


	<star category="COOKING">
		<name lang="en">Everyday Italian</name>
	<star category="CHILDREN">
		<name lang="en">Harry Potter</name>
	<star category="WEB">
		<name lang="en">Learning XML</name>


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
# 导入模块
from xml.etree import ElementTree
#tree = ElementTree.parse('t.xml')
tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(file='a.xml')
#获取根节点元素,root 为Element类的实例
root = tree.getroot()
print  "Element类的实例: ",root
# 获取根元素的名称和属性
print root.tag
print root.attrib
#  迭代根元素对象,获取各子元素的名称,属性文本
for child_of_root in root:
    print '001:tag is—— ', child_of_root.tag  #输出为:  star
    print '001:attrib is—— ',child_of_root.attrib
    print '001:text is—— ',child_of_root.text
    for child_of_child in child_of_root:
        print '002:child of child_of_root text is—— ',child_of_child.text

tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(file='a.xml')
# 返回查找到的第一个元素
star = tree.find('star')
print "\n003: start"
for sub in star:
    print "003:text is—— ",sub.text

title =star.find('name')
print "004: text is——",title.text

title =star.find('qq')
print "005: text is——",title.text

# 返回所有star元素
stars = tree.findall('star')
print "006: go"
for star in stars:
    title = star.find('name')
    print "006:text is—— ", title.text
    price = star.find('qq')
    print "007: text is——", price.text

print "\n"
# 调用对象的iter() 方法表里所有元素
for elem in tree.iter():
    print "008: tag is——  ", elem.tag
    print "009: attrib is—— ", elem.attrib
    print "010: text is—— ", elem.text
    print "\n"

for elem in tree.iter(tag='name'):
    print "011: tag is——", elem.tag
    print "011: attrib is——", elem.attrib
    print "011: text is——", elem.text


Element类的实例:  <Element 'stars' at 0x27a2128>
001:tag is——  star
001:attrib is——  {'category': 'COOKING'}
001:text is——  
002:child of child_of_root text is——  Everyday Italian
002:child of child_of_root text is——  kuBoy
002:child of child_of_root text is——  20
002:child of child_of_root text is——  11011
001:tag is——  star
001:attrib is——  {'category': 'CHILDREN'}
001:text is——  
002:child of child_of_root text is——  Harry Potter
002:child of child_of_root text is——  plGirl
002:child of child_of_root text is——  18
002:child of child_of_root text is——  123321
001:tag is——  star
001:attrib is——  {'category': 'WEB'}
001:text is——  
002:child of child_of_root text is——  Learning XML
002:child of child_of_root text is——  goodBoy
002:child of child_of_root text is——  21
002:child of child_of_root text is——  1234509876

003: start
003:text is——  Everyday Italian
003:text is——  kuBoy
003:text is——  20
003:text is——  11011
004: text is—— Everyday Italian
005: text is—— 11011
006: go
006:text is——  Everyday Italian
007: text is—— 11011
006:text is——  Harry Potter
007: text is—— 123321
006:text is——  Learning XML
007: text is—— 1234509876

008: tag is——   stars
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  

008: tag is——   star
009: attrib is——  {'category': 'COOKING'}
010: text is——  

008: tag is——   name
009: attrib is——  {'lang': 'en'}
010: text is——  Everyday Italian

008: tag is——   sex
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  kuBoy

008: tag is——   age
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  20

008: tag is——   qq
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  11011

008: tag is——   star
009: attrib is——  {'category': 'CHILDREN'}
010: text is——  

008: tag is——   name
009: attrib is——  {'lang': 'en'}
010: text is——  Harry Potter

008: tag is——   sex
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  plGirl

008: tag is——   age
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  18

008: tag is——   qq
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  123321

008: tag is——   star
009: attrib is——  {'category': 'WEB'}
010: text is——  

008: tag is——   name
009: attrib is——  {'lang': 'en'}
010: text is——  Learning XML

008: tag is——   sex
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  goodBoy

008: tag is——   age
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  21

008: tag is——   qq
009: attrib is——  {}
010: text is——  1234509876

011: tag is—— name
011: attrib is—— {'lang': 'en'}
011: text is—— Everyday Italian
011: tag is—— name
011: attrib is—— {'lang': 'en'}
011: text is—— Harry Potter
011: tag is—— name
011: attrib is—— {'lang': 'en'}
011: text is—— Learning XML

所以, 解析XML之前,需要了解XML的格式,以及代码中的参数对应的内容。具体如下:





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