Install Shield 安装文件的命令行参数

 Maybe some information about Windows Installer will be essential for all of
us as we will be dealing with a lot of Windows Installer setups in the near

Hope these can help you,




MsiExec.exe Command-Line Parameters

MsiExec.exe is the executable program of the Windows Installer used to
interpret installation packages and install products on target systems.
After you build your release, you may install your Windows Installer package
(.msi) from the command line. Currently, there is no support for passing MSI
parameters. In order to ensure that Windows Installer is installed on a
target system, InstallShield is defaulted to create a Setup.exe for your
application, which installs Windows Installer if it is not present or
upgrades if an older version is present. Your Windows Installer package can
be accessed from C:/My Documents/MySetups//<project name>/<product
configuration>/<release name>/DiskImages/Disk1/<product name.msi>.

After building a release of your product, you may install it from the
command line:

msiexec /i "C:/My Documents/MySetups//<project name>/<product
configuration>/<release name>/DiskImages/Disk1/<product name>.msi"
The table below provides a detailed description of MsiExec.exe command-line

Parameter Description
/i <package> or <product code> Use this format to install the product

msiexec /i "C:/My Documents/MySetups//Othello/Trial
Version/Release/DiskImages/Disk1/Othello Beta.msi"

Product Code refers to the GUID that is automatically generated in the
Product Code property of your product's project view.
/f [p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v] <package> or <product code> Installing with the /f
option will repair or reinstall missing or corrupted files.

For example, to force a reinstall of all files, use the following syntax:

msiexec /fa "C:/My Documents/MySetups//Othello/Trial
Version/Release/DiskImages/Disk1/Othello Beta.msi"

in conjunction with the following flags:
p will reinstall a file if it is missing
o will reinstall a file if it is missing or if an older version of the file
is present on the user's system
e will reinstall a file if it is missing or if an equivalent or older
version of the file is present on the user's system
c will reinstall a file if it is missing or if the stored checksum of the
installed file does not match the new file's value
a will force a reinstall of all files
u or m will rewrite all required user registry entries
s will overwrite any existing shortcuts
v will run your application from the source and store the local installation
package in cache memory

/a <package> The /a option allows users with administrator privileges to
install a product onto the network.
/x <package> or <product code> The /x option uninstalls a product.
/j [u|m] <package>
/j [u|m] <package> /t <transform list>
/j [u|m] <package> /g
/j <language ID> Building with the /j <package> option will advertise the
components of your application on the end-user's computer
u will advertise components only to the current user
m will advertise components to all users of the computer
g specifies language ID
t applies a transform to your advertised product
Transforms allow the synchronization of applications across different
languages. Thus, if you upgrade the English version of your product, you
could apply a conversion to automatically upgrade the French version of your
/l [i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|p|v|+] <log file> Building with the /l option will
specify the path to the log file; these flags will indicate which
information to record in the log file:
i will log status messages
w will log non-fatal warning messages
e will log any error messages
a will log the commencement of action sequences
r will log action-specific records
u will log user requests
c will log initial user interface parameters
m will log out-of-memory messages
p will log terminal settings
v will log the verbose output setting
+ will append to an existing file
* is a wildcard character; allows you to log all information (excluding the
verbose output setting)

/p <patch package> Building with the /p option will apply a patch to an
installed setup package. To patch an installed administrative image, combine
this option with /a as shown:

/p <patch package> /a <package>
/q [n|b|r|f] The /q option is used to set the user interface level in
conjunction with the following flags:"
q or qn will create no user interface
qb will create a basic user interface
The user interface settings below display a modal dialog box at the end of
qr will display a reduced user interface
qf will display a full user interface
qn+ will display no user interface
qb+ will display a basic user interface

/? or /h Either command displays Windows Installer copyright information
/y This command calls the SelfRegModules action to self-register modules
with the SelfReg table. Use this option if you need to record registry
information that you cannot add directly to the SelfReg table using the
InstallShield Power Editor. Select Power Editor from the checklist to modify
the MSI tables within your .ism project file.
/z This command calls the SelfUnregModules action to unregister modules
listed in the SelfReg table. This module resides in the ActionText table,
which can be accessed using the Power Editor.
TRANSFORMS Use the TRANSFORMS command-line parameter to specify any
transforms that you would like applied to your base package. Your transform
command-line call may look something like this:

msiexec /i "C:/My Documents/MySetups//Your Project Name/Trial Version/My
Release-1/DiskImages/Disk1/ProductName.msi" TRANSFORMS="New Transform 1.mst"

You can separate multiple transforms with a semicolon. Because of this, it
is unwise to use semi-colons in the name of your transform, as the Windows
Installer service will interpret those incorrectly.
Properties All public properties can be set or modified from the
command-line. Public properties are distinguished from private properties by
the fact that they are in all capital letters. For example, COMPANYNAME is a
public property.

To set a property from the command line, use the following syntax: PROPERTY
= VALUE. So, if you wanted to change the value of COMPANYNAME, you would

msiexec /i "C:/My Documents/MySetups//Your Project Name/Trial Version/My
Release-1/DiskImages/Disk1/ProductName.msi" COMPANYNAME = "InstallShield"

See Also

For information on passing MsiExec.exe command-line parameters to Setup.exe,
see Setup.exe Command-Line Parameters
Setup.exe Command-Line Parameters

Like your compiled .msi file, Setup.exe can accept a limited number of
command-line parameters. By using these parameters, you can specify which
language you would like your setup to run in and if you would like Setup.exe
to run silently. You can also pass parameters through Setup.exe to the
included .msi file.

Setup.exe accepts the following command-line options, each of which is
described below:

/v : msi command line parameters

/s : Silent

/l : Setup Language

/p : Password mode

/a : Administrative installation

/j : Advertise mode

/x : Uninstall mode

/f : Repair mode

/w : Wait

Passing Parameters to the .msi File Within Setup.exe

If you include Setup.exe as part of your setup, you may need to pass
command-line parameters to the .msi package stored within Setup.exe. To pass
arguments to the .msi file, use the /v option. Once you specify this option,
you can list any of the supported parameters that can be passed to
Msiexec.exe. For example, this is how you would apply a transform:

Setup.exe /v"TRANSFORMS=/"C:/Transforms/My Transform.mst/""

There are a few special formatting rules that you need to follow when
passing a parameter in this way. First, you need to place a backslash (/) in
front of any quotation mark that resides within existing quotes. For
example, the command line above contains the following:
/v"TRANSFORMS=/"C:/Transforms/My Transform.mst/"". Because the path to the
transform is a long path, you need to use quotes. However, since you need to
have quotes around the complete argument, if you don't use the backslash in
front of all internal quotes, the command-line statement fails.

Another formatting rule dictates that there cannot be a space between the
command-line option (/v) and the arguments that you are passing, as
illustrated in the example above.

Finally, if you are passing multiple parameters using the /v option, you
need to separate them with a space-for example, Setup.exe
/v"TRANSFORMS=/"C:/Transforms/MyTransforms.mst/" /qn". This command applies
a transform and runs the setup silently.

Running Setup.exe Silently

If you don't want the Setup.exe to display a progress bar when it launches,
you can use the /s command-line parameter. For example, if you enter
Setup.exe /s, Setup.exe launches, but the user interface is not displayed.
If you want the .msi setup to run silently as well, you'll need to pass the
/qn command-line parameter through Setup.exe using the /v parameter-for
example, Setup.exe /s /v/qn.

If you included the Choose Setup Languages dialog to offer your end users
the ability to select which language the setup will run in, this dialog will
not be displayed. Instead, the setup will run in the target machine's
default language, if available. If the target machine's language is not one
of the included languages, the setup will run in its default language, which
is usually English. You can specify a particular language from the command
line by using the /l parameter.

If your setup is password protected, you must also pass the /p parameter.

Specifying the Setup Language from the Command Line

When you include multiple languages in your setup, InstallShield creates the
setup in your default language and then creates transforms for every other
language that you include. If you choose to have the target machine's locale
determine which language the setup runs in, a transform may or may not be
applied, depending on the system locale. Because these languages are applied
in the form of transforms, it is possible to set the language from
Setup.exe's command line using the /v option.

Drawbacks of Using the /v Parameter

There are two major drawbacks to specifying your language in using the /v
parameter. To avoid these drawbacks, you should use the /l parameter.

The first drawback is the fact that the language transform you specify is
appended to the language transform that is applied by detecting the system's
locale. For example, you could build a setup with two languages-English and
German-and set it up so the setup will run in German if the target machine's
locale is set to German. If you then decide that you want to have the setup
always run in German and use the /v command-line parameter to apply the
German transform, the .msi file will receive the following command:


However, if you use the /l parameter, the original transform will not be
applied, and the .msi file will receive the following command:


Functionally, it makes no difference which parameter you use. However, by
using a parameter that applies the transform twice, you are doubling the
amount of time it takes for the setup to start.

The second drawback to using the /v parameter is the fact that Setup.exe
will not run in the correct language. The only way to ensure that Setup.exe
runs in the language that you are specifying from the command line is to use
the /l parameter.

Using the /l Parameter

Instead of specifying a transform, you need to specify the decimal language
ID. For example, the command to specify German would be Setup.exe /l1031.

Specifying a Password from the Command Line

You can specify a password for a password-protected setup by using the /p
parameter. If you run a password-protected setup in silent mode, you must
specify the password from the command line or the installation will fail.

To run a password-protected setup silently, enter the following statement at
the command line:

Setup.exe /s /v/qn /p"password"

Specifying the Installation Mode from the Command Line

You can define what mode you would like your setup to run in by using the /a
(Administration), /j (Advertise), /x (Uninstall), or /f (Repair) parameters.
Each of these options is explained in detail below.


When you run a setup in administration mode you can install a setup to the
network, which will allow any one with access to that directory the ability
to install that setup on their local machine. No additional parameters are
necessary for this option.


Advertisement is a type of "just-in-time" installation in which features are
installed when they are requested from the installer and not installed
immediately during setup. When you launch MsiExec.exe with the /j <package>
option, the components are advertised on the end user's system, but not
immediately installed. In most cases the user has the option to advertise
features in the Custom Setup dialog. See MsiExec.exe Command-Line Parameters
for information on the proper syntax for this parameter.


If you would like to uninstall your setup from the command line, you'll need
to use the /x option-for example, Setup.exe /v/x. No additional parameters
are required.


When you launch a setup in repair mode, it makes sure that the key file of
every component is installed and uncorrupted. When you launch a setup in
repair mode, it makes sure that all your applications files are present and
uncorrupted. If the setup detects that one of these files is missing or
corrupt, it attempts to repair the problem. To launch a setup in repair mode
from the command line, use the /f option. See MsiExec.exe Command-Line
Parameters for information on the proper syntax for this parameter.


Use this command-line option to have Setup.exe wait until MsiExec.exe is
finished before Setup.exe exits. In addition, the /w command also returns
any return codes generated by MsiExec.exe.

If you are using the /w option in a batch file, you may want to preceed the
entire Setup.exe command-line argument with start /w. A properly formatted
example of this usage is as follows:

start /w msiexec.exe /w /i readme.txt


Microsoft Windows Installer
Command Line Options
The executable program that interprets packages and installs products is
Msiexec.exe. Note that Msiexec also sets an error level on return that
corresponds to the Microsoft® Win32® error codes. The following table
describes the command-line options for this program.

Option Parameters Meaning
/I Package|ProductCode Installs or configures a product.
/f [p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v] Package|ProductCode Repairs a product. This option
ignores any property values entered on the command line. The default
argument list for this option is 'pecms'. This option shares the same
argument list as the REINSTALLMODE property.
p - Reinstall only if file is missing

o - Reinstall if file is missing or if an older version is installed.

e - Reinstall if file is missing or an equal or older version is installed.

d - Reinstall if file is missing or a different version is installed.

c - Reinstall if file is missing or the stored checksum doesn't match the
calculated value. Only repairs files that have msidbFileAttributesChecksum
in the Attributes column of the File table.

a - Force all files to be reinstalled.

u - Rewrite all required user specific registry entries.

m - Rewrite all required machine specific registry entries.

s - Overwrite all existing shortcuts.

v - Run from source and re-cache the local package.

/a Package Administrative installation option. Installs a product on the
/x Package|ProductCode Uninstalls a product.
/j [u|m]Package

[u|m]Package /t Transform List


[u|m]Package /g LanguageID
Advertises a product. This option ignores any property values entered on
the command line.
u - Advertise to the current user.

m - Advertise to all users of machine.

g - Language ID

t - Applies transform to advertised package.

/L [i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|+|!]Logfile Specifies path to log file and the
flags indicate which information to log.
i - Status messages

w - Non-fatal warnings

e - All error messages

a - Start up of actions

r - Action-specific records

u - User requests

c - Initial UI parameters

m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information

o - Out-of-disk-space messages

p - Terminal properties

v - Verbose output

+ - Append to existing file

! - Flush each line to the log

"*" - Wildcard, log all information except for the v option. To include the
v option, specify "/l*v".

/m filename Generates an SMS status .mif file. Must be used with either the
install (-i), remove (-x), administrative installation (-a), or reinstall
(-f) options. The ISMIF32.DLL is installed as part of SMS and must be on the
The fields of the status mif file are filled with the following information:

Manufacturer - Author

Product - Revision Number

Version - Subject

Locale - Template

Serial Number - not set

Installation - set by ISMIF32.DLL to "DateTime"

InstallStatus - "Success" or "Failed"

Description - Error messages in the following order: 1) Error messages
generated by installer. 2) Resource from Msi.dll if install could not
commence or user exit. 3) System error message file. 4) Formatted message:
"Installer error %i", where %i is error returned from Msi.dll

/p PatchPackage Applies a patch. To apply a patch to an installed
administrative image you must combine options as follows:
/p <PatchPackage> /a <Package>

/q n|b|r|f Sets user interface level.
q , qn - No UI

qb - Basic UI

qr - Reduced UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end of the

qf - Full UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.

qn+ - No UI except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.

qb+ - Basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end. The modal box
is not displayed if the user cancels the installation.

qb- - Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes. Please note that /qb+- is not a
supported UI level.

/? or /h Displays copyright information for the Windows Installer.
/y module Calls the system API DllRegisterServer to self-register modules
passed in on the command line. For example, msiexec /y my_file.dll.
This option is only used for registry information that can't be added using
the registry tables of the .msi file.

/z module Calls the system API DllUnRegisterServer to unregister modules
passed in on the command line. For example, msiexec /z my_file.dll.
This option is only used for registry information that can't be removed
using the registry tables of the .msi file.

The options /i, /x, /f[p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v], /j[u|m], /a, /p, /y and /z
should not be used together. The one exception to this rule is that patching
an administrative installation requires using both /p and /a. The options /t
and /g should only be used with /j. The options /l and /q can be used with
/i, /x, /f[p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v], /j[u|m], /a, and /p.

To install a product from A:/Example.msi, install the product as follows:

msiexec /i A:/Example.msi
Only public properties can be modified using the command line. All property
names on the command line are interpreted as uppercase but the value retains
case sensitivity. If you enter MyProperty at a command line, the installer
overrides the value of MYPROPERTY and not the value of MyProperty in the
Property table. For more information, see About Properties.

To install a product with PROPERTY set to VALUE use the following syntax on
the command line. You can put the property anywhere except between an option
and its argument.

Correct syntax:

msiexec /i A:/Example.msi PROPERTY=VALUE
Incorrect syntax:

msiexec /i PROPERTY=VALUE A:/Example.msi
Property values that are literal strings must be enclosed in quotation
marks. Include any white spaces in the string between these marks.

msiexec /i A:/Example.msi PROPERTY="Embedded White Space"
To clear a public property using the command line, set its value to an empty

msiexec /i A:/Example.msi PROPERTY=""
For sections of text set apart by literal quotation marks, enclose the
section with a second pair of quotation marks.

msiexec /i A:/Example.msi PROPERTY="Embedded ""Quotes"" White Space"
The following is an example of a complicated command line.

msiexec /i testdb.msi INSTALLLEVEL=3 /l* msi.log COMPANYNAME="Acme
""Widgets"" and ""Gizmos."""
The following example illustrates advertisement options. Note that switches
are not case-sensitive.

msiexec /JM msisample.msi /T transform.mst /G langid /LIME logfile.txt
Microsoft Windows Installer
Currently every installation that attempts to use the Microsoft® Windows®
Installer begins by checking whether the installer is present on the user's
computer, and if it is not present, whether the user and computer are ready
to install Windows Installer. A setup application Instmsi.exe is available
with the Windows Installer SDK that contains all logic and functionality to
install Windows Installer. However, a bootstrapping application must manage
this installation.

The bootstrapping application must first check to see whether Windows
Installer is currently installed. If Windows Installer is not currently
installed, the bootstrapping application must query the operating system to
determine which version of the Instmsi.exe is required. Once the
installation of Windows Installer has initiated, the bootstrapping
application must handle return codes from the Instmsi.exe application and
handle any reboots that are incurred during the Windows Installer

The following example demonstrates how the setup application which installs
Microsoft® Office 2000 checks the user's system and configures the Windows
Installer installation. This example is specifically written to install
Office 2000 and should be used as a general reference only.

When a user inserts an Office 2000 CD-ROM into their computer, Setup.exe
attempts to launch the maintenance mode, the setup application, or does
nothing at all, according to the user's needs. The following section
describes how the Office 2000 setup application, named Setup.exe, qualifies
the user and their computer, constructs a command line and installs Windows
Installer using the Msiexec.exe application.

How Setup.exe bootstraps the Windows Installer when installing Office 2000.

The user inserts an Office 2000 CD-ROM into their computer. The Windows
operating system initiates Setup.exe using the /autorun switch and the
Autorun.inf file. The Autorun.inf file is found at the root of the Office
2000 CD-ROM and contains the following sections:
[Office Features]
[Product Information]

The [Autorun] section contains a command line that executes the Setup.exe
application, executes the icon used to display the disc, and contains
information to add an "Install" option and a "Configure" option to the
context menu for the CD-ROM.

The [Office Features] section contains a list of features and feature name

The [Product Information] section specifies the name and version of the

The [ServicePack] section allows a network administrator to set the minimum
required service pack level. The network administrator can use this section
to author the text of an alert message displayed if the local operating
system does not have the required service pack.

The following is a sample Autorun.inf.

DisplayName=Microsoft Office 9
ProductCode={product guid}
MessageText="Office 2000 requires Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 for NT to
install. Please download this from prior to installing

The Setup.exe application checks for the _MsiPromptForCD mutex. Windows
Installer creates this mutex when it prompts the user to insert the CD-ROM.
The presence of the mutex indicates that Windows Installer is running an
installation that has requested the Office 2000 CD-ROM. In this case, the
Setup.exe application exits immediately and allows the Office 2000
installation to continue. If the mutex is absent, the Setup.exe application
continues at step 3 where a registry key is evaluated to determine if Office
2000 is installed.
The Setup.exe application checks the presence of the Office9 registry key:
If this registry key does not exist, the Setup.exe application continues at
step 6 where the operating system is checked to determine if it qualifies
for the installation of Office 2000.

If the Office 2000 registry key exists, the Setup.exe application checks the
current installation state by calling MsiQueryProductState. A return state
of InstallState_Default indicates that Office 2000 is already installed and
the Setup.exe application continues at step 5 where the Office 2000 is
checked for run from source.
If Office 2000 is not installed, the Setup.exe application continues at step
6 where the operating system is checked to determine if it qualifies for the
installation of Office 2000.

The Setup.exe application calls MsiQueryFeatureState for each of the
features in the [OfficeFeatures] section of the Autorun.inf file. If any of
these features returns INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE, this indicates that the feature
is being run from source and the Setup.exe application exits immediately.
If none of the features returns INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE, the Setup.exe
application launches the installer application, Msiexec.exe, and presents
the Windows Installer maintenance mode before exiting.

The Setup.exe application determines whether the operating system qualifies
for an installation of Office 2000. Windows® 95 or Windows® 98, Windows NT®
4.0, or Windows® 2000 is required to install Office 2000. If the operating
system requires a service pack update to qualify for Office 2000, the
Setup.exe application displays the text specified in the Autorun.inf file.
If the operating system does not qualify for Office 2000 or an upgrade of
Office 2000, the Setup.exe application displays a message that prevents the
user from continuing.
If the operating system qualifies for Office 2000, the Setup.exe application
continues at step 7, which determines whether Windows Installer is installed
on the user's computer.

If Windows Installer exists on the user's machine, the Setup.exe application
launches the Msiexec.exe application and passes the Office 2000 .msi file to
If Windows Installer is not installed on the local machine, the Setup.exe
application continues at step 8, which determines whether the operating
system qualifies to have Windows Installer installed.

Windows Installer can be installed on Windows NT/Windows 2000, or Windows 95
or Windows 98. Installation on Windows NT/Windows 2000 requires
administrative privileges. If the user does not have administrative
privileges, the Setup.exe application displays an error message.
If the local computer is eligible to have Windows Installer installed, the
Setup.exe application runs the correct version of the Instmsi.exe installer
application for the platform. Setup.exe may pass the "/q" command line
switch to suppress the user interface and prevent the user from changing any
installation configuration options.
The Setup.exe application loads the newly installed Msi.dll file and
performs a call to the MsiInstallProduct function to install the user's
Setup.exe command line parameters:
The Setup.exe application enables administrators and users to pass command
line options to the Msiexec.exe application. For more information, see
Command Line Options. The following table lists the command options that can
be used with Setup.exe.

Option Usage Meaning
/autorun setup.exe /autorun Runs the Autorun.inf described above.
/a setup.exe /a Initiates an administrative installation.
/j [u|m]Package

[u|m]Package /t Transform List


[u|m]Package /g LanguageID
Advertises a product. This option ignores any property values entered on
the command line.
u - Advertise to the current user.

m - Advertise to all users of machine.

g - Language ID

t - Applies transform to advertised package.

/i setup.exe /i Office9.msi /t ProgramMgmt.mst Specifies the .msi file that
Setup.exe is to install. If the /i option is not included, Setup.exe uses
the Office9.msi file.
/o<property=value> setup.exe /o CDKEY=111111-1111 Sets properties in the
..msi file. Setup.exe passes these it to msiexec as written.
/q setup.exe /q Set the UI level the installation. /q - no UI (/qn - for
/qb - basic UI

/qr - reduced UI.

/m# setup.exe /m4 Supports multiple licenses in accordance with Select
agreements. This property is used in by the License Verification custom
action to write the LV certificate. The /m option must be followed by the
number of unlocks allowed. The value specified by the /m option should be
set as the "M" property in the Office9.msi file. If no value is specified,
but the /m option is used with setup, the value of 0 should be set. The /m
option is required to support Select customers using a CD or network.
/settings setup.exe /settings mysettings.ini Enables administrators to
specify an .ini file containing all of the customized settings to be passed
during Office 2000 setup. See the description of the .ini file below.

Using an .ini file
Creating an initialization file may be easier than creating a long command
line. Using the /settings option, the Setup.exe application reads the
specified .ini file and constructs a command line to pass to the Msiexec.exe
application. Only properties supported on the command line are supported in
the .ini file. If a property or value is found in both the .ini file and on
the command line, the command line settings override the .ini file settings.

The format of the .ini file is:


The [msi] section of the .ini file specifies the path to the installation
package for the installation. This corresponds to the /i option on the
command line.

The [mst] section of the .ini file specifies the path to transforms used
with this installation. This corresponds to the /j option on the command
line. Multiple transforms are each indicated on a different line, using
MST1 - MST(N). When parsed into the command line, the list in the .ini file
is turned from left to right. Note that the number associated with the
MST(N) title is present only to maintain unique identifiers and has no
programmatic meaning.

The [options] section allows network administrators to set and override
properties in the .msi or .mst files. Options set in the .ini file are added
to the command line using the /o option. Each option in the option section
must have a property name and a value.

The [Display] section is used to set the user interface level used during
setup. This corresponds to the /q option on the command line. Valid values
are - none, basic, reduced, and full.

Sample .ini file




"DanaHartley" <dhartley@(nospam)> wrote in message
> I've been trying to get my 6.0 setup to launch a windows installer setup
> keep having trouble. After I've delivered the files, I change the
> to the targetdir which is where the setup.exe file is. Then I run it using
> LaunchAppAndWait("setup.exe","",WAIT). I keep getting a pop-up Windows
> box that states:
> "Please go to the control panel to install or configure system components"
> Any ideas? I've also tried using other command line argument than NULL,
> I get the same or similar window.





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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


