


Unit 1,Book 2

Text A




1   小镇座落在从铁道旁向后绵亘过去的一片高地上。镇郊有所整洁的白色小木屋,装配着绿色的百叶窗。屋旁园子里有整齐的菜畦和秋后才成熟的一架葡萄;屋前有三棵大橡树,浓荫遮挡着夏日的骄阳;另一旁墙根的花圃,繁花锦簇。整个地方给人一种整洁、简单、朴素的舒适感。

2   每天下午两点钟后数分钟,两个城市之间的特别快车总是经过这块地方。那巨大的火车,在附近的市区停顿了一会儿,这时正在匀速地前行,但还没有达到开足马力的惊人速度。它不慌不忙、大摇大摆地进入你的视野,引擎强有力地震动着疾驰而过,沉重的列车压在钢轨上发出低沉、平和的隆隆声,然后消失在画面中。好一会儿,引擎的前进,可以由每隔一段距离出现在草原边缘上空的、一阵阵吼叫着的浓烟显现出来,最后则什么也听不见了,但闻厚重的、铿锵的车轮声越来越轻,消失于下午昏昏欲睡的沉静里。

3   二十多年来,每天,火车行近这小屋时,火车司机就拉响汽笛;每天,一听到这信号,一个妇人就出现在小屋后门门廊上,向他挥手致意。开头,她有个小孩依偎在她的裙边,如今这小孩已经长大成人了,每天,她也同母亲一起来到门廊向他挥手致意。

4   司机已经在这个岗位上渐渐变老,头发灰白。他驾驶着他的大火车,载着芸芸众生的重量,穿过这片大地已经上万次了。他自己的子女已经长大成人,结婚成家了;他已经经历过四次危险:他看见他前面的铁轨上,悲剧的幽灵似的黑点集中起来,形成蔚为恐怖的阴影,像个炮弹,落在锅炉顶上——一辆载满了儿童的轻便弹簧客车,车里一排排吓得发呆的小脸;一辆在铁轨上抛锚的蹩脚汽车,车上坐的是吓得目瞪口呆、呆若木鸡的人;一个受尽创伤的流浪汉行走在铁轨旁边,他又老又聋,听不见汽笛的警告;一个人影儿大叫一声从他的窗边猛扑下去——这一切,他都见过,他都明白。他明白这一切悲哀、欢乐、危险,明白一个司机所能明白的辛勤劳动。他已经在忠诚服务的过程中留下创伤,饱经风霜。而今,历经劳动磨练的他具备诚实、勇敢、谦卑等品质,他逐渐上了年纪,具备了老人们的庄严与智慧。

5   然而,不论他见识到了什么危险或悲剧,那所小屋和勇敢而自由地向他挥舞手臂的两个妇女的画面,却已经牢牢地铭记在这司机的心灵里,作为某种美丽而永久长存的事物,某种超越一切变化和毁灭的事物,某种始终如一的事物,即使有什么灾难、悲哀或错误会打破他日常生活的铁一般的作息规律。

6   每当他见到这小屋和这两个女人,他就感到了从未有过的最为异乎寻常的幸福。他曾经在上千种光线里、上百种气候里见到她们。他曾经越过大地上经过霜冻的棕色的庄稼残梗,在冬季冷酷的、赤裸裸、白茫茫的光线里见到她们,也曾在四月里迷人、青翠欲滴的梦幻里与她们重逢。

7   他对她们以及她们所居住的小屋,怀着一片深情,就像一个男人对他的子女所怀的深情一样,她们生活的景象终于刻骨铭心地印在了他的心上。他觉得他完全了解她们的生活,一天之中每时每刻的生活他都了解。因此,他决定,在铁路上退休后,他要去找那两个女人,最终要同她们说说话,因为她们的生活已经揉进了他自己的生活。

8   那一天来到了。火车司机终于在镇上车站走下火车,来到月台上,那两个女人就住在这镇上。他在铁路线上工作的年限已到了。他是公司拿养老金的退休职工,再也没有工作可做了。火车司机慢慢地穿过车站,进入小镇的街道。他觉得一切都是新奇的,仿佛他以前从来没有见过这小镇似的。他一路走去,他愈来愈感到惶惑和慌乱。难道这就是他经过了上万次的小镇吗?难道这就是他从驾驶室高窗里经常望见的屋子吗?一切是那么不熟悉,那么令人不安,就像是座梦中之城。他一路走去,困惑不已。

9   房屋不久便稀少了,变成了郊区疏疏落落的乡村,而大街也逐渐换成了乡村小道——这两个女人就住在这条小道上。这男人慢慢地在炎热和尘埃中跋涉。他终于站在了他所寻找的小屋门前。他立即知道他找对了地方。他看见屋子前面高大的橡树、花坛、菜园和葡萄架,以及稍远处的火车铁轨的闪光。

10  是的,这就是他寻找的小屋,就是他经过了千百次的地方,就是他怀抱着这样的幸福所憧憬的目的地。然而,既然他已经找到了,既然他已经身临其境了,为什么他还犹犹豫豫地不推门呢?为什么这小镇、这大地、这所他眷恋的屋子的门口,竟变得如此陌生,好像噩梦中的场景?为什么他竟产生了慌乱、怀疑和无可奈何之感呢?

11  他终于进入大门,慢慢地踅上小径,片刻之后便踏上通向门廊的三级台阶,正敲着门哩。不久他就听到过道里传来脚步声,门打开了,一个妇女面对他站在那儿。

12  霎时,他感到茫然若失和沮丧,深为此行懊悔不迭了。他立即明白:这个站在那儿用不信任的眼光瞅着他的妇人,正是那向他挥手致意过好几千次的女人。不过她的面容粗糙、憔悴、消瘦;黄褐色的皮肉无力地下垂,形成皱褶,小眼睛带着胆怯的猜疑和不安的疑惑凝视他。以前他曾经从她的手势里体会到的一切勇敢自由,一切热烈和深切的情意,就在他看见她和听到她不友好的话的刹那间消失了。

13  现在,当他试图为自己的出现作出解释,告诉她:他是什么人,为什么到这儿来,他觉得自己的声音听起来也是不真实的、令人不快的。然而他还是结结巴巴地讲下去,顽强地抗拒着从他心里涌出来的懊悔、慌乱、怀疑所产生的厌恶之感,这种厌恶把他过去的一切欢乐都淹没了,他自己对这个充满希望和深情的行为似乎也认为是不体面的了。

14  那妇人终于几乎不情愿地邀请他进屋去,用一种尖锐刺耳的声音叫唤她的女儿。于是,这司机在一个丑陋的小会客室里坐了短短一段痛苦的时间,他竭力说起话来,而那两个女人则带着毫无兴致和困惑的敌意、愠怒而胆怯的克制,目不转睛地瞧着他。

15  最后,结结巴巴地说了句笨拙的告别的话,他走了。他走出小径,然后沿着通向市镇的道路走去。突然之间,他恍然大悟:他是个老头儿了。他的心,以前沿着铁道两旁熟悉的景色看过去的时候,曾经是勇敢而自信的。如今看着那一直同他隔着短短的距离、而他却从没有去看过和领略过的、那一片新奇而未知的土地的景象,他的心却因怀疑和厌恶而感到难受。他心里明白:一切有关迷途获得光明的神话,那条闪闪发光的铁路远景,希望所寄托的美好小天地的幻想之地,永远一去不复返了。

(参阅吴岩等译 《托马斯·沃尔夫短篇小说选》)



Key to Exercises

I.    Reading Comprehension


1.      The whole place had an air of tidiness, thrift, and modest comfort with the tidy little cottage, the white boards, the green blinds, the neat garden, the arbor of grapes, the mighty oaks and gay flowers.

2.     Every day a few minutes after two o'clock in the afternoon. The great train was beginning to lengthen evenly into its stroke, but it had not yet reached the full drive of its terrific speed, and the engineer began to blow the whistle.

3.     As soon as she heard the whistle, the woman in the cottage would appear on the back porch and waved to the engineer.

4.     The engineer was in service for the great train for more than twenty years. He had grown old and experienced grief, joy, peril and labor through all these years.

5.      The women and little cottage conveyed bravery, freedom, extraordinary happiness to the engineer, and had become fixed in his mind as something beautiful and enduring, something beyond all change and ruin, something that would always be the same.

6.     Upon his retirement, he would go visiting the women and speak to them.

7.      The town seemed so unfamiliar and disturbing to him, completely different from what he had seen on the train. Instead of happiness, he felt bewildered and frustrated.


1.      A little cottage of white boards, decorated brightly with green curtains, located on a piece of higher land nearby the railway in the suburb of a small town.

2.     At the moment, after having stopped for a short time at the nearby town, the great train started steadily again, and did not yet reach its full speed.

3.     He had seen them through the dim light in winter, across the brown and frosted remains of crops; he had seen them in the charming April, across its green magic.

4.     He hesitated to go on telling them the reason of his presence, trying very hard to control his feeling of hatred caused by regret, confusion and doubt, but this feeling had cleared off all his previous joy, and made him feel his presence disgraceful.

5.      With great pain, the man sat in their ugly little living room for a very short period of time, trying to talk with them, but the two women stared at him with uninteresting and confused dislike, and unpleasant and shy control.

II.   Vocabulary


1.  stunned     2.     deliberately             3.     bellowed        4.     paralyze

5.    surge up            6.     perplexity                7.      timorous         8.     sullen


1.  plodded on      2.    Disquiet         3.     meager   4.     stall up             5.      rumble

6.  shrill             7.      ghastly           8.     mishap  9.    sallow          10.   outskirts


III. Grammar & Structure


By 1920, for the first time in U.S. history, the majority of the country's 105 million citizens lived in urban center. There, the effects of a new economic and social structure, monopoly capitalism, and of new technologies of leisure and entertainment, like radio, the movies, and sound recording, was being felt with an unstable mixture of enthusiasm and trepidation. If the American metropolis brought the shock of the new to bear on individuals with unprecedent power, it also served for a site for the eruption of anxieties about the social, psychic, and spiritual effects of modernity and modernization. Throughout the era of modernism, the city symbolized the challenges of confront not only the new but also the cultural other. Between 1880 and 1920 approximately 28,000,000 immigrants ---- mainly of southern and eastern European origin, and thus of the so-called darker races ---- entering the U.S., the vast majority settling in New York City, where by 1920 only one of six inhabitant was white, U.S.-born, and Protestant. The immigrants were joined by millions of African-Americans from the rural south to industrial north and mid-western centers, sought economic and social opportunities on the new status of the U.S. as world industrial leader.

These kinds of cultural dislocation produced much of what we now count as American culture of the first decades of the 20th century, including Tin Pan Alley, ragtime, jazz, and early Hollywood, and they contributed immeasurably of varied styles of avant-garde, bohemian, and high literary performance.



1. _centers__     



2. __were___



4. ___as__  



5. _confronting_



6. _entered__  

7. inhabitants_    


8. _northern_  

9. __seeking_  





10. ___to___



1.    C                  2.    B                   3.    D                   4.    A                   5.    A

6.     C                      7.    D                      8.    B                      9.     C                        10.   D


IV.  Translation

       There was a little tidy cottage of white boards, trimmed vividly with green blinds. To one side of the house there was a garden neatly patterned with plots of growing vegetables, and an arbor for the grapes which ripened late in August. Before the house there were three mighty oaks which sheltered it in their clean and massive shade in summer, and to the other side there was a border of gay flowers.

It was on the outskirts of a little town that the express train passed every day for more than twenty years. The air of tidiness, thrift and modest comfort around the little cottage and the waving of its owners had become fixed in the mind of the engineer, bringing him the most extraordinary happiness and great courage.

After retirement, he couldn't wait to get off the train and go visiting the owners of the little cottage, whose lives had been wrought into his own. But the scene of his trip was so unfamiliar that he had a sense of bewilderment and regret. The indifference and mistrust of the owners had drowned the warm picture in his heart.



Text B

Comprehension & Appreciation  


1.      D               2.     C                3.     A                4.     B                5.      C                6.     D


1.  我望着这个神一样的人物,看呀,看呀,看呀,对我来说这就像享用美酒佳肴一样。我审视着,打量着,留意着,只见他脸色平静,神态拘谨,高贵庄重,浑身上下都透出一种朴质的诚恳;他并没留意到他自己的伟大——没有留意盯住他的那几百双羡慕的眼睛,没有留意在座人士胸中迸发出来并向他奔流过去的那种深深的、忠实的、真诚的景仰。

2.  很明显,他的样子不错,长得好看,很可爱,又正直。因此,看到他像一尊雕像一样静静地站在那里,回答问题时表现得确实令人惊异地愚昧无知,我心里感到极度难受。

3.  请相信我,考试的那天他成功地通过了!就凭那些完全一知半解的、考前临时死记硬背的回答题,他通过了,而且还受到了表扬,而其他的人,虽然知道的东西比他多一千倍,却考不及格。

4.  我的良心日夜都在拷打我。我所做的这一切纯粹是出于慈爱,仅仅为了减轻这个可怜的青年考试失败的痛苦。我做梦也没有想到会产生像现在这样的极为荒谬的结果。我感受到了像弗兰肯斯泰因那样的过错和痛苦。

5.  每一天,每一年都有一种最为非凡的、令人惊奇的幸运跟随着他。在大约30年时间里的历次战争中,他都是个杰出的战士。他以大量的纰漏将他的军事生涯弄得乌七八糟,可是没有一次纰漏曾妨碍他成为一个爵士,或是准男爵,或是勋爵,或是什么的。

Key to Unit 3, Book 2


Text A

Chinese Translation




1  麦迪欧·帕卓奇一个月大时,第一次出现了病症,脸上不断冒出皮疹。在后来的几个月里,皮疹越出越多,以至于他脸上的伤口没法愈合。孩子的母亲克里斯蒂娜·帕卓奇说:“人们看见我的孩子时并不会咿咿呀呀地逗他,而是唯恐躲避不及。麦迪欧五个月大时,医生通过检查发现,他是三岁以下对食物过敏的婴儿中的一个,这些孩子只占6%到8%,而他的情况是对母乳过敏。于是麦迪欧的母亲改用豆奶喂他,但是几个月后,他的皮疹又犯了,并且还伴有呕吐。医生让他喝由氨基酸制成的促消化配方奶。现在麦迪欧已经两岁半了,他对西红柿和许多蔬菜都过敏,甚至根本不能沾牛奶。虽然医生们没有作任何承诺,但他们计划在麦迪欧五岁时,对他进行抑制牛奶和其它物质过敏反应的试验。他们希望,麦迪欧的过敏症会随着年龄的增长而消失。

2   尽管看似不可能,麦迪欧的状况确实是现代儿科医学面临的最棘手的难题,和花粉热一样。在一百年前,如果一本流行杂志讨论儿童健康问题,那么第一篇文章很可能就是关于白喉或霍乱的(这两种疾病在西方国家早已被抗生素和良好的卫生条件所消灭)。而现在,我们正在研究过敏症,一种自身产生的危险,是免疫系统和其环境没能协调发展的结果。在某种程度上,这个威胁可能是我们战胜了过去的流行病而产生的意想不到的后果。情况越来越紧迫。过敏症似乎在上升,辛辛那提市儿童医院的过敏及免疫学主任马克·罗森伯格说:“事实上并不仅仅是越来越多的儿童患上了过敏,过敏的症状也变得越来越严重。”

3   过敏是免疫系统对外界物质的强烈反应。根据食品过敏网络的调查,几乎任何一种事物都会引发过敏,虽然90%的过敏反应都是由八种食物引起的。这些食物是:牛奶,鸡蛋,花生(技术上是豆科植物),坚果,鱼,扇贝,大豆和小麦。由于某种不明原因,在有些人身上,这些本身并无害的物质也会引发同样的反应,通过这种反应,身体试图摆脱危险的细菌。这些反应有流鼻涕,呕吐以及局部的免疫系统反应——肿痛发炎。肺部也可能会感染;过敏是哮喘主要的引发源。在极端的情况下,这种反应会袭击所有的器官,进而发展为严重的过敏,即血压急剧下降,并伴随呼吸衰竭, 如果不及时治疗,会危及生命。

4   是什么导致了这样自我毁灭的反应呢?一个婴儿只沾了百分之一的花生身上就出现了强烈的反应,这多少带有遗传的倾向。确实,根据美国哮喘和过敏基金会报告,如果父母一方患有过敏症,孩子患病的几率是三分之一。如果父母双方均患有过敏症,那么几率就会高达70%。但是孩子和父母并不一定对同样的东西过敏,这一点表明,还有其它的因素在起作用。遗传学也不能解释为什么在过去的几年或几个世纪,患过敏的人数会迅速增加。

5   因此,可能是环境中的某种东西发生了改变。最明显的地方就是空气污染。加州大学洛杉矶分校临床免疫学负责人安德鲁·萨克森和他的同事大卫·戴兹桑切兹的研究发现,污染物——柴油废气和香烟——和过敏的发生有很大关系。但研究者们并不认为污染是全部原因;即使当抽烟和空气污染降低时,过敏症的患者继续攀升。而且工业化使传染病下降,减少了人们近距离接近牲畜的机会。“卫生假说”认为这种(近乎令人满意的)趋势造成了过敏的上升。人类的免疫系统是从充满了细菌和寄生虫的自然环境里演变过来的,当它发现在卫生的现代郊区里自己无所事事而且没办法发育成熟时,就把不满情绪发泄到无害的花生和虾身上。许多研究都支持这一说法。不过,虽然许多研究人员从总体上接受了卫生假说,但又出现了新的问题,哈佛大学的斯哥特·韦斯说道:“关系复杂,接触的剂量以及接触时间的多少”才会起重要的作用,这一点并不确定。

6   这样一来,卫生假说迟早会产生具体的处方。佐治亚医学院的丹尼斯·欧恩伯说:“最终的希望是找到一种方法,能人为地刺激免疫系统降低过敏风险,不会患上任何过敏病症。”同时,研究人员正在研发新药,这些新药超过了肾上腺素(用于严重过敏的急诊治疗)和一系列不需处方的抗组胺药。(组胺是形成过敏反应一连串生化事件中非常关键的物质。)像Singulair和Xolair这样的新药阻挡了这一链条上的其他化学物质。

7   儿科医生们也已经开始更严肃地看待过敏。他们给妈妈们的一条重要建议是,给六个月以内的婴儿只喂母乳。这种方法能推迟孩子接触新奇食物的时间。美国儿科协会说:“这是预防食物过敏的标志性步骤。”一旦过敏源被诊断出来,唯一做的事情就是在孩子周围设一条防疫警戒线。家住纽约的苏珊·莱卫特,因为十三岁的儿子大卫·帕金森对奶制品,鸡蛋,鱼,坚果和芥茉过敏,甚至还检查学校的美术颜料;因为一位四年级的老师曾经提到往蛋彩画颜料里加鸡蛋质感会更好。多亏她警惕性高,还有家庭制作的预先冷冻餐以及遍布纽约的水果蔬菜市场,大卫仍是一个健康正常的男孩,一名干劲十足的滑雪运动爱好者,并且还活着。


Key to Exercises

I.    Reading Comprehension


1.     They were disgusted.

2. He is allergic to milk, tomatoes and many vegetables.

3.  They plan to administer a controlled test of Matteo's allergic response to milk and other substances when he turns 5.

4.    Allergies are threatening humans nowadays. Because not only more and more people have allergies but also the severity of those allergies has also increased.

5.  The reactions may include sneezing, vomiting, inflammation and even death in extreme cases.

6.    If one parent has an allergy, chances are one in three that the child will be allergic. If both parents have allergies, the odds rise to 70 percent.

7.    According to the studies by Dr. Andrew Saxon, there is a strong correlation between pollutants and the development of allergies. The “hygiene hypothesis” holds that industrialization has brought about declines in infectious diseases and close exposure to farm animals, which has contributed to the rise in allergies.

8.    To breast-feed infants exclusively for six months in order to delay children's exposure to novel foods.


1.     Doctors are hoping that Matteo's allergies will disappear after he grows up.

2.    Although it seems untrue, Matteo's condition is an unsolved difficult problem of modern pediatric medicine, just like hay fever.

3.    It's a threat that may partly be caused by humans' big victory over the infectious diseases of the past.

4.    But researchers don't believe pollution is the only cause for the rise in allergies.

5.    The human immune system, which evolved in a natural environment filled with hostile bacteria and parasites, has nothing to do within the ranges of modern suburb without bacteria and parasites. Because it can not mature properly under this circumstance, it vents its feeling of setback on harmless peanuts and shrimp.


II.   Vocabulary


1.      vomit       2.     dramatic          3.     predisposition       4.     confines          

5.      novel       6.     hallmark          7.      ubiquitous               8.     avid


1.      out of sync      2.     account for    3.     trigger     4.      teems with          5.      exposure        

6.     vigilance          7.      outgrow           8.     underlie 9.     take … out on                  10.   ubiquitous


III. Grammar & Structure


But contrary to what many people believe, an increase intake of dairy products, if low-fat (milk) or full-fat (milk and cheese), had a neutral effect on weight.

And although conventional advice to eat less fat, weight loss was greatest among people who ate more yogurt and nuts, including peanut butter, over each four-year period.

Nuts are high in vegetable fat, and previous small studies have shown that eating peanut butter can help people gain weight and keep it off, probably because it slows the return of hunger.

Yogurt, among all foods, was most strongly linked to weight loss was the studys most surprising dietary finding, the researchers said. Participants who ate less yogurt lost an

average of 0.82 pound every four years.

Yogurt contains healthful bacteria that in animal studies increase production of intestinal hormones that enhance satiety and decrease hunger, Dr. Hu said. The bacteria may also raise the body's metabolic rate, making weight control easier.

But, consistency with the new study's findings, metabolism takes a hit from refined carbohydrates ---- sugars and starches stripped of their fiber, as white flour. When Dr. David Ludwig of Children's Hospital Boston compared the effects of refined carbohydrates with the effects of whole grains in both animals and people, he found that metabolism, which determines how much calories are used at rest, slowed with the consumption of refined grains and stayed the same after consumption of whole grains.

1. _increased___



3. __despite___




4. ___lose____



5. ___That___


6. ___more___






7. _consistent__


8. ___like____




9. __many____





1.      C                         2.     B                         3.     D                         4.     C                         5.      D     

6       A                         7.      C                         8.     D                         9.     A                         10.   A


IV.  Translation

The hygiene hypothesis holds that people living in too sterile an environment are not exposed to enough pathogens to keep the immune system busy. Since our bodies evolved to deal with a certain level of such pathogens, when it is not exposed to this level, the immune system will attack harmless antigens and thus normally benign microbial objects ---- like pollen ---- will trigger an immune response.

The hygiene hypothesis is developed to explain the observation that hay fever and eczema, both allergic diseases, are less common in children from larger families, which are, it is presumed, exposed to more infectious agents through their siblings, than in children from families with only one child. The hygiene hypothesis has been extensively investigated by immunologists and has become an important theoretical framework for the study of allergic disorders. It is used to explain the increase in allergic diseases that have been seen since industrialization, and the higher incidence of allergic diseases in more developed countries.



Text B

Key to Exercises  

Comprehension & Appreciation  


1.      B      2.     D      3.     C      4.     D      5.      A      6.     B


1.  去年冬天,中国采取了包括禁止销售54种活的动物的严厉措施以应对非典的爆发;这些措施使那些为了迎合广东人喜好新鲜野味而去捕杀野生动物的农民,贩卖野生动物的商贩以及烹饪野味的厨师遭受了很大损失。

2.  考虑到中国公共健康部门的资源仍很缺乏,而且其他部门的官员往往各行其事,确实令人不安。

3.  如果中国打算阻止下一次的非典爆发,那么就应该在改善国民个人卫生方面多做工作。

4.  在近期的非典危机中,虽然政府努力教育国民要勤洗手,要在家里消毒,但是公众的警惕性仍然变得越来越低。

5.  中国和世界其他地区能否应付下一次的非典爆发,这取决于非典病毒是退化成了温和的感冒病毒,还是发展成了更为致命,更不可预测的病毒。


优惠下载:https://mianbaoduo.com/o/bread/mbd-YZ2blp9p 。 整理的《新思维研究生英语课文,其中翻的每段均有段落号,与原文的段落号一致,排版美观,方便直接下载打印使用。目录及文章标题如下: Unit 1 Schooling   Reading 1 Marva Collins’ Way   Reading 2 Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results Unit 2 Music   Reading 1 The Mozart Effect: How Music Makes You Smarter   Reading 2 “Mozart Effect” Dispelled: Music Study Does Not Make Children Smarter Unit 3 Language   Reading 1 Travel Language   Reading 2 From English to Chinglish: The Globalization of Language Unit 4 Entertainment   Reading 1 The Not So Wonderful World of Disney   Reading 2 Think Like an Iconoclast: The Principles of Walt Disney’s Success Unit 5 The Internet   Reading 1 In Search of Serendipity   Reading 2 The Internet Doesn’t Hurt People — People Do: “The New Digital Age” Unit 6 Dictionary   Reading 1 Principles and Methods of Modern Dictionary-Making   Reading 2 Principles and Methods of Traditional Dictionary-Making—Based on the First Oxford English Dictionary Unit 7 Elite Education   Reading 1 The Disadvantages of an Elite Education   Reading 2 Is Harvard Worth It? Unit 8 Travel   Reading 1 Answer the Call of the Wild   Reading 2 Impacts of Tourism on the Environment Unit 9 Beauty   Reading 1 An Obsession with Looks   Reading 2 The Price of Beauty Unit 10 Artificial Intelligence   Passage 1 Why Does Artificial Intelligence Scare Us So Much?   Passage 2 Artificial Intelligence Poised a New Wave Unit 11 Globalization   Reading 1 Slowbalization: The Steam Has Gone Out of Globalization   Reading 2 The New-Old Globalization Unit 12 Social Problems   Reading 1 Say No to Drugs: World War Three   Reading 2 Marijuana Legalization: A Response to the Failure of the War on Drugs




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