Mysql 5.6 ONLINE_DDL

   下面是mysql 5.6 ONLINE_DDL列表:

Table 14.6 Summary of Online Status for DDL Operations

Operation In-Place? Copies Table? Allows Concurrent DML? Allows Concurrent Query? Notes
CREATE INDEXADD INDEX Yes* No* Yes Yes Some restrictions for FULLTEXT index; see next row.
ADD FULLTEXT INDEX Yes No* No Yes Creating the first FULLTEXT index for a table involves a table copy, unless there is a user-supplied FTS_DOC_ID column. Subsequent FULLTEXT indexes on the same table can be created in-place.
DROP INDEX Yes No Yes Yes Only modifies table metadata.
OPTIMIZE TABLE Yes Yes Yes Yes Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17. ALGORITHM=COPY is used ifold_alter_table=1 or mysqld --skip-new option is enabled. OPTIMIZE TABLEusing online DDL (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) is not supported for tables with FULLTEXT indexes.
Set default value for a column Yes No Yes Yes Only modifies table metadata.
Change auto-incrementvalue for a column Yes No Yes Yes Only modifies table metadata.
Add a foreign key constraint Yes* No* Yes Yes To avoid copying the table, disable foreign_key_checks during constraint creation.
Drop a foreign key constraint Yes No Yes Yes The foreign_key_checks option can be enabled or disabled.
Rename a column Yes* No* Yes* Yes To allow concurrent DML, keep the same data type and only change the column name.
Add a column Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes Concurrent DML is not allowed when adding an auto-increment column. AlthoughALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Drop a column Yes Yes* Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Reorder columns Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Change ROW_FORMATproperty Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
ChangeKEY_BLOCK_SIZEproperty Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Make column NULL Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Make column NOT NULL Yes* Yes Yes Yes STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES SQL_MODE is required for the operation to succeed. The operation fails if the column contains NULL values. As of 5.6.7, the server prohibits changes to foreign key columns that have the potential to cause loss of referential integrity. For more information, see Section 13.1.7, “ALTER TABLE Syntax”. Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Change data type of column No Yes No Yes  
Add primary key Yes* Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation. ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not allowed under certain conditions if columns have to be converted to NOT NULL. See Example 14.9, “Creating and Dropping the Primary Key”.
Drop primary key and add another Yes Yes Yes Yes ALGORITHM=INPLACE is only allowed when you add a new primary key in the sameALTER TABLE; the data is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive operation.
Drop primary key No Yes No Yes Restrictions apply when you drop a primary key primary key without adding a new one in the same ALTER TABLE statement.
Convert character set No Yes No Yes Rebuilds the table if the new character encoding is different.
Specify character set No Yes No Yes Rebuilds the table if the new character encoding is different.
Rebuild with FORCEoption Yes Yes Yes Yes Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17. ALGORITHM=COPY is used ifold_alter_table=1 or mysqld --skip-new option is enabled. Table rebuild using online DDL (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) is not supported for tables with FULLTEXT indexes.
Rebuild with null ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE=INNODB Yes Yes Yes Yes Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17. ALGORITHM=COPY is used ifold_alter_table=1 or mysqld --skip-new option is enabled. Table rebuild using online DDL (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) is not supported for tables with FULLTEXT indexes.
Set table-level persistent statistics options (STATS_PERSISTENT,STATS_AUTO_RECALCSTATS_SAMPLE_PAGES) Yes No Yes Yes Only modifies table metadata.

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