1, 插入排序:简单插入排序,希尔排序
2, 交换排序:冒泡排序, 快速排序
3, 选择排序:简单选择排序,堆排序
4, 归并排序
5, 基数排序
- // LinkTable.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- using namespace std;
- //链表的结构体
- struct node
- {
- char val;
- node * next;
- };
- //建立链表
- struct node * create( string & str_link )
- {
- int len = str_link.length();
- struct node * phead = new node(); //带有表头的链表,表头中不存储任何元素
- struct node * preNode = phead;
- for( int i=0; i<len; i++ )
- {
- struct node * pNode = new node();
- pNode->val = str_link[i];
- pNode->next = NULL;
- preNode->next = pNode;
- preNode = pNode;
- }
- return phead;
- }
- //输出链表
- void out_link( struct node * phead )
- {
- if( phead == NULL )
- return;
- struct node * pNode = phead->next;
- while( pNode )
- {
- cout <<pNode->val;
- pNode = pNode->next;
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- //找到第index个元素
- struct node * find_node(struct node* phead, int index )
- {
- if(!phead) return NULL;
- struct node * pNode = phead;
- while( index--)
- {
- pNode = pNode->next;
- if( !pNode )
- return NULL;
- }
- return pNode;
- }
- //检查链表有无环
- //有,则返回快慢指针共同指向的点
- //无,则返回空指针
- struct node * check_loop( struct node * phead )
- {
- if(!phead)
- return NULL;
- struct node * pFast = phead;
- struct node * pSlow = phead;
- int step = 1;
- while( pFast )
- {
- pFast = pFast->next;
- if( step++%2==0 )
- {
- pSlow = pSlow->next;
- if( pSlow == pFast )
- return pSlow;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- //去掉重复元素
- void delete_repeat_element( struct node * phead )
- {
- if( !phead || !phead->next ) return;
- int * hashTable = new int[256](); //加括号是为了将hashTable中所有元素初始化为0
- struct node * pNode = phead->next;
- struct node * pPreNode = phead;
- while( pNode )
- {
- if( hashTable[pNode->val] !=0 ) //说明已经出现过,该结点要删除
- {
- pPreNode->next = pNode->next;
- delete pNode; //删除结点
- pNode = pPreNode->next;
- }
- else //没有出现过,则置出现标记
- {
- hashTable[pNode->val] = 1;
- pPreNode = pNode;
- pNode = pNode->next;
- }
- }
- delete [] hashTable; //释放资源
- }
- //插入排序
- void insert_sort( struct node* phead)
- {
- if( !phead || !phead->next) return;
- struct node *pCur = phead->next->next; //当前处理的结点
- struct node *pTail = phead->next; //已排好序队列的尾部结点
- while( pCur )
- {
- struct node *pNode = phead->next; //已排好序队列中与当前结点相比较的结点
- struct node *pPre = phead; //...............前一结点
- while( pNode != pCur )
- {
- if(pNode->val > pCur->val)
- break;
- pNode = pNode->next;
- pPre = pPre->next;
- }
- if( pNode == pCur ) //说明已排好序队列中没有比当前元素大的元素
- {
- pCur = pCur->next;
- pTail = pTail->next;
- }
- else //将pCur结点插入到pNode之前,即pPre之后
- {
- pTail->next = pCur->next;
- pPre->next = pCur;
- pCur->next = pNode;
- pCur = pTail->next;
- }
- }
- }
- //归并排序
- //pNode 为待排序链表的第一个元素
- //找中间结点
- struct node * find_mid_node( struct node * pNode )
- {
- if( !pNode ) return NULL;
- struct node * pFast = pNode;
- struct node * pSlow = pNode;
- int step=1;
- while( pFast->next )
- {
- pFast = pFast->next;
- if( step++%2==0 )
- pSlow = pSlow->next;
- }
- return pSlow;
- }
- //合并之后,pNode1为表头
- void merge(struct node* &pNode1, struct node* pNode2)
- {
- if( !pNode1 ) //特殊情况
- {
- pNode1 = pNode2;
- return;
- }
- if( !pNode2 ) return;
- struct node *pNode = NULL;
- struct node *phead = NULL;
- if( pNode1->val < pNode2->val ) //找到表头
- {
- phead = pNode1;
- pNode1 = pNode1->next;
- }
- else
- {
- phead = pNode2;
- pNode2 = pNode2->next;
- }
- pNode = phead;
- while( pNode1 && pNode2 )
- {
- if( pNode1->val < pNode2->val)
- {
- pNode->next = pNode1;
- pNode1 = pNode1->next;
- }
- else
- {
- pNode->next = pNode2;
- pNode2= pNode2->next;
- }
- pNode = pNode->next;
- }
- if( !pNode1 )
- pNode->next = pNode2;
- else
- pNode->next = pNode1;
- pNode1 = phead;
- }
- //注意,这里的pNode是需要变的,所以用了引用,可能不太好理解
- //如果让返回值指向排行序的表头可能会好一些
- void merge_sort( struct node * &pNode )
- {
- if( !pNode || !pNode->next ) return; //递归终止条件,无结点或者只有一个结点
- struct node* pMid = find_mid_node( pNode ); //分解成两半
- struct node* pNode2 = pMid->next;
- pMid->next = NULL;
- merge_sort( pNode );
- merge_sort( pNode2 );
- merge( pNode, pNode2);
- }
- //快速排序
- //划分函数
- //输入:链表头, 输出:新的链表头,选中的结点
- struct node * patition( struct node * pNode, struct node * &pSelect )
- {
- if( !pNode ) return NULL;
- struct node* phead = NULL;
- pSelect = pNode; //选中的元素,划分的依据结点,选最后一个元素
- while( pSelect->next )
- pSelect = pSelect->next;
- struct node *pScan = pNode;
- struct node *pPre = NULL; //指向pScan前一个结点
- int flag = 0;
- while( pScan != pSelect )
- {
- if( pScan->val >pSelect->val ) //比选中元素大的要掉到选中元素之后
- {
- if( !pPre ) //如果是第一个
- {
- struct node *temp = pScan;
- pScan = pScan->next;
- temp->next = pSelect->next;
- pSelect->next = temp;
- }
- else //如果不是第一个
- {
- pPre->next = pScan->next;
- pScan->next = pSelect->next;
- pSelect->next = pScan;
- pScan = pPre->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( flag ==0 )
- {
- phead = pScan; //第一个小于选中的元素为表头
- flag = 1;
- }
- pPre = pScan;
- pScan = pScan->next;
- }
- }
- if( flag == 0 ) // 所有元素都比选中的大,即选中的为表头
- return pSelect;
- else
- return phead;
- }
- struct node * QuickSort( struct node * pNode )
- {
- if( !pNode || !pNode->next ) return pNode;
- struct node * pSelect=NULL;
- pNode = patition( pNode, pSelect );
- if( pSelect == pNode ) //划分后的结点为第一个结点
- {
- pSelect->next = QuickSort(pSelect->next);
- return pSelect;
- }
- else //分两个部分,pSelect前面的和后面的
- {
- struct node * pFirstTail = pNode;
- while( pFirstTail->next != pSelect )
- pFirstTail = pFirstTail->next;
- pFirstTail->next = NULL; //断开
- struct node * phead1 = QuickSort( pNode ); //解决前一部分
- pFirstTail = phead1;
- while( pFirstTail->next )
- pFirstTail = pFirstTail->next;
- pFirstTail->next = pSelect; //连上
- pSelect->next = QuickSort( pSelect->next ); //解决后一部分
- return phead1;
- }
- }
- void test()
- {
- string str;
- cout << "Input the link table :"<<endl;
- cin >> str;
- struct node *phead = create( str );
- //insert_sort( phead ); //选中即为插入排序
- //merge_sort( phead->next ); //选中即为归并排序
- phead->next = QuickSort( phead->next); //选中即为快速排序
- cout<< "The result of Sort is:" <<endl;
- out_link( phead );
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }