php composer.phar create-project yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic 2.0.13
basic/ application base path
composer.json used by Composer, describes package information
config/ contains application and other configurations
console.php the console application configuration
web.php the Web application configuration
commands/ contains console command classes
controllers/ contains controller classes
models/ contains model classes
runtime/ contains files generated by Yii during runtime, such as logs and cache files
vendor/ contains the installed Composer packages, including the Yii framework itself
views/ contains view files
web/ application Web root, contains Web accessible files
assets/ contains published asset files (javascript and css) by Yii
index.php the entry (or bootstrap) script for the application
yii the Yii console command execution script
其中需要注意的是,所有的目录其实可以分为两个部分,一个是HTTP协议可以访问的目录,为web 目录, 其它的目录都不应该可以被http直接访问。
页面如下:(注意,该页面带有YII框架自带的一个DEBUG TOOL,使用方式可以参考:
- A user makes a request to the entry script web/index.php.
- The entry script loads the application configuration and creates an application instance to handle the request.
- The application resolves the requested route with the help of the request application component.
- The application creates a controller instance to handle the request.
- The controller creates an action instance and performs the filters for the action.
- If any filter fails, the action is cancelled.
- If all filters pass, the action is executed.
- The action loads a data model, possibly from a database.
- The action renders a view, providing it with the data model.
- The rendered result is returned to the response application component.
The response component sends the rendered result to the user's browser.