Build a Python IDE for Windows with Notepad++ and IPython

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Build a Python IDE for Windows with Notepad++ and IPython

I’ve been looking for a good and free Python IDE for Windows for a long time. I first used Eclipse and Pydev, but Eclipse is a bit of a “usine à gaz“. I tried Spyder but it crashed too often and it was not flexible enough. I ended up using Notepad++, a really fast and powerful text editor, with the great command-line interpreter IPython. Notepad++ is extremely light to use, opens within a second, and contains most important features a Python developer wants (syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, code folding…). However, it does not include a native way for running Python scripts. On the other hand, IPython is a widely used and extremely powerful Python interpreter that is well adapted for scientific computing. It allows to run scripts in a command-line interface, and offers the possibility to continue an interactive session afterwards. It also includes a debugger and many more features.

Unfortunately, using both Notepad++ and IPython in a convenient way during an interactive session, where one edits a script and runs it many times, is not straightforward. One can simply open both programs, with IPython opened in the script directory, and call the magic %run command repeatedly. However, when calling %run several times, the Python script is correctly reloaded every time, but not the imported modules that could also have been edited in Notepad++. In other words, if one runs a script which depends on different modules, and edits one such module, those modifications won’t be effective at the next %run command. One has to import and reload that specific module, which can be tiresome when editing a lot of different modules. There appears to be no way of resetting the whole IPython environment and reloading all modules. So typically one has to close and open again IPython in the right working directory. This is cumbersome since every edition-evaluation loop requires to close the IPython interpreter, open it again, put the window at a convenient place on the screen, go in the right directory, and run the script. Over and over again, even when changing just one line of code in an imported script.

Those little issues might seem unimportant, but they can really hurt productivity and prevent the user from focusing on its core work. Therefore I’ve been looking for a way of automating this interactive edition-evaluation loop with Notepad++ and IPython. The goal is to let the user press a single keyboard button (e.g. F6) in a Python script opened in Notepad++ in order to execute it in IPython. One should have also a simple way of reloading all modules if needed. Here is what I came up with. This method may certainly be improved, and it could even be adapted to other OS than Windows.

This method works with Python 2.7, IPython 0.13 and Notepad++ 6.1.3 (it will probably work with other versions, but it may require small modifications).

First, create a custom IPython script that will define two new magic commands in IPython called %cdrun and %cdrunkill. Both open a new IPython interpreter, set a specific working directory, and run a Python script. The second command also kills any existing IPython interpreter (corresponding to a hard restart of IPython). This script will be loaded at every IPython launch, so it should be placed here:


This file contains the following code.

import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

ip = get_ipython()

def kill_python():
    # kill all other python processes
    pid = str(os.getpid())
    cmd = ['tasklist', "/FO", "LIST", "/FI", "IMAGENAME eq python.exe"]
    r = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
    r = r.split("\n")
    ps = []
    for line in r:
        if line[:3] == 'PID':
    if pid in ps:
    n = len(ps)
    if n == 0:
    args = " ".join(["/pid %s" % p for p in ps])
    cmd = "taskkill /F %s" % args
    return n

def cdrun(self, arg):
    h, t = os.path.split(arg)
    ip.magic("cd %s" % h)
    ip.magic("run %s" % t)

def cdrunkill(self, arg):
    h, t = os.path.split(arg)
    ip.magic("cd %s" % h)
    ip.magic("run %s" % t)

ip.define_magic('cdrun', cdrun) 
ip.define_magic('cdrunkill', cdrunkill)

The Kill_pyhon function kills all Python processes except the current one. Hence this script allows to automatically close a previous IPython interpreter and open a new one, resolving the module reloading issue. If you want to open a new IPython interpreter without killing all Python processes (for example, with a multicore computer, launching several scripts in different IPython interpreters can make them run in parallel on several CPUs), you can use the first command cdrun.

Next, you can specify the screen location and the size of the Ipython window. It is very convenient because it allows you to put the Notepad++, say, on the left of the screen, and the IPython interpreter on the right, so that you don’t have to manually move the IPython window every time you launch a new interpreter (otherwise Windows tends to put it at random locations). To do this, edit the window properties of the IPython prompt (see method on this website).

Third, define a new macro in Notepad++, by editing or creating the following file:

# in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml
ipython -i -c "%cdrun $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"  
ipython -i -c "%cdrunkill $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

The buttons #117 and #118 correspond to F6 and F7 here. If other commands exist, just add the \ lines in the \ section. If those shortcuts don’t work, it may be because they are already assigned to other commands: go in Settings, then Shortcuts, and remove them.

Also, do not edit this XML file with Notepad++, because your modifications may be discarded when you close Notepad++. Instead, ensure that Notepad++ is closed, edit the file with Notepad, and reopen Notepad++.

Now, when you open a Python script in Notepad++, you can press F6. It will launch an IPython window and execute the script. At the end of the execution, you can interact in the IPython interpreter. If you need to execute the script again, just use the following command:


This will reload, but not other modules. If you need to reload everything, press F7 in Notepad++: it will close the IPython window and open a new one, at the same location on the screen. This gives you the illusion of a very light and basic Python IDE, and allows you to benefit from both the great editing features of Notepad++ and the powerful IPython interpreter at the same time.

Note: you can automate the process of re-evaluating the script in IPython. Here, you need to: save the script in Notepad++, set the focus to IPython (with the mouse or with ALT+TAB), and type again the %run command (or selecting it in the command history). With the very powerful tool AutoHotkey, you can create a simple script for automating these keystrokes. Create a text file named “ipython_update.ahk” somewhere and put the following code:

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist Notepad`+`+
    Send ^s
    SetTitleMatchMode, 1
    IfWinExist ipython
        Send `%run %1%`r

Now, in Notepad++, create a new command for launching this script with the current file as parameter:

autohotkey [YOURPATH]\ipython_update.ahk $(FILE_NAME)

Ensure that the autohotkey.exe binary is in the Windows Path. Now, pressing F8 in Notepad++ will automatically set the focus to IPython and run your script.

Note for Linux users: Here is a Python function for killing all Python processes except the current one on Linux that might be useful.

def kill_python():
    Linux version (not very well tested, might need some tweaking)
    pid = str(os.getpid())
    cmd = "ps -ef | grep python | awk '{print $2}'"
    r = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    r = r.split('\n')
    if pid in r:
    n = len(r)
    r = ' '.join(r)
    cmd = 'kill %s' % r
    return n
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