C ++头文件的十大错误,如何解决这些问题

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Top 10 C++ header file mistakes and how to fix them

C++ header files is a rather mundane topic by most standards. Talking about header files is not as interesting as discussing complex search algorithms or debating design patterns . It’s not an academically stimulating subject to teach, so most CS programs do not emphasize header file design in their courses.

However, not having the correct header file design decisions can have significant ramifications on your project in terms of increases build times, compilation fiascos, code maintainability issues and plain information leakage. The larges your C++ project is, the more important this becomes.

Here’s a short description of the top 10 header file issues that can crop up if you’re not careful and how to avoid them.

C ++头文件是大多数标准相当平凡的话题。说到头文件是不是在讨论复杂的搜索算法或辩论的设计模式一样有趣。这不是一个学术课题刺激教,所以大部分CS程序不强调头文件在设计自己的课程。
但是,没有正确的头文件中的设计决策会对您的项目显著后果在增加方面构建时间,编译惨败,代码的可维护性问题和平原信息泄露。在拉尔您的C ++项目,更重要的这成为。

Mistake # 1: Not using “include guards” in a header file. 错误#1:不使用“包控制”在头文件。

When the preprocessor sees a #include, it replaces the #include with the contents of the specified header. Using a include guard , you can prevent a header file being included multiple times during the compilation process. The most common way to define an include guard is as follows:


//File: Aircraft.h
#ifndef AIRCRAFT_H
#define AIRCRAFT_H
\\the entire file

You usually name your #include guard the same as the name of your header file.

There are two main problems that #include guards help solve.

1. It can help prevent danger circular references between header files which can cause weird compilation failures.

Consider the following example where main.cpp includes both Airbus.h and Boeing.h:


//File: Airbus.h
#include "Boeing.h"
namespace Airbus
	class Carrier
//File: Boeing.h
#include "Airbus.h"
namespace Boeing
	class Carrier
// main.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Boeing.h"
#include "Airbus.h"
int main()
    return 0;

Compiling the code above gives the following error:

1>c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\smartpointers\headerfiles\airbus.h(2): fatal error C1014: too many include files: depth = 1024

If you’re in a large project with hundreds of include files, it might take some digging to find it out. If you’re using VS2015, you’re in luck because there’s an option to show the include order : Right Click the Project -> Properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Show Includes. If you turn this on, you’ll see the following in the output window:

如果你在一个大的项目是数以百计的包含文件,它可能需要一些挖掘找到它。如果你使用VS2015,你很幸运,因为有显示包括订单的选项:右键单击项目 - >属性 - > C / C ++ - >高级 - >显示包括。如果打开这个选项,你会看到在输出窗口中以下内容:

Circular includes

Looking at this you can easily tell that there’s a circular reference between Boeing.h and Airbus.h. Fortunately, include guards can help fix the problem. The revised piece of code is below.


//File: Airbus.h
#ifndef AIRBUS_H
#define AIRBUS_H
#include "Boeing.h"
namespace Airbus
	class Carrier
//File: Boeing.h
#ifndef BOEING_H
#define BOEING_H
#include "Airbus.h"
namespace Boeing
	class Carrier
// main.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Boeing.h"
#include "Airbus.h"
int main()
    return 0;

2. In the absence of an include guard, a file will need to be processed multiple times and can cause significant build delays in large systems.


Recommendation: Always use an include guard as shown above to optimize build times and avoid weird build errors. If your compiler supports and optimized #pragma once as an include guard mechanism, you should use that because it is usually more performant and less error prone than using an explicit include guard. For example, a lot of our internal code uses the following convention for public header files. Notice that if we're on a MS compiler where _MSC_VER is defined, we'll use the #pragma directive which is supported and optimized by the compiler.


#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
#endif  // _MSC_VER
// Contents of the header file here
#endif  // HEADER_FILE

MISTAKE # 2: Incorporating "using namespace" statements at top level in a header file


Headers should define only the names that are part of the interface, not names used in its own implementation. However, a using directive at top level in a header file injects names into every file that includes the header.

This can cause multiple issues:

  1. It is not possible for a consumer of your header file to undo the namespace include – thus they are forced to live with your namespace using decision, which is undesirable.
  2. It dramatically increases the chance of naming collissions that namespaces were meant to solve in the first place.
  3. It is possible that a working version of the program will fail to compile when a new version of the library is introduced. This happens if the new version introduces a name that conflicts with a name that the application is using from another library.
  4. The “using namespace” part of the code takes effect from the point where it appears in the code that included your header, meaning that any code appearing before that might get treated differently from any code appearing after that point.
这是不可能的头文件的消费者撤消命名空间包含 - 因此,他们被迫生活与你的空间使用的决定,这是不可取的。


1. Try to avoid putting any using namespace declarations in your header files. If you absolutely need some namespace objects to get your headers to compile, please use the fully qualified names (Eg. std::cout , std::string )in the header files.


class MyClass
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<iunknown> _parent;
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<iunknown> _child;

2. If recommendation #1 above causes too much code clutter – restrict your “using namespace” usage to within the class or namespace defined in the header file. Another option is using scoped aliases in your header files as shown below.

2.如果建议1以上引起太多的代码混乱 - 限制你的“使用命名空间”的使用在头文件中定义的类或命名空间内。如下图所示另一种选择是在头文件中使用范围的别名。

class MyClass
namespace wrl = Microsoft::WRL; // note the aliasing here !
    wrl::ComPtr<iunknown> _parent;
    wrl::ComPtr<iunknown> _child;

MISTAKE # 3 : Having multiple unrelated functionality grouped together in a single header file (and cpp file)


I’ve seen multiple cases where a header file becomes a dumping ground for all miscellaneous functionality added at a late phase in the project. Recently. I came across a codebase that lumped a logging functionality and HTTP Get/Post API in a single header file. This fundamentally violates the concept of Single Responsibility Principle in a module. Even worse, when I first started reading the code, I thought it was some sort of logger specific to networking/http – but it turned out that it was just a general purpose file logger which happened to share some helper functions from the http library in the same module !!! There is no way I can pull out either the HTTP or FileLogger for use in another project without significant rework.

我见过多次情况下,一个头文件成为在项目的后期阶段添加的所有杂项功能的倾销地。 最近。我碰到,在一个头文件集中日志记录功能,和HTTP GET / POST API代码库。这从根本上违反了单一职责原则的模块中的概念。更糟的是,当我第一次开始阅读的代码,我认为这是某种特定的记录仪的联网/ HTTP - 但事实证明这只是刚巧从HTTP库共享一些辅助功能的通用文件记录器同一模块!!!没有办法,我可以拉出来的HTTP或FileLogger对于没有显著返工在另一个项目中使用。

Recommendation: Each header file, which basically provides an interface for your client software, should provide one clearly identifiable piece of functionality. (The same goes for your cpp files).

建议:每个头文件,它基本上提供了一个接口为您的客户端软件,应提供对一个清晰可辨的功能块。 (这同样适用于你的cpp文件)。


MISTAKE # 4: Not making the header file compliable by itself


A header file should have everything it needs to compile by itself , i.e., it should explicitly #include or forward declare the types/ structs it needs to compile. If a header file does not have everything it needs to compile but the program incorporating the header file compiles, it indicates that somehow the header file is getting what it needs because of an include order dependency. This typically happens because another header file gets included in the compile chain before this incompilable header file which provides the missing functionality. If the include order/build order dependency changes, then the whole program might break in unexpected ways. The C++ compiler is notorious for misleading error messages and it might not be easy to locate the error at that point.

头文件应该有它需要由它自己来编译的一切,即,应该明确#包含或转发声明类型/结构需要进行编译。如果一个头文件不具有它需要编译,但该方案结合了头文件编译一切,这表明在某种程度上头文件越来越它需要什么,因为包括订单的依赖。这通常是因为另一个头文件被包括在这个incompilable头文件,它提供缺失的功能之前,编译链。如果包括订单/生成顺序依赖的变化,那么整个程序可能以意想不到的方式打破。 C ++编译器是臭名昭著的误导性的错误消息,它可能不容易在这一点上查找错误。

Recommendation: Check your header filies by compiling them in isolation via a testMain.cpp that includes nothing but the header file under test. If it produces a compilation error, then something either needs to get included in the header file or forward declared. The process should be repeated for all header files in the project using a bottoms-up approach. This’ll help prevent random build break as the codebase grows larger and code blocks are moved around.


MISTAKE 5.a : Including non-required header files in your header – for example, including files that only the .cpp file code needs .

错误#5.A:包含在头的非需要的头文件 - 例如,包括只有cpp文件代码需要的文件。

A common example of un-needed header files in your header file is <cmath> and <algorithm>.


Recommendation: Do not bloat your header files with unnecessary #includes.


Mistake # 5.b : Putting too much information in a header file and causing information leakage.

错误#5.b 把一个头文件中太多的信息和使用信息的泄漏。

This is really important if you’re creating and distributing DLLs. Each DLL is packaged with a header file that acts as a public interface of the functionality provided by the DLL. So If you’re developing a Protocol Handler to send AMQP Network Traffic, you’d not want to expose what implementation engine you’re using underneath the scenes.


Recommendation: Only expose functionality that the client of your library needs in a header file.



Mistake # 6: Not explicitly including all STL headers required by your cpp code file.


The standard does not specify which STL header files will be included by which other STL headers. So if you forget to include STL headers explicitly required by your code, it may work because the dependency is brought in via some other header file you included. However, any change / removal of dependencies can break the build in unexpected ways.


Recommendation: Always explicitly include the STL functionality used by your cpp files . For example, if you use <algorithms>, include that header explicitly in your cpp file.



Mistake # 7: Not making judicious use of forward declarations in header files


Forward declaration is an interesting technique often employed in C++ used to


  • Reduce compile times: If your header needs a type declared in another header to compile, you have two options : either include the dependent header in your header file or forward declare the types in your header file. If the dependent header file is very large and you only need to use say 5% of the types in the dependent header, it’s much better to use forward declaration to make those types known in your header file than to bring in the full dependent header. If your header file is included by multiple projects in a very large solution , it can shave off hours from the build time.
  • Break cyclic dependency between code: Imagine a situation where you have an Aircraft class and an Airport class. An Aircraft has reference to an Airport as it’s home base and an Airport has a fleet of Aircrafts. In this situation , the Aircraft class needs to know the declaration of Airport exists and vice-versa. If you make both header file include each other, we’ll end up in a never ending cyclic dependency.  Consider the followiing piece of code:

#pragma once
//File: Aircraft.h
#include "Airport.h"
class Aircraft
	Airport* m_HomeBase;
#pragma once
//File: Airport.h
#include <vector>
#include "Aircraft.h"
class Airport
	std::vector<aircraft> m_Fleet;
// ForwardDeclaration.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Airport.h"
int main()
    return 0;

The code above fails to compile with the following arcane errors :

1>  Note: including file:  c:\users\debh\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\smartpointers\forwarddeclaration\Aircraft.h
1>c:\users\debh\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\smartpointers\forwarddeclaration\aircraft.h(7): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '*'
1>c:\users\debh\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\smartpointers\forwarddeclaration\aircraft.h(7): error C4430: missing type specifier – int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\debh\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\smartpointers\forwarddeclaration\aircraft.h(7): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'

This is what happened:

  1. Main included “Airport.h”
  2. The first thing “Airport.h” included is “Aircraft.h”
  3. While trying to include “Aircraft.h”, the compiler does not know a definition of “Airport” which is used in “Aircraft.h” header. At this point, it fails compilation.

The fix is easy: Just forward declare the class Airport in “Aircraft.h


#pragma once
//File: Aircraft.h
#include "Airport.h"
class Airport; //Forward Declare Airport!
class Aircraft
	Airport* m_HomeBase;

Recommendation: If you have cyclic dependencies between header file objects or just using < 10% of header file functionality, consider using forward declarations.



Mistake # 8: Including a cpp file in a header file.


This sometimes happens because people want to share a bunch of code between cpp files for maintainability reasons. This is a bad idea – it can confuse the programmer , some IDE navigational features and even some build engines. Also, if this is a public API, people expect to get a set of header files to use your DLL or LIB. Getting a cpp file , they might think that something went wrong in the packaging/installation of the product.

这有时是因为人们希望共享一堆cpp文件之间的代码可维护性的原因。这是一个坏主意 - 它可以混淆程序员,一些IDE导航功能,甚至一些构建引擎。此外,如果这是一个公开的API,人们都希望得到一组头文件使用您的DLL或LIB。获得一个CPP文件,他们可能会觉得出事了,在包装/产品安装。

Recommendation: Please put all shared code in an internal header file.



Mistake # 9: Declaring functions shared between multiple cpp files in separate header files/ code files.


When multiple files compile against a single function, the declaration for that function must be in a single header file.  This allows maintainers to update the function declaration in a single place and detect any errors at compile time.  This also makes it impossible to declare the function using the wrong parameter types, since there’s an authoritative declaration.

Consider the following bad example of multiple declaration followed by a correct one:



         int Square(int a);
         int Square(int a) { return a*a; }
         int Square(int a);           // declare Square() a second time - Bad !!!
         void DoStuff() { Square(33); }    // use Square()

Correct Way:

         int Square(int a);
         int Square(int a) { return a*a; }
         #include <square.h>
         void DoStuff() { Square(33); }    // use Square()

Recommendation: Shared functions between cpp files should be defined just once in a single header file.



Mistake # 10: Putting your project’s header files into the precompiled header file.


Using the precompiled headers can significantly speed up your build time. One of the ways to screw it up is to include your own header files into the precompiled header file (pch.h or stdafx.h) . If you do, anytime those header files change, it’ll trigger a re-build of your project. The ideal candidates for inclusion in precompiled header are large header files that you don’t expect to change and is used by many of your cpp files– like windows.h, STL headers and header only implementations like rapid json.

使用预编译头可以显著加速你的build时间。其中一个方法来搞砸了是你自己的头文件包括到预编译头文件(pch.h或stdafx.h中)。如果你这样做,随时随地那些头文件改变,它会引发你的项目的重新构建。包含在预编译头的理想人选是,你不要指望改变,被许多您的cpp文件 - 像WINDOWS.H,STL头和头只能实现比如快速JSON的大型头文件。

Recommendation: Put only headers that’ll not change in your precompiled headers.


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