[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(010)

Cloning Nodes  节点克隆


    Another way of updating page contents using DOM methods is to clone existing DOM elements instead of creating new ones—in other words, using element.cloneNode() (where element is an existing node) instead of document.createElement().



    Cloning nodes is more efficient in most browsers, but not by a big margin. Regenerating the table from the previous example by creating the repeating elements only once and then copying them results in slightly faster execution times:



• 2% in IE8, but no change in IE6 and IE7


• Up to 5.5% in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4

 在Firefox 3.5和Safari 4中快了5.5%

• 6% in Opera (but no savings in Opera 10)

 在Opera中快了6%(但是在Opera 10中无变化)

• 10% in Chrome 2 and 3% in Chrome 3

在Chrome 2中快了10%,在Chrome 3中快了3%


    As an illustration, here's a partial code listing for generating the table using element.cloneNode():



function tableClonedDOM() {
  var i, table, thead, tbody, tr, th, td, a, ul, li,
  oth = document.createElement('th'),
  otd = document.createElement('td'),
  otr = document.createElement('tr'),
  oa = document.createElement('a'),
  oli = document.createElement('li'),
  oul = document.createElement('ul');
  tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
  for (i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
    tr = otr.cloneNode(false);
    td = otd.cloneNode(false);
    td.appendChild(document.createTextNode((i % 2) ? 'yes' : 'no'));
    td = otd.cloneNode(false);
    td = otd.cloneNode(false);
    td.appendChild(document.createTextNode('my name is #' + i));
    // ... the rest of the loop ...
  // ... the rest of the table generation ...


HTML Collections  HTML集合


    HTML collections are array-like objects containing DOM node references. Examples of collections are the values returned by the following methods:





    The following properties also return HTML collections:



    All img elements on the page



    All a elements



    All forms



    All fields in the first form on the page



    These methods and properties return HTMLCollection objects, which are array-like lists. They are not arrays (because they don't have methods such as push() or slice()), but provide a length property just like arrays and allow indexed access to the elements in the list. For example, document.images[1] returns the second element in the collection. As defined in the DOM standard, HTML collections are "assumed to be live, meaning that they are automatically updated when the underlying document is updated" (seehttp://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-75708506).


    The HTML collections are in fact queries against the document, and these queries are being reexecuted every time you need up-to-date information, such as the number of elements in the collection (i.e., the collection's length). This could be a source of inefficiencies.



Expensive collections  昂贵的集合


    To demonstrate that the collections are live, consider the following snippet:



// an accidentally infinite loop
var alldivs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < alldivs.length; i++) {

    This code looks like it simply doubles the number of div elements on the page. It loops through the existing divs and creates a new div every time, appending it to the body. But this is in fact an infinite loop because the loop's exit condition, alldivs.length, increases by one with every iteration, reflecting the current state of the underlying document.



    Looping through HTML collections like this may lead to logic mistakes, but it's also slower, due to the fact that the query needs to run on every iteration (see Figure 3-4).


Figure 3-4. Looping over an array is significantly faster than looping through an HTML collection of the same size and content

图3-4  遍历数组明显快于同样大小和内容的HTML集合


    As discussed in Chapter 4, accessing an array's length property in loop control conditions is not recommended. Accessing a collection's length is even slower than accessing a regular array's length because it means rerunning the query every time. This is demonstrated by the following example, which takes a collection coll, copies it into an array arr, and then compares how much time it takes to iterate through each.



    Consider a function that copies an HTML collection into a regular array:



function toArray(coll) {
  for (var i = 0, a = [], len = coll.length; i < len; i++) {
    a[i] = coll[i];
  return a;


    And setting up a collection and a copy of it into an array:



var coll = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
var ar = toArray(coll);


    The two functions to compare would be:



function loopCollection() {
  for (var count = 0; count < coll.length; count++) {
// faster
function loopCopiedArray() {
  for (var count = 0; count < arr.length; count++) {

    When the length of the collection is accessed on every iteration, it causes the collection to be updated and has a significant performance penalty across all browsers. The way to optimize this is to simply cache the length of the collection into a variable and use this variable to compare in the loop's exit condition:



function loopCacheLengthCollection() {
  var coll = document.getElementsByTagName('div'),
  len = coll.length;
  for (var count = 0; count < len; count++) {

    This function will run about as fast as loopCopiedArray().



    For many use cases that require a single loop over a relatively small collection, just caching the length of the collection is good enough. But looping over an array is faster that looping over a collection, so if the elements of the collection are copied into an array first, accessing their properties is faster. Keep in mind that this comes at the price of an extra step and another loop over the collection, so it's important to profile and decide whether using an array copy will be beneficial in your specific case.



    Consult the function toArray() shown earlier for an example of a generic collection-to-array function.



Local variables when accessing collection elements  访问集合元素时使用局部变量


    The previous example used just an empty loop, but what happens when the elements of the collection are accessed within the loop?



    In general, for any type of DOM access it's best to use a local variable when the same DOM property or method is accessed more than once. When looping over a collection, the first optimization is to store the collection in a local variable and cache the length outside the loop, and then use a local variable inside the loop for elements that are accessed more than once.



    In the next example, three properties of each element are accessed within the loop. The slowest version accesses the global document every time, an optimized version caches a reference to the collection, and the fastest version also stores the current element of the collection into a variable. All three versions cache the length of the collection.



// slow
function collectionGlobal() {
  var coll = document.getElementsByTagName('div'),
  len = coll.length,
  name = '';
  for (var count = 0; count < len; count++) {
    name = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[count].nodeName;
    name = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[count].nodeType;
    name = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[count].tagName;
  return name;
// faster
function collectionLocal() {
  var coll = document.getElementsByTagName('div'),
  len = coll.length,
  name = '';
  for (var count = 0; count < len; count++) {
    name = coll[count].nodeName;
    name = coll[count].nodeType;
    name = coll[count].tagName;
  return name;
// fastest
function collectionNodesLocal() {
  var coll = document.getElementsByTagName('div'),
  len = coll.length,
  name = '',
  el = null;
  for (var count = 0; count < len; count++) {
    el = coll[count];
    name = el.nodeName;
    name = el.nodeType;
    name = el.tagName;
  return name;


    Figure 3-5 shows the benefits of optimizing collection loops. The first bar plots how many times faster it is to access the collection through a local reference, and the second bar shows that there's additional benefit to caching collection items when they are accessed multiple times.


Figure 3-5. Benefit of using local variables to store references to a collection and its elements during loops

图3-5  在循环中使用局部变量缓存集合引用和集合元素带来的速度提升


Walking the DOM  DOM漫谈


    The DOM API provides multiple avenues to access specific parts of the overall document structure. In cases when you can choose between approaches, it's beneficial to use the most efficient API for a specific job.

    DOM API提供了多种途径访问整个文档结构的特定部分。当你在多种可行方法之间进行选择时,最好针对特定操作选择最有效的API。


Crawling the DOM  抓取DOM


    Often you need to start from a DOM element and work with the surrounding elements, maybe recursively iterating over all children. You can do so by using the childNodes collection or by getting each element's sibling using nextSibling.



    Consider these two equivalent approaches to a nonrecursive visit of an element's children:



function testNextSibling() {
  var el = document.getElementById('mydiv'),
  ch = el.firstChild,
  name = '';
  do {
    name = ch.nodeName;
  } while (ch = ch.nextSibling);
  return name;
function testChildNodes() {
  var el = document.getElementById('mydiv'),
  ch = el.childNodes,
  len = ch.length,
  name = '';
  for (var count = 0; count < len; count++) {
    name = ch[count].nodeName;
  return name;

    Bear in mind that childNodes is a collection and should be approached carefully, caching the length in loops so it's not updated on every iteration.



    The two approaches are mostly equal in terms of execution time across browsers. But in IE, nextSibling performs much better than childNodes. In IE6, nextSibling is 16 times faster, and in IE7 it's 105 times faster. Given these results, using nextSibling is the preferred method of crawling the DOM in older IE versions in performance-critical cases. In all other cases, it's mostly a question of personal and team preference.



Element nodes  元素节点


    DOM properties such as childNodes, firstChild, and nextSibling don't distinguish between element nodes and other node types, such as comments and text nodes (which are often just spaces between two tags). In many cases, only the element nodes need to be accessed, so in a loop it's likely that the code needs to check the type of node returned and filter out nonelement nodes. This type checking and filtering is unnecessary DOM work.



    Many modern browsers offer APIs that only return element nodes. It's better to use those when available, because they'll be faster than if you do the filtering yourself in JavaScript. Table 3-1 lists those convenient DOM properties.



Table 3-1. DOM properties that distinguish element nodes (HTML tags) versus all nodes

表3-1  只表示元素节点的DOM属性(HTML标签)和表示所有节点的属性


    All of the properties listed in Table 3-1 are supported as of Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 2, and Opera 9.62. Of these properties, IE versions 6, 7, and 8 only support children.

    表3-1中列举的所有属性能够被Firefox 3.5,Safari 4,Chrome 2,和Opera 9.62支持。所有这些属性中,IE6,7,8只支持children。


    Looping over children instead of childNodes is faster because there are usually less items to loop over. Whitespaces in the HTML source code are actually text nodes, and they are not included in the children collection. children is faster than childNodes across all browsers, although usually not by a big margin—1.5 to 3 times faster. One notable exception is IE, where iterating over the children collection is significantly faster than iterating over childNodes—24 times faster in IE6 and 124 times faster in IE7.



The Selectors API  选择器API


    When identifying the elements in the DOM to work with, developers often need finer control than methods such as getElementById() and getElementsByTagName() can provide. Sometimes you combine these calls and iterate over the returned nodes in order to get to the list of elements you need, but this refinement process can become inefficient.



    On the other hand, using CSS selectors is a convenient way to identify nodes because developers are already familiar with CSS. Many JavaScript libraries have provided APIs for that purpose, and now recent browser versions provide a method called querySelectorAll() as a native browser DOM method. Naturally this approach is faster than using JavaScript and DOM to iterate and narrow down a list of elements.



    Consider the following:



var elements = document.querySelectorAll('#menu a');

    The value of elements will contain a list of references to all a elements found inside an element with id="menu". The method querySelectorAll() takes a CSS selector string as an argument and returns a NodeList—an array-like object containing matching nodes. The method doesn't return an HTML collection, so the returned nodes do not represent the live structure of the document. This avoids the performance (and potentially logic) issues with HTML collection discussed previously in this chapter.



    To achieve the same goal as the preceding code without using querySelectorAll(), you will need the more verbose:



var elements = document.getElementById('menu').getElementsByTagName('a');

    In this case elements will be an HTML collection, so you'll also need to copy it into an array if you want the exact same type of static list as returned by querySelectorAll().



    Using querySelectorAll() is even more convenient when you need to work with a union of several queries. For example, if the page has some div elements with a class name of "warning" and some with a class of "notice", to get a list of all of them you can use querySelectorAll():



var errs = document.querySelectorAll('div.warning, div.notice');

    Getting the same list without querySelectorAll() is considerably more work. One way is to select all div elements and iterate through them to filter out the ones you don't need.



var errs = [],
divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'),
classname = '';
for (var i = 0, len = divs.length; i < len; i++) {
  classname = divs[i].className;
  if (classname === 'notice' || classname === 'warning') {

    Comparing the two pieces of code shows that using the Selectors API is 2 to 6 times faster across browsers (Figure 3-6).


Figure 3-6. The benefit of using the Selectors API over iterating instead of the results of

图3-6  使用选择器API和使用getElementsByTagName()的性能对比


    The Selectors API is supported natively in browsers as of these versions: Internet Explorer
8, Firefox 3.5, Safari 3.1, Chrome 1, and Opera 10.

    下列浏览器支持选择器API:Internet Explorer 8,Firefox 3.5,Safari 3.1,Chrome 1,Opera 10。


    As the results in the figure show, it's a good idea to check for support for document.querySelectorAll() and use it when available. Also, if you're using a selector API provided by a JavaScript library, make sure the library uses the native API under the hood. If not, you probably just need to upgrade the library version.



    You can also take advantage of another method called querySelector(), a convenient
method that returns only the first node matched by the query.



    These two methods are properties of the DOM nodes, so you can use document.querySelector('.myclass') to query nodes in the whole document, or you can query a subtree using elref.querySelector('.myclass'), where elref is a reference to a DOM element.


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