
Once upon a time in the land of Asgard there lived 3 wizards Gandalf, Merlin and Dumbledore. These 3 wizards often had an argument over which one of them was thegreatest software developer of all time. To end the argument once and for all, they agreed on a fight to the death. Gandalf was a poor shooter and only hit his target with a probability of 1/3. Merlin was a bit better and hit his target with a probability of 1/2. Dumbledore was an expert marksman andnever missed. A hit means a kill and the person hit drops out of the duel.
To compensate for the inequities in their marksmanship skills, the three decided that they would fire in turns, starting with Gandalf, followed by Merlin, and then by Dumbledore. The cycle would repeat until there was one man or creature standing, and that man or creature would be the greatest software developer of All Time.
An obvious and reasonable strategy is for each wizard to shoot at the most accurate shooter still alive, on the grounds that this shooter is the deadliest and has the best chance of hitting back.
Write a program to simulate the duel using this strategy. Your program should use random numbers and the probabilities given
in the problem to determine whether a shooter hits the target. Create a class named Fighter that contains the wizard’s name
and shooting accuracy, a Boolean indicating whether the fighter is still alive, and a method shootAtTarget(Fighter target) that sets the target to dead if the fighter hits his target (using a random number and the shooting accuracy) and does nothing otherwise.
Once you can simulate a single fight, add a loop to your program that simulates 10,000 fights. Count the number of times that each contestant wins and print the probability of winning for each contestant in a tabular format. For example:





package com.zx.bean;

import com.zx.util.Util;

 * @author 作者
 * @version 创建时间:2019年10月17日 下午9:50:55
 * @email zxiao@stu.ouc.edu.cn 类说明
public class Fighter {
	String name;
	int accuracy;
	boolean weatherAlive;

	public Fighter() {

	public Fighter(String name, int accuracy, boolean weatherAlive) {
		this.name = name;
		this.accuracy = accuracy;
		this.weatherAlive = weatherAlive;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public int getAccuracy() {
		return accuracy;

	public void setAccuracy(int accuracy) {
		this.accuracy = accuracy;

	public boolean isWeatherAlive() {
		return weatherAlive;

	public void setWeatherAlive(boolean weatherAlive) {
		this.weatherAlive = weatherAlive;

	public void shootAtTarget(Fighter fighter) {
		boolean flag = Util.getTargetProbability(this.getAccuracy());
		if (flag) {//如果射中



package com.zx.main;
* @author 作者
* @version 创建时间:2019年10月18日 下午3:48:34
* @email zxiao@stu.ouc.edu.cn
* 类说明

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import com.zx.bean.Fighter;
import com.zx.util.Util;

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Fighter[] f = new Fighter[3];
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			f[i] = new Fighter();
		int gameTime = 10000;
		int winNumOfGandalf = 0;
		int winNumOfMerlin = 0;
		int winNumOfDumbledore = 0;
		float winRateOfGandalf = 0.0f;
		float winRateOfMerlin = 0.0f;
		float winRateOfDumbledore = 0.0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < gameTime; i++) {
			while (!Util.wheatherOnlyOne(f)) {//当比赛未结束时
				if (f[0].isWeatherAlive()) {//如果Gandalf存活,选择M或者D进行射击,如果D存活,射击D,如果D不存活,则射击M
					f[0].shootAtTarget(Util.getCurrentBestTarget(f, 0));
				if (f[1].isWeatherAlive()) {
					if(!Util.wheatherOnlyOne(f)) {
						f[1].shootAtTarget(Util.getCurrentBestTarget(f, 1));
					else {
				if (f[2].isWeatherAlive()&& !Util.wheatherOnlyOne(f)) {
						f[2].shootAtTarget(Util.getCurrentBestTarget(f, 2));
			if (Util.getWinnerNum(f) == 0) {
			if (Util.getWinnerNum(f) == 1) {
			if (Util.getWinnerNum(f) == 2) {
			}else {

		DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00%");
		winRateOfGandalf = (float) winNumOfGandalf / gameTime;
		winRateOfMerlin = (float) winNumOfMerlin / gameTime;
		winRateOfDumbledore = (float) winNumOfDumbledore / gameTime;
		System.out.println("LEADERBOARD - AFTER " + gameTime + " DUELS");
		System.out.println("Contestant\t" + "Number of Wins" + "Winning Percentag");
		System.out.println("Gandalf\t" + "\t" + winNumOfGandalf + "\t" + df.format(winRateOfGandalf));
		System.out.println("Merlin\t" + "\t" + winNumOfMerlin + "\t" + df.format(winRateOfMerlin));
		System.out.println("Dumbledore\t" + winNumOfDumbledore + "\t" + df.format(winRateOfDumbledore));



package com.zx.util;

import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Random;

import com.zx.bean.Fighter;

 * @author 作者
 * @version 创建时间:2019年10月17日 下午9:53:38
 * @email zxiao@stu.ouc.edu.cn 类说明
public class Util {

	public static boolean getTargetProbability(int total) {// 输入目标概率,判断是否命中。命中返回true,否则返回false
		// System.out.println("total:" + total);
		 * int arrCache[] = new int[100]; int cache[] = new int[100]; int arr[]= new
		 * int[100]; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {// 如果是零,则命中 arr[i] = 0; } for (int
		 * k = 100 - total; k < 100; k++) {// 如果是1,则不命中 arr[k] = 1; } // 打乱 Random
		 * random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int nextInt =
		 * random.nextInt(100); int k = 0; while (k <= i && k != 99) { if (cache[k] ==
		 * nextInt) { nextInt = random.nextInt(100); k = 0; } else { k++; } } cache[i] =
		 * nextInt; arrCache[i] = arr[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { arr[i] =
		 * arrCache[cache[i]]; } int nextInt = random.nextInt(100); if (arr[nextInt] ==
		 * 0) {// 如果选中的数为零,表示命中 return true; } else { return false; }
		Random r = new Random();
		int nextInt = r.nextInt(100);
		if (nextInt < total) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;


	public static Fighter getCurrentBestTarget(Fighter[] f, int now) {// 得到目前存活的精确度最好的非自我射手
		int k = -1;// 记录目前最好的射手的编号
		switch (now) {
		case 0:
			if (f[2].isWeatherAlive()) {
				k = 2;
			} else {
				k = 1;
		case 1:
			if (f[2].isWeatherAlive()) {
				k = 2;
			} else {
				k = 0;
		case 2:
			if (f[1].isWeatherAlive()) {
				k = 1;
			} else if (f[0].isWeatherAlive()) {
				k = 0;
		return f[k];

	public static boolean wheatherOnlyOne(Fighter[] f) {
		if ((f[0].isWeatherAlive() == true && f[1].isWeatherAlive() == false && f[2].isWeatherAlive() == false)
				|| (f[0].isWeatherAlive() == false && f[1].isWeatherAlive() == true && f[2].isWeatherAlive() == false)
				|| (f[0].isWeatherAlive() == false && f[1].isWeatherAlive() == false
						&& f[2].isWeatherAlive() == true)) {
			return true;
		return false;

	public static void setAllAlive(Fighter[] f) {
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

	public static int getWinnerNum(Fighter[] f) {
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			if (f[i].isWeatherAlive()) {
				return i;
		return -1;


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枪手博弈(Gunner's Game)是一个基于博弈论的经典问题,它涉及两名枪手在射击对方之前进行策略选择的情景。在Python中,可以通过编写代码来模拟和解决这个问题。 在枪手博弈中,两名枪手可以选择射击对方或者保持沉默。他们的目标是尽可能地存活下来,同时也希望能够射杀对方。根据不同的策略选择,会有不同的结果。 以下是一个简单的枪手博弈的Python代码示例: ```python import random def gunners_game(player1_strategy, player2_strategy): # 定义两名枪手的初始生命值 player1_life = 1 player2_life = 1 # 进行10轮射击 for _ in range(10): # 根据策略选择进行射击或保持沉默 if player1_strategy() == "shoot": if player2_strategy() == "shoot": # 两名枪手都射击,互相扣除生命值 player1_life -= 0.5 player2_life -= 0.5 else: # player1射击,player2保持沉默,player2扣除生命值 player2_life -= 1 else: if player2_strategy() == "shoot": # player1保持沉默,player2射击,player1扣除生命值 player1_life -= 1 # 判断最终生存情况并返回结果 if player1_life > player2_life: return "Player 1 wins!" elif player1_life < player2_life: return "Player 2 wins!" else: return "It's a draw!" # 枪手1的策略选择函数 def player1_strategy(): return random.choice(["shoot", "silent"]) # 枪手2的策略选择函数 def player2_strategy(): return random.choice(["shoot", "silent"]) # 进行一局枪手博弈并输出结果 result = gunners_game(player1_strategy, player2_strategy) print(result) ``` 这段代码模拟了两名枪手进行10轮射击的情景,并根据他们的策略选择来判断最终的胜负结果。其中,`player1_strategy`和`player2_strategy`分别是两名枪手的策略选择函数,可以根据需要自定义不同的策略。
评论 9




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