UVA 11374 Airport Express(二分+Dijkstra算法)
In a small city called Iokh, a train service, Airport-Express,takes residents to the airport more quickly than other transports.There are two types of trains in Airport-Express,the Economy-Xpress and ...原创 2018-04-02 16:27:58 · 300 阅读 · 0 评论 -
UVA 11478 Halum(二分+SPFA算法)
You are given a directed graph G(V, E) with a set of vertices and edges. Each edge (i, j) that connectssome vertex i to vertex j has an integer cost associated with that edge.Define the operation Halu...原创 2018-04-02 16:41:36 · 338 阅读 · 0 评论