ARM Assembly Language Programming (part 6)

6. Data Structures

We have already encountered some of the ways in which data is passed between parts of a program: the argument and result passing techniques of the previous chapter.

In this chapter we concentrate more on the ways in which global data structures are stored, and give example routines showing typical data manipulation techniques.

Data may be classed as internal or external. For our purposes, we will regard internal data as values stored in registers or 'within' the program itself. External data is stored in memory allocated explicitly by a call to an operating system memory management routine, or on the stack.

6.1 Writing for ROM

A program's use of internal memory data may have to be restricted to read-only values. If you are writing a program which might one day be stored in a ROM, rather than being loaded into RAM, you must bear in mind that performing an instruction such as:

STR R0, label

will not have the desired effect if the program is executing in ROM. So, you must limit internal references to look-up tables etc. if you wish your code to be ROMmable. For example, the BBC BASIC interpreter only accesses locations internal to the program when performing tasks such as reading the tables of keywords or help information.

A related restriction on ROM code is that it should not contain any self-modifying instructions. Self-modifying code is sometimes used to alter an instruction just before it is executed, for example to perform some complex branch operation. Such techniques are regarded as bad practice, and something to be avoided, even in RAM programs. Obviously if you are tempted to write self-modifying code, you will have to cope with some pretty obscure bugs if the program is ever ROMmed.

Finally, the need for position-independence is an important consideration when you write code for ROM. A ROM chip may be fitted at any address in the ROM address space of the machine, and should still be expected to work.

The only time it is safe to write to the program area is in programs which will always, always, be RAM-based, e.g. small utilities to be loaded from disc. In fact, even RAM-based programs aren't entirely immune from this problem. The MEMC memory controller chip which is used in many ARM systems has the ability to make an area of memory 'read-only'. This is to protect the program from over-writing itself, or other programs in a multi-tasking system. Attempting to write to such a region will lead to an abort, as described in Chapter Seven.

It is a good idea, then, to only use RAM which has been allocated explicitly as workspace by the operating system, and treat the program area as 'read-only'.

6.2 Types of data

The interpretation of a sequence of bits in memory is entirely up to the programmer. The only assumption the processor makes is that when it loads a word from the memory addressed by the program counter, the word is a valid ARM instruction.

In this section we discuss the common types of data used in programs, and how they might be stored.

6.3 Characters

This is probably the most common data type, as communication between programs and people is usually character oriented. A character is a small integer whose value is used to stand for a particular symbol. Some characters are used to represent control information instead of symbols, and are called control codes.

By far the most common character representation is ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. We will only be concerned with ASCII in this book.

Standard ASCII codes are seven bits - representing 128 different values. Those in the range 32..126 stand for printable symbols: the letters, digits, punctuation symbols etc. An example is 65 (&41), which stands for the upper-case letter A. The rest 0..31 and 127 are control codes. These codes don't represent physical characters, but are used to control output devices. For example, the code 13 (&0D) is called carriage return, and causes an output device to move to the start of the current line.

Now, the standard width for a byte is eight bits, so when a byte is used to store an ASCII character, there is one spare bit. Previously (i.e. in the days of punched tape) this has been used to store a parity bit of the character. This is used to make the number of 1 bits in the code an even (or odd) number. This is called even (or odd) parity. For example, the binary of the code for the letter A is 1000001. This has an even number of one bits, so the parity bit would be 0. Thus the code including parity for A is 01000001. On the other hand, the code for C is 1000011, which has an odd number of 1s. To make this even, we would store C with parity as 11000011. Parity gives a simple form of checking that characters have been sent without error over transmission lines.

As output devices have become more sophisticated and able to display more than the limited 95 characters of pure ASCII, the eighth bit of character codes has changed in use. Instead of this bit storing parity, it usually denotes another 128 characters, the codes for which lie in the range 128..255. Such codes are often called 'top-bit-set' characters, and represent symbols such as foreign letters, the Greek alphabet, symbol 'box-drawing' characters and mathematical symbols.

There is a standard (laid down by ISO, the International Standards Organisation) for top-bit-set codes in the range 160..255. In fact there are several sets of characters, designed for different uses. It is expected that many new machines, including ARM-based ones will adopt this standard.

The use of the top bit of a byte to denote a second set of character codes does not preclude the use of parity. Characters are simply sent over transmission lines as eight bits plus parity, but only stored in memory as eight bits.

When stored in memory, characters are usually packed four to each ARM word. The first character is held in the least significant byte of the word, the second in the next byte, and so on. This scheme makes for efficient processing of individual characters using the LDRB and STRB instructions.

In registers, characters are usually stored in the least significant byte, the other three bytes being set to zero. This is clearly wise as LDRB zeroes bits 8..31 of its destination register, and STRB uses bits 0..7 of the source register as its data.

Common operations on registers are translation and type testing. We cover translation below using strings of characters. Type testing involves discovering if a character is a member of a given set. For example, you might want to ascertain if a character is a letter. In programs which perform a lot of character manipulation, it is common to find a set of functions which return the type of the character in a standard register, e.g. R0.

These type-testing functions, or predicates, are usually given names like isLower (case) or isDigit, and return a flag indicating whether the character is a member of that type. We will adopt the convention that the character is in R0 on entry, and on exit all registers are preserved, and the carry flag is cleared if the character is in the named set, or set if it isn't. Below are a couple of examples: isLower and isDigit:

DIM org 100
sp = 1
link =14
WriteI = &100
NewLine = 3
Cflag = &20000000 : REM Mask for carry flag
FOR pass=0 TO 2 STEP 2
[ opt pass
;Character type-testing predicates.
;On entry, R0 contains the character to be tested
;On exit C=0 if character in the set, C=1 otherwise
;All registers preserved
CMP R0, #ASC"a" ;Check lower limit
BLT predFail ;Less than so return failure
CMP R0, #ASC"z"+1 ;Check upper limit
MOV pc, link ;Return with appropriate Carry
TEQP pc, #Cflag ;Set the carry flag
MOV pc, link ;and return
CMP R0, #ASC"0" ;Check lower limit
BLT predFail ;Lower so fail
CMP R0, #ASC"9"+1 ;Check upper limit
MOV pc, link ;Return with appropriate Carry
;Test for isLower and isDigit
;If R0 is digit, 0 printed; if lower case, a printed
STMFD (sp)!,{link}
BL isDigit
BL isLower
SWI NewLine
LDMFD (sp)!,{pc}
NEXT pass
INPUT"Character ",c$
CALL testPred

The program uses two different methods to set the carry flag to the required state. The first is to use TEQP. Recall from Chapter Three that this can be used to directly set bits of the status register from the right hand operand. The variable Cflag is set to &20000000, which is bit mask for the carry flag in the status register. Thus the instruction

TEQP pc, #Cflag

will set the carry flag and reset the rest of the result flags. The second method uses the fact that the CMP instruction sets the carry flag when the <lhs> is greater than or equal to its <rhs>. So, when testing for lower case letters, the comparison

CMP R0,#ASC"z"+1

will set the carry flag if R0 is greater than or equal to the ASCII code of z plus 1. That is, if R0 is greater than the code for z, the carry will be set, and if it is less than or equal to it (and is therefore a lower case letter), the carry will be clear. This is exactly the way we want it to be set-up to indicate whether R0 contains a lower case letter or not.

Strings of characters

When a set of characters is stored contiguously in memory, the sequence is usually called a string. There are various representations for strings, differentiated by how they indicate the number of characters used. A common technique is to terminate the string by a pre-defined character. BBC BASIC uses the carriage return character &0D to mark the end of its $ indirection operator strings. For example, the string "ARMENIA" would be stored as the bytes

A &41
R &52
M &4D
E &45
N &4E
I &49
A &41
cr &0D

An obvious restriction of this type of string is that it can't contain the delimiter character.

The other common technique is to store the length of the string immediately before the characters - the language BCPL adopts this technique. The length may occupy one or more bytes, depending on how long a string has to be represented. By limiting it to a single byte (lengths between 0 and 255 characters) you can retain the byte-aligned property of characters. If, say, a whole word is used to store the length, then the whole string must be word aligned if the length is to be accessed conveniently. Below is an example of how the string "ARMAMENT" would be stored using a one-byte length:

len &08
A &41
R &52
M &4D
A &41
M &4D
E &45
N &4E
T &54

Clearly strings stored with their lengths may contain any character.

Common operations on strings are: copying a string from one place to another, counting the length of a string, performing a translation on the characters of a string, finding a sub-string of a string, comparing two strings, concatenating two strings. We shall cover some of these in this section. Two other common operations are converting from the binary to ASCII representation of a number, and vice versa. These are described in the next section.

Character translation

Translation involves changing some or all of the characters in a string. A common translation is the conversion of lower case letters to upper case, or vice versa. This is used, for example, to force filenames into upper case. Another form of translation is converting between different character codes, e.g. ASCII and the less popular EBCDIC.

Overleaf is a routine which converts the string at strPtr into upper case. The string is assumed to be terminated by CR.

DIM org 100, buff 100
cr = &0D
strPtr = 0
sp = 13
link = 14
carryBit = &20000000
FOR pass=0 TO 2 STEP 2
[ opt pass
;toUpper. Converts the letters in the string at strPtr
;to upper case. All other characters are unchanged.
;All registers preserved
;R1 used as temporary for characters
STMFD (sp)!,{R1,strPtr,link};Preserve registers
LDRB R1, [strPtr], #1 ;Get byte and inc ptr
CMP R1, #cr ;End of string?
LDMEQFD (sp)!,{R1,strPtr,pc} ;Yes, so return
BL isLower ;Check lower case
BCS toUpLp ;Isn't, so loop
SUB R1,R1,#ASC"a"-ASC"A" ;Convert the case
STRB R1,[strPtr,#-1] ;Save char back
B toUpLp ;Next char
CMP R1, #ASC"a"
BLT notLower
CMP R1, #ASC"z"+1
MOV pc,link
TEQP pc,#carryBit
MOV pc,link
INPUT"String ",$buff
CALL toUpper
PRINT"Becomes "$buff

The program uses the fact that the upper and lower case letters have a constant difference in their codes under the ASCII character set. In particular, each lower case letter has a code which is 32 higher than its upper case equivalent. This means that once it has been determined that a character is indeed a letter, it can be changed to the other case by adding or subtracting 32. You can also swap the case by using this operation:

EOR R0, R0, #ASC"a"-ASC"A" ;Swap case

The EOR instruction inverts the bit in the ASCII code which determines the case of the letter.

Comparing strings

The example routine in this section compares two strings. String comparison works as follows. If the strings are the same in length and in every character, they are equal. If they are the same up to the end of the shorter string, then that is the lesser string. If they are the same until a certain character, the relationship between the strings is the same as that between the corresponding characters at that position.

strCmp below compares the two byte-count strings at str1 and str2, and returns with the flags set according to the relationship between them. That is, the zero flag is set if they are equal, and the carry flag is set if str1 is greater than or equal to str2.

DIM org 200, buff1 100, buff2 100
REM str1 to char2 should be contiguous registers
str1 = 0
str2 = 1
len1 = 2
len2 = 3
index = 4
flags = len2
char1 = 5
char2 = 6
sp = 13
link = 14
FOR pass=0 TO 2 STEP 2
[ opt pass
;strCmp. Compare the strings at str1 and str2. On exit,
;all registers preserved, flags set to the reflect the
;relationship between the strings.
;Registers used:
;len1, len2 - the string lengths. len1 is the shorter one
;flags - a copy of the flags from the length comparison
;index - the current character in the string
;char1, char2 - characters from each string
;NB len2 and flags can be the same register
;Save all registers
STMFD (sp)!, {str1-char2,link}
LDRB len1, [str1], #1 ;Get the two lengths
LDRB len2, [str2], #1 ;and move pointers on
CMP len1, len2 ;Find the shorte

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2) Who uses ARM? Currently ARM CPU is licensed and produced by more than 100 companies and is the dominant CPU chip in both cell phones and tablets. Given its RISC architecture and powerful 32-bit instructions set, it can be used for both 8-bit and 32-bit embedded products. The ARM corp. has already defined the 64-bit instruction extension and for that reason many Laptop and Server manufactures are planning to introduce ARM-based Laptop and Servers. 3) Who will use our textbook? The primary audience of our textbook on ARM (ARM Assembly Language Programming & Architecture by Mazidi & Naimi) is undergraduate engineering students in Electrical and Computer Engineering departments. It can also be used by practicing engineers who need to move away from 8- and 16-bit legacy chips such as the 8051, AVR, PIC and HCS08/12 family of microcontrollers to ARM. Designers of the x86-based systems wanting to design ARM-based products can also benefit from this textbook. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The History of ARM and Microcontrollers Chapter 2: ARM Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Chapter 3: Arithmetic and Logic Instructions and Programs Chapter 4: Branch, Call, and Looping in ARM Chapter 5: Signed Numbers and IEEE 754 Floating Point Chapter 6: ARM Memory Map, Memory Access, and Stack Chapter 7: ARM Pipeline and CPU Evolution Appendix A: ARM Cortex-M3 Instruction Description Appendix B: ARM Assembler Directives Appendix C: Macros Appendix D: Flowcharts and Pseudocode Appendix E: Passing Arguments into Functions Appendix F: ASCII Codes
ARM汇编语言编程和架构是与ARM处理器相关的编程语言和计算机体系结构。 ARM汇编语言编程是使用ARM指令集进行编程的过程。ARM指令集是一种低级的机器语言,通过编写汇编指令可以直接控制ARM处理器执行特定的操作,例如加载和存储数据、算术运算和逻辑运算等。通过使用ARM汇编语言,程序员可以更细致地控制CPU和内存,从而提高程序的效率和性能。 ARM架构是ARM处理器的体系结构设计。ARM处理器是一种廉价、低功耗、高性能的处理器,广泛应用于移动设备(如手机和平板电脑)和嵌入式系统(如智能家居和汽车电子)。ARM架构采用了精简指令集计算(RISC)的设计思想,具有优化的执行效率和资源利用率。ARM架构还支持多核处理器和向量处理器等高级特性,以满足不同应用场景的需求。 ARM汇编语言编程和架构具有以下特点和优势: 1. 简单易学:ARM汇编语言语法简洁,易于学习和理解。 2. 灵活高效:ARM指令集提供了丰富的操作指令,允许程序员更精细地控制处理器和内存。 3. 低功耗高性能:ARM处理器采用了先进的微架构设计,具有较低的功耗和优异的性能。 4. 平台广泛:ARM处理器广泛应用于各种设备和系统,提供了丰富的开发工具和生态系统支持。 总之,ARM汇编语言编程和架构是掌握和应用ARM处理器的关键知识,对于开发高效、低功耗的嵌入式系统和移动应用具有重要意义。




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