程序如下Function array_str (para As Variant, separ As String, empty As String) As Variant
' This function is use to convert array and string
' para is the array or string, separ is the separate character.
' if para is a string, the function will convert the para to array by the separate character
' if para is array, the function will convert the para to string and connect each value by separate
' empty mean if the value is empty, which character could replace it. it better doesn't use "" to do it since
' in array, the null/empty could be removed.
' for example : array(10) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] and string [1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:0]
' array_str(array(10),":") = string
' array_str(string,":") = array(10)
' Programmer: Jacky Shu
' Date: 2008-05-13
On Error Goto sl
Dim m,n As String
Dim a() As Variant
m = Ubound(para)
n = 0
If m = 0 Then ' non array
If Not Isempty(para) Then
array_str = empty
Exit Function
End If
For x = 1 To Len(para)
If Mid(para,x,1) = separ Then
n = n + 1
End If
Redim a(n+1)
For y = 0 To n
a(y) = Strleft(para,separ)
para = Strright(para,separ)
a(n+1) = Strrightback(para,separ)
array_str = a
Exit Function
Else ' array
array_str = ""
Forall r In para
array_str = array_str & Cstr(separ) & Cstr(r)
End Forall
array_str = Strright(array_str,separ)
Exit Function
End If
Msgbox "Error message is : " & Error & Chr(13) & "Error at line : " & Erl
End Function
程序如下Function array_str (para As Variant, separ As String, empty As String) As Variant
' This function is use to convert array and string
' para is the array or string, separ is the separate character.
' if para is a string, the function will convert the para to array by the separate character
' if para is array, the function will convert the para to string and connect each value by separate
' empty mean if the value is empty, which character could replace it. it better doesn't use "" to do it since
' in array, the null/empty could be removed.
' for example : array(10) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] and string [1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:0]
' array_str(array(10),":") = string
' array_str(string,":") = array(10)
' Programmer: Jacky Shu
' Date: 2008-05-13
On Error Goto sl
Dim m,n As String
Dim a() As Variant
m = Ubound(para)
n = 0
If m = 0 Then ' non array
If Not Isempty(para) Then
array_str = empty
Exit Function
End If
For x = 1 To Len(para)
If Mid(para,x,1) = separ Then
n = n + 1
End If
Redim a(n+1)
For y = 0 To n
a(y) = Strleft(para,separ)
para = Strright(para,separ)
a(n+1) = Strrightback(para,separ)
array_str = a
Exit Function
Else ' array
array_str = ""
Forall r In para
array_str = array_str & Cstr(separ) & Cstr(r)
End Forall
array_str = Strright(array_str,separ)
Exit Function
End If
Msgbox "Error message is : " & Error & Chr(13) & "Error at line : " & Erl
End Function