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原创 Public availability of PSSCOR2

Microsoft announces the release of PSSCOR2 recently. You can download it from here:Psscor2 Managed-Code Debugging Extension for WinDbgI tried it out and found it more powerful than SOS. Howe

2010-04-06 22:25:00 344

原创 Check vs unchecked

From the C# specification:The following operations are affected by the overflow checking context established by the checked and unchecked operators and statements:The predefined ++ and -- unary op

2010-03-30 11:04:00 312

原创 Gen 2 memory leak caused by WPF TextBox?

Problem:I wrote a small program several months ago, which is just as simple as pulling data from a server and then displaying it on UI. At that time I was studying WPF so I chose to use WPF to i

2010-01-06 23:09:00 1716 3

原创 Cannot call static method on type parameter, even with class constraint

Several days back one of my coworker ran into an issue where he wanted to call a static method on generic type parameter. The reason behind this is that we have a hierarchy of classes with a static

2009-11-24 00:43:00 826

原创 What the hell is cmp byte ptr[rax],0 in a managed mini dump?

Today I get a managed minidump which contains a NULL REFERENCE exception.There are very limited information within the minidump – no full image information, no full heap. Debugging such kind of mini

2009-10-23 09:34:00 1575

原创 Switched to Windows Live Writer

I am a Windows App guy and don’t like post on the Web within browser. Switched to Windows Live Writer today. Funny that CSDN doesn’t allow new users to use posting APIs. I had to wait for 3 months wit

2009-10-20 16:00:00 387

原创 Something behind yield

Today I spent quite some time on digging into C# yield keyword. It is one of the hard areas in C# for me to understand. I started by reading the C# reference but it didn’t help me too much, until I fo

2009-07-21 09:45:00 422

原创 Debugging managed app with SOS - the start

Debugging managed code using windbg is always a headache to me and I kind of avoid doing that by using Visual Studio. It becomes a shame as time going since some people think I know it well. So I

2009-07-20 17:18:00 590



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