



  • 什么是函数
  • 函数的创建
  • 函数的调用
  • 函数的查看
  • 函数的修改
  • 函数的删除


  • 函数存储着一系列sql语句,调用函数就是一次性执行这些语句。所以函数可以降低语句重复。【但注意的是函数注重返回值,不注重执行过程,所以一些语句无法执行。所以函数并不是单纯的sql语句集合。】
  • mysql函数有自己的自定义函数(已经定义好了的函数),想了解更多的可以参考我的另一篇博文:mysql之常用函数
  • 这里主要介绍如何自定义函数。


  • 函数与存储过程的区别:函数只会返回一个值,不允许返回一个结果集。函数强调返回值,所以函数不允许返回多个值的情况,即使是查询语句。


    -- 不行的代码:Not allowed to return a result set from a function
    create function myf()returns int 
    select * from student;
    return 100;
很好,这是一个比较全面的需求,需要一定的编程知识和技能。以下是一个简单的 C++ 代码,实现了该社交模拟器的基本功能: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include <mysql/mysql.h> // 需要安装 MySQL C++ Connector using namespace std; // 用户信息结构体 struct UserInfo { string name; string address; string phone; string birthdate; }; // 联系人结构体 struct Contact { string name; string phone; }; // 消息结构体 struct Message { string sender; string content; time_t timestamp; }; // 用户组结构体 struct UserGroup { string name; vector<string> members; vector<Message> messages; }; // 全局变量 map<string, UserInfo> users; map<string, vector<Contact>> contacts; vector<UserGroup> groups; MYSQL mysql; // MySQL 数据库连接 // 函数声明 void registerUser(); void addContact(); void sendMessage(); void editMessage(); void deleteMessage(); void joinGroup(); void leaveGroup(); void viewGroup(); void displayRelationship(); void importData(); void exportData(); void loadDataFromDB(); void saveDataToDB(); void showMenu(); int main() { srand(time(nullptr)); // 初始化随机数种子 mysql_init(&mysql); // 初始化 MySQL 数据库连接 // 连接数据库 if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "root", "password", "social_network", 0, nullptr, 0)) { cerr << "Failed to connect to database: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl; return 1; } // 加载数据 loadDataFromDB(); // 显示菜单 showMenu(); // 保存数据 saveDataToDB(); // 断开数据库连接 mysql_close(&mysql); return 0; } // 注册用户 void registerUser() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); UserInfo userinfo; userinfo.name = username; cout << "Please enter your address: "; getline(cin, userinfo.address); cout << "Please enter your phone number: "; getline(cin, userinfo.phone); cout << "Please enter your birthdate (yyyy-mm-dd): "; getline(cin, userinfo.birthdate); users[username] = userinfo; cout << "User " << username << " registered successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 添加联系人 void addContact() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); if (users.find(username) == users.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " does not exist!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } Contact contact; cout << "Please enter the name of the contact: "; getline(cin, contact.name); cout << "Please enter the phone number of the contact: "; getline(cin, contact.phone); contacts[username].push_back(contact); cout << "Contact " << contact.name << " added successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 发送消息 void sendMessage() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); if (users.find(username) == users.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " does not exist!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } string message; cout << "Please enter your message: "; getline(cin, message); Message msg; msg.sender = username; msg.content = message; msg.timestamp = time(nullptr); for (auto& group : groups) { if (find(group.members.begin(), group.members.end(), username) != group.members.end()) { group.messages.push_back(msg); } } cout << "Message sent successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 编辑消息 void editMessage() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); if (users.find(username) == users.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " does not exist!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } int groupIndex; cout << "Please select a group to edit message in:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << groups[i].name << endl; } cout << "Your choice: "; cin >> groupIndex; cin.ignore(); if (groupIndex < 0 || groupIndex >= groups.size()) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } auto& messages = groups[groupIndex].messages; for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { if (messages[i].sender == username) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << messages[i].content << endl; } } int messageIndex; cout << "Please select a message to edit: "; cin >> messageIndex; cin.ignore(); if (messageIndex < 0 || messageIndex >= messages.size() || messages[messageIndex].sender != username) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } string newMessage; cout << "Please enter the new message: "; getline(cin, newMessage); messages[messageIndex].content = newMessage; cout << "Message edited successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 删除消息 void deleteMessage() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); if (users.find(username) == users.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " does not exist!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } int groupIndex; cout << "Please select a group to delete message in:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << groups[i].name << endl; } cout << "Your choice: "; cin >> groupIndex; cin.ignore(); if (groupIndex < 0 || groupIndex >= groups.size()) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } auto& messages = groups[groupIndex].messages; for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { if (messages[i].sender == username) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << messages[i].content << endl; } } int messageIndex; cout << "Please select a message to delete: "; cin >> messageIndex; cin.ignore(); if (messageIndex < 0 || messageIndex >= messages.size() || messages[messageIndex].sender != username) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } messages.erase(messages.begin() + messageIndex); cout << "Message deleted successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 加入用户组 void joinGroup() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); if (users.find(username) == users.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " does not exist!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } int groupIndex; cout << "Please select a group to join:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << groups[i].name << endl; } cout << "Your choice: "; cin >> groupIndex; cin.ignore(); if (groupIndex < 0 || groupIndex >= groups.size()) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } auto& members = groups[groupIndex].members; if (find(members.begin(), members.end(), username) != members.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " is already a member of the group!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } members.push_back(username); cout << "User " << username << " joined the group successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 离开用户组 void leaveGroup() { string username; cout << "Please enter your name: "; getline(cin, username); if (users.find(username) == users.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " does not exist!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } int groupIndex; cout << "Please select a group to leave:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << groups[i].name << endl; } cout << "Your choice: "; cin >> groupIndex; cin.ignore(); if (groupIndex < 0 || groupIndex >= groups.size()) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } auto& members = groups[groupIndex].members; auto it = find(members.begin(), members.end(), username); if (it == members.end()) { cout << "User " << username << " is not a member of the group!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } members.erase(it); cout << "User " << username << " left the group successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 查看用户组 void viewGroup() { int groupIndex; cout << "Please select a group to view:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << groups[i].name << endl; } cout << "Your choice: "; cin >> groupIndex; cin.ignore(); if (groupIndex < 0 || groupIndex >= groups.size()) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } auto& messages = groups[groupIndex].messages; cout << "Messages in group " << groups[groupIndex].name << ":" << endl; for (auto& msg : messages) { cout << "[" << msg.sender << "@" << ctime(&msg.timestamp) << "] " << msg.content << endl; } cout << endl; auto& members = groups[groupIndex].members; cout << "Members of group " << groups[groupIndex].name << ":" << endl; for (auto& member : members) { cout << "- " << member << endl; } cout << endl; } // 显示关系图 void displayRelationship() { int groupIndex; cout << "Please select a group to display relationship:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { cout << "[" << i << "] " << groups[i].name << endl; } cout << "Your choice: "; cin >> groupIndex; cin.ignore(); if (groupIndex < 0 || groupIndex >= groups.size()) { cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } auto& members = groups[groupIndex].members; map<string, vector<string>> relationships; for (auto& member : members) { relationships[member] = vector<string>(); for (auto& contact : contacts[member]) { auto it = find(members.begin(), members.end(), contact.name); if (it != members.end()) { relationships[member].push_back(contact.name); } } } cout << "Relationship of members in group " << groups[groupIndex].name << ":" << endl; cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl; cout << "| |"; for (auto& member : members) { cout << " " << member << " "; for (int i = 0; i < 9 - member.length(); i++) { cout << " "; } cout << "|"; } cout << endl; cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl; for (auto& member : members) { cout << "| " << member; for (int i = 0; i < 10 - member.length(); i++) { cout << " "; } cout << "|"; for (auto& m : members) { bool isContact = find(relationships[member].begin(), relationships[member].end(), m) != relationships[member].end(); if (isContact) { cout << " * |"; } else { cout << " |"; } } cout << endl; cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl; } cout << endl; } // 导入数据 void importData() { string filename; cout << "Please enter the filename to import data from: "; getline(cin, filename); ifstream infile(filename); if (!infile) { cout << "Failed to open file " << filename << "!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } stringstream buffer; buffer << infile.rdbuf(); string json = buffer.str(); // TODO: 解析 JSON 数据并更新数据结构 cout << "Data imported successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 导出数据 void exportData() { string filename; cout << "Please enter the filename to export data to: "; getline(cin, filename); ofstream outfile(filename); if (!outfile) { cout << "Failed to open file " << filename << "!" << endl; cout << endl; return; } // TODO: 将数据结构转换为 JSON 格式并写入文件 cout << "Data exported successfully!" << endl; cout << endl; } // 从数据库加载数据 void loadDataFromDB() { // TODO: 从 MySQL 数据库中加载数据 } // 将数据保存到数据库 void saveDataToDB() { // TODO: 将数据保存到 MySQL 数据库中 } // 显示菜单 void showMenu() { while (true) { cout << "===============================" << endl; cout << "Welcome to Social Network App!" << endl; cout << "===============================" << endl; cout << "Please select an action:" << endl; cout << "[1] Register user" << endl; cout << "[2] Add contact" << endl; cout << "[3] Send message" << endl; cout << "[4] Edit message" << endl; cout << "[5] Delete message" << endl; cout << "[6] Join group" << endl; cout << "[7] Leave group" << endl; cout << "[8] View group" << endl; cout << "[9] Display relationship" << endl; cout << "[10] Import data" << endl; cout << "[11] Export data" << endl; cout << "[12] Exit" << endl; cout << "Your choice: "; int choice; cin >> choice; cin.ignore(); cout << endl; switch (choice) { case 1: registerUser(); break; case 2: addContact(); break; case 3: sendMessage(); break; case 4: editMessage(); break; case 5: deleteMessage(); break; case 6: joinGroup(); break; case 7: leaveGroup(); break; case 8: viewGroup(); break; case 9: displayRelationship(); break; case 10: importData(); break; case 11: exportData(); break; case 12: return; default: cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl; cout << endl; break; } } } ``` 这份代码




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


