

    SUSv3 AIX 4.3,5.1 HP-UX 11.22 Solaris 9,10 Linux 2.4.28,2.6.9 IRIX 6.5[4] OSF1 FreeBSD 5.2.1 OSX 10.3.8 MSVC6
EPERM 1 0 Operation not permitted. 1 Operation not permitted 1 Not super-user 1 Not super-user 1 Operation not permitted 1 Operation not permitted 1 Not owner 1 Operation not permitted 1 Operation not permitted 1 Operation not permitted
ENOENT 1 0 No such file or directory. 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory 2 No such file or directory
ESRCH 1 0 No such process. 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process 3 No such process
EINTR 1 0 Interrupted function. 4 interrupted system call 4 interrupted system call 4 interrupted system call 4 Interrupted system call 4 Interrupted function call 4 Interrupted system call 4 Interrupted system call 4 Interrupted system call 4 Interrupted function call
EIO 1 0 I/O error. 5 I/O error 5 I/O error 5 I/O error 5 I/O error 5 I/O error 5 I/O error 5 Input/output error 5 Input/output error 5 Input/output error
ENXIO 1 0 No such device or address. 6 No such device or address 6 No such device or address 6 No such device or address 6 No such device or address 6 No such device or address 6 No such device or address 6 Device not configured 6 Device not configured 6 No such device or address
E2BIG 1 0 Argument list too long. 7 Arg list too long 7 Arg list too long 7 Arg list too long 7 Arg list too long 7 Arg list too long 7 Arg list too long 7 Argument list too long 7 Argument list too long 7 Arg list too long
ENOEXEC 1 0 Executable file format error. 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error 8 Exec format error
EBADF 1 0 Bad file descriptor. 9 Bad file descriptor 9 Bad file number 9 Bad file number 9 Bad file number 9 Bad file number 9 Bad file number 9 Bad file descriptor 9 Bad file descriptor 9 Bad file descriptor
ECHILD 1 0 No child processes. 10 No child processes 10 No children 10 No children 10 No child processes 10 No child processes 10 No children 10 No child processes 10 No child processes 10 No child processes
EAGAIN 1 0 Resource unavailable, try again [3] 11 Resource temporarily unavailable 11 No more processes 11 Resource temporarily unavailable 11 Try again 11 Resource temporarily unavailable 11 ditto 35 Resource temporarily unavailable 35 Resource temporarily unavailable 11 Resource temporarily unavailable
ENOMEM 1 0 Not enough space. 12 Not enough space 12 Not enough core 12 Not enough core 12 Out of memory 12 Not enough space 12 Not enough core 12 Cannot allocate memory 12 Cannot allocate memory 12 Not enough space
EACCES 1 0 Permission denied. 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied 13 Permission denied
EFAULT 1 0 Bad address. 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address 14 Bad address
ENOTBLK 0.9     15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Block device required 15 Unknown error
EBUSY 1 0 Device or resource busy. 16 Resource busy 16 Mount device busy 16 Mount device busy 16 Device or resource busy 16 Resource busy 16 Mount device busy 16 Device busy 16 Device busy 16 Resource device
EEXIST 1 0 File exists. 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists 17 File exists
EXDEV 1 0 Cross-device link. 18 Improper link 18 Cross-device link 18 Cross-device link 18 Cross-device link 18 Improper link 18 Cross-device link 18 Cross-device link 18 Cross-device link 18 Improper link
ENODEV 1 0 No such device. 19 No such device 19 No such device 19 No such device 19 No such device 19 No such device 19 No such device 19 Operation not supported by device 19 Operation not supported by device 19 No such device
ENOTDIR 1 0 Not a directory. 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory 20 Not a directory
EISDIR 1 0 Is a directory. 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory 21 Is a directory
EINVAL 1 0 Invalid argument. 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument 22 Invalid argument
ENFILE 1 0 Too many files open in system. 23 Too many open files in system 23 File table overflow 23 File table overflow 23 File table overflow 23 File table overflow 23 File table overflow 23 Too many open files in system 23 Too many open files in system 23 Too many open files in system
EMFILE 1 0 Too many open files. 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files 24 Too many open files
ENOTTY 1 0 Inappropriate I/O control operation. 25 Inappropriate I/O control operation 25 Not a typewriter 25 Inappropriate ioctl for device 25 Not a typewriter 25 Inappropriate I/O control operation 25 Not a typewriter 25 Inappropriate ioctl for device 25 Inappropriate ioctl for device 25 Inappropriate I/O control operation
ETXTBSY 1 0 Text file busy. 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Text file busy 26 Unknown error
EFBIG 1 0 File too large. 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large 27 File too large
ENOSPC 1 0 No space left on device. 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device 28 No space left on device
ESPIPE 1 0 Invalid seek. 29 Invalid seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Illegal seek 29 Invalid seek
EROFS 1 0 Read-only file system. 30 Read only file system 30 Read only file system 30 Read only file system 30 Read-only file system 30 Read only file system 30 Read-only file system 30 Read-only filesystem 30 Read-only file system 30 Read-only file system
EMLINK 1 0 Too many links. 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links 31 Too many links
EPIPE 1 0 Broken pipe. 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe 32 Broken pipe
EDOM 0.9 0 Mathematics argument out of domain of function. 33
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Linux错误码65280对应的错误号(errno)是126,表示执行一个命令时发生了错误。以下是常见的Linux错误号及其对应的错误: 1. EPERM (1):操作不允许 2. ENOENT (2):文件或目录不存在 3. ESRCH (3):没有这样的进程 4. EINTR (4):系统调用被中断 5. EIO (5):输入/输出错误 6. ENXIO (6):没有这样的设备或地址 7. E2BIG (7):参数列表太长 8. ENOEXEC (8):执行格式错误 9. EBADF (9):文件描述符无效 10. ECHILD (10):没有这样的子进程 11. EAGAIN (11):资源暂时不可用 12. ENOMEM (12):内存不足 13. EACCES (13):权限不足 14. EFAULT (14):错误的地址 15. ENOTBLK (15):块设备必须使用块IO 16. EBUSY (16):设备或资源忙 17. EEXIST (17):文件已存在 18. EXDEV (18):跨文件系统链接 19. ENODEV (19):操作不支持设备 20. ENOTDIR (20):不是目录 21. EISDIR (21):是目录 22. EINVAL (22):无效的参数 23. ENFILE (23):文件打开太多 24. EMFILE (24):文件描述符打开太多 25. ENOTTY (25):不是终端设备 26. ETXTBSY (26):文本文件忙 27. EFBIG (27):文件太大 28. ENOSPC (28):没有空间 29. ESPIPE (29):无效的seek 30. EROFS (30):只读文件系统 31. EMLINK (31):链接太多 32. EPIPE (32):捕获信号管道 33. EDOM (33):数学参数超出定义域 34. ERANGE (34):数学结果不可表示 35. EDEADLK (35):资源死锁避免 36. ENAMETOOLONG (36):文件名太长 37. ENOLCK (37):没有可用的记录锁 38. ENOSYS (38):函数不支持 39. ENOTEMPTY (39):目录不为空 40. ELOOP (40):太多的符号链接 41. ENOMSG (42):没有消息的标识符 42. EIDRM (43):标识符已删除 43. ECHRNG (44):通道范围不正确 44. EL2NSYNC (45):Level 2不同步 45. EL3HLT (46):Level 3被挂起 46. EL3RST (47):Level 3重置 47. ELNRNG (48):Link number超出范围 48. EUNATCH (49):Protocol driver不可用 49. ENOCSI (50):没有CSI结构可用 50. EL2HLT (51):Level 2被挂起 51. EBADE (52):无效的交换 52. EBADR (53):无效的请求描述符 53. EXFULL (54):交换空间已满 54. ENOANO (55):没有对应的自动识别对象 55. EBADRQC (56):无效的请求描述符或参数 56. EBADSLT (57):Slot不存在 57. EBFONT (59):无效字体文件格式 58. ENOSTR (60):设备不是流 59. ENODATA (61):没有数据可用 60. ETIME (62):计时器已过期 61. ENOSR (63):没有记录可用 62. ENONET (64):网络不可用 63. ENOPKG (65):包没有安装 64. EREMOTE (66):对象是远程的 65. ENOLINK (67):链路不存在 66. EADV (68):广告错误 67. ESRMNT (69):Srmount错误 68. ECOMM (70):通信错误 69. EPROTO (71):协议错误 70. EMULTIHOP (72):多跳跃I / O 71. EDOTDOT (73):RFS特定错误 72. EBADMSG (74):错误的消息 73. EOVERFLOW (75):值太大以便于定义 74. ENOTUNIQ (76):名称不唯一 75. EBADFD (77):文件描述符在错误状态 76. EREMCHG (78):远程地址已更改 77. ELIBACC (79):无法访问共享库 78. ELIBBAD (80):共享库损坏 79. ELIBSCN (81):没有共享库文本段 80. ELIBMAX (82):共享库表已满 81. ELIBEXEC (83):无法执行共享库 82. EILSEQ (84):无效的或不完整的多字节序列 83. ERESTART (85):无需重新启动系统调用 84. ESTRPIPE (86):管道流不支持 85. EUSERS (87):太多用户 86. ENOTSOCK (88):套接字操作的目标不是套接字 87. EDESTADDRREQ (89):需要目标地址 88. EMSGSIZE (90):消息太长 89. EPROTOTYPE (91):错误的协议类型 90. ENOPROTOOPT (92):协议不可用 91. EPROTONOSUPPORT (93):协议不支持 92. ESOCKTNOSUPPORT (94):套接字类型不支持 93. EOPNOTSUPP (95):操作不支持 94. EPFNOSUPPORT (96):协议族不支持 95. EAFNOSUPPORT (97):地址族不支持 96. EADDRINUSE (98):地址已在使用中 97. EADDRNOTAVAIL (99):不能分配所需的地址 98. ENETDOWN (100):网络已关闭 99. ENETUNREACH (101):网络不可达 100. ENETRESET (102):网络连接已重置 101. ECONNABORTED (103):连接被中止 102. ECONNRESET (104):连接被重置 103. ENOBUFS (105):没有缓冲区可用 104. EISCONN (106):套接字已连接 105. ENOTCONN (107):套接字未连接 106. ESHUTDOWN (108):不能执行发送,套接字已关闭 107. ETOOMANYREFS (109):太多参考:无法分配请求的资源 108. ETIMEDOUT (110):连接超时 109. ECONNREFUSED (111):连接被拒绝 110. EHOSTDOWN (112):主机已关闭 111. EHOSTUNREACH (113):主机不可达 112. EALREADY (114):操作已经在进行中 113. EINPROGRESS (115):操作正在进行中 114. ESTALE (116):Stale NFS文件句柄 115. EUCLEAN (117):结构取消 116. ENOTNAM (118):不是XENIX命名文件 117. ENAVAIL (119):No XENIX semaphores available 118. EISNAM (120):Is a named type file 119. EREMOTEIO (121):远程I / O错误 120. EDQUOT (122):Quota exceeded 121. ENOMEDIUM (123):没有中介信息 122. EMEDIUMTYPE (124):中介错误 123. ECANCELED (125):操作被取消 124. ENOKEY (126):没有KEY值 125. EKEYEXPIRED (127):KEY已过期 126. EKEYREVOKED (128):KEY已被撤销 127. EKEYREJECTED (129):KEY被拒绝 128. EOWNERDEAD (130):所有者已死 129. ENOTRECOVERABLE (131):无法恢复


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