asterisk 模拟卡常见问题以及解决办法(第一部分、第二部分)(转)

asterisk 模拟卡常见问题:

asterisk 模拟卡常见问题以及解决办法 第一部分


This troubleshooting is conducted to give users a guideline to fix
problems. here, most of problems are list out, if user follows that exactly, most of the problems should be solved.
===Q1, You can not compile zaptel and asterisk=== // 不能编译asterisk 和 zaptel
please make sure that:<br/>
1) You have installed all necessary packages and kernel source.<br/>
2) Make sure the version of kernel source is exactly same with the version of the kernel.<br/>
please check the few links:<br/><br/ ><br/ ><br/ >
3) make sure that you do not miss any packages or files in asterisk or zaptel.<br/>
4) make sure your system can access<br/ >

===Q2, ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)=== // ztcfg 启动 的问题
please check:<br/>
1) run lspci -vvvvv, make sure the system can detect the card. Tigerjet chip will be found. If there is no such Tiger jet chip, pleaseclean the PCI slot and try again.<br/>
2) if lspc can find the card, make sure the pci id is included in thePCI table in our driver. how to patch the picid, please refer thislink:<br/><br/ >
3) if step 1 and step 2 are ok, please check the zaptel.conf or system.conf to make sure that the setting is correct.<br/>
4) if step 3 is correct, please make sure that there is no mISDN tigerjet module in the system, if it is there, please remove that or add toblacklist.<br/>
5) if you still can not boot it up, you have to recompile zaptel or dahdi again.<br/>

===Q3, You can not make calls from asterisk=== // 不能呼入或者呼出
there are few reasons why you can not make calls:<br/>
1) check your extensions from your asterisk side, make sure your sip isready to make calls, and SIP is with a right context what you put inextensions.conf<br/>
2) your wctdm or opvxa1200 does not boot up(leds are off).<br/>
3) leds are up and card driver has boot up properly, but the zapata.conf is<br/>
, so asterisk does not boot up properly,<br/>
please check by run: zap show channels<br/>
if is empty or no such command, you should check your zapata.conf<br/>
4) You maybe recompile your zaptel and asterisk again.<br/>

===Q4, How do you adjust the volume of voice for analog cards?=== // 然后调整音量
You can edit the zapata.conf and change rxgain=5 and txgain=6 or other values.
you can use ztmonitor to test that.check from here:<br/>

===Q5, You can not hangup calls=== // 不能挂断电话
To resolve the problem, please check:<br/>
1) set timezone and defaulzone to your country, set country=yourcountry in indication.conf and run: modprobe wctdm/opvxa1200opermode=YOUR country<br/>
2) open busydetect=yes and busycount=4<br/>
3) ask your provider to open the "disconnect supervision" service
check for more details,<br/>
please go here:<br/> ... _tdm_voicemail.html<br/>

===Q6, You can not get the callerid=== // 没有来电显示的问题
If you have a problem with callerid, please check with this link:<br/>

===Q7, Call conversation suddenly dropped=== // 掉线的问题
please refer this reference from digium:<br/>
Dropped Calls on TDM<br/>
If you are having dropped calls on a TDM400P card or an X100P card there are several things that might cause this.<br/>
BusyDetect and CallProgress may cause Asterisk to detect false hangups.Setting BusyCount to a higher value or turning off CallProgress may fixthe problem. An excessive number of IRQMisses may also cause theseproblems.<br/>

===Q8, How can you set the analog card for your country?=== // 设置国家制式
To set the pbx with your country support, you must:<br/>
1) set timezone and defaultzone to your country in zaptel.conf or system.conf of dahdi<br/>
2) set the country=your country in indication.conf<br/>
3) modprobe wctdm or opvxa1200 opermode=YOUR country with capital letter.<br/>
4) after load the drivers, run dmesg command to check the mode.<br/>

===Q9, How can you open the debug for asterisk?=== // 打开debug 文件
1) You can edit the file logger.conf under /etc/asterisk,<br/>
enable the debug or error, those message will be stored under<br/>
2) you also can start your asterisk in this way:<br/>
asterisk -vvvvvvvvgc -d

===Q10, How can i check the IRQ of analog cards?=== // 中断号的检查
please run the command:<br/>
cat /proc/interrupts<br/>
you should see the IRQs, Make sure the card has OWN IRQ, Do NOT share with other devices.<br/>
more details, please check from here:<br/> ... bus+Troubleshooting

===Q11, Where is the opvxa1200 drivers user manuals for dahdi and zaptel?=== // 启动相关文件下载
Under the download, you can see that there are three subdirectories:<br/>
First one is driver, you can get the individual opvxa1200 driver.<br/>
Second is a zaptel with opvxa1200, you can choose a proper version for you.<br/>
Third one is for dahdi, if you want to try dahdi, you can download whole packages.<br/>

===Q12, Sound Quality Problems with Analog cards=== // 声音的解决办法
please refer this link:<br/> ... p_te405p_noise.html

===Q13, How can you compile asterisk with dahdi for wctdm and opvxa1200=== // 编译 dahdi
please refer these links:<br/><br/ ><br/ ><br/ ><br/ ><br/ ><br/ ><br/ >

===Q14, I am hearing an echo. What can I do to fix this?=== // 回事抑制的问题
please refer these links:<br/><br/ ><br/ >

===Q15, Asterisk does not properly detect when a caller hangs up the phone. How do I fix this?===
please refer this link:

===Q16, When will the LED's light up on my TDM400P/TE110P/TE2XXP/TE4XXP?===// 指示灯的意思
For the TDM400P and TE110P cards, the LED's will not be lit up untilthe kernel module is loaded. The TDM400P LED's will light up when theports are configured and the kernel module is loaded. They do notchange if a phone or trunk is plugged in or not. The TE110P LED's willlight up RED when the span is configured and kernel module is loaded.If configured correctly and a circuit or channel bank is connected theLED should turn GREEN.<br/>

For the TE2XXP/TE4XXP the LED's should scroll(knightrider) RED evenwithout the kernel module being loaded or anything plugged in. When youhave the spans properly configured and kernel module loaded without acircuit or channel bank the LED's should pulse RED. With the moduleloaded and a circuit/channel bank connected they should be solid GREEN.
link from here:<br/>

===Q17, What are the differences between FXS and FXO interfaces?===
FXS (Foreign eXchange Station) is an interface which drives atelephone. FXS interfaces get phones plugged into them, deliverybattery, and provide ringing. FXS interfaces are signalled with FXOsignalling.<br/>

FXO (Foreign eXchange Office) is an interface that connect to a phoneline. They supply your PBX with access to the public telephone network.FXO interfaces use FXS signalling. FXS interfaces are what allow you tohook telephones to your PBX, and FXO interfaces allow you to connectyour PBX to real analog phone lines. <br/>

===Q18, What is the difference between loopstart, groundstart, and kewlstart signalling?===
Loopstart signalling is used by virtually all analog phone lines. Itallows a phone to indicate on hook/offhook, and the switch to indicatering/no ring.<br/>

Kewlstart is based on loopstart, but extends the protocol by allowingthe switch to drop battery on the phone line to indicate to the phonethat the other end of the party has disconnected the call. Most realphone switches, and almost no PBX's (except Asterisk, of course)support this feature. It is generally required for getting hangupnotification.<br/>

Groundstart signalling is sometimes used by PBX's. If you don't know what it is, don't worry, you won't need it.<br/>

===Q19, Why is my card getting an IRQ miss?===
Each peice of hardware takes 1,000 interrupts per second. When, forsome reason the cards get less than this, an IRQ miss occurs. You cansee if the card is missing interrupts using 'zttool.'<br/>

IRQ misses can cause different problems with Asterisk. Symptoms of IRQmisses are bad audio quality or perhaps PRI errors, although IRQ misseswill not cause alarms. Also DTMF detection not working is somethingthat can be caused by IRQ misses as well.<br/>

Several common things that contribute to IRQ misses are:
-Running the X window system
-Shared IRQs
-No hard drive DMA
-Hard drive DMA too high (shoot for udma3)
-Running serial terminals or frame buffers

To check for shared IRQs you can run:

# cat /proc/interrupts

0 10756672 XT-PIC timer
2 0 XT-PIC cascade
5 10812879 XT-PIC uhci_hcd, uhci_hcd, wctdm
10 226219 XT-PIC t1xxp, CS46XX
11 1550046 XT-PIC eth0, nvidia
12 387234 XT-PIC i8042
14 32641 XT-PIC ide0
15 18
XT-PIC ide1
LOC 10757616
ERR 40481

Notice the T100P card sharing with the sound card, and the TDM400P cardis sharing with the USB controller. This will most likely causeproblems. If you are not using any USB devices that would probably beok, but it would be best to disable USB or get the card on it's own IRQ.

There are several ways to move cards to their own IRQ.
-Turn on APIC
-Tweak BIOS settings
-Try a different PCI slot
-Use setpci
refer this link from digium:

===Q20, What should I do if my FXS fails calibration?===
Try compiling the kernel without frame buffer support. <br/>

===Q21, Why am I having DTMF detection problems?=== // dtmf 的问题
Zaptel DTMF Detection Problems<br/>
DTMF detection problems can be caused by a number of different factors.The most common is running the X Windows System. Another cause of DTMFdetection problems is the relaxdtmf option in Zapata.conf. It may needto be turned on or off. If you need to force all DTMF detection to bedone in software, you can set vpmdtmfsupport to 0 in wctdm24xxp.c orwct4xxp.c and recompile, or you can specify it as a kernel moduleoption at runtime.<br/>

SIP DTMF Detection Problems<br/>
If you are having problems sending DTMF digits amd are using a SIPphone, make sure the dtmfmode they have set is the same on the phoneand in Asterisk. Also make sure you are not sending both inband andout-of-band (rfc2833) tones.<br/>

===Q22, I am getting error messages about PCI Master Aborts. What is wrong?===
启动 驱动的时候会报的错误。
This is a very rare case. When your computer's PCI subsystemexperiences serious problems with OpenVox's cards upon initializationof the card, Linux will print out scrolling "PCI Master Abort"messages. What you should do is go into your system's BIOS, and turnoff your motherboard's PNP (plug and play) feature. If this does notresolve your issue, You should contact OpenVox support.

===Q23, Why is there a pause after the last DTMF digit?===
If you are experiencing a delay or pause before the last DTMF digit isdialed on a Zaptel line, this is because you have echotraining enabledin your zapata.conf. The echotraining is done just before the lastdigit is dialed, thus the reason for the pause. To fix this you caneither set a lower value for echotraining or turn it off completely.

===Q24, Why am I getting a clicking noise?===
If a clicking noise is present when dialing through an FXO or whengetting dialtone from an FXS, this is cause by echotraining. Turn itoff to get rid of the clicking. The click is necessary for theechotraining.

===Q25, list of asterisk pbx distributions:===<br/ ><br/ >
===Q26, How can you install asterisk with Debian Ubutun===<br/ > ... isk-on-debian-etch/<br/> ... terisk+Linux+Debian<br/><br/ ><br/ ><br/ >

===Q27, How can you install asterisk with Fedora?===<br/ ><br/ >

===Q28, How can you install asterisk with SuSe?=== ... mpilation_suse.html<br/><br/ >

===Q29, install asterisk with Free BSD===<br/ ><br/ >

===Q30, List of Asterisk OS Platforms=== 支持 asterisk 的linux unix 的发布版<br/ >

===Q31, Centos with asterisk=== ... +1.6.x+installation<br/> ... +1.4.x+installation<br/><br/ >

asterisk 模拟卡常见问题以及解决办法 第二部分



===Q32, A1200P "TRUNK Dial failed due to CONGESTION" Problem===
please refer this link:<br/>

===Q33, A1200P Installation on Ubuntu 8.10 Server===
if you have a installation problem with A1200P/A800P,<br/>
please refer this:

===Q34, Can't retrieve Taiwan's CID===
please refer this for your problem:<br/>

===Q35, FXO sends the digits of speed===
if you want to add speed dialup for FXO, please refer this:<br/>

===Q36, Trick to solve buffer re-sync issue of A1200P/A800P===
if your system keeps flushing the "buffer re-sync problems"<br/>
please refer this link:<br/>

===Q37, How do you report a problem===
In order to solve customer's problems very effective and efficiency,<br/>
when seeking a help from us, please give these information:<br/>
1) versions of kernel and Linux distribution<br/>
2) versions of asterisk and zaptel/dahdi<br/>
3) the name of cards used in your system<br/>
4) debug and error information from your system and asterisk<br/>
5) sending us zaptel(zaptel.conf and zapata.conf) or dahdi (system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf)<br/>
configuration files and extension.conf<br/>
6) after loading the driver, run the command: demsg and send the information to us<br/>
7) sending us the result of the command: cat /proc/interrupts<br/>
8) sending us the message of asterisk console when you making a call<br/>
9) inform the protocols you are using in your system<br/>
10) send us a working ssh account with root permission if you need us to check the system.<br/>
11) make a backup for your important files<br/>
12) describe the problem in details<br/>

===Q38,bug: FXO can not call out!===
The problem is this:<br/>
1) I cannot make outbound calls on an FXO card (Using FXSKS signalling)until I've received an incoming call<br/>
2) resetting the hookstate to offhook(A single ring is good enough),<br/> or alternatively, disconnecting and reconnecting the telephone line.<br/>
please refer this link:<br/>

===Q39,FATAL: Module wctdm not found ===
if this problem occurred, please make sure:<br/>
1) the module is compiled and installed properly<br/>
2) you entered a right kernel, which you used to compile the zaptel<br/>
3) make sure you have a access permission to load the module.<br/>
4) make sure the wctdm.ko is under /lib/modules/2.6.XX/extra<br/>

===Q40,FATAL: Module opvxa1200 not found ===
if this problem occurred, please make sure:<br/>
1) the module is compiled and installed properly<br/>
2) you entered a right kernel, which you used to compile the zaptel<br/>
3) make sure you have a access permission to load the module.<br/>
4) make sure the opvxa1200.ko is under /lib/modules/2.6.XX/extra<br/>

===Q41,Tools for wctdm and opvxa1200 ===
you can use these tools to test the wctdm and opvxa1200<br/>
1) zttest<br/> ... p_te405p_noise.html<br/>
2) zttool<br/><br/ >
3) ztmonitor<br/> ... ata+gain+adjustment<br/>
4) fxotune<br/><br/ ><br/ >

===Q42,check information of wctdm.ko/opvxa1200.ko ===
Under /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.el5/misc<br/>
run command: modinfo wctdm.ko, run modinfo opvxa1200 if checking opvxa1200<br/>
[root@bogon misc]# modinfo wctdm.ko<br/>
filename: wctdm.ko<br/>
license: GPL<br/>
alias: wcfxs<br/>
author: Mark Spencer <><br/ >
description: Wildcard TDM400P Zaptel Driver<br/>
srcversion: 5E22C66ED4D5B1ADE573C83<br/>
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A901sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A908sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A801sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A800sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A8FDsd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A9FDsd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000B119sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000B118sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000B1D9sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000B100sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000E159sd*bc*sc*i*
alias: pci:v0000E159d00000001sv0000A159sd*bc*sc*i*
depends: zaptel<br/>
vermagic: 2.6.18-128.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1<br/>
parm: debug:int<br/>
parm: loopcurrent:int<br/>
parm: reversepolarity:int<br/>
parm: robust:int<br/>
parm: opermode:charp<br/>
parm: timingonly:int<br/>
parm: lowpower:int<br/>
parm: boostringer:int<br/>
parm: fastringer:int<br/>
parm: fxshonormode:int<br/>
parm: battdebounce:uint<br/>
parm: battalarm:uint<br/>
parm: battthresh:uint<br/>
parm: ringdebounce:int<br/>
parm: fwringdetect:int<br/>
parm: alawoverride:int<br/>
parm: fastpickup:int<br/>
parm: fxotxgain:int<br/>
parm: fxorxgain:int<br/>
parm: fxstxgain:int<br/>
parm: fxsrxgain:int<br/>
[root@bogon misc]# pwd<br/>

===Q43, How to debug wctdm or opvxa1200 ===
When loading the wctdm or opvxa1200 with a debug mode,<br/>
please loadding the driver in this way:<br/>
modprobe wctdm debug=1 // open the debug and check the /var/log/message<br/>

===Q44, RHEL/Centos 5.2: xpp/xdefs.h:117: error: conflicting types for 'bool' ===
please refer this:<br/>

===Q45, xpp modules do not compile with kernel 2.6.19-1.2919.fc7===
please refer this:<br/>

===Q46, spinlock.h error with RHEL 4===
please refer this link:<br/> ... 37576c7aa92518fe48b

===Q47, Compile error on CentOS-4.6 with Kernel-2.6.9-67.0.15.ELsmp and CONFIG_DAHDI_NET===
please refer this link:<br/>

===Q48, dahdi_compat.h:31:27: error: zaptel/zaptel.h: No such file ===
please read this:<br/>

===Q49, when compiling zaptel, error: You do not appear to have the sources for...===
please refer this:<br/><br/ > ... 07-June/189259.html

===Q50, Bug#439814: zaptel-source: oslec_echo_can_identify undefined symbol===
please refer this:<br/> ... -August/009225.html

please check from here:<br/> ... f500d9c9ea7edb52bfb<br/>

===Q52, How to install Octasic SoftEcho ===
please refer these links:<br/> ... n/Octvqeug_5000.pdf<br/><br/ >

===Q53, Bug in Zaptel and - Only MG2 ===
please refer this:<br/>

===Q54, Howto: OSLEC echo canceling + DAHDI + Asterisk 1.4 ===
please refer this:<br/> ... dc698e89467c3d49a86

===Q55, Difference between zaptel and dahdi ===
please refer these links:<br/><br/ ><br/ ><br/ >

===Q56, Tonezones for wctdm and opvxa1200 ===

The file zonedata.c contains the information about the tone zones used in libtonezone (and hence also in ztcfg). Here is a list of those zones:
us United States / North America
au Australia
fr France
nl Netherlands
uk United Kingdom
fi Finland
es Spain
jp Japan
no Norway
at Austria
nz New Zealand
it Italy
us-old United States Circa 1950 / North America
gr Greece
tw Taiwan
cl Chile
se Sweden
be Belgium
sg Singapore
il Israel
br Brazil
hu Hungary
lt Lithuania
pl Poland
za South Africa
pt Portugal
ee Estonia
mx Mexico
in India
de Germany
ch Switzerland
dk Denmark
cz Czech Republic
cn China
ar Argentina
my Malaysia
th Thailand
bg Bularia
ve Venezuela
ph Philippines
ru Russian Federation
tr Turkey

===Q57, Tools from zaptel to dahdi===

ztcfg -> dahdi_cfg
ztmonitor -> dahdi_monitor
ztscan -> dahdi_scan
ztspeed -> dahdi_speed
zttest -> dahdi_test
zttool -> dahdi_tool
zapconf -> dahdi_genconf (deprecates genzaptelconf)

=== Q58, the list of opermode===

when loading the driver wctdm/opvxa1200,
modprobe wctdm opermode=YOUR COUNTRY
please check from the list: fxo_mudules.h

===Q59, Callerid with DTMF and FSK ===
please refer these links:<br/><br/ ><br/ ><br/ ><br/ ><br/ >

===Q60, Why are you unable to call out with Asterisk 1.4.22? ===
If you are using wctdm or opvxa1200 with Zaptel and Asterisk 1.4.22 then there is a known issue with outbound calls. The reason you are not able to call out is because Asterisk 1.4.22 has a new feature which detects if a analog line is plugged in or not, but this feature only works with Dahdi. So to fix the issue you can do one of the following.<br/>
edit the file under /asterisk-1.4.22、channels/chan_dahdi.c" find this line<br/>
#ifdef DAHDI_CHECK_HOOKSTATE return 0;<br/>
#else return 1;<br/>
Change the "0" to a "1"<br/>
#ifdef DAHDI_CHECK_HOOKSTATE return 1;<br/>
#else return 1;<br/>

===Q61, Sound quality issue with wctdm and opvxa1200== you can try these possible solutions:
1) Check the IRQ, make sure system handle IRQ properly
2) Use zttest to check the result
3) Disable the X window and framebuffer(set vga=normal from grub)
4) When using IDE driver, please open the DMA control
5) Bind the card IRQ to particular CPU, for example:
echo 1 > /proc/irq/217/smp_affinity #wcfxo
6) Set the latency timer: setpci -v -s 04:06.0 LATENCY_TIMER=f8 #wcfxo

===Q62, Echotraining and OSLEC===if you use the OSLEC, you must disable the echotraining.
otherwise, the channel will be silent.

===Q63, Far side disconnected with disconnect supervisions===possible solutions:
1) Your PSTN provider uses voltage/battery drop for disconnect supervision,
pleas try to edit DCT in zaptel.h to 100 ms or higher.
2) If you PSTN provider provides reverse polarity/battery
disconnect supervision:
3) If your PSTN provider has disconnect/busy tone disconnect supervision
or try to callprogress, and set your progzone to your country code in zapata.conf

===Q64, Cabling for wctdm and opvxa1200=== wctdm/opvxa1200 uses RJ11 cable. please refer this:,_RJ14,_RJ25

===Q65, Splitter for A1200P/A800P===

===Q66, Power supply for for wctdm and opvxa1200=== If you use FXS with wctdm/opvxa1200, you MUST use
12v power supply(4 pin Molex power cable) for FXS, please refer this:

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