[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(024)

Data Format Conclusions  数据格式总结


    Favor lightweight formats in general; the best are JSON and a character-delimited custom format. If the data set is large and parse time becomes an issue, use one of these two techniques:



• JSON-P data, fetched using dynamic script tag insertion. This treats the data as executable JavaScript, not a string, and allows for extremely fast parsing. This can be used across domains, but shouldn't be used with sensitive data.



• A character-delimited custom format, fetched using either XHR or dynamic script tag insertion and parsed using split(). This technique parses extremely large datasets slightly faster than the JSON-P technique, and generally has a smaller file size.



    The following table and Figure 7-1 show all of the performance numbers again (in order from slowest to fastest), so that you can compare each of the formats in one place. HTML is excluded, since it isn't directly comparable to the other formats.



Figure 7-1. A comparison of data format download and parse times

图7-1  各种数据格式下载和解析的时间


    Keep in mind that these numbers are from a single test run in a single browser. The results should be used as general indicators of performance, not as hard numbers. You can run these tests yourself at http://techfoolery.com/formats/.



Ajax Performance Guidelines  Ajax性能向导


    Once you have selected the most appropriate data transmission technique and data format, you can start to consider other optimization techniques. These can be highly situational, so be sure that your application fits the profile before considering them.



Cache Data  缓存数据


    The fastest Ajax request is one that you don't have to make. There are two main ways of preventing an unnecessary request:



• On the server side, set HTTP headers that ensure your response will be cached in the browser.


• On the client side, store fetched data locally so that it doesn't have be requested again.



    The first technique is the easiest to set up and maintain, whereas the second gives you the highest degree of control.



Setting HTTP headers  设置HTTP头


    If you want your Ajax responses to be cached by the browser, you must use GET to make the request. But simply using GET isn't sufficient; you must also send the correct HTTP headers with the response. The Expires header tells the browser how long a response can be cached. The value is a date; after that date has passed, any requests for that URL will stop being delivered from cache and will instead be passed on to the server. Here is what an Expires header looks like:



Expires: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:30:00 GMT

    This particular Expires header tells the browser to cache this response until July 2014. This is called a far future Expires header, and it is useful for content that will never change, such as images or static data sets.



    The date in an Expires header is a GMT date. It can be set in PHP using this code:



$lifetime = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 7 days, in seconds.
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $lifetime) . ' GMT');

    This will tell the browser to cache the file for 7 days. To set a far future Expires header, set the lifetime to something longer; this example tells the browser to cache the file for 10 years:



$lifetime = 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 10 years, in seconds.
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $lifetime) . ' GMT');

    An Expires header is the easiest way to make sure your Ajax responses are cached on the browser. You don't have to change anything in your client-side code, and can continue to make Ajax requests normally, knowing that the browser will send the request on to the server only if the file isn't in cache. It's also easy to implement on the server side, as all languages allow you to set headers in one way or another. This is the simplest approach to ensuring your data is cached.



Storing data locally  本地存储数据


    Instead of relying on the browser to handle caching, you can also do it in a more manual fashion, by storing the responses you receive from the server. This can be done by putting the response text into an object, keyed by the URL used to fetch it. Here is an example of an XHR wrapper that first checks to see whether a URL has been fetched before:



var localCache = {};
function xhrRequest(url, callback) {
  // Check the local cache for this URL.
  if (localCache[url]) {
  // If this URL wasn't found in the cache, make the request.
  var req = createXhrObject();
  req.onerror = function() {
  req.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (req.readyState == 4) {
      if (req.responseText === '' || req.status == '404') {
      // Store the response on the local cache.
      localCache[url] = req.responseText;
  req.open("GET", url, true);

    Overall, setting an Expires header is a better solution. It's easier to do and it caches responses across page loads and sessions. But a manual cache can be useful in situations where you want to be able to programmatically expire a cache and fetch fresh data. Imagine a situation where you would like to use cached data for every request, except when the user takes an action that causes one or more of the cached responses to become invalid. In this case, removing those responses from the cache is trivial:



delete localCache['/user/friendlist/'];
delete localCache['/user/contactlist/'];

    A local cache also works well for users browsing on mobile devices. Most of the browsers on such devices have small or nonexistent caches, and a manual cache is the best option for preventing unnecessary requests.



Know the Limitations of Your Ajax Library  了解Ajax库的限制


    All JavaScript libraries give you access to an Ajax object, which normalizes the differences between browsers and gives you a consistent interface. Most of the time this is a very good thing, as it allows you to focus on your project rather than the details of how XHR works in some obscure browser. However, in giving you a unified interface, these libraries must also simplify the interface, because not every browser implements each feature. This prevents you from accessing the full power of XMLHttpRequest.



    Some of the techniques we covered in this chapter can be implemented only by accessing the XHR object directly. Most notable of these is the streaming feature of multipart XHR. By listening for readyState 3, we can start to slice up a large response before it's completely received. This allows us to handle pieces of the response in real time, and it is one of the reasons that MXHR improves performance so much. Most JavaScript libraries, though, do not give you direct access to the readystatechange event. This means you must wait until the entire response is received (which may be a considerable amount of time) before you can start to use any part of it.

    本章中介绍的一些技术只能通过直接访问XHR对象实现。值得注意的是在多部分XHR技术中要用到流功能。通过监听readyState 3,我们在一个大的响应报文没有完全接收之前就开始解析它。这使我们可以实时处理报文片断,这也是MXHR能够大幅度提高性能的原因之一。不过大多数JavaScript库不允许你直接访问readystatechange事件。这意味着你必须等待整个响应报文接收完(可能是一个相当长的时间)然后你才能使用它。

    Using the XMLHttpRequest object directly is not as daunting as it seems. A few quirks aside, the most recent versions of all major browsers support the XMLHttpRequest object in the same way, and all offer access to the different readyStates. You can support older versions of IE with just a few more lines of code. Here is an example of a function that will return an XHR object, which you can then interact with directly (this is a modified version of what the YUI 2 Connection Manager uses):

    直接使用XMLHttpRequest对象并非像它看起来那么恐怖。除一些个别行为之外,所有主流浏览器的最新版本均以同样方式支持XMLHttpRequest对象,均可访问不同的readyStates。如果你要支持老版本的IE,只需要多加几行代码。下面例子中的函数返回一个XHR对象,你可以直接调用(这是YUI 2连接管理器中修改后的版本):

function createXhrObject() {
  var msxml_progid = [
    'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', // Doesn't support readyState 3.
    'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0', // Doesn't support readyState 3.
  var req;
  try {
    req = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Try the standard way first.
  catch(e) {
    for (var i = 0, len = msxml_progid.length; i < len; ++i) {
      try {
        req = new ActiveXObject(msxml_progid[i]);
      catch(e2) { }
  finally {
    return req;

    This will first try the versions of XMLHttp that do support readyState 3, and then fall back to the ones that don't in case those versions aren't available.

    它首先尝试支持readyState 3的XMLHttpRequest,然后回落到那些不支持此状态的版本中。


    Interacting directly with the XHR object also reduces the amount of function overhead, further improving performance. Just beware that by forgoing the use of an Ajax library, you may encounter some problems with older and more obscure browsers.



Summary  总结


    High-performance Ajax consists of knowing the specific requirements of your situation and selecting the correct data format and transmission technique to match.



    As data formats, plain text and HTML are highly situational, but they can save CPU cycles on the client side. XML is widely available and supported almost everywhere, but it is extremely verbose and slow to parse. JSON is lightweight and quick to parse (when treated as native code and not a string), and almost as interoperable as XML. Character-delimited custom formats are extremely lightweight and the quickest to parse for large datasets, but may take additional programming effort to format on the server side and parse on the client side.



    When requesting data, XHR gives you the most control and flexibility when pulling from the page's domain, though it treats all incoming data as a string, potentially slowing down the parse times. Dynamic script tag insertion, on the other hand, allows for cross-domain requests and native execution of JavaScript and JSON, though it offers a less robust interface and cannot read headers or response codes. Multipart XHR can be used to reduce the number of requests, and can handle different file types in a single response, though it does not cache the resources received. When sending data, image beacons are a simple and efficient approach. XHR can also be used to send large amounts of data in a POST.



    In addition to these formats and transmission techniques, there are several guidelines that will help your Ajax appear to be faster:



• Reduce the number of requests you make, either by concatenating JavaScript and CSS files, or by using MXHR.



• Improve the perceived loading time of your page by using Ajax to fetch less important files after the rest of the page has loaded.



• Ensure your code fails gracefully and can handle problems on the server side.



• Know when to use a robust Ajax library and when to write your own low-level Ajax code.



    Ajax offers one of the largest areas for potential performance improvements on your site, both because so many sites use asynchronous requests heavily and because it can offer solutions to problems that aren't even related to it, such as having too many resources to load. Creative use of XHR can be the difference between a sluggish, uninviting page and one that responds quickly and efficiently; it can be the difference between a site that users hate to interact with and one that they love.






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