hdu 3397 Sequence operation

a disgusting seg-tree problem

i have to maintain 6 varible for each node

cc: cover color

rv: reverse tag

lc[i]: longgest cover length from left side of color i
rc[i]: longgest cover length from right side of color i

mc[i]: longgest cover length of color i

sm[i]: the sum of color i


the method to maintain all of the variable above is simple except rv

Fuction set(_cc, _rv)  //(as to set a node)
if current node is set by a _cc 0 or 1
	the rv tag must be clear
if  _rv is 1
	swap all two dimension varible(ie. lc, rc)
	if current color is not mixed(-1)
		cc <- 1 - cc (reverse current color driectly)
	else rv <- 1 - rv (change the rv-tag and pushdown to it's subtree)

at last, you have to clear your mind, and to control it well :)

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
#define MS(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof a)
#define Rep(c, a, b) for (int c = (a); c < (b); c++)
#define Nre(c, a, b) for (int c = (a); c > (b); c--)
#define MAXN (110000)

typedef struct Node
	int l, m, r, ln,
		cc, rv, lc[2], rc[2], mc[2], sm[2];
	Node *ls, *rs;
		l = m = r = ln = cc = rv = 0;
		Rep(i, 0, 2) lc[i] = rc[i] = mc[i] = sm[i] = 0;
	void pus()
		ls->set(cc, rv);
		rs->set(cc, rv);
		cc = -1;
		rv = 0;
	void set(int _cc, int _rv)
		if (_cc > -1)
			cc = _cc;
			Rep(i, 0, 2) lc[i] = rc[i] = mc[i] = sm[i] = ln * (cc == i);
			rv = 0;
		if (_rv)
			swap(lc[0], lc[1]);
			swap(rc[0], rc[1]);
			swap(mc[0], mc[1]);
			swap(sm[0], sm[1]);
			if (cc > -1) cc ^= 1;
			else rv ^= 1;
	void upd(Node *ls, Node *rs)
		cc = (ls->cc == rs->cc)? ls->cc: -1;
		Rep(i, 0, 2)
			sm[i] = ls->sm[i] + rs->sm[i];
			lc[i] = ls->lc[i] + (ls->lc[i] == ls->ln) * rs->lc[i];
			rc[i] = rs->rc[i] + (rs->rc[i] == rs->ln) * ls->rc[i];
			mc[i] = max(ls->rc[i] + rs->lc[i], max(ls->mc[i], rs->mc[i]));
} *PNode;
struct SGT
	Node t[MAXN << 1], *top;
	void ini(int l, int r)
		bui(l, r, top = t);
	void bui(int l, int r, PNode x)
		if (!x) x = t;
		x->l = l;
		x->r = r;
		x->m = (l + r) >> 1;
		x->ln = r - l + 1;
		x->ls = x->rs = 0;
		x->cc = x->rv = 0;
		x->set(0, 0);
		if (l == r) return ;
		if (l <= x->m) bui(l, x->m, x->ls = ++top);
		if (x->m < r) bui(x->m + 1, r, x->rs = ++top);
	void ins(int l, int r, int _cc, int _rv, PNode x)
		if (l <= x->l && x->r <= r) x->set(_cc, _rv);
			if (l <= x->m) ins(l, r, _cc, _rv, x->ls);
			if (x->m < r) ins(l, r, _cc, _rv, x->rs);
			x->upd(x->ls, x->rs);
	Node que(int l, int r, PNode x)
		Node res;
		if (l <= x->l && x->r <= r) res = *x;
			Node lre, rre;
			if (l <= x->m) lre = que(l, r, x->ls);
			if (x->m < r) rre = que(l, r, x->rs);
			x->upd(x->ls, x->rs);
			res.upd(&lre, &rre);
		return res;
} sgt;

int n, m;

int main()
	int T;

	scanf("%d", &T);
	while (T--)
		scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
		sgt.ini(0, n - 1);
		Rep(i, 0, n)
			int si;
			scanf("%d", &si);
			sgt.ins(i, i, si, 0, sgt.t);
		while (m--)
			int op, a, b;
			scanf("%d%d%d", &op, &a, &b);
			if (op < 2) sgt.ins(a, b, op, 0, sgt.t);
			else if (op < 3) sgt.ins(a, b, -1, 1, sgt.t);
				Node x = sgt.que(a, b, sgt.t);
				if (op < 4) printf("%d\n", x.sm[1]);
				else printf("%d\n", x.mc[1]);
	return 0;

I had coded three version as to AC = =, egg pain





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


