have experienced several problems, not of my own creation, in using WM_COPYDATA. Now, when I need to use it, I use a mechanism that protects me against the sort of problems I experienced. This essay describes those techniques for creating programs that can reliably and with some assurances of security use WM_COPYDATA.

Introduction to WM_COPYDATA

The WM_COPYDATA message is used to send large blocks of data across process boundaries. It is defined as 


The WPARAM is the handle of the sending window. The LPARAM is a pointer to a structure of the form

typedef struct tagCOPYDATASTRUCT { 
    ULONG_PTR dwData; 
    DWORD     cbData; 
    PVOID     lpData; 

Presumably the dwData member is a small integer that tells the receiving window how to interpret the data referenced by lpData. The cbData value tells how many bytes of data are being passed.

This message can only be sent via SendMessage, which means that it will hang indefinitely if the receiving thread is blocked, or via SendMessageTimeout, if you want reliability. However, it cannot be send via PostMessage.

The data specified appears in the receiver's address space, and is pointed to by a similar COPYDATASTRUCT seen by the receiver. The receiver can examine the dwData to determine what to do, and use at most cbData bytes of the data pointed to by the lpData pointer. The data is intact only as long as the message is being processed. When you return from the OnCopyData handler, the data will disappear from the receiver's address space, so you must not store a copy of the lpData pointer. Instead, if you need the data after the handler returns, you must, in the receiving process, copy the data to a place in the program where it will remain available.


I don't trust WM_COPYDATA.

It is not that I don't trust it to work. Indeed, it is reliable. It is not that I don't trust it to actually deliver data. It does that, too.

What I don't trust, as the receiver, is the sender. Having the WPARAM value which tells me the sender window handle doesn't help much, because the sender window could be any window of an application, not just the main frame. I have actually been the victim of an incorrect WM_COPYDATA message. The programmer who was sending it had no idea how to find the desired target window, so instead, "cleverly" decided to broadcast the WM_COPYDATA message to all top-level windows, knowing that his window would eventually get it. Of course, mine did also.

Furthermore, sending a bogus WM_COPYDATA is something a malicious program might choose to do in order to cause other programs to crash. I want to be robust against this sort of attack.

Making WM_COPYDATA safe

What I do for security is create a GUID. In this case, I don't want the textual form, I want the binary form. I then place this GUID, which is a 128-bit value, in the first part of my data. When I code the receiver, I test the first 16 bytes of every WM_COPYDATA packet (and there must be at least 16 bytes in the WM_COPYDATA packet, or I ignore it). If the first 16 bytes of the message do not match the GUID, I simply return 0 and ignore the message. Since I started doing this, I have never been the victim of an erroneous WM_COPYDATA send to my application (even in the environment of rogue WM_COPYDATA messages).

Here's an example of the kind of message I send. In this case, I sent it to my own process, but it would work identically across process boundaries. Note the first 16 bytes are the GUID, which will be shown later. I have three other buttons, one to send a message that is too short, one to send a message with a bad GUID, and one to send a message with an unknown dwType.







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