment_num,

                                p_org_id => null,

                                p_asn_no => l_asn_no,

                                p_shipment_num => null,

                                p_setup => 0);


      end if;


     l_r_shipment_num :=l_asn_no||'-'||lpad(to_number(l_r_seq_no)+r_sh.Rank,3,'0');


      select rcv_headers_interface_s.nextval

        into l_h_rec.header_interface_id

        from dual;


      l_h_rec.group_id               := l_group_id;

      l_h_rec.processing_status_code := 'PENDING';

      l_h_rec.receipt_source_code    := 'VENDOR';

      l_h_rec.asn_type               := 'ASN';

      l_h_rec.transaction_type       := 'NEW';

      l_h_rec.auto_transact_code     := 'SHIP';

      l_h_rec.shipped_date           := sysdate;


       IF r_sh.invoice_no  IS NOT NULL THEN

        l_h_rec.attribute5          := r_sh.invoice_no;

        l_h_rec.waybill_airbill_num := r_sh.waybill_airbill_num;

        l_h_rec.invoice_date        := to_date(r_sh.invoice_date,'yyyy/mm/dd');

      END IF;


      l_h_rec.last_update_date  := sysdate;

      l_h_rec.last_updated_by   := g_user_id;

      l_h_rec.last_update_login := g_login_id;

      l_h_rec.creation_date     := sysdate;

      l_h_rec.created_by        := g_user_id;


      l_h_rec.shipment_num      := l_r_shipment_num;   

      l_h_rec.vendor_id               := r_sh.vendor_id;

      l_h_rec.ship_to_organization_id := l_organization_id;

      if trunc(r_sh.reply_date, 'dd') <= trunc(sysdate, 'dd') then

        l_h_rec.expected_receipt_date := trunc(sysdate, 'dd') + 0.99999;


        l_h_rec.expected_receipt_date := trunc(r_sh.reply_date, 'dd') +


      end if;



      l_h_rec.org_id          := g_org_id;

      l_h_rec.validation_flag := 'Y';


      insert into rcv_headers_interface values l_h_rec;


      for r_sl in c_sl( r_sh.asn_no,


                        r_sh.data_source ,

                        r_sh.vendor_no  ,

                        r_sh.reply_date  ,

                        r_sh.invoice_no  ,

                        r_sh.invoice_date  ,

                        r_sh.waybill_airbill_num  ) loop  


          l_l_rec        := null;

          l_po_num       := null;

          l_line_num     := null;

          l_shipment_num := null;

          l_opo_quantity := null;

          l_d6_rec       := null;


          get_po_number(p_po_no         => r_sl.po_no,

                        x_po_num        => l_po_num,

                        x_line_num      => l_line_num,

                        x_shipment_num  => l_shipment_num,

                        x_return_status => l_return_status,

                        x_msg_data      => l_msg_data);


          if l_return_status = 'E' then

            l_msg_data := 'get_po_number error: po_no(' || r_sl.po_no || ')' ||


            raise l_exp;

          end if;


          get_po_info(p_org_id           => g_org_id,

                      p_po_num           => l_po_num,

                      p_line_num         => l_line_num,

                      p_shipment_num     => l_shipment_num,

                      x_po_header_id     => l_l_rec.po_header_id,

                      x_po_line_id       => l_l_rec.po_line_id,

                      x_line_location_id => l_l_rec.po_line_location_id,

                      x_item_id          => l_l_rec.item_id,

                      x_unit_of_measure  => l_l_rec.unit_of_measure,

                      x_agent_id         => l_d6_rec.agent_id,

                      x_po_creation_date => l_d6_rec.po_creation_date,

                      x_po_promised_date => l_d6_rec.po_promised_date,

                      x_opo_quantity     => l_opo_quantity,

                      x_return_status    => l_return_status,

                      x_msg_data         => l_msg_data);


          if l_return_status = 'E' then

            l_msg_data := 'get_po_info error: po_no(' || r_sl.po_no || ')' ||


            raise l_exp;

          end if;


          select rcv_transactions_interface_s.nextval

            into l_l_rec.interface_transaction_id

            from dual;


          l_l_rec.group_id                := l_h_rec.group_id;

          l_l_rec.last_update_date        := sysdate;

          l_l_rec.last_updated_by         := g_user_id;

          l_l_rec.last_update_login       := g_login_id;

          l_l_rec.creation_date           := sysdate;

          l_l_rec.created_by              := g_user_id;

          l_l_rec.transaction_type        := 'SHIP';

          l_l_rec.transaction_date        := sysdate;

          l_l_rec.processing_status_code  := 'PENDING';

          l_l_rec.processing_mode_code    := 'BATCH';

          l_l_rec.transaction_status_code := 'PENDING';


          l_l_rec.quantity                := least(l_opo_quantity,


          l_l_rec.auto_transact_code      := 'SHIP';

          l_l_rec.receipt_source_code     := 'VENDOR';

          l_l_rec.source_document_code    := 'PO';

          l_l_rec.to_organization_id      := l_organization_id;

          l_l_rec.header_interface_id     := l_h_rec.header_interface_id;

          l_l_rec.org_id                  := g_org_id;

          l_l_rec.validation_flag         := 'Y';

          l_l_rec.barcode_label           := r_sl.asn_no;

          l_l_rec.truck_num               := to_char(r_sl.ep_uid);


          insert into rcv_transactions_interface values l_l_rec;           


          l_return_status := 'S';

          l_msg_data      := null;


          when l_exp then

            l_return_status := 'E';


          when others then

            l_return_status := 'E';

            l_msg_data      := 'Other error: po_no(' || r_sl.po_no || ')' ||





      end loop;



      if l_return_status = 'E' then

        rollback to sp_sh;

        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, l_msg_data);


      end if;

    end loop;


    if l_group_id is not null then

      --Submit Request: Receiving Transaction Processor

      l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request

( 'PO' --application short name

  , 'RVCTP' --concurrent short name

  ,null --

  ,null --

  ,false --

,'BATCH' --Transaction Processing Mode

,l_group_id --Transaction group id

, g_org_id --Operating Unit





            --等待request run 完


          l_r_phase        varchar2(100);

          l_r_status       varchar2(100);

          l_r_dev_phase    varchar2(100);

          l_r_dev_status   varchar2(100);

          l_r_message      varchar2(4000);

          l_r_request_flag boolean;


            IF l_request_id>0 THEN


             l_r_request_flag := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request

                                     (request_id => l_request_id

                                     ,interval   => 1

                                     ,max_wait   => 0

                                     ,phase      => l_r_phase

                                     ,status     => l_r_status

                                     ,dev_phase  => l_r_dev_phase

                                     ,dev_status => l_r_dev_status

                                     ,message    => l_r_message);


            END IF;


             if l_r_dev_phase <> 'COMPLETE' or l_r_dev_status <> 'NORMAL' then   





               -- null;




             END IF;



            end ;

    end if;





  end confirmed_asn;


    1. 获取ASN_NO

 procedure get_asn_seq_no( x_seq_no           out   varchar2,

                            x_asn_no           out varchar2,

                            x_shipment_num     out varchar2,

                            p_org_id           in number,

                            p_asn_no          in varchar2,                      

                            p_shipment_num     in varchar2,

                            p_setup     in number

                         ) as

  v_asn_no   varchar2(64);

  v_shipment_num varchar2(64);


    if p_asn_no is null then

      select bar_code_label

      into  v_asn_no

      from rcv_shipment_lines  rsl

      where  rsl.shipment_header_id in ( select rsh.shipment_header_id

                                     from rcv_shipment_headers rsh

                                     where rsh.shipment_num like p_shipment_num


       and bar_code_label is not null        

       and rownum=1;



      v_asn_no :=p_asn_no;

    end if;

    --通過ASN 獲取最大shipment_num數值

    select max(shipment_num)

    into v_shipment_num

    from ( select rsh.shipment_num

           from rcv_shipment_headers rsh

           where rsh.shipment_header_id in (select shipment_header_id

                                      from rcv_shipment_lines rsl

                                      where rsl.bar_code_label=v_asn_no)



            select rhi.shipment_num from rcv_headers_interface rhi

               where rhi.header_interface_id in ( select rti.header_interface_id

                                         from rcv_transactions_interface  rti

                                         where rti.barcode_label=v_asn_no)

        ) a  ;


    if v_shipment_num is null then

        x_seq_no :='000';


      select  nvl(lpad(substr(v_shipment_num,length(v_asn_no)+2,length(v_asn_no)),3,'0'),'000')

      into x_seq_no

      from dual;

    end if;


     select lpad(to_number(x_seq_no)+p_setup,3,'0')

     into x_seq_no

     from dual;


     x_asn_no :=v_asn_no;

     if p_setup=0 then

        x_shipment_num :=x_asn_no||'-'||lpad(to_number(x_seq_no)+1,3,'0');


         x_shipment_num :=x_asn_no||'-'||x_seq_no;

     end if;




    1. 获取PO单号码(get_po_number)

procedure get_po_number(p_po_no         in varchar2,

                          x_po_num        out nocopy varchar2,

                          x_line_num      out nocopy number,

                          x_shipment_num  out nocopy number,

                          x_return_status out nocopy varchar2,

                          x_msg_data      out nocopy varchar2) as

    l_po_no  spo_ep_arn_ch01d1.po_no%type;

    l_start  number := 1;

    l_length number;

    l_end    number;


    x_return_status := 'S';


    for i in 1 .. 3 loop

      l_end := instr(p_po_no, '_', 1, i);


      if l_end = 0 then

        l_length := length(p_po_no) - l_start + 1;


        l_length := l_end - l_start;

      end if;


      l_po_no := substr(p_po_no, l_start, l_length);


      if i = 1 then

        x_po_num := l_po_no;

      elsif i = 2 then

        x_line_num := to_number(l_po_no);

      elsif i = 3 then

        x_shipment_num := to_number(l_po_no);

      end if;


      l_start := l_end + 1;


    end loop;


    if x_po_num is null or x_line_num is null or x_shipment_num is null then

      x_return_status := 'E';

    end if;


    when others then

      x_return_status := 'E';

      x_msg_data      := sqlerrm;

  end get_po_number;

    1. 获取PO信息get_po_info

 procedure get_po_info(p_org_id           in number,

                        p_po_num           in varchar2,

                        p_line_num         in number,

                        p_shipment_num     in number,

                        x_po_header_id     out nocopy number,

                        x_po_line_id       out nocopy number,

                        x_line_location_id out nocopy number,

                        x_item_id          out nocopy number,

                        x_unit_of_measure  out nocopy varchar2,

                        x_opo_quantity     out nocopy number,

                        x_agent_id         out nocopy number,

                        x_po_creation_date out nocopy date,

                        x_po_promised_date out nocopy date,

                        x_return_status    out nocopy varchar2,

                        x_msg_data         out nocopy varchar2) as


    x_return_status := 'S';


    select pha.po_header_id,







           nvl(plla.promised_date, plla.need_by_date)

      into x_po_header_id,








      from po_headers_all pha, po_lines_all pla, po_line_locations_all plla

     where pha.segment1 = p_po_num

       and pha.type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD'

       and pha.org_id = p_org_id

       and pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id

       and pla.line_num = p_line_num

       and plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id

       and plla.shipment_num = p_shipment_num;



      select quantity

        into x_opo_quantity

        from mtl_supply

       where supply_type_code = 'PO'

         and po_header_id = x_po_header_id

         and po_line_id = x_po_line_id

         and po_line_location_id = x_line_location_id;


      when others then

        x_opo_quantity := 0;



    when others then

      x_return_status := 'E';

      x_msg_data      := sqlerrm;

  end get_po_info;


    1. 错误资料处理

 SELECT rhi.group_id,

rhi.attribute5 invoice_no,


rti.barcode_label asn_no,

pha.segment1 PO_NUM,

pla.line_num LINE_NUM,

plla.shipment_num shipment_num,

msib.segment1 item_no,

rti.quantity ep_asn_qty,

0 erp_asn_qty,


FROM Rcv_Headers_Interface rhi,



mtl_system_items_b msib,

mtl_parameters mp,

po_headers_all pha,

po_lines_all pla,

po_line_locations_all plla

WHERE rhi.header_interface_id = rti.header_interface_id


AND rti.item_id = msib.inventory_item_id

AND rti.to_organization_id = msib.organization_id

AND rti.to_organization_id = mp.organization_id

AND rti.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id

AND rti.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id

AND rti.po_line_location_id = plla.line_location_id

and rhi.group_id= 10090732 -- 10090732 为group_id,

    1. 取消Manage Shipments(ASN)

 procedure close_or_cancel(errbuf   out varchar2,

                            retcode  out varchar2,

                            p_org_id in number) as


    type ep_data_curtype is ref cursor;

    l_sql_cur varchar2(4000);

    c_d1      ep_data_curtype;

    r_d1      spo_ep_arn_ch01d1%rowtype;

    l_db_link varchar2(1000);


    l_h_rec           rcv_headers_interface%rowtype;

    l_l_rec           rcv_transactions_interface%rowtype;

    l_group_id_cancel number;

    l_group_id_new    number;

    l_cnt             number;

    l_closed_flag     varchar2(1);

    l_po_no           spo_ep_arn_ch01d1.po_no%type;


    l_pos number;

    l_len number;

    l_max number;  


    l_request_id    number;

    l_return_status varchar2(1);

    l_msg_data      varchar2(2000);

    l_exp exception;


    l_request_status boolean;

    l_phase          varchar2(20);

    l_status         varchar2(20);

    l_dev_phase      varchar2(20);

    l_dev_status     varchar2(20);

    l_message        varchar2(2000);

    l_weeks          varchar2(20);


    cursor c_sh is       

     select d1.asn_no,d1.corp_no,NVL(d1.data_source,'EP1.0') data_source,d1.ep_uid,d1.source_seq_id--2022.08.24 BY SEN SHAN ADD ,d1.corp_no,NVL(d1.data_source,'EP1.0') data_source

        from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 d1, hr_operating_units ou

       where (d1.asn_code = 'Y'

             or d1.asn_cancel = 'Y')

         and to_char(ou.organization_id) = d1.corp_no

         and ou.organization_id = g_org_id

         and NVL(d1.data_source,'EP1.0')='SCM'

         and exists

       (select 1

                from rcv_shipment_lines    sl,

                     po_headers_all        ph,

                     po_lines_all          pl,

                     po_line_locations_all pll

               where sl.bar_code_label = d1.asn_no

                 and sl.truck_num=d1.ep_uid

                 and sl.shipment_line_status_code not in

                     ('CANCELLED', 'FULLY RECEIVED')

                 and ph.po_header_id = sl.po_header_id

                 and pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id

                 and pl.po_line_id = sl.po_line_id

                 and pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id

                 and pll.line_location_id = sl.po_line_location_id

                 and ph.segment1 || '_' || pl.line_num || '_' ||

                     pll.shipment_num = d1.po_no

                 and not exists

               (select 1

                        from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 e

                       where e.asn_no = sl.bar_code_label

                         and sl.truck_num=e.ep_uid

                         and (e.arn_type = 'S' and e.epr_status = '20')

                         and NVL(e.data_source,'EP1.0')='SCM'

                         and trim(e.asn_code) is null

                         and trim(e.asn_cancel) is null

                         and e.asn_qty - e.ch_caqty > 0

                         and e.po_no = ph.segment1 || '_' || pl.line_num || '_' ||


       group by d1.asn_no,d1.corp_no,NVL(d1.data_source,'EP1.0'),d1.ep_uid,d1.source_seq_id


    cursor c_sl(p_asn_no in varchar2,p_ep_uid  in varchar2) is

      select sl.*

        from rcv_shipment_lines sl

       where sl.bar_code_label = p_asn_no

         and (sl.truck_num =p_ep_uid or p_ep_uid is null)

         and sl.shipment_line_status_code not in

             ('CANCELLED', 'FULLY RECEIVED');


    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'g_org_id:' || g_org_id);


   fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Colse Or Cancel begin :'); 3







    select count(1)

      into l_cnt

      from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 d1, hr_operating_units ou

     where trim(d1.erp_code) is null

       and (d1.asn_code = 'Y' --特結

            or d1.asn_cancel = 'Y') --取消

       and to_char(ou.organization_id) = d1.corp_no

       and ou.organization_id = g_org_id

       and exists (select 1

              from rcv_shipment_lines l

             where l.bar_code_label = d1.asn_no

               and l.shipment_line_status_code not in

                   ('CANCELLED', 'FULLY RECEIVED'));


    if l_cnt > 0 then

      select rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval

        into l_group_id_cancel

        from dual;


      select rcv_interface_groups_s.nextval into l_group_id_new from dual;

      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'run to close_cancel_d6:Y');



    end if;

    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'run to LOOP:Y');


    for r_sh in c_sh loop

      l_h_rec := null;

      l_pos   := null;

      l_len   := null;


      savepoint sp_cc;


      for r_sl in c_sl(r_sh.asn_no,r_sh.ep_uid) loop


          l_l_rec         := null;

          l_closed_flag   := null;

          l_po_no         := null;

          l_return_status := null;

          l_msg_data      := null;



            select pha.segment1 || '_' || pla.line_num || '_' ||


              into l_po_no

              from po_headers_all        pha,

                   po_lines_all          pla,

                   po_line_locations_all plla

             where pha.po_header_id = r_sl.po_header_id

               and pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id

               and pla.po_line_id = r_sl.po_line_id

               and plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id

               and plla.line_location_id = r_sl.po_line_location_id;


            when others then

              l_msg_data := 'get l_po_no error: shipment_line_id(' ||

                            r_sl.shipment_line_id || ')' || sqlerrm;

              raise l_exp;




            select distinct 'Y'

              into l_closed_flag

              from spo_ep_arn_ch01d1 d1, hr_operating_units ou

             where trim(d1.erp_code) is null

               and (d1.asn_code = 'Y'

                    or d1.asn_cancel = 'Y')

               and d1.asn_no = r_sl.bar_code_label

               and d1.po_no = l_po_no

               and to_char(ou.organization_id) = d1.corp_no

               and ou.organization_id = g_org_id;


            when no_data_found then

              l_closed_flag := 'N';

            when others then

              l_msg_data := 'get l_closed_flag error: shipment_line_id(' ||

                            r_sl.shipment_line_id || ')' || sqlerrm;

              raise l_exp;





x_group_id                => l_group_id_cancel,

x_transaction_type        => 'CANCEL',

x_transaction_date        => sysdate,

x_processing_status_code  => 'PENDING',

x_processing_mode_code    => 'BATCH',

x_transaction_status_code => 'PENDING',

x_last_update_date        => sysdate,

x_last_updated_by         => g_user_id,

x_last_update_login       => g_login_id,

x_interface_source_code   => 'RCV',

x_creation_date           => sysdate,

x_created_by              => g_user_id,

x_auto_transact_code      => 'CANCEL',

x_receipt_source_code     => 'VENDOR',

x_po_header_id            => r_sl.po_header_id,

x_po_release_id           => r_sl.po_release_id,

x_po_line_id              => r_sl.po_line_id,

x_shipment_line_id        => r_sl.shipment_line_id,

x_shipment_header_id      => r_sl.shipment_header_id,

x_po_line_location_id     => r_sl.po_line_location_id,

x_deliver_to_location_id  => r_sl.deliver_to_location_id,

x_to_organization_id      => r_sl.to_organization_id,

x_item_id                 => r_sl.item_id,

x_quantity_shipped        => r_sl.quantity_shipped,

x_source_document_code    => r_sl.source_document_code,

x_category_id             => r_sl.category_id,

x_unit_of_measure         => r_sl.unit_of_measure,

x_item_description        => r_sl.truck_num,

x_employee_id             => r_sl.employee_id,

x_destination_type_code   => r_sl.destination_type_code,

x_destination_context     => r_sl.destination_context,

x_subinventory            => r_sl.to_subinventory,

x_routing_header_id       => r_sl.routing_header_id,

x_primary_unit_of_measure => null,

x_ship_to_location_id     => r_sl.ship_to_location_id,

x_vendor_id               => null,

p_operating_unit_id       => g_org_id);


          if l_closed_flag = 'N' then

            if l_h_rec.header_interface_id is null then

              select rcv_headers_interface_s.nextval

                into l_h_rec.header_interface_id

                from dual;



                select vendor_id,




                  into l_h_rec.vendor_id,




                  from rcv_shipment_headers

                 where shipment_header_id = r_sl.shipment_header_id;


                when others then

                  l_msg_data := 'get rcv_shipment_headers error: shipment_line_id(' ||

                                r_sl.shipment_line_id || ')' || sqlerrm;

                  raise l_exp;





             get_asn_seq_no(x_seq_no => l_r_seq_no,

                x_asn_no => l_r_asn_no,

                x_shipment_num => l_r_shipment_num,

                p_org_id => null,

                p_asn_no => null,

                p_shipment_num => l_h_rec.shipment_num,

                p_setup => 1);


             l_h_rec.shipment_num :=l_r_shipment_num;

        if l_h_rec.shipment_num is null then

         l_msg_data := 'shipment_line_id(' || r_sl.shipment_line_id || ')' ||

                              'l_h_rec.shipment_num is invaild or missing';

                raise l_exp;

              end if;


              if l_h_rec.expected_receipt_date <= trunc(sysdate, 'dd') then

                l_h_rec.expected_receipt_date := trunc(sysdate, 'dd') + 1;

              end if;


              l_h_rec.group_id               := l_group_id_new;

              l_h_rec.processing_status_code := 'PENDING';

              l_h_rec.receipt_source_code    := 'VENDOR';

              l_h_rec.asn_type               := 'ASN';

              l_h_rec.transaction_type       := 'NEW';

              l_h_rec.auto_transact_code     := 'SHIP';

              l_h_rec.shipped_date           := sysdate;

              l_h_rec.last_update_date       := sysdate;

              l_h_rec.last_updated_by        := g_user_id;

              l_h_rec.last_update_login      := g_login_id;

              l_h_rec.creation_date          := sysdate;

              l_h_rec.created_by             := g_user_id;

              l_h_rec.org_id                 := g_org_id;

              l_h_rec.validation_flag        := 'Y';


              insert into rcv_headers_interface values l_h_rec;

            end if;


            select rcv_transactions_interface_s.nextval

              into l_l_rec.interface_transaction_id

              from dual;


            l_l_rec.group_id                := l_h_rec.group_id;

            l_l_rec.last_update_date        := sysdate;

            l_l_rec.last_updated_by         := g_user_id;

            l_l_rec.last_update_login       := g_login_id;

            l_l_rec.creation_date           := sysdate;

            l_l_rec.created_by              := g_user_id;

            l_l_rec.transaction_type        := 'SHIP';

            l_l_rec.transaction_date        := sysdate;

            l_l_rec.processing_status_code  := 'PENDING';

            l_l_rec.processing_mode_code    := 'BATCH';

            l_l_rec.transaction_status_code := 'PENDING';

            l_l_rec.quantity                := r_sl.quantity_shipped -


            l_l_rec.auto_transact_code      := 'SHIP';

            l_l_rec.receipt_source_code     := 'VENDOR';

            l_l_rec.source_document_code    := 'PO';

            l_l_rec.to_organization_id      := r_sl.to_organization_id;

            l_l_rec.header_interface_id     := l_h_rec.header_interface_id;

            l_l_rec.org_id                  := g_org_id;

            l_l_rec.validation_flag         := 'Y';

            l_l_rec.barcode_label           := r_sl.bar_code_label;

            l_l_rec.truck_num               := r_sl.truck_num;

            l_l_rec.po_header_id            := r_sl.po_header_id;

            l_l_rec.po_line_id              := r_sl.po_line_id;

            l_l_rec.po_line_location_id     := r_sl.po_line_location_id;


            insert into rcv_transactions_interface values l_l_rec;

          end if;


          l_return_status := 'S';


          when l_exp then

            l_return_status := 'E';


          when others then

            l_return_status := 'E';

            l_msg_data      := 'Other error: shipment_line_id(' ||

                               r_sl.shipment_line_id || ')' || sqlerrm;





      end loop;--shipment



      if l_return_status = 'E' then

        rollback to sp_cc;

        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, l_msg_data);

      end if;

    end loop;--d1


    if l_group_id_cancel is not null then

      --Submit Request: Receiving Transaction Processor

      l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request

('PO' --application short name

  ,'RVCTP' --concurrent short name

  ,null --

  ,null --

 ,false --

 ,'BATCH' --Transaction Processing Mode

 ,l_group_id_cancel --Transaction group id

 ,g_org_id --Operating Unit





      if l_request_id <> 0 then

        l_request_status := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request

( request_id => l_request_id,

interval   => 1,

phase      => l_phase,

status     => l_status,

dev_phase  => l_dev_phase,

dev_status => l_dev_status,

message    => l_message



        if l_dev_status = 'NORMAL' and l_group_id_new is not null then

          --Submit Request: Receiving Transaction Processor

          l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request

('PO' --application short name

,'RVCTP' --concurrent short name




,'BATCH' --Transaction Processing Mode

,l_group_id_new --Transaction group id

,g_org_id --Operating Unit





            --等待request run 完


          l_r_phase        varchar2(100);

          l_r_status       varchar2(100);

          l_r_dev_phase    varchar2(100);

          l_r_dev_status   varchar2(100);

          l_r_message      varchar2(4000);

          l_r_request_flag boolean;


            IF l_request_id>0 THEN


             l_r_request_flag := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request

                                     (request_id => l_request_id

                                     ,interval   => 1

                                     ,max_wait   => 0

                                     ,phase      => l_r_phase

                                     ,status     => l_r_status

                                     ,dev_phase  => l_r_dev_phase

                                     ,dev_status => l_r_dev_status

                                     ,message    => l_r_message);


            END IF;


             if l_r_dev_phase <> 'COMPLETE' or l_r_dev_status <> 'NORMAL' then   



               -- null;




             END IF;



            end ;


        end if;

      end if;

    end if;

  end close_or_cancel;

  • 其他说明
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


