Google BigTable 概述

Why not DBMS?

  • Scale is too large for most commercial Databases
  • Cost would be very high
  • Low-level storage optimizations help performance significantly
  • Hard to map semi-structured data to relational database
  • Non-uniform fields makes it difficult to insert/query data

What’s bigtable?

  • Scale is too large for most commercial Databases
  • Cost would be very high
  • Low-level storage optimizations help performance significantly
  • Hard to map semi-structured data to relational database
  • Non-uniform fields makes it difficult to insert/query data


  • Wide applicability
  • Scalability
  • High performance
  • High availability

Simple data model that supports dynamic control over data layout and format  

Data Model

  1. A Bigtable is a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map.
  2. The map is indexed by a row key, column key, and a timestamp.

(row:string, column:string, time:int64) → string 1Row

  • The  row  keys  in  a  table  are  arbitrary  strings.
  • Data is maintained in lexicographic order by row key
  • Each  row  range  is  called  a  tablet, which  is  the  unit  of  distribution and load balancing.

1  Column

  • Column keys are grouped into sets called column families.
  • Data stored in a column family is usually of the same type
  • A column key is named using the syntax: family : qualifier.
  • Column family names must be printable , but qualifiers may be arbitrary strings.



  • Each cell in a Bigtable  can contain multiple versions of the same data
  • Versions are indexed by 64-bit integer timestamps
  • Timestamps can be assigned:
    • automatically by Bigtable , or
    • explicitly by client applications3


  • Creating and deleting tables and column families.
  • Changing cluster , table and column family metadata.
  • Support for single row transactions
  • Allows cells to be used as integer counters
  • Client supplied scripts can be executed in the  address space of servers


Three major components

  • Library linked into every client
  • Single master server
    • Assigning tablets to tablet servers
    • Detecting addition and expiration of tablet servers
    • Balancing tablet-server load
    • Garbage collection files in GFS
  • Many tablet servers
    • Manages a set of tablets
    • Tablet servers handle read and write requests to its table
    • Splits tablets that have grown too large
  • Clients communicate with tablet server directly for read and write.
  • Each table consist of a set of tablets.
    • Initially, each table have only one tablets.
    • tablets are automatically splited as the table rows.
  • Row size can be arbitrary(hundreds of GB)

Locating Tablets

Three level hierarchy

  • level 1: chubby file containing location of the root tablet.
  • level 2. Root tablet contains the location of METADATA tablets.
  • level 3: each METADATA tablet contains the location of users tablets.

location of tablet is stored under a row key that encodes table identifier and its end row.




Assinging Tablets

 Tablet server  startup

  • It creates and acquires an exclusive lock on , a uniquely named file on Chubby.
  • Master monitors this directory to discover tablet servers.

 Tablet server stops serving tablets

  • If it loses its exclusive lock.
  • Tries to reacquire the lock on its file as long as the file still exists.
  • If file no longer exists, the tablet server will never be able to serve again.

Master server startup

  • Grabs unique master lock in Chubby.
  • Scans the tablet server directory in Chubby.
  • Communicates with every live tablet server
  • Scans METADATA table to learn set of tablets.

 Master is responsible for finding when tablet server is no longer serving its tablets and reassigning those tablets as soon as possible.

  • Periodically asks each tablet server for the status of its lock
  • If no reply, master tries to acquire the lock itself
  • If successful to acquire lock, then tablet server is either dead or having network trouble


Tablet Serving

  •  Updates committed to a commit log
  • Recently committed updates are stored in memory –memtable
  • Older updates are stored in a sequence of SSTables.



write option

  • Server checks if it is well-formed
  • Checks if the sender  is authorized
  • Write to commit log
  • After commit, contents are inserted into Memtable

read option

  • Check well-formedness of request.
  • Check authorization in Chubby file
  • Merge memtable and SSTables to find data
  • Return data.


In order to control size of memtable, tablet log, and SSTable files, “compaction” is used.

  • Minor Compaction.- Move data from memtable to SSTable.
  • Merging Compaction. – Merge multiple SSTables and memtable to a single SSTable.
  • Major Compaction. – that re-writes all SSTables into exactly one SSTable


 Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data by Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh, Deborah A. Wallach, Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew Fikes, Robert E. Gruber

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