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转载 程序员保持身心健康的八种方式


2009-09-30 17:04:00 438

原创 where there is just too much work

Everyday as an employee, you are given a task that should be completed in a timeframe. Because of your training, knowledge and experience you should be able to handle the task without any problem. But

2009-09-30 13:25:00 752

原创 how to handle the office politics

Office politics exist and you cannot run away from it.  From the first day of your career to the last day in your office before you retire, office politics will affect you. Your performance at work, y

2009-09-30 11:52:00 584

原创 夫妻相处的艺术

婚姻是一对一的自由,一对一的民主。     自从女娲用泥土捏出了人,    世界上便有了男人和女人,也就有了关于男人与女人的“绵绵不断如春水”的话题。男人的一半是女人,女人的一半是男人。没有男人的女人与没有女人的男人都是不完整的半个球体,使两个半球体“合二为一”快乐地向前滚动吗?那就要学会夫妻相处的艺术。   相互欣赏:   夫妻之道,千言万语,似乎可归纳两个原则,一是:“努力使自己被对方

2009-09-29 09:49:00 551

原创 Working over weekend

Working on a weekend has become a norm for most individuals, especially for single employees. Since they don’t have any family to take care of, they can go back to office and work. However, more paren

2009-09-25 14:51:00 496

原创 很实用的ORACLE经验(paractical)

1、EXISTS与IN的执行效率问题 在许多基于基础表的查询中,为了满足一个条件,往往需要对另一个表进行联接.在这种情况下,如果另一个表是小表用in 效率高,是大表用exists 效率高。 2、PL/SQL包含哪些部分         Pl/sql 的块结构包括:定义部分,执行部分,异常处理部分。 3、BETWEEN AND 边界问题         Between and 包括边界值 4、带条件

2009-09-25 14:30:00 813

原创 成绩单、业绩表SQL(一个纵表变横表 一个用开窗函数)

 原始表: name            course              score ----------------------------------------- 张三            语文                80 张三            数学                75 张三            外语                60 李四   

2009-09-25 14:08:00 2150 1

原创 随便给你一个日期(例如2009-8-20),问这一天是否是“星期六”?

A)我知道了一月:Calendar.JANUARY = 0 所以8月8日应该是 Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(2008,7, 8); System.out.println("测试结果:" + c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); 测试结果:6 国外算一周从周日开始,4是星期五。月份要+1的 A)SimpleDateFormat

2009-09-25 13:29:00 750

原创 How to deal with generation gap

One of the increasing issues companies would have to face today and in the coming years is the problem on generation gap. There are many employees who opted to stay longer in their job even though the

2009-09-25 09:53:00 3763

原创 happy work

For the past half year passed, I stayed working City Group ,and much gained except for English,Before ,I do not test my English in the real english environment ,fortunately,Usually I continue to stu

2009-09-22 10:48:00 646

原创 IQ 分配问题


2009-09-21 15:32:00 679

原创 职场少走弯路的十条忠告

一、买个闹钟,以便按时叫醒你。贪睡和不守时,都将成为你工作和事业上的绊脚石,任何时候都一样。不仅要学会准时,更要学会提前。就如你坐车去某地,沿途的风景很美,你忍不住下车看一看,后来虽然你还是赶到了某地,却不是准时到达。“闹钟”只是一种简单的标志和提示,真正灵活、实用的时间,掌握在每个人的心中。   二、如果你不喜欢现在的工作,要么辞职不干,要么就闭嘴不言。初出茅庐,往往眼高手低,心高气傲,大事

2009-09-21 15:30:00 373

原创 how to answer salary related questions

Your interviewer wants to know more about you. Aside from the data you provided in your resume or your cover letter, interviewers are now interested on your behavior and the actual skills that you can

2009-09-21 10:09:00 616

原创 What you should know about salary plateau

Salary plateau is a term used for employees who have reached the peak of their career. Because of their skills and experience, they have reached the point of their career wherein they can’t be promote

2009-09-17 15:46:00 494

原创 80 个ORACLE常用函数总结

1. ASCII 返回与指定的字符对应的十进制数; SQL> select ascii(A) A,ascii(a) a,ascii(0) zero,ascii( ) space from dual; A A ZERO SPACE --------- --------- --------- --------- 65 97 48 32 2. CHR 给出整数,返回对应的字符; SQL> selec

2009-09-17 15:31:00 529

原创 JOB对ORACLE 的时间定时执行

创建测试表  SQL> create table TEST(a date);    表已创建。    创建一个自定义过程  SQL> create or replace procedure MYPROC as   2 begin   3 insert into TEST values(sysdate);   4 end;   5 /    过程已创建。    创建JOB  SQL> variabl

2009-09-17 14:02:00 442

原创 How to avoid the mistake during phone interview

A phone interview is only one of several interviews that you will have to go through before you can be hired with the company. What this means is that you have only got one opportunity to show the pot

2009-09-15 09:59:00 711

原创 Step-by-step plan For a career Change

Changing a career at the midpoint of anyone’s life is a vital and critical point in everyone’s working life. Everyone undergoes a career shift phase no matter how successful one is at his current job.

2009-09-14 14:27:00 670

原创 how to speak during the interiews

  When it comes to phone interrview ,you must remember that the words that come out of your mouth can never be put back in once they reach the ears of the listener.   When the interviewer ask you

2009-09-14 10:13:00 472

原创 写一个sql语句,如果查询的某个值结果为空时给出提示

1: select decode(cloumn_name ,null,没有数据,为空!!,cloumn) from table_name;2:select case when column is null then tips else column end from table;3:select nvl(字段名,提示信息) from 表名

2009-09-11 18:01:00 2499

原创 大家好,我有表A中字段content,我现在按content值的前四位进行分组统计,请问,这SQL要怎样写?

select col from a group by substr(content,1,4);

2009-09-11 17:56:00 563

原创 EXCEL 下拉框制做

In some EXCEL document ,sometime may be needed to add down list,The make construction is following: In the english OS:   1)Data  --->validation --->settings --->allow: list --->选中想选中的column

2009-09-11 11:48:00 459

原创 Thanks

Thanks  I am gland to write this letter to you! this now I will say "Thank you!" to you again!   1) some issue of my work  After a period time of working in Citi ,something gained,especially in ta

2009-09-10 15:55:00 399

原创 foreign company英语电话(实用)

AS advised by my leader,he said: you had better use following word:    1)This is XXX from YYY,are you available?       Are you free for call?       It is time for you go out for lunch.

2009-09-10 12:57:00 364

原创 what is DECODE function used for?

  DECODE is used to decode a CHAR or VARCHAR2 or NUMBER into any of several different strings or numbers based on values,That is DECODE does a value-by-value substitution. For every value that is give

2009-09-10 10:26:00 316

原创 what is the use of truncate command

 Truncate command will delete all records and the most important thing to make note of truncate command is that since truncate command cannot be rolled back one must make sure to take proper backup of

2009-09-10 10:12:00 355

原创 story for thinking

A,B,C went out and bought three animals, but when they went home,they found that three animals are stolen, the stolen animals are :horse ,monkey,pig,The person who stolen the horse always speak the tr

2009-09-09 17:52:00 286

原创 case when 的用法

1有member表(m_id  int,m_sex varchar(20))其中m_sex有三个不同值(男,女,null),  要求用一条SQL语句把member表的m_sex字段更新成m_sex的值(男)变成女,  女变成男,null不变;            答:update member                  set m_sex =c

2009-09-09 17:32:00 466

原创 Techniacl English learning

1:Do not circulate the id with the password. 2:It takes time for me to analyse because I am not familiar with the job as you are. 3:Can you isolate the complex problem and propose solution. 

2009-09-09 14:34:00 357

原创 some function about TIVOLI

 I have talked to Cherry who explained to me some TWS capabilities and peculiarities.1. The time I provided is already based on historical data (i.e. actual time received on a daily basis). There is n

2009-09-03 17:13:00 553

原创 TIVOLI 时间控制测试

In many time ,you will test the tivoli Jobs under your time control, if you add the schedule to the jobstream ,and after the testing ,you want to cancel the jobstream ,so you will consider the schedul

2009-09-02 16:52:00 563

原创 The rule of name defination

Please follow our standard naming convention. The naming conventions are as follows: Schedule:  ECCPP_AAA_FN Job:   ECCPP_AAA_AAAAAAwhere E = Environment, C = Country Code, P = Platform, A= Applic

2009-09-02 13:44:00 596

原创 Tivoli 中的文件检查

Tivoli has the function of file cheking, so if the file missing in the schedule timeframe,the TWS job will under the "ready" status ,and when the file arrived ,the TWS job will start to run . pls

2009-09-02 13:29:00 697

原创 Analytical practice (story)

1:One plane A is heading to Beijing from shanghai at the speed of 500 kilomitres per hour, And another plane B is heading from Shanghai to Beijing at the speed of 1000 kilometres per hour ,Question: a

2009-09-01 13:21:00 475

原创 Tivoli 后台改系统scheduel

su - mdm planman ext -to 08/31/09 Note:    First,check the running of Jnextplan ,if it run unsuccess,Pls run Restplan.   Then ,run Jnextplan    Last,if it also can not submit the job

2009-09-01 10:00:00 549


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Weblogic 中Apach 配置

值得一看的weblogic 配置文档。说明一下, 是在linux 下的weblogic 的应用。





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Tws user guide

对IBM TWS 学习和研究的人很有帮助! 特别是对JOB和SCHEDULE 的定制,以及TWS 后台的操作很有帮助!



这是个安装ORACLE 10G不错的视频,非常详细! 还有关于OEM (oracle enterprice manager) 的介绍!






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