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翻译 android-Maintaining Multiple APKs,Creating Multiple APKs for Different API Levels

Multiple APK support is a feature of Google Play that allows you to publish multiple APKs under the same application listing. Each APK is a complete instance of your application, optimized to target

2016-01-31 23:32:10 486

翻译 android-Optimizing Content for the Assistant,Handling App Links

> Optimizing Content for the Assistant Android 6.0 Marshmallow introduces a new way for users to engage with apps through the assistant. Users summon the assistant with a long-press on the Home

2016-01-31 22:20:12 1173

翻译 android-Making Your App Content Searchable by Google,Specifying App Content for Indexing

As mobile apps become more pervasive, users are looking for relevant information not only from web sites but also from apps they have installed. You can enable Google to crawl through your app conte

2016-01-31 18:20:04 1009

翻译 android-Storing and Searching for Data,Remaining Backward Compatible

There are many ways to store your data, such as in an online database, in a local SQLite database, or even in a text file. It is up to you to decide what is the best solution for your application. 

2016-01-31 17:59:49 620

翻译 android-Adding Search Functionality,Setting Up the Search Interface

Android's built-in search features offer apps an easy way to provide a consistent search experience for all users. There are two ways to implement search in your app depending on the version of Andr

2016-01-31 17:38:53 510

翻译 android-Supporting Swipe-to-Refresh,Adding Swipe-to-Refresh To Your App,

Even if your app automatically updates its content on a regular basis, you can allow users to request manual updates as well. For example, a weather forecasting app can allow users get the latest fore

2016-01-31 17:19:52 647

翻译 android-Updating Notifications,Using Big View Styles,Displaying Progress in a Notification

When you need to issue a notification multiple times for the same type of event, you should avoid making a completely new notification. Instead, you should consider updating a previous notification,

2016-01-31 16:55:32 861

翻译 android-Building a Notification,Preserving Navigation when Starting an Activity

NotificationCompat.Builder is in the Support Library. You should use NotificationCompat and its subclasses, particularly NotificationCompat.Builder, to provide the best notification support fo

2016-01-31 15:56:40 662

翻译 android-Implementing Descendant Navigation,Notifying the User

Descendant navigation is navigation down the application's information hierarchy. This is described inDesigning Effective Navigation and also covered inAndroid Design: Application Structure. D

2016-01-31 15:02:30 705

翻译 android-Providing Up Navigation,Providing Proper Back Navigation

All screens in your app that are not the main entrance to your app (the "home" screen) should offer the user a way to navigate to the logical parent screen in the app's hierarchy by pressing the Up 

2016-01-31 11:45:53 548

翻译 android-Creating a Navigation Drawer

The navigation drawer is a panel that displays the app’s main navigation options on the left edge of the screen. It is hidden most of the time, but is revealed when the user swipes a finger from the

2016-01-31 11:14:55 492

翻译 android-Implementing Effective Navigation,Creating Swipe Views with Tabs

After reading the lessons in this class, you should have a strong understanding of how to implement navigation patterns with tabs, swipe views, and a navigation drawer. You should also understand ho

2016-01-29 13:08:28 606

翻译 android-Providing Ancestral and Temporal Navigation,Putting it All Together: Wireframing the Example

Now that users can navigate deep into the application's screen hierarchy, we need to provide a method for navigating up the hierarchy, to parent and ancestor screens. Additionally, we should ensure

2016-01-29 11:41:52 569

翻译 android-Planning for Multiple Touchscreen Sizes,Providing Descendant and Lateral Navigation

> Planning for Multiple Touchscreen Sizes The exhaustive screen map from the previous lesson isn't tied to a particular device form factor, although it can generally look and work okay on a handset

2016-01-29 11:02:25 567

翻译 android-Designing Effective Navigation,Planning Screens and Their Relationships

>Designing Effective Navigation One of the very first steps to designing and developing an Android application is to determine what users are ableto see and do with the app.Once you know what ki

2016-01-29 09:24:53 489

转载 ViewGroup/View的事件分发机制(3)(Touch,down,move,up)

> View的事件传递机制的11个结论:  1. 同一个事件序列是从手指触摸屏幕的那一刻起,到手指离开屏幕那一刻结束,这个过程中所产生的一系列事件。这个事件序列以down事件开始,中间含有数量不定的move事件,最终以up事件结束。  2. 一个事件序列只能被一个View拦截且消耗,不过通过事件代理TouchDelegate,可以将onTouchEvent强行传递给其他View处理。 ...

2016-01-29 00:01:36 1991

转载 android-IPC/Binder/D-BUS(Binder/Messager/AIDL)进程间通信(消息机制)

> 自定义Binder,服务端的onTransact(), 客户端的transact()。AIDL、Messenger等常用的进程间通信框架都是对Binder的封装。Android自定义Binder的使用,实现进程间通信- https://github.com/OboBear/MyBinder-- 进程间通讯机制已经存在好多种,Corba,DCOP,COM,SOAP, XML-RPC...

2016-01-28 12:48:58 1248

原创 android基础夯实2

24)不把功能都用H5实现然后把需求都扔给前段的人去做;》用h5开发出的web app体验上并不比原生app差太多,但其跨平台的特性大大减低了开发成本,而且可以快速迭代。25)ServiceManager、ActivityManager、packageManager 、*****Manager 都弄懂了?  >在Android系统中用到最多的通信机制就是Binder,Binder主

2016-01-28 12:46:20 535

转载 android-Activity Intent.setFlags()与launchMode

》Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP与singleTop的区别:singleTop,当Activity source在栈中时,跳转到source时,不会重新加载Activity source(当source里面有网络请求时);而Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP,跳转到目标Activity,会重新加载Activity。》Activity一共有

2016-01-28 12:09:37 494

转载 Android-AsyncTask及UncaughtExceptionHandler捕获全局性异常(ANR、FC)

为了不阻塞UI线程(亦称主线程),提高应用的响应性,我们经常会使用新开线程的方式,异步处理那些导致阻塞的任务(如要了解Android异步处理的实现方式和原理,请先阅读《Android异步处理系列文章索引》)。 AsyncTask是Android为我们提供的方便编写异步任务的工具类,但是,在了解AsyncTask的实现原理之后,发现AsyncTask并不能满足我们所有的需求,使用不当还有可能导致

2016-01-27 12:51:15 3307

转载 Android两种常见错误-ANR和FC(Force close)

ANR(Activity Not Respone)(无响应)    先介绍下Main线程(也称为UI线程、主线程)    功能: 1.创建UI控件             2.更新UI控件状态             3.事件处理    限制:Main线程不建议有超过5秒的事件    出现条件:        当用户输入事件5s内没有得到响应

2016-01-27 12:05:27 1212

转载 Android的一些编码规范和优化

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------   一、Android编码规范  1.java代码中不出现中文,最多注释中可以出现中文;  2.局部变量命名、静态成员变量命名:只能包含字母,单词首字母出第一个都为大写,其他字母都为小写;  3.常量命名:只能包含字母和_

2016-01-26 19:30:36 1219

翻译 Implementing App Restrictions,Building a Device Policy Controller

>Implementing App Restrictions If you are developing apps for the enterprise market, you may need to satisfy particular requirements set by a company's policies. Application restrictions allow the

2016-01-23 12:02:00 1270

翻译 android-Building Apps for Work,Ensuring Compatibility with Managed Profiles

The Android framework provides features to support the security, data separation, and administration needs of a enterprise environment. Learn how to make your app function smoothly in corporate envi

2016-01-23 10:15:26 678

翻译 android auto-Providing Messaging for Auto(UnreadConversation)

The Android framework enables messaging apps to extend their services into car dashboards using a standard user interface that lets drivers keep their eyes on the road.Once connected, your app can p

2016-01-23 02:22:34 551

翻译 android auto-Providing Audio Playback for Auto

> Providing Audio Playback for Auto Drivers want to access their music and other audio content on the road. Audio books, podcasts, sports commentary, and recorded talks can make a long trip educatio

2016-01-23 01:19:43 642

翻译 Android Auto-Building Apps for Auto,Getting Started with Auto

>Building Apps for Auto These systems provide a simplified interface for apps that can be used in a car, allowing users to take your app with them on the way to the grocery store or on a long road t

2016-01-23 00:24:58 763

翻译 android tv-Managing User Interaction

In the live TV experience the user changes channels and is presented with channel and program information briefly before the information disappears. Other types of information, such as messages ("DO

2016-01-22 22:34:11 536

转载 如何搭建千万级别用户的应用系统

基本情况l AWS覆盖全世界12个国家区域1. 每个区域都对应着世界上的一个物理位置,每个位置都有弹性计算云提供多个可用区域(Availability Zones),这些区域包含北美、南美、欧洲、中东、非洲、亚太等地区。2. 每个可用区域(AZ)实质上是单个数据中心,尽管它可由多个数据中心构造。3. 每个可用区域都拥有很强的隔离性,他们各自拥有独立的电源和网络。

2016-01-22 17:59:13 644

转载 说说Spark应用程序的性能调优(分布式计算引擎)

Spark是基于内存的分布式计算引擎,以处理的高效和稳定著称。然而在实际的应用开发过程中,开发者还是会遇到种种问题,其中一大类就是和性能相关。  分布式计算引擎在调优方面有四个主要关注方向,分别是CPU、内存、网络开销和I/O,其具体调优目标如下:提高CPU利用率。避免OOM。降低网络开销。减少I/O操作。>数据倾斜意味着某一个或某几个Partition中的数据量特别的大,

2016-01-22 15:01:41 1156

转载 编程方面学术学习的推荐

CS课程入门计算机科学课程导论,介绍编码的基本知识。在线资源:Udacity – intro to CS course, Coursera – Computer Science 101至少要会一种面向对象的编程语言:C ++、Java或Python初级在线资源: Coursera – Learn to Program: The Fundamentals, MIT

2016-01-22 12:44:49 612

转载 编码风格和开发习惯

作为Java开发人员,我们会遵循一系列的编码风格和开发习惯。习惯使然是一方面,另一方面,我们也从不停下脚步质疑这些习惯。> 零注释(公共 API 除外) 让我们再次探讨这个问题:无注释。注释很快就会与代码脱节。假如你在一段代码的上面写了行注释,谁也不能保证下一个修改代码的人会更新注释。根据笔者的开发经验,没人会更新注释。原来的代码段可能被删除,业务需求也可能改变。因此,你的注释往往弊大

2016-01-22 12:40:06 475

转载 Android -SharedPreferences

SharedPreferences是Android中最容易理解的数据存储技术,实际上SharedPreferences处理的就是一个key-value(键值对)SharedPreferences常用来存储一些轻量级的数据。1、使用SharedPreferences保存数据方法如下:[java] view plain copy print?

2016-01-22 12:24:03 371

翻译 android TV-Working with Channel Data

> Working with Channel Data Your TV input must provide Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data for at least one channel in its setup activity. You should also periodically update that data, with conside

2016-01-22 12:13:31 690

翻译 android TV-Building TV Channels,Developing a TV Input Service

》Building TV Channels To provide your users a similar experience, use the TV Input Framework to create channels for publishing video or music content so that your media appears alongside traditional

2016-01-22 11:28:49 765

转载 Android-GridView与ScrollView共用的冲突问题(类似ListView)


2016-01-22 10:18:23 802

原创 系统级别的window,应用级别的弹出框Dialog/popwindow (dismiss和cancel和hide)

 AlertDialog不可以继承AlertDialog,因为AlertDialog必须首先调用show(),然后才可以setContentView(),否则会有crash; 但是如果contentView中有EditText,则要求必须先调用setContentView(),然后才可以调用show(),否则输入法无法弹出。> 系统弹出框window权限:<uses-permiss...

2016-01-21 18:13:20 1888

转载 ListView与ScrollView冲突,计算ListView的高度Item,然后重绘

》计算ListView的Item高度,然后重绘,View与子Viewpublic class ListViewItemUtils {private ListViewItemUtils(){}public static void setListViewHeightBasedOnChildren(ListView listView) {          ListAdapter lis

2016-01-21 13:30:34 735

转载 Android -下拉刷新,ViewPager和ScrollView嵌套滚动问题解决方案

》ViewPager和ScrollView嵌套滚动问题解决方案,即View冲突,重绘冲突的那部分的View的大小,宽度和高度,根据具体情况而定。View视图和图层。。下面的情况是重绘了ViewPager的高度:resetViewPagerHeight(int position)-------------Java代码如下:import android.os.AsyncTask;i

2016-01-21 12:05:45 1321

翻译 android tv-TV Apps Checklist

> Users enjoy the TV app experience when it is consistent, logical, and predictable. They should be able to navigate within your app and throughout Android TV without getting lost or having to "rese

2016-01-20 23:10:50 698

2020淘系技术年货 技术人的百宝黑皮书.zip

2020淘系技术年货 技术人的百宝黑皮书


HttpClient _legacy.jar

HttpClient Jar包,Android9.0引入HttpClient ,useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'












FFmpeg_v3.4已编译好的so包,拿出so包可以进行视频编解码 转码等


NetEase QA Emmagee

NetEase QA Emmagee,Android performance test tool-CPU,memory,network traffic,starting time,battery current and status。需要Root手机

















Hash MD5 DES AES RSA加解密实例

Hash MD5 DES AES RSA加解密实例



httpClient4.2.2 httpmime4.2.2的jar包









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